Serfing USA
—Frédéric Bastiat, Economic
Sophisms (1845)
There is a famous passage by Alexis de
Tocqueville. Or, rather, it would be famous were he still widely
read. For he knows us far better than we know him: “I would like to
imagine with what new traits despotism could be produced in the
world,” he wrote two centuries ago. He and his family had been on
the sharp end of France’s violent convulsions and knew what forms
despotism could take in Europe. But he considered that, to a
democratic republic, there were slyer seductions:
I see an innumerable crowd of like and equal men
who revolve on themselves without repose, procuring the small and
vulgar pleasures with which they fill their souls.
“Small and vulgar pleasures”? I’ve nothing against
Dancing with the Stars (which I rather enjoy) or American
Idol (not so much), but Tocqueville’s right on the money there.
“Revolving on themselves without repose”?
That’s not a bad description of a populace
preoccupied with “social media.” But then he goes on:
Over these is elevated an immense, tutelary power,
which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching
over their fate. It is absolute, attentive to detail, regular,
provident, and gentle. It would resemble the paternal power if,
like that power, it had as its object to prepare men for manhood,
but it seeks, to the contrary, to keep them irrevocably fixed in
childhood... it provides for their security, foresees and supplies
their needs, guides them in their principal affairs....
The sovereign extends its arms about the society as
a whole; it covers its surface with a network of petty
regulations—complicated, minute, and uniform—through which even the
most original minds and the most vigorous souls know not how to
make their way... it does not break wills; it softens them, bends
them, and directs them; rarely does it force one to act, but it
constantly opposes itself to one’s acting on one’s own... it does
not tyrannize, it gets in the way: it curtails, it enervates, it
extinguishes, it stupefies, and finally reduces each nation to
being nothing more than a herd of timid and industrious animals, of
which the government is the shepherd.
Welcome to the twenty-first century.
The all-pervasive state “does not tyrannize, it
gets in the way.” It “enervates,” but nicely, gradually, so that
after a while you don’t even notice ...
But once in a while even the mellowest hippie
emerges from the stupor. In 1969, George Harrison of the Beatles,
in the course of a wide-ranging ramble, briefly detoured out of the
Hare Krishna chants into some remarks about the Monopolies
Commission (the British equivalent of the U.S. government’s
Antitrust Division):
You know, this is the thing I don’t like. It’s the
Monopolies Commission. Now if anybody, you know, Kodak, or somebody
is cleaning up the market with film, the Monopolies Commission, the
government send them in there, and say you know, you’re not allowed
to monopolize. Yet, when the government’s monopolizing, who’s gonna
send in, you know, this Commission to sort that one out?1
Good question. There was an old joke in Britain:
“Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?” In fact, it’s an
incisive observation on the nature of government. We wouldn’t like
it if there were only one automobile company or only one breakfast
cereal, but by definition there can be only one government—which is
why, “when the government’s monopolizing,” it should do so only in
very limited areas. That’s particularly true for national
governments when the nation they govern has more than 300 million
people dispersed over a continent and halfway across the
These days America’s government is doing a lot of
monopolizing. If it were a private company such as Kodak (to use
George Harrison’s quaint example), it would be attracting
anti-trust suits. By 2008, the governmentsponsored Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac had a piece of over half the mortgages issued in the
United States.2 As a result, a government-mandated form
of pseudo-ownership came close to collapsing the world economy.
Which the politicians then, naturally, blamed on capitalist greed.
Fresh from their success in undermining the property market, the
government went on to seek a monopoly in college loans, plus
control of the automobile industry and health care.
In his dissenting opinion on United States
vs. Columbia Steel Co. (1948), Justice William Douglas
We have here the problem of bigness.... The Curse
Of Bigness [Justice Louis Brandeis’ essay] shows how size can
become a menace—both industrial and social. It can be an industrial
menace because it creates gross inequalities against existing or
putative competitors. It can be a social menace—because of its
control of prices....
Now who does that sound like? No, not Kodak. The
fact that George Harrison’s selection of an all-powerful monopoly
rings so sweetly nostalgic just a few decades later is testament to
the self-correcting mechanisms of a functioning market. Kodak,
which actually invented some of the first digital camera technology
in 1975, failed to foresee how fast things were changing, and
eventually wound up laying off 60 percent of its workforce.3 Had the statists been in charge of that
sector as they now are of so many others, we’d still be snapping
with Kodak Instamatics, and it would take you two weeks to get your
holiday pics and cost you $800, because the government had
intervened to protect the jobs of Instastatistmatic film developers
in the unionized Kodacrony lab.
These days, the Number One example of the Curse of
Bigness is government. It doesn’t just create “gross inequalities”
against existing or putative competitors, it passes laws and drives
them out, as it’s done to everything from genuinely private
health-care arrangements to non-state-licensed kids’ lemonade
stands. In Justice Marshall’s words, it’s a “social menace” because
of its “control of prices.”
How does it control them? Michael Fleischer, the
owner of a small company in New Jersey, explained to readers of the
Wall Street Journal that in order to put $44,000 in his
employee’s pocket and give her an additional $12,000 worth of
benefits he has to pay $74,000: Big Government imposes a 30 percent
surcharge on the cost of providing employment to Sally.4 It “controls the price” of hiring
Sally, and it massively distorts it. Which is one reason the
unemployment rate is stuck where it is.
How else does it control prices? In 2009, something
called the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia decided
that studios offering yoga teacher instruction had to be
“certified.”5 So what else is new? Everything’s
certified these days. Why not yoga? It’s just a $2,500
certification fee, plus
annual charges of at least $500, plus state audits, plus a ton of
paperwork. But don’t worry, with a bit of practice, you can
multitask and fill in all the forms in the lotus position. In the
Fifties, one in twenty members of the workforce needed government
permission in order to do his job.6 Today, it’s one in three. So Big
Government “controls the price” of your yoga lesson. Look on it as
a twofer: all the purifying benefits of yoga, now with the dead
weights of Big Government.
Government today has a monopoly of monopoly. If you
were to update the board game of the same name to reflect reality,
every square you land on would require you to pay a fee to
government before you can do anything—occupational license,
commercial-use permit, processing fee for a license to permit you
to collect sales tax. You’d go straight to jail without passing
“Go” for putting up a yoga studio on Atlantic Avenue and being
delinquent in your meditation-accreditation application, but the
government would let you plea-bargain it down to a $3,000 fine. If
you land on “Go,” you’d have to pass a “Go” impact-study inspection
before being allowed to go.
There’s your Curse of Bigness, and the only one
beyond the jurisdiction of the Antitrust Division.
Alas, the monopolizers don’t see it as a curse.
