The army was having trouble.
Lieutenant Andrew Shelby phoned Major Marcel Burns. “Sir, I can’t keep these people together,” he reported. “They are being kidnapped.”
“What in hell are you talking about, Andy? Kidnapped?”
“Well, maybe not being kidnapped, actually. But people are taking them in. There is one big house full of them. There must be twenty or more of them inside of it. I talked with the owner. Look here, I told him, I have to keep these people together. I can’t let them get scattered. I’ve got to load them up and take them where they have shelter and food. Lieutenant, said this man, you don’t have to worry about the people I have here. If food and shelter is your only worry, you can stop your worrying. They are my house guests, sir, and they have food and shelter. And he was not the only one. That was only one house. Other houses, all up and down the street, they have them, too. The whole neighborhood has them. Everyone is taking them in. That’s not the whole story, either. People are driving in from miles away to load them up and take them off to take care of them. They’re being scattered all over the countryside and I can’t do a thing about it.”
“Are they still coming out of that door or whatever it is?”
“Yes, sir, they are still coming out of it. They have never stopped. It’s like a big parade. They just keep marching out of it. I try to keep them together, sir, but they wander and they scatter and they are taken up by all the people in the neighborhood and I can’t keep track of them.”
“You’ve been transporting some of them?”
“Yes, sir. As fast as I can load them up.”
“What kind of people are they?”
“Just ordinary people, sir. Far as I can see. No different from us, except that they got a sort of funny accent. They dress funny. Some of them in robes. Some of them in buckskins. Some of them in - oh, hell, they have all kinds of clothes. Like they were at a masquerade. But they are polite and cooperative. They don’t give us no trouble. It’s just that there are so many of them. More of them than I can haul away. They scatter, but that ain’t their fault. It’s the people who invite them home. They are friendly and real nice, but there are just too many of them.”
The major sighed. “Well, carry on,” he said. “Do the best you can.”