Presenting and Documenting 3D
Wireframe, hidden line, and shaded views are helpful means of visualizing models during the design process. However, visual styles leave something to be desired when you are communicating designs to your clients. The general public has come to expect designers to be able to produce the kind of realistic computer-generated imagery regularly seen in movies. This chapter will help you learn to do that by teaching you how to create realistic presentation images using the advanced rendering system in the AutoCAD® program. After you gain client approval, you still need to document your 3D design with relevant 2D plans, elevations, sections, and detail drawings so that your design can be communicated to the building or manufacturing trades. You will learn how to generate these drawings directly from models using AutoCAD 2016’s model documentation features.
In this chapter, you’ll learn to do the following:
- Assign materials
- Place and adjust lights
- Create renderings
- Document models with drawings
Assign Materials
Materials describe the way objects interact with light. AutoCAD comes with an extensive library of real-world materials, including numerous types of concrete, metal, glass, brick, paint, leather, carpet, plastic, and so on. In the following steps, you will transfer materials from the Autodesk library to a sample model and then assign them to objects layer by layer.
Exercise 18.1: Apply Materials
Begin by opening the file Ex18.1-start.dwg
, which
is among the companion files available for download from this
book’s web page,
This is a model of this author’s house (see Figure

Figure 18.1 3D house model
Select the 3D Modeling workspace from the drop-down menu on the Quick Access toolbar.
Select the ribbon’s View tab and click the Materials Browser toggle in the Palettes panel. In the Materials Browser palette that appears, expand the name column so you can read the material names. Click the Category column header to sort the list by category. Scroll down and locate the Fabric category in the Autodesk library. Click the upward-facing arrow icon in the Velvet – Black row to load this material into the document (see Figure 18.2).
Figure 18.2 Loading a material from the Autodesk library into the document
Continue loading materials by single-clicking the materials listed by category in Table 18.1.
Table 18.1 Loading materials from the Autodesk library
Category Subcategory Material Flooring Stone Flagstone Flooring Stone Flagstone Light Pink Flooring Wood Natural Maple – Antique Glass Glazing Clear Masonry Brick Uniform Running – Burgundy Metal (none) Chrome Satin 1 Metal Steel Stainless – Brushed Paint (none) Black Plastic (none) Laminate Light Brown Wall Paint Matte Cool White Wall Paint Matte Flat – Antique White Wood (none) Beech Wood (none) Birch – Solid Stained Dark No Gloss -
Drag the horizontal separator that splits the Materials Browser into two panes down. Figure 18.3’s top pane shows all the materials loaded into the current drawing. Close the Materials Browser.
Select the ribbon’s Visualize tab. Expand the Materials panel and select the Attach By Layer tool. Click the Layer header to sort the list of layers in reverse alphabetical order. Click the Layer header again to sort in alphabetical order. Drag materials from the left side and drop them on the right side according to Table 18.2. Figure 18.4 shows the dialog box with all the necessary materials assigned to specific layers. Click OK to close the Material Attachment Options dialog box.
Figure 18.3 List of materials loaded into the current drawing
Texture maps do not normally appear in the viewport in the Shaded With Edges visual style. Select Realistic using the in-canvas Visual Style Controls menu. Figure 18.5 shows the texture maps in the viewport.
Your model should now resemble Ex18.1-end.dwg
Table 18.2 Assigning materials to layers
Material | Layer |
Global | 0 |
Uniform Running – Burgundy | Brick |
Beech | Cabinets |
Cool White | Ceiling |
Cool White | Ceiling2 |
Laminate Light Brown | Counter |
Global | Defpoints |
Birch – Solid Stained Dark No Gloss | Door |
Cool White | Downlight |
Stainless – Brushed | Equip |
Natural Maple – Antique | Floor1 |
Flagstone | Floor2 |
Flagstone Light Pink | Floor3 |
Velvet – Black | Seat-Cushion |
Chrome Satin 1 | Seat-Frame |
Stainless – Brushed | Sink |
Birch – Solid Stained Dark No Gloss | Stairs |
Beech | Stool |
Black | Stove |
Clear | Table-Glass |
Chrome Satin 1 | Table-Legs |
Flat – Antique White | Wall |
Flat – Antique White | Wall2 |
Cool White | Window-Frame |
Clear | Window-Glazing |
Black | Woodstove |

Figure 18.4 Assigning materials to layers by dragging from the left pane to the right pane in the Material Attachment Options dialog box