Before he became Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner (by his own
admission) failed to pay the United States Treasury the taxes he
owed because he couldn’t follow the yes/no prompts of elementary
TurboTax software. Undaunted, by early 2009, he and President
Obama, two men with no business management experience whatsoever,
who have never created a nickel of wealth between them, were
“managing” more money than any individuals anywhere on the planet
have ever done. Fans of Big Government take it for granted that
Obama, Geithner, and a handful of other guys can “run” the
financial sector, and the auto industry, and the insurance
industry, and the property market, and health care, and even the
very climate of the planet. The Barackracy assume that a few clever
people in Washington can direct trillions of dollars more
productively than the companies and individuals from whom they
confiscated it. There are many people who can run businesses worth
a million dollars. The ability to run a billion-dollar corporation
is the province of very few individuals. The skill-set required to
run a multi-trillion-dollar enterprise is unknown to human
In Justice Marshall’s words:
Industrial power should be decentralized. It
should be scattered into many hands so that the fortunes of the
people will not be dependent on the whim or caprice, the political
prejudices, the emotional stability of a few self-appointed men.
The fact that they are not vicious men but respectable and social
minded is irrelevant.
In 1948 Marshall was worried about steel. But the
dominant industrial power of our time is government. And it is
because of the government monopoly that “the fortunes of the
people” are dependent on “the whim or caprice” (not to mention “the
emotional stability”) of a small number of all too like-minded
You can see where power lies in the very landscape:
go to a steel town six decades after Marshall’s warning. The burg’s
shot to hell. The handsome Victorian homes on the tree-lined
avenues are worn and crumbling, with cracked clapboards and sagging
porches, and cheaply partitioned into low-rent apartments. The
railroad halts that sent the products of American industry across
the nation and around the world are dead, their depots converted
into laundromats and pizza joints or, worse, “community centers,”
with the track removed and its weed-strewn path redesignated as a
“heritage trail.” Where do wealth and power gravitate today? In
2009 Reuters reported:
Washington, D.C., has become the favorite area for
wealthy young adults, with the nation’s highest percentage of 25-34
year-olds making more than $100,000 a year.7
You don’t say! Now I wonder why that would be. Of
the fifty counties with the biggest percentage of young high
earners, sixteen were in the D.C. area. Of the top ten, only two
were not near either Washington or a state capital.8 Reuters filed this revealing analysis
in its “lifestyle” section. Which makes sense. The easiest way to a
“lifestyle” is a government job. The following year, another survey
(from Newsweek) found that seven of the ten wealthiest
counties in the United States were in the Washington commuter
belt.9 What matters in the America of the
twenty-first century is proximity not to industry or to wealth
creation but to government.
As George Harrison warned, “the government’s
monopolizing”: it has a monopoly of law, of licensing, of
regulation, and when it abuses that monopoly then eventually you
can’t move without encountering government at every turn. Even
before the Obama spendaholics got to work supersizing the state,
all levels of government, federal to local, were already sucking up
over 40 cents of every dollar American workers generate.10 (European nations were able to go
beyond even that dismal figure only because the United States has
relieved them of the responsibility for their own defense.) The
assumed rationale for an ever more intrusive superstate is that,
thanks to technology and globalization, the world is far more
complex and interconnected than in the days when hardscrabble
farmers in New England townships could be trusted to run their own
affairs. There is little objective evidence to support this
argument, but it conveniently bolsters the political class’s belief
in its own indispensability. Willie Whitelaw, the genial old buffer
who served as Margaret Thatcher’s deputy for many years, once
accused the Labour Party of going around Britain stirring up
apathy. Viscount Whitelaw’s apparent paradox is, in fact, a shrewd
political insight, and all the sharper for being accidental. Big
Government depends on going around the country stirring up
apathy—creating the sense that problems are so big, so complex, so
intractable that even attempting to think about them for yourself
gives you such a splitting headache it’s easier to shrug and accept
as given the proposition that only government can deal with
Take health care. Through all the interminable
health-care “debates” of Obama’s first year, did you read any of
the proposed plans? Of course not. They’re huge and turgid and
indigestible. Unless you’re a health-care lobbyist, a health-care
think-tanker, a health-care correspondent, or some other fellow
who’s paid directly or indirectly to plough through this stuff, why
bother? None of the senators whose names are on the bills ever read
’em; why should you?
And you can understand why they drag on a bit. If
you attempt to devise a health-care “plan” for over 300 million
people, it’s bound to get a bit complicated. But a health-care plan
for you, Mabel Scroggins of 27 Elm Street, didn’t used to be that
complicated, did it? Let’s say you carelessly drop the ObamaCare
bill on your foot and it breaks your toe. In the old days, you’d go
to your doctor (or, indeed, have him come to you—that’s how insane
it was back then), he’d patch you up, and you’d write him a check.
That’s the way it was in most of the developed world within living
When did it get too complicated to leave to
individuals? “Health” is potentially a big-ticket item, but so’s a
house and a car, and most folks manage to handle those without a
Government Accommodation Plan or a Government Motor Vehicles
System—or, at any rate, they did in pre-bailout America.
Ah, but government health care is not about health
care, it’s about government. That’s why the Democrats spent the
first year of a brutal recession trying to ram ObamaCare down the
throats of a nation that didn’t want it. Because the
governmentalization of health care is the fastest way to a
permanent left-of-center political culture. It redefines the
relationship between the citizen and the state in fundamental ways
that make small government all but impossible ever again. In most
of the rest of the western world, it’s led to a kind of two-party
one-party state: right-of-center parties will once in a while be in
office, but never in power, merely presiding over vast left-wing
bureaucracies that cruise on regardless. All such “technocratic”
societies slide left, into statism and stasis.
Many Americans are happy with the government
monopoly. The monarchical urge persists even in a
two-and-a-third-century-old republic.
So, when the distant Sovereign from Barackingham Palace graciously
confers an audience on his unworthy subjects, they are eager to
petition him to make all the bad stuff go away. “I have an urgent
need,” one lady beseeched King Barack at a “town hall meeting” in
Fort Myers early in 2009. “We need a home, our own kitchen, our own
He took her name—Henrietta Hughes—and ordered his
staff to meet with her. Hopefully, he didn’t insult her by
dispatching some no-name deputy assistant secretary of whatever
instead of flying in one of the bigtime tax-avoiding cabinet
honchos to nationalize a Florida bank and convert one of its
branches into a desirable family residence, with a swing set
hanging where the drive-thru ATM used to be. The audience roared
their gratitude. “Yes!” they yelped, and “Amen!” and even “Gracious
God, thank you so much!”
As Bing Crosby said to Bob Hope in The Road to
Utopia, “Leave your name with the girl, and we may get to you
for some crowd noises.” That’s the citizen’s role on America’s road
to Utopia: Leave your name with the girl and, after the background
check, you may qualify for the crowd scenes.
Early in his term, President Obama called in some
fellow smarties to test out some slogans. FDR had a “New Deal,” so
Obama thought he’d wrap up his domestic innovations under the
umbrella title of “New Foundation.” The historian Doris Kearns
Goodwin cautioned against it. “New Foundation,” she said, sounds
like a lady’s girdle.12 Actually, it’s more like a whalebone
corset. When the American citizen climbs into the “New Foundation,”
the stays get cranked tighter and tighter, but incrementally—so you
barely feel it, till you realize the bottom’s dropped out, and
you’re coughing up blood, and they’re still cranking.
FDR was the first American president to pass off
Big Government as technocracy. He had a so-called “Brains Trust.”
