How to Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less


Visual people care a lot about how things look. They need to see proof, or evidence, before they take anything seriously. Being visualizers, they think in pictures and wave their hands around, sometimes touching their pictures when talking. Pictures come quickly into their mind's eye, so they think clearly; this makes them the 134 fast talkers among us. Sometimes they are the ones with the monotonous voices. Visuals frequently look up to the left and right when they speak. When it comes to their wardrobe, they tend to be snappy, impeccable dressers who put a lot of work into looking good and surrounding themselves with good-looking stuff. Physically, because they are concerned with appearances, they aim to be trim and tidy. When they stand and sit, their body and head will usually be upright.

You will find Visuals working where confident, fast decisions are needed or where specific procedures are to be followed. They want to have control because they probably have some kind of vision of how things should be. Manybut definitely not allvisual artists fall into this category.

Auditory people respond emotionally to the quality of sound. They enjoy the spoken word and love conversationbut things must sound right for them to tune in and give their attention. They have fluid, melodic, sensitive, persuasive, expressive voices. “Audis” move their eyes from side to side as they talk and gesture somewhat less than Visuals; but when they do, it's from side to side, like their eye movements. When it comes to clothes, they think they are snappy dressers. They like to make a statement with their clothingand sometimes they don't quite make it. Physically, they are somewhere in between the trim Visuals and the comfortable Kinesthetics.

Audis work where words and sound are the currency. Many broadcasters, teachers, lawyers, counselors and writers are Auditory.