Figure 18.5 Using the realistic visual style to display materials’ texture maps
Place and Adjust Lights
Without light, nothing would be visible. AutoCAD uses what is called default lighting to illuminate objects in the viewport while you are building 3D models. The default lights are positioned behind the viewer and emit even illumination so that you can always see what is in the viewport. However, default lighting is not realistic and must be turned off as soon as you create artificial or natural light. You will add artificial lights (a series of spotlights mounted in the ceiling) and natural lights simulating the sun and sky light diffused throughout the atmosphere.
Exercise 18.2: Add Artificial Lights
In the real world, artificial lights are electrical lighting fixtures that are one of the hallmarks of the modern world. In AutoCAD, artificial lights include point, spot, and direct sources. Point sources illuminate in all directions, spot sources illuminate in a cone, and direct lights simulate light coming evenly from a particular direction, illuminating everything like the sun.
AutoCAD has two different lighting methods: standard and photometric. Standard lights were used before AutoCAD 2008, and they are still available so that lights in older DWG files will still be compatible in the current version.
However, I strongly urge you to use photometric lights, which are much more realistic. Photometric lights use real-world lighting intensity values (in American or International lighting units), and light coming from photometric light decays with the inverse square of distance, just like light does in the real world.
In the following steps, first you will change lighting units to
turn on the photometric lighting system, and then you will add a
series of artificial lights to illuminate an architectural
interior. To begin, open Ex18.2-start.dwg
from this
chapter’s companion files.
Switch to the 3D Modeling workspace if it’s not selected already in the Quick Access toolbar.
- Select the ribbon’s Visualize tab and expand the Lights panel. Open the Generic Lighting Units menu (used only for the standard lighting method) and select American Lighting Units (or International Lighting Units in metric).
- Click the word Top in the ViewCube® to switch to a
floor plan view. Rotate the view clockwise so that North is up.
Choose Zoom Extents in the Navigation bar and switch to the
Wireframe visual style using the in-canvas control.
Select the ribbon’s Home tab and expand the Layers panel. Select the Turn All Layers On tool. Light fixtures (down lights) are visible in the viewport (see Figure 18.6).
Zoom in on the upper-left light by turning the mouse wheel forward. Do the following:
- If you’re a Windows user, select the ribbon’s Visualize tab and, on the Lights panel, open the Create Light menu and select Spot.
- If you’re a Mac user, type
, press Enter, typeS
(for Spot), and press Enter.
- Select Turn Off The Default Lighting when the Lighting – Viewport Lighting Mode dialog box appears (see Figure 18.7).
The command prompt reads as follows:
SPOTLIGHT Specify source location <0,0,0>:
and press Enter. Click a point visually centered on the light fixture (but do not use center object snap).Figure 18.6 Viewing light fixture geometry on a floor plan
Figure 18.7 Turning off default lighting when adding the first artificial light source
The command prompt now says
(need Z)
. Type96
(the ceiling height) and press Enter. The command prompt now reads as follows:SPOTLIGHT Specify target location <0,0,-10>:
, press Enter, and click the same center point as you did in the previous step. The command prompt now says(need Z)
. - Type
(the floor height) and press Enter. Press Enter again to end theSPOTLIGHT
command. - Press the F8 key if Ortho is not already on. Type
(for Copy) and press Enter. TypeL
(for Last) and press Enter twice. Click a point near the light fixture, zoom out by turning the mouse wheel backward, move the cursor down to the light fixture in the bottom row, and click in the drawing canvas to create the second spotlight. Press Enter to end theCOPY
command. -
Press the spacebar to repeat the last command, type
(for Previous), and press Enter. TypeL
(for Last) so that you have a selection of two lights, and press Enter twice to end Select Objects mode. Click the start point under the last spotlight and zoom out. The command prompt reads as follows:COPY Specify second point or [Array] <use first point as displacement>:
(for Array) and press Enter. Type6
(for the number of items) and press Enter. - Type
(for Fit) and press Enter. Move the cursor under the right-most light fixture (see Figure 18.8), and click to specify the second point of the array. Press Enter to exit theARRAY
command.Figure 18.8 Copying spotlights in a rectangular array
- Type
(for View) and press Enter. Double-click Camera1 in the View Manager (see Figure 18.9). Click Apply and OK.Figure 18.9 Selecting a predefined camera view
- Click the Lights panel menu (a small icon in the lower-right corner of the Lights panel) to open the Lights In Model palette (see Figure 18.10). Select the first spotlight in the list, hold Shift, and select the last spotlight in the list to select them all.
Right-click the selected lights in the Light Lister and choose Properties. Select the Lamp Color property and click the icon to the right of the drop-down menu to open the Lamp Color dialog box. Select the Kelvin Colors radio button, type
, and press Tab. The resulting color changes (see Figure 18.11). Click OK. - In the Properties palette, change Lamp Intensity to
, Hotspot Angle to30
, and Falloff Angle to60
. Figure 18.12 shows the resulting light glyphs in the drawing canvas. Close the Properties and Lights In Model palettes. Press Esc to deselect all.
Your model should now resemble Ex18.2-end.dwg