As with so many pious
liberal concepts, the term started as a throwaway joke. Back in
the trust-busting days of the 1890s, a wag at The Daily Star
of Marion, Ohio, mused: “Since everything else is tending to
trusts, why not a brain trust ... ? Our various and sundry supplies
of gray matter may as well be controlled by a central
That’s how America’s ruling class now regards
itself: a central syndicate of gray matter. Which brings us back to
George Harrison and the Monopolies Commission. The Big Government
“brains trust” is a trust like any other: it exists to monopolize,
to prevent free trade, to rig the market. Specifically, it exists
to enforce a monopoly of ideas, and squash all alternatives. You’ll
recall that, during the 2008 primary season, Barack Obama was
revealed, at a private fundraiser in San Francisco, to have
belittled his own party’s voters in rural Pennsylvania as “bitter”
people who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who
aren’t like them.”14 He subsequently “apologized” by
explaining that “I said something everybody knows is true.”15
“Everybody”? Well, maybe at a swank Dem
fundraiser in California—and, if that’s not “everybody,” who is?
This was an even more revealing remark than the original
bitter-clingers crack. It deserves to be as celebrated as the
famous response to the 1972 election results by a bewildered
Pauline Kael, doyenne of the New Yorker, that nobody she
knew voted for Nixon. Just as “everybody” knows “we can’t just keep
driving our SUVs, eating whatever we want, keeping our homes at 72
degrees,”16 so nobody we know voted for Nixon and
everybody we know agrees that those crackers are embittered
fundamentalist gun-nut bigots. Oh, c’mon, I said something
everybody knows is true.
“Everybody” knows this stuff, especially if he
reads the New York Times or listens to National Public
Radio. “Everybody” knows that raising taxes is responsible, and
“everybody” knows that cutting spending is just crazy talk.
“Everybody” knows that the governmentalization of health care—the
annexation of one-sixth of the economy, the equivalent of the U.S.
taking over the entire British or French economy, or the Indian
economy twice
over—“everybody” knows that that’s sober, prudent, technocratic,
reasonable. And “everybody” knows that wanting to repeal ObamaCare
is extremist, radical, dangerous. “Everybody” knows that serious
proposals to address a looming shortfall in obligations of tens of
trillions of dollars puts you in wide-eyed nut territory, just as
“everybody” knows that massively increasing government spending is
a moderate, centrist approach to stimulating the economy. Why, it’s
in the Washington Post! As the paper reported, after yet
another anemic quarter:
Another big rise in growth came from the federal
government, which rose at a 9.2 percent annual rate, including a 13
percent pace of gain in nondefense spending. That reflects in part
the fiscal stimulus action that was enacted last year....17
So the establishment newspaper of the capital city
of the so-called hyperpower thinks economic growth and government
growth are the same thing? Maybe if we’d had a 20 or 30 percent
“big rise in growth” of government, the economy would really
be roaring along.
Who are these everybodies who know instinctively
what’s true and what isn’t? The idea of a technocracy—a “central
syndicate of gray matter”—is vital to Big Government’s sense of
itself. It’s not about tired outmoded concepts of left or right,
it’s about “smart solutions” from smart guys—starting with the
president. “He’s probably the smartest guy ever to become
president,” said Michael Beschloss the day after Obama’s
Really? Other than demonstrate a remarkably focused
talent for selfpromotion, what has he ever done? Even as a
legendary thinker, what original thought has he ever expressed in
his entire life? And yet he’s “probably the smartest guy ever to
become president” says Beschloss—and he’s a presidential historian
so he should know, ’cause he’s a smart guy, too.
Lending a hand, another smart guy, the New York
Times’ house conservative David Brooks, cooed over the
credentialed-to-the-hilt smarts of the incoming administration: “If
a foreign enemy attacks the United States
during the Harvard-Yale game any time over the next four years,
we’re screwed.”19
He’s right. Over a quarter of Obama’s political
appointees had ties to Harvard; over 90 percent had “advanced
degrees.”20 And yet we’re screwed anyway, with or
without the Harvard-Yale game. If the smart guys are so smart, how
come we’re broke? How come those Americans who aren’t tenured
New York Times columnists or ex-legislators parlaying their
Rolodexes into lucrative but undemanding “consultancies” or cozy
“private-sector” sinecures as Executive Vice-President for
Government Relations, are going to end their days significantly
poorer? And how come those European social democracies that blazed
the trail to Big Government are already poorer, and in several
cases insolvent?
Unlike less sophisticated creeds, the statist
ideology denies it’s any such thing. Why, they’re way beyond that:
just as the political class are merely technocrats, so our
educators are not leftist ideologues but impartial scholars, and
the media establishment are objective reporters who would never
dream of imposing their own biases even if they had any. Because,
if you accept the idea that your worldview is merely that—a view—it
implicitly acknowledges there are other views, against which yours
should be tested. Far easier to pronounce your side of the table
the objective truth, and therefore any opposing argument is not a
disagreement about policy or philosophy or economics, but merely
evidence of Nazism, racism, or mental retardation. Contemplating a
hostile electorate on the eve of the 2010 election, John Kerry
bemoaned the ignorance of the voters: “Truth and facts and science
don’t seem to weigh in,” he sighed.21
Senator Kerry is so wedded to “truth” and “facts”
that, like his fellow Massachusetts patrician Ted Kennedy, he spent
the Bush years disseminating a fake Thomas Jefferson quote
(“Dissent is the highest form of patriotism”). 22 Barack Obama is so smart he had a fake
Martin Luther King quote sewn onto the Oval Office carpet (“The arc
of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward
justice”).23 Barbra Streisand is so smart she
sonorously declaimed to a Democratic Party national gala a fake
quote she insisted was from Julius Caesar (“Beware the
leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry
into a patriotic fervor...”24—poor Will must have been having an off
day). Hundreds of leftie websites are so smart that, after the 2011
shootings in Tucson, they all blamed it on Sarah Palin by using the
same fake Sinclair Lewis quote from It Can’t Happen Here
(“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and
carrying a cross”—er, no, as it happens that’s not in It Can’t
Happen Here or any other Sinclair Lewis novel).25 But why quibble over the veracity of
mere sentences? Liberals are so smart they teach a fake book in
college (I, Rigoberta Menchu).
