Superflu descended like the motherfucking wrath of God, Old Testament style.
H1N1? That stepchild had been the viral equivalent of Ishtar. A big raspberry of a bomb, the failed punch line, all talk and no walk.
Put folks off guard.
But Big Bad Mother Nature learns from her mistakes, makes adjustments, and comes roaring back with an improved model. Those who knew said if you dug the Superflu virus under a microscope, you could watch the bastard mutate, right there before you eyes.
It was perfect, in every respect. And like a snowflake, each and every individual virus had its very own unique design and symmetry. Constantly shifting.
In North America, it’s thought that about two million people lost their lives to this pandemic. Even with all our modern medicine, inoculations, etc.
That slightly beats out the Spanish Flu of 1918, given the current world population. No joke.
Course, me, I’d had the secret shot. The one that never went into production. So as the bodies stacked higher and higher, all I had to contend with was a mild case of the sniffles.