Figure 18.10 Selecting lights in the Lights In Model palette

Figure 18.11 Specifying lamp color by temperature

Figure 18.12 Selected spotlights reveal light coverage as seen in the camera view.
Exercise 18.3: Simulate Natural Light
AutoCAD can simulate the light of the sun and/or the light
scattered in the sky by the atmosphere for any location on Earth
and for any time of year and time of day. In the following steps,
you will configure the model to use a simulated sun and sky with
specific time and space coordinates. To begin, open
from the Chapter 18 companion
Switch to the 3D Modeling workspace if it’s not selected already in the Quick Access toolbar.
Select the ribbon’s Visualize tab if it is not already selected. Click the Sun Status toggle in the Sun & Location panel. The sun is on when the toggle is highlighted in blue. Choose Keep Exposure Settings in the Lighting – Sunlight and Exposure dialog box that appears.
- Expand the Sun & Location panel, open the Set Location menu, and select From Map. Choose Yes when asked if you want to use online map data. In the Geographic Location dialog box that appears, zoom into a hypothetical site anywhere in the world you would like. Right-click the map and choose Drop Marker Here. A red pin appears on the map at that location (see Figure 18.13).
- Click Next in the Geographic Location dialog box and Select
Inches (or Meters for metric) from the Drawing Unit drop-down menu.
Select the first coordinate system in the list in your chosen
system of units and click Next.
Figure 18.13 Specifying the geographic location of the site
Click anywhere in the drawing canvas to select a reference point for the geolocation data. Press Enter to specify the North direction as up by default. By specifying North on the plan you are establishing the building orientation on the map.
- Select the Visualize tab on the ribbon; open the Sky Background menu in the Sun & Location panel and select Sky Background And Illumination. AutoCAD automatically manages the color of the sky and degree of sky illumination based on your chosen time and space coordinates.
Your model should now resemble Ex18.3-end.dwg
Create Renderings
Rendering is the process of converting the geometry,
materials, and lighting settings into pixels. Rendering can be a
time-consuming process because it typically requires a lot of
computation to perform. There are no rendering options in AutoCAD
for Mac (just the RENDER
command), and the resulting
rendering quality isn’t as realistic as that available in AutoCAD
for Windows, where you have many advanced options. AutoCAD 2016 has
a new rendering engine called Rapid RT that produces high-quality
imagery with fewer user-configurable parameters.
Exercise 18.4: Make More Realistic Renderings in the Cloud
In the following steps, you will use AutoCAD 2016’s advanced
render settings for Windows to progressively create more realistic
renderings. To begin, open Ex18.4-start.dwg
from this
chapter’s companion files. Preview renderings are free on
Autodesk’s cloud-based A360 service. Cloud credits can be purchased
to render high-resolution images up to 4000×4000 pixels on
Autodesk’s network of servers. Using A360 to render final images
can be much quicker than rendering locally, even considering time
spent uploading the drawing and downloading the final rendering,
because the job is rendered on a large network of render servers
that far exceed the computational power of any one personal
computer. Another practical benefit of rendering in the cloud is
that your local computer remains usable for other tasks while
- Switch to the 3D Modeling workspace if it’s not selected already in the Quick Access toolbar.
Select the ribbon’s Visualize tab. Click the arrow in the lower right corner of the Render panel or type
and press Enter to open the Render Presets Manager. You will begin by making a preview render in the cloud. Select Low from the Current Preset menu (see Figure 18.14).Figure 18.14 Render Presets Manager
Save your work as
. Click the Render In Cloud button in the A360 panel. Select Camera1 as the Model View in the A360 dialog box (see Figure 18.15) and click the Start Rendering button.Figure 18.15 Selecting a model view for a preview render in the cloud
Click the Render Gallery button to launch your default browser and go to Autodesk’s A360 site. After a few moments, your preview rendering will appear as a thumbnail (see Figure 18.16), rendered by Autodesk’s network of servers.
Figure 18.16 Rendering in Autodesk A360
- Click the menu that appears on the rendered
thumbnail image and choose Adjust Exposure. Change Exposure Value
to 8.88 and Shadows to 0.5 and click Apply (see Figure
18.17). Your thumbnail image is automatically re-rendered will
appear shortly.
Figure 18.17 Adjusting exposure of rendering online
- After the new thumbnail image appears, open the thumbnail menu and choose Re-render With New Settings to open the Render Settings dialog box in the browser. Choose Field for Environment, set Render Quality to Final, and choose Large as the Image Size. Exposure will say Customized because of what you did in the previous step; no more changes are needed. You can optionally check to be emailed when the job is complete (see Figure 18.18). Click Start Rendering; you will see a progress bar as the rendering is processed on A360.