In a culture so convinced of its truth, facts,
science, and smarts, even the Cliffs Notes are too much like hard
work. As Shakespeare said to Sinclair Lewis at a Friars’ Club roast
for Thomas Jefferson, when conformity comes to America, it will be
wrapped in torpor and bent in the arc of portentous banality. The
United States has not just a ruling class, but a ruling
monoculture. Its “truth” and “facts” and “science” permeate not
just government but the culture, the media, the institutions in
which we educate our children, the language of public discourse,
the very societal air we breathe. That’s the problem, and just
pulling the lever for a guy with an R after his name every other
November isn’t going to fix it. If Hollywood’s liberal, if the
newspapers are liberal, if the pop stars are liberal, if the grade
schools are liberal, if the very language is liberal to the point
where all the nice words have been co-opted as a painless liberal
sedative, a Republican legislature isn’t going to be a shining city
on a hill so much as one of those atolls in the Maldives being
incrementally swallowed by Al Gore’s allegedly rising sea
In such a world, the Conformicrats think of
themselves as a meritocracy, a term coined by the sociologist
Michael Young in 1958 for a satirical fantasy contemplating the
state of Britain in the year 2032.26 And, as with “brains trust,” a droll
jest got taken up by humorless lefties for real. By the time Tony
Blair started bandying the word ad nauseam as a description of the
bright new talents running the United Kingdom in the twenty-first
Lord Young felt obliged to object. Six decades earlier, he had
written the party manifesto that swept the Labour Party to power in
1945, and he reminded the Blairite generation of two of the most
powerful members of that government: Ernie Bevin, the Foreign
Secretary, and Herbert Morrison, Lord President of the Council (and
deputy prime minister). Morrison had left school at fourteen and
become an errand boy, Bevin at eleven to work as a farmhand.
Against considerable odds, they rose to become two of the most
powerful men in the land. There were no such figures in Tony
Blair’s “meritocratic” cabinet—nor in Barack Obama’s. But there
used to be, even in the Oval Office.
Yet today, whene’er such a person heaves on the
horizon, the so-called meritocrats recoil in horror. Remember the
early sneers at Sarah Palin? Not for her policy positions or her
track record as governor but for her life, where she came from,
where she went to, her frightful no-name schools: My dear, who goes
to North Idaho College? Or Matanuska-Susitna College, wherever and
whatever that is. “Celebrate diversity”? Well, yes, but good grief,
there are limits ...
Imagine what the new Condescendi would have made of
candidates from Allegheny College (William McKinley, for one term),
or, despite its name, Clinton Liberal Academy (Grover Cleveland,
but he left to support his family). Why, Truman didn’t even have a
degree! And Van Buren left school at fourteen! And Lincoln only had
eighteen months of formal education! And Zachary Taylor never went
to school at all! Since the departure of Ronald Reagan (Eureka
College, Illinois), America, for the first time in its history, has
lived under continuous rule by Ivy League—less a two-party than a
two-school system: Yale (Bush I), Yale Law (Clinton), Harvard
Business (Bush II), Harvard Law (Obama). In an America ever less
educated but ever more credentialed, who wants to take a flyer on
autodidacts like Truman or Lincoln? And, even if you went to the
right schools and got higher scores than John Kerry, as Bush Jr.
did, the slightest departure from the assumptions of the
conformocracy will earn you a zillion “SOMEWHERE IN TEXAS A VILLAGE
Our new elite have more refined sensibilities than
the old aristocracy: just as dowager duchesses would sniff that
so-and-so was “in trade,” so today’s rulers have an antipathy to
doers in general. How could Sarah Palin’s executive experience
running a state, a town, and a commercial fishing operation compare
to all that experience Barack Obama had in sitting around thinking
great thoughts? In forming his war cabinet, Winston Churchill said
that he didn’t want to fill it up with “mere advisors at large with
nothing to do but think and talk.”28 But Obama sent the Oval Office bust of
Sir Winston back to the British, and now we have government by men
who’ve done nothing but “think and talk.”29 There was less private-sector business
experience in Obama’s cabinet than in any administration going back
a century.30
If you sit around “thinking and talking,” the
humdrum responsibilities of government are bound to seem drearily
earthbound. Hence, the political class’ preference for ersatz
crises, and the now routine phenomenon of leaders of advanced,
prosperous societies talking like gibbering madmen escaped from the
padded cell, whether it’s President Obama promising to end the rise
of the oceans31 or the Prince of Wales saying we only
have ninety-six months left to save the planet.32 Time magazine ran a fawning
cover story on Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, and
Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York: “The New Action
Heroes.”33 So what action were they taking? Why,
Bloomberg was “opening a climate summit” and “talking about saving
the planet.” All of it, including the bits west of the Holland
Tunnel. And Schwarzenegger was “talking about eliminating disease.”
All of them. “I look forward to curing all these terrible
illnesses,” he announced.
As Madame Cornuel observed, no man is a hero to his
valet. But fortunately it’s a lot easier to be a hero to your
typist, especially when it’s Time’s Michael Grunwald. These
action heroes are “doing big things.” Bloomberg, cooed Grunwald,
“enacted America’s most draconian smoking ban and the first
big-city trans-fat ban.”
Back in the real world, a couple days after
Christmas 2010, a snow storm descended on New York, and the
action-hero mayor, relentless in his pursuit of trans-fats, was
unable, for more than three days, to fulfill as basic a municipal
responsibility as clearing the streets.34 His Big Nanny administration can
regulate the salt out of your cheeseburger, but he can’t regulate
it on to Seventh Avenue. Perhaps, if New Yorkers had appeared to be
enjoying the snow by engaging in unregulated sledding or
snowballing without safety helmets, Nanny Bloomberg could have
scraped the boulevards bare in nothing flat. But, lacking that
incentive, he let it sit there.
In Governor Schwarzenegger’s state, over one-third
of the patients in Los Angeles County hospitals are illegal
immigrants, and they’ve overwhelmed the system: dozens of emergency
rooms in the state have closed after degenerating into a de facto
Mexican health-care network.35 If you’re a legal resident of the
state of California, your health system is worse than it was a
decade ago and will be worse still in a decade’s time. Fortunately,
by then your now retired action-hero governor will have cured “all
these terrible illnesses” and there will be no need for
California’s last seven hospitals.
The illegal immigration question is an interesting
test of government in action, at least when it comes to core
responsibilities like defense of the nation. Enforcing the southern
border? Too porous. Can’t be done, old boy. Cloud-cuckoo stuff.
But changing the climate of the entire planet to
some unspecified Edenic state? That we can do. Politicians
incapable of clearing snow from city streets three days after a
storm are nevertheless taken seriously when they claim to be able
to change the very heavens—if only they can tax and regulate us
On the eve of the 2010 Massachusetts election to
fill what the Democrats insisted on referring to as “Ted Kennedy’s
seat,” the president came to town to help out his candidate, a
party hack named Martha Coakley. He had nothing to say, but he said
it anyway. All those cool kids on his speechwriting team bogged him
down in the usual leaden sludge. He went to the trouble of flying
in to phone it in. The defining moment of his doomed
attempt to prop up Ms. Coakley was his peculiar obsession with the
emblem of Scott Brown’s campaign—the Republican candidate’s
five-year-old pickup: “Forget the ads. Everybody can run slick
ads,” President Obama, standing alongside John Kerry, told an
audience of out-of-state students at a private school. “Forget the
truck. Everybody can buy a truck.”36
How they laughed! But what was striking was the
thinking behind Obama’s line: that anyone can buy a truck for a
slick ad, that Brown’s pickup was a prop—like the herd of cows Al
Gore rented for a pastoral backdrop when he launched his first
presidential campaign. Or the “Iron Chef” TV episode featuring
delicious healthy recipes made with produce direct from Michelle
Obama’s “kitchen garden”: the cameras filmed the various chefs
meeting the First Lady and wandering with her ’midst the beds
picking out choice organic delicacies from the White House crop,
and then for the actual cooking the show sent out for stunt-double
vegetables from a grocery back in New York.37 Viewed from Obama’s perspective, why
wouldn’t you assume the truck’s just part of the set? “In his
world,” wrote the Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes,
“everything is political and everything is about
Howard Fineman, the Chief Political Correspondent
of Newsweek, took it a step further. The truck wasn’t just
any old prop but a very particular kind: “In some places, there are
codes, there are images,” he told MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. “You
know, there are pickup trucks, you could say there was a racial
aspect to it one way or another.”39
Ah, yes. Scott Brown has over 200,000 miles on his
odometer.40 Man, he’s racked up a lot of coded
racism on that rig. But that’s easy to do in notorious
cross-burning KKK swamps like suburban Massachusetts.
