June 7th, 1776
I wished to go again tonight to view this evening’s funeral games for the dead, to observe again the dancing and grinning; but when Bono and I requested leave to do so, we were denied. Thus we spent the evening by our cook-fire in idleness.
Shortly after the cannon marked the evening, Captain Mackay sent his aide, requesting we go forth and pull Serjeant Clippinger from his amusements. We sought the Serjeant out; and Bono and I came across him sitting with white privates of the 14th, singing bawdry which I shall not repeat. We lifted him to remove him from their presence, and he protested that we were too monstrous ungentle — boys, boys, look ye — boys — the brave lads of the 14th was going to chivvy me out a woman for a little kissing comfort.
We delivered him to the Captain. Bono and Miss Nsia spent the remainder of the evening in making lips with their fists and puppet-courting as Clippinger and mistress. Bono pressed his hand to the dirt, that his fist might be pimpled and scarred.
I fear we none of us have much respect for our commander.