Figure 18.18 Rendering a final image in A360
Figure 18.19 shows the final rendering. This particular image took about 10 minutes to complete.

Figure 18.19 Final image rendered on A360
Document Models with Drawings
AutoCAD has a set of model documentation features that allow you to generate 2D plans, elevations, sections, and/or details directly from solid and surface models. These features are not available in AutoCAD LT®.
Exercise 18.5: Document Models
In the following steps, you will open a 3D model of a gear and
project multiple 2D drawings from it. To begin, open
from the companion files (see Figure
Select the 3D Modeling workspace from the drop-down menu on the Quick Access toolbar. Select the ribbon’s Home tab.
Figure 18.20 Gear 3D model
Select the Base tool in the View panel on the right edge of the ribbon and choose From Model Space in the drop-down menu. The command line reads as follows:
VIEWBASE Select objects or [Entire model] <Entire model>:
Select the gear object and press Enter.
The command line reads as follows:
VIEWBASE Enter new or existing layout name to make current or [?] <24x36>:
In this case, there is already a layout called 24×36, so press Enter to accept this default layout. AutoCAD switches to the 24×36 layout, and you are prompted to specify a location for the base drawing. Click an arbitrary point in the lower-left corner of the layout (see Figure 18.21).
The drawing is too small, so you will adjust its scale. The command line reads as follows:
VIEWBASE Select option [select Orientation Hidden lines Scale Visibility Move exit] <exit>:
Select Scale from the dynamic prompt menu. Type
and press Enter again. It just so happens that several views of the gear fit on the page with the gear at actual size.Figure 18.21 Locating the base drawing on a layout
- Press Enter to accept the default Exit option, and you will see
that the
command continues. - Click a point above the base plan drawing to locate a second projected view of the top of the gear.
Click a third point at a 45-degree angle with respect to the base plan to locate an isometric projection and press Enter to end the command. The drawings display in wireframe view showing hidden lines with a dashed linetype (see Figure 18.22).
The isometric view is a bit large. Select it, and you will see a special border appear around the view object. On the temporary Drawing View tab that appears, click Edit View. Change the scale to 1:2 in the drop-down in the Appearance panel. Open the Hidden Lines drop-down and select Shaded With Visible Lines (see Figure 18.23). Click OK in the Edit panel.
- Select the original base view of the gear object in the
lower-left corner of the layout. Click the Section tool in the
Create View panel.
Figure 18.22 Locating projected views of the base drawing on the layout
Figure 18.23 Changing a view’s display properties
Toggle on Ortho in the status bar. Click points A and B shown in Figure 18.24 to draw a section cut line and press Enter. Click point C to locate the section view and press Enter to end the
command. -
Select the original base view of the gear object in the lower-left corner of the layout yet again. Open the Detail drop-down on the Create View panel and select Rectangular. Toggle off object snap in the status bar. Click points A and B shown in Figure 18.25 to draw the detail area and press Enter. Click point C to locate the detail view and press Enter to end the
command.Figure 18.24 Creating a section of the base view
Figure 18.25 Creating a detail of the base view
- Toggle on object snap in the status bar. Switch to the Annotate tab on the ribbon and select the Linear tool in the Dimension panel. Dimension the features shown in Figure 18.26. These dimensions are associated with the section and detail views, which in turn are associated with the base view, which is in turn associated with the model. If you were to change the gear geometry in model space, views and dimensions would automatically update on the layout.

Figure 18.26 Associating dimensions with section and detail views
Your model should now resemble Ex18.5-end.dwg