Whenever aspiring authors ask me for advice, I
usually tell ’em this: Don’t just write there, do something.
Learn how to shingle a roof, or cultivate orchids, or raise sled
dogs. Because if you don’t do anything, you wind up like Obama and
Fineman—men for whom words are props and codes and metaphors but no
longer expressive of anything real. America is becoming a bilingual
society, divided between those who think a pickup is a rugged
vehicle useful for transporting heavy-duty items from A to B, and
those who think a pickup is coded racism. Unfortunately, the latter
group forms most of the Democrat-media one-party state running the
country. In perhaps the most explicit testament to the ever
widening gulf between the metaphorical class and the simple-minded
literalists they reign over, the liberal reaction to a murderous
attack in Tucson by a deranged nut of no political affiliation was
to blame it on the right’s “extreme rhetoric”—all this talk of
“targeting” marginal seats and having your opponent in the
“crosshairs.” Liberals can be expected to understand sophisticated
concepts such as figures of speech, which is why they can safely
name their Clinton campaign documentary The War Room and why
Democratic Congressman Paul Kanjorski can recommend, re: the
Republican Governor of Florida, “put him against the wall and shoot
him.”41 Liberals exist in a world of
metaphor, so it would be unlikely for them ever to rouse themselves
to act on their rhetorical flourishes. But simple, embittered
red-state types are too stupid to be entrusted with such
potentially lethal weapons as literary devices.
Obama himself is not about “doing.” Why would you
expect him to be able to “do” anything? What has he ever “done”
other than publish books about himself? That was the story of his
life: Wow! Look at this guy! Wouldn’t it be great to have him... as
Harvard Law Review editor, as community organizer, as state
representative, as state senator, as United States senator. He was
wafted ever upwards, staying just long enough in each “job” to get
another notch on the escutcheon, but never long enough to leave any
trace—until a freak combination of circumstances (war weariness,
financial meltdown, divisive incumbent, inept opponent, the chance
to cast a history-making vote) put Obama in line for the ultimate
waft. If only Hogarth had been on hand to record a very
contemporary Fake’s Progress. No rail-splitting, like
Lincoln. No farm work, like Coolidge. No swimming-pool lifeguard
duty, like Reagan. Upward he wafted without breaking a sweat,
except perhaps when briefly blocked on his whiney Valley Girl
autobiography—as who wouldn’t be blocked? It’s tough to write an
autobiography when you haven’t done anything.
The new “meritocratic” elite, wrote Michael Young
just before his death, “can be insufferably smug, much more so than
the people who knew they had achieved advancement not on their own
merit but because they were, as somebody’s son or daughter, the
beneficiaries of nepotism.”42 As Young had foreseen in his original
essay, a cult of (pseudo-)meritocracy absolves the ruling class
from guilt. They assume not, as princes of old did, that they were
destined to rule, but that they deserve to. Which is
wonderfully liberating. They “actually believe they have morality
on their side,” said Young of Britain’s Blairites. The bigger
government gets, the more transformative, the more intrusive, the
louder it proclaims its moral purity/virtue. Thus, as Peter
Berkowitz puts it, the ostensibly impartial concept of “fairness”
is now no more or less than “the name progressives have given their
chief policy goals.”43 This is politics as a form of
narcissism: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them
all? In the name of “fairness,” they grant privileges to preferred
identity groups over others—that is, they treat certain people
unfairly. Yet, if you oppose “fairness,” you must be on the unfair
And who wants to find themselves hanging with that
crowd? So, in government, in the dinosaur media, in the faculty
lounge, in the community-organizing community, in the boardrooms of
connected corporations, America’s rulers are conformicrats. They
have the same opinions, the same tastes, the same vocabulary. They
think the same, and they expect you to do likewise. As Michael
Tomasky, former editor of the lefty mag The American
Prospect, explained it: “At bottom, today’s Democrats from
[Senator Max] Baucus to [Congresswoman Maxine] Waters are united in
only two beliefs, and they demand that American citizens believe in
only two things: diversity and rights.”44
By “rights,” they mean not “negative rights” as
understood by the U.S. Constitution—the right to be left alone by
the government in respect of your speech, your guns, etc—but
“rights” to stuff, granted by the government, distributed by
the government, licensed by the government, rationed by the
government, but paid for by you. In the Orwellian language of Big
Government, “rights” are no longer individual liberties that
restrain the
state but state power that restrains you. And by “diversity,” they
mean the state ideology of stultifying homogeneity. Hence, the
peculiar spectacle of American “artists” from George Clooney to
Stephen Sondheim to Green Day congratulating themselves on their
truth-telling courage by producing films, plays, CDs, TV shows, and
novels with which everyone they know is in full agreement. In such
a world, to disagree with the liberal agenda is not so much an act
of political dissent but, worse, a ghastly social faux pas. To take
Mr. Tomasky’s own profession, the average American newsroom
ostentatiously recruits for diversity of race, sex, sexual
orientation, and every other diversity except the only one that
matters—diversity of ideas. To achieve its own propaganda goals,
the Soviet politburo had to smash printing presses and jam radio
signals. America’s nomenklatura achieved the same level of dreary
conformity just by leaving it to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the New
York Times, and the Washington Post. Which is why, as
the first industry to prostrate itself before the deeply unAmerican
idea of enforced uniformity, America’s moribund monodailies are on
life support and openly auditioning for a government bailout.
The advantage of life in the self-flattering
conformicrat cocoon is that you never have to address anybody’s
arguments. All those tea parties and town halls with ordinary
citizens protesting governmentalized health care? Oh, don’t be so
naïve. As the New York Times assured its readers, “The Rage
Is Not About Health Care.”45 “It’s merely a handy excuse,” Frank
Rich explained. “The real source of the over-the-top rage of 2010
is the same kind of national existential reordering that roiled
America in 1964....”
Ah, in the Democratic Party it’s always 1964 and
Selma, Alabama. Except that now it’s not the Democrats who are the
redneck racists, it’s you—yes, you. As Frank Rich explains:
If Obama’s first legislative priority had been
immigration or financial reform or climate change, we would have
seen the same trajectory. The conjunction of a black president and
a female speaker of the House—topped off by a wise Latina on the
Supreme Court and a powerful gay Congressional committee
chairman—would sow fears of disenfranchisement among a dwindling
and threatened minority in the country no matter what policies were
in play.... When you hear demonstrators chant the slogan “Take our
country back!,” these are the people they want to take the country
back from.
