Bonus: Cybersecurity For Small Businesses and Link References
The Internet allows businesses of all sizes and from any location to reach new and larger markets and provides opportunities to work more efficiently by using computer-based tools. Whether a company is thinking of adopting cloud computing or just using email and maintaining a website, cybersecurity should be a part of the plan.
Theft of digital information has become the most commonly reported fraud, surpassing physical theft. Every business that uses the Internet is responsible for creating a culture of security that will enhance business and consumer confidence. In October 2012, the FCC re-launched the  Small Biz Cyber Planner 2.0 , an online resource to help small businesses create customized cybersecurity plans.
The FCC also released an updated one-page  Cybersecurity Tip Sheet . The quick resource features new tips on creating a mobile device action plan and on payment and credit card security.