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Wilkinson, M. e Blau, J.N. (1985), Are Classical and Common Migraine Different Entities?, in «Headache», 25, pp. 211-12.
Willis, T., De Morb. Convuls. (Amstel, 1670); De Anima Brutorum (Oxon, 1672). Prima traduzione inglese in Dr. Willis’ practice of Physick, Being the Whole Works of that Renowned and Famous Physician, London, 1684.
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Wolff, H.G. (1963), Headache and other Head-Pain, Oxford University Press, New York.
Ulteriori informazioni e assistenza si possono ottenere rivolgendosi a:
The National Headache Foundation, 5252 North Western Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 60625 USA, tel. (001) 312-878-7715;
The Migraine Foundation, 120 Carlton Street, Suite 210, Toronto, Ontario M5A 4K2 Canada, tel. (001) 416-920-4916;
The Migraine Trust, 45 Great Ormond Street, London WC1 3HD, England, tel. (0044) 71-278-2676;
The British Migraine Association, 178a High Road, Bayfleet, Weybridge, Surrey KT14 7ED, England, tel. (0044) 932-352-468.