So you may think you object to ObamaCare because
you’re very concerned about what you’ve heard about two-year wait
times for MRIs in Canada, but it’s really because you’re itchin’ to
get your sheet on and string up that uppity Negro.
You may think you object to ObamaCare because it
will lead to a massive shortage of primary care physicians as has
already happened in Massachusetts, 46 but it’s really because you’d like to
slap around that Nancy Pelosi the way Bogey does Mary Astor in
The Maltese Falcon ’cause that’s the only language these
lippy broads understand.
You may think you object to ObamaCare because the
Federal Government forcing you to make health-care arrangements
that meet the approval of the state commissars is unconstitutional,
but it’s really because you think that that wise Latina on the
Supreme Court should be turning down your hotel bed and leaving a
complimentary hazelnut truffle on your pillow.47
You may think you object to ObamaCare because its
absurd bureaucratic insistence that you need a doctor’s
prescription in order to pay for your Tylenol from a health savings
account will waste untold hours of doctors’, patients’, and
pharmacists’ time, but it’s really because Barney Frank reminds you
that you’ve always been slightly confused about your own sexuality
and at the back of the desk drawer you’ve still got the phone
number of that guy who wrote back when you put the “Bi-Curious Male
Seeks Similar” ad in the classifieds, and to be honest when
Congressman Frank gets butch and beats up on those bank executives
it kinda turns you on.
I can’t speak for the rest of you racists, sexists,
and homophobes, but I’ve opposed government health care in Canada,
the United Kingdom,
Bulgaria, and anywhere else I’ve been on the receiving end of it.
And in Britain no blacks, women, or gays were involved in its
introduction, just pasty-faced white blokes. In Canada, it was just
pasty-faced white blokes with a pronounced hint of maple. In
Bulgaria, it was swarthy Slavic blokes with impressively hirsute
monobrows. Okay, that is racist, but only mildly so. And in any
case when it comes to Slavic monobrows I prefer the women. Okay,
that’s racist and sexist, so I’ll quit while I’m behind. But the
point is, throughout most of the western world, government health
care has been the creation of white males of drearily conventional
Yet, if you write for the New York Times or
teach race and gender studies at American colleges for long enough,
it seems entirely reasonable to conclude that a difference of
opinion over health-care policy is being driven by nostalgia for
segregated lunch counters. Invited by National Public Radio to
expound on the use of “racial code words” in “the current
opposition to health care reform,” Melissa Harris-Lacewell,
Professor of African-American Studies at Princeton, informed her
listeners that “language of personal responsibility is often a code
language used against poor and minority communities.”48
“Personal responsibility” is racial code language?
Phew, thank goodness America is belatedly joining Europe in all but
abolishing the concept.
“Code language” is code language for “total
bollocks.” “Code word” is a code word for “I’m inventing what you
really meant to say because the actual quote doesn’t quite do the
job for me.” “Small government”? Racist code words!
“Non-confiscatory taxes”? Likewise. “Individual liberty”? Don’t
even go there! With interpreters like Professor Harris-Lacewell on
the prowl, I’m confident 95 percent of Webster’s will eventually be
ruled “code language.”
Faced with public discontent about the statist
agenda, the Condescendi look out the window at the unlovely mob in
their “Don’t tread on me” T-shirts and sneer, “The peasants are
revolting.”You oppose illegal immigration? You’re a xenophobe. Gay
marriage? Homophobe. The Ground Zero mosque? Islamophobe. If that’s
the choice, I’d rather be damned as racist and sexist. The
evolution from -isms to phobias is part of the medicalization
of dissent: the Conformicrats simply declare your position a form
of mental illness. After firing commentator Juan Williams for some
insufficiently politically correct observations about Muslims, NPR
exec Vivian Schiller suggested her longtime colleague needed to see
a psychiatrist.49 That’s the polite version of
dismissing him as just another one of those “fucking Nascar
retards,” the elegant formulation Eric Alterman (Distinguished
Professor of English and Journalism at Brooklyn College, and
Professor of Journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism)
used on the in-house “JournoList” to describe those Americans who
disagree with him and his fellow media professionals.50 Juan Williams seems an unlikely
Nascar retard. He is not only liberal but black. Had a conservative
hinted that an eminent African-American Democrat had mental health
issues, he’d be the one headed for the funny farm. But, of course,
in briefly wandering off liberalism’s ideological plantation, Mr.
Williams had behaved so irrationally that, as in the Soviet Union,
only a medical condition could explain it. Don’t worry about it,
Juan. Just let the men in white coats get the straps around you,
and shoot the needle into your arm, and you’ll soon be feeling much
better, and thinking just the same as everybody else.
On most of these issues, from illegal immigration
to the Ground Zero mosque, the Conformicrats are losing the battle
for public opinion by as much as 70/30. Yet even that isn’t enough
to persuade them to mount an argument. So much liberal debate boils
down to Ring Lardner’s great line: “‘Shut up,’ he explained.”
Fewer people know the line that precedes it (in
Lardner’s story, The Young Immigrunts): a kid asking, “Are
you lost, daddy?” The rulers think we’re kids, they’re the daddy,
and it takes a village to raise a fuckin’ Nascar retard child. The
ruled think we’re lost, and being driven farther and farther off
the map.
But the disparagement of dissenters as racists,
sexists, homophobes, and retards is not entirely an act of
misdirection. It reflects the so-called technocracy’s priorities:
for Big Government bent on social micromanagement, ideological
enforcement takes priority over any other
activity. When Hurricane Katrina swept in and devastated Louisiana
and Mississippi, volunteer firemen—whoops, “firefighters”—from
across the map headed south to help with disaster relief. FEMA
dispatched them to ...
New Orleans?
No, to Atlanta—for diversity and sexual-harassment
Which most of them had already undergone back home.
But you can’t be too careful: Heaven forbid that a waterlogged
granny should be rescued by an insufficiently non-homophobic
FEMA is supposed to be the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, not the Fairyland Equality Makework Agency. But
so it goes. Government agencies created to demonstrate the
laser-sharp problem-solving skills of the elite technocracy in the
end mostly just enforce conformity with the state ideology. Thus,
the “enhanced patdowns” of U.S. airport security are less about
preventing terrorism than about preventing the acknowledgment of
inconvenient truths at odds with the diversity cult. Contemporary
Big Government is like a widget factory that no longer makes
widgets but holds sensitivity training sessions all day long. And,
if you’re a nonagenarian spinster at LaGuardia with a TSA agent’s
paws roaming ’round your bloomers while the Yemeni madrassah
alumnus sails through the express check-in, the involuntary
sensitivity training isn’t all that sensitive.
If it were just Good King Barack and Henrietta
Hughes, rulers and subjects, all would be well. But America still
has a citizenry: the productive class—the ones whose labors have to
fund both the swollen state bureaucracy and its dependents. It’s
tough if you happen to fall into this third category. Most of the
time, such as at that town hall meeting in Fort Myers, you’re not
even part of the national conversation: you live in the Flownover
Country. In 1945, Hugh MacLennan wrote a novel set in Montreal
title came to sum up the relationship between the English and the
French in Canada: Two Solitudes. They live in the same
nation, sometimes in the same town, sometimes share the same
workspace. But they inhabit different psychologies. In 2008, David
Warren, a columnist with The Ottawa Citizen, argued that the
concept has headed south:
In the United States, especially in the present
election, we get glimpses of two political solitudes that have been
created not by any plausible socio-economic division within
society, nor by any deep division between different ethnic tribes,
but tautologically by the notion of “two solitudes” itself. The
nation is divided, roughly half-and-half, between people who
instinctively resent the Nanny State, and those who instinctively
long for its ministrations.52
John Edwards, yesterday’s coming man, had an oft
retailed stump speech about “the two Americas,” a Disraelian
portrait of Dickensian gloom conjured in the mawkish drool of a
Depression-era sob-sister: one America was a wasteland of shuttered
mills and shivering “coatless girls,” while in the other America
Dick Cheney and his Halliburton fat cats were sitting’round the
pool swigging crude straight from the well and toasting their war
profits all day long.53 Edwards was right about the “two
Americas,” but not about the division: in one America, those who
subscribe to the ruling ideology can access a world of tenured
security lubricated by government and without creating a dime of
wealth for the overall economy; in the other America, millions of
people go to work every day to try to support their families and
build up businesses and improve themselves, and the harder they
work the more they’re penalized to support the government class in
its privileges. Traditionally, he who paid the piper called the
tune. But not anymore. Flownover Country pays the piper, very
generously, in salaries, benefits, pensions, and perks. But
Conformicrat America calls the tune, the same unending single-note
dirge. David Warren regards these as
“two basically irreconcilable views of reality”: “Only in America
are they so equally balanced. Elsewhere in the west, the true
believers in the Nanny State have long since prevailed.”54
Increasingly, America’s divide is about the nature
of the state itself—about the American idea. And in that case why
go on sharing the same real estate? As someone once said, “A house
divided against itself cannot stand.” The Flownover Country’s
champion ought, in theory, to be the Republican Party. But, even in
less fractious times, this is a loveless marriage. Much of the GOP
establishment is either seduced by the Conformicrats or terrified
by them, to the point where they insist on allowing the liberals to
set the parameters of the debate—on health care, immigration,
education, Social Security—and then wonder why elections are always
fought on the Democrats’ terms. If you let the left make the rules,
the right winds up being represented by the likes of Bob Dole and
John McCain, decent old sticks who know how to give dignified
concession speeches. If you want to get rave reviews for losing
gracefully, that’s the way to go. If you want to prevent Big
Government driving America off a cliff, it’s insufficient.
The Conformicrats need Flownover Country to fund
them. It’s less clear why Flownover Country needs the
Conformicrats—and a house divided against itself cannot stand
without the guy who keeps up the mortgage payments.
According to the Tax Policy Center, for the year
2009, 47 percent of U.S. households paid no federal income
tax.55 Obviously, many of them paid other
kinds of taxes—state tax, property tax, cigarette tax. But at a
time of massive increases in federal spending, half the country is
effectively making no contribution to it, whether it’s national
defense, or interest payments on the debt, or vital stimulus
funding to pump monkeys in North Carolina full of cocaine (true,
seriously, but don’t ask me why).56 Furthermore, if you pay local tax but
no federal income tax, you’re more easily seduced by the most
malign of Big Government’s distortions: its insistence that more
and more aspects of life have to be regulated by a centralized
regime in Washington rather than by varieties of state, county, and
municipal bodies. As a
general principle, if you pay nothing for government, why would
you want less of it? More specifically, if you pay nothing for
federal government, why would the relentless centralization of
American statism bother you?
In 2009, Ken Rogulski of WJR Detroit reported on a
federal aid “giveaway” at the city’s Cobo Center:
WJR: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
WJR: What kind of money?
WOMAN #1: Obama money.
WJR: Where’s it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
WJR: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don’t know. His stash. I don’t know. [She laughs.] I
don’t know where he got it from, but he’s giving it to us, to help us.
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That’s why we voted for him!
WOMEN (chanting): Obama! Obama! Obama! [They laugh.]
WJR: ... and where did Obama get the funds?
WOMAN #2: Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He’s
the President.57
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
WJR: What kind of money?
WOMAN #1: Obama money.
WJR: Where’s it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
WJR: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don’t know. His stash. I don’t know. [She laughs.] I
don’t know where he got it from, but he’s giving it to us, to help us.
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That’s why we voted for him!
WOMEN (chanting): Obama! Obama! Obama! [They laugh.]
WJR: ... and where did Obama get the funds?
WOMAN #2: Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He’s
the President.57
Well, he got it from me, and from you. Every
dollar in Obama’s “stash” comes from me, you, or the Chinese
Politburo. And redistributing it on the grounds above only inflates
these ladies’ blithe assumptions. But so what? If the object is to
increase government, and expand the power of those in government,
then the “Obama’s stash” route works just fine.
By contrast, if you fall into the taxation category
and you’re stuck with the tab for Obama’s stash, you’re not only
paying for groups that get a better hearing in Washington, but
ensuring that the socioeconomic conditions of the republic will
trend, mercilessly, against you. The small business class—men and
women in unglamorous lines of work that keep the
Flownover Country going—are disfavored by the Conformicrats. They
are occasionally acknowledged by our rulers with rhetorical
flourishes—“tax cuts for working families”—but, on closer
inspection, these “tax cuts” invariably mean not reductions in the
rate of income seizure but a “tax credit” reimbursed from the
seizure in return for living your life the way the government wants
you to, and expanding the size of the dependent class.
United States income tax is becoming the
twenty-first-century equivalent of the “jizya”—the punitive tax
levied by Muslim states on their non-Muslim citizens. In return for
funding the Caliphate, the infidels were permitted to carry on
practicing their faith. Under the American jizya, in return for
funding Big Government, the non-believers are permitted to carry on
practicing their faith in capitalism, small business, economic
activity, and the other primitive belief systems to which they
cling so touchingly.
In the Islamic world, the infidel tax base
eventually wised up. You can see it literally in the landscape in
rural parts of the Balkans: Christian tradesmen got fed up paying
the jizya and moved out of the towns up into remote hills far from
the shakedown crowd. In less mountainous terrain where it’s harder
to lie low, non-Muslims found it easier to convert. That’s partly
what drove Muslim expansion. Once Araby had been secured for Islam,
it was necessary to move on to the Levant, and to Persia, and to
Central Asia and North Africa and India and Europe—in search of new
infidels to mug. I’m not so invested in my analogy that I’m
suggesting America’s Big Government shakedown racket will be forced
to invade Canada and Scandinavia. For one thing, everywhere else
got with the Big Government program well ahead of America and those
on the receiving end long ago figured out all the angles: in the
Stockholm suburb of Tensta, 20 percent of women in their late
forties collect disability benefits.58 In the United Kingdom, five million
people—a tenth of the adult population—have not done a day’s work
since the New Labour government took office in 1997.59
America has a ways to go in catching up with those
enlightened jurisdictions, but it’s heading there. As Congressman
Paul Ryan pointed out,
by 2004, 20 percent of U.S. households were getting about 75
percent of their income from the federal government.60 As a matter of practical politics,
how receptive would they be to a pitch for lower taxes, which they
don’t pay, or for lower government spending, of which they are such
fortunate beneficiaries? How receptive would another fifth of
households, who receive about 40 percent of their income from the
feds, be to such a pitch?
But for the productive class, the ongoing
government shakedown leads to demoralization and
disincentivization. In 2002, 61 percent of Americans believed their
children would enjoy higher living standards. By 2009, that was
down to 45 percent. This is a hole in America’s soul, and it’s
growing bigger every day.61
In the Nineties, the “culture wars” were over “God,
guns and gays.” The overreach of the statists has added a fourth G:
Government itself is now a front in the culture war, and a battle
of the most primal kind. Is the United States a republic of limited
government with a presumption in favor of individual liberty? Or is
it just like any other western nation in which a permanent
political class knows what’s best for its subjects? In California,
the people can pass a ballot proposition against gay marriage, but
a single activist judge overrules them. In Arizona, the people’s
representatives vote to uphold the people’s laws, but a pliant
judge strikes them down at Washington’s behest. It is surely only a
matter of time before some federal judge finds the Constitution
Some schlub in Fresno might wonder why a gay judge
who seemed a more militant advocate for gay marriage than the
plaintiffs were didn’t recuse himself from the case. But that just
shows how little they know: it’s the voters of California who
should have recused themselves. Their bigotry makes them
unqualified to pronounce on the subject. They should be grateful
Judge Walker didn’t mandate re-education camp.
It is never a good idea to send the message, as the
political class now does consistently, that there are no democratic
means by which the people can restrain their rulers. As the
(Democrat) pollster Pat Cadell pointed out, the logic of that is
“pre- revolutionary.”62
Once you’ve secured the other levers of power,
elective politics becomes a kind of sham combat to distract from
the real battlegrounds. There are degrees of dissembling: the
presidential candidate running as a “fiscally responsible
post-partisan healer” provides the cover for an agenda crafted by
far more explicitly left-wing legislators, such as Pelosi and
Frank. Behind the legislators are the judges, behind the judges the
regulatory bureaucracy, and behind the bureaucracy the union
muscle: left, lefter, leftest.
Of all the many marvelous Ronald Reagan lines, this
is my favorite:
We are a nation that has a government—not the
other way around.63
He said it in his inaugural address in 1981, and,
despite a Democratcontrolled Congress, he lived it. It sums up his
legacy abroad: across post-Communist Europe, from Slovenia to
Bulgaria to Lithuania, governments that had nations were replaced
by nations that have governments.
Today, in Reagan’s own country, we are atrophying
into a government that has a nation.
In the eighteen months after the collapse of Lehman
Brothers in September 2008, over seven million Americans lost their
jobs, yet the number of federal bureaucrats earning $100,000 or
more went up from 14 percent to 19 percent.64 An economic downturn for you, but not
for them. They’re upturn girls living in a downturn world. At the
start of the “downturn,” the Department of Transportation had just
one employee earning more than $170,000 per year. Eighteen months
later, it had 1,690.65 In the year after the passage of
Obama’s “stimulus,” the private sector lost 2.5 million jobs, but
the federal bureaucracy gained 416,000.66 Even if one accepts the government’s
ludicrous concept of “creating or saving” jobs, by its own figures
four out of every five “created or saved” jobs were government
jobs. “Stimulus” stimulates government, not the economy. It’s part
of the remorseless governmentalization of American life.
What sort of jobs were “created or saved”? Well,
the United States Bureau of the Public Debt is headquartered in
Parkersburg, West Virginia—and it’s hiring! According to the
Careers page of their website: “The Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD)
is one of the best places to work in the federal government. When
you work for BPD, you’re a part of one of the federal government’s
most dynamic agencies.”67
I’m sure. They’re committed to a working
environment of “Information, Informality, Integrity, Inclusion
& Individual Respect.” In the land of the blind, the five-I’d
bureaucrat is king. Alas, no room on the motto for the sixth I
(Insolvency). At some point in the near future, Big Government will
have reached its state of theoretical perfection and all revenues
will be going either to interest payments to China or to lavish
pensions liabilities for retired officials of the Bureau of Public
When the subject of the leviathan comes up, the
media and other statism groupies tend to say, “Oh, well, it’s easy
to talk about cutting government spending, until you start looking
at individual programs, most of which tend to be very
“Programs” is a sly word. Regardless of the merits
of the “program,” it requires human beings to run it. And
government humans cost more than private humans. In 2009, the
average civilian employee of the United States government earned
$81,258 in salary plus $41,791 in benefits. Total:
The average American employed in the private sector
earned $50,462 in salary plus $10,589 in benefits. Total:
So the federal worker earns more than twice as much
as the private sector worker. Plus he has greater job security:
he’s harder to fire, or even to persuade to take a small pay
Experts talk about the difficulty of restructuring
entitlement programs, or of carving out a few billions in savings
here and there. But here’s a
thought experiment: imagine if federal workers made the same as
the private workers who pay their salaries. Imagine if they had to
get by on 61K instead of 123 grand.
Ah, but such fancies dwell purely in the Land of
Imagination. In theory, Americans govern themselves through elected
representatives. In practice, the political class are no longer the
citizen-legislators of a self-governing republic but instead the
plump, pampered Emirs of Incumbistan. Hawaii’s Daniel Inouye has
been in Congress as long as the islands have been a state, which
means he’s been in office longer than the world’s longest-running
dictators-for-life. Lest comparisons with Colonel Gaddafi seem a
little unkind, Inouye has been in Washington almost as long as the
five monarchs of the Kamehameha dynasty ruled over a unified
kingdom of Hawaii. If that’s what Hawaiians are looking for in a
political system, why bother overthrowing Queen Lili’uokalani? John
Dingell Jr. has been a Michigan congressman since 1955. For the
twenty-two years before that, his constituents were represented by
John Dingell Sr. Between the first Duke of Dingell and the second,
the Dingell family has held the seat for a third of the republic’s
history. If that’s what Michiganders are looking for in a political
system, why not stick with the House of Lords?
The late Robert C. Byrd sat in the Senate for
half-a-century while the world transformed, and strung along: a
former Klan leader (“Exalted Cyclops”) and recruiter (“Kleagle”)
who opposed civil rights, he ended his days as a hero to for opposing the war on terror.
He doesn’t seem to have been a principled Klansman or a principled
Moveon.orgiast. He simply moved on as required. You gotta know when
to change the sheets. He did what was necessary to maintain himself
in power. Everything in West Virginia apart from the Bureau of
Public Debt and the Klan lodge is named after him. When he turned
against the war in Afghanistan in 2002, I suggested that maybe if
we agreed to rename the place Robert C. Byrdistan, he might see his
way to staying onside for a couple more months. (I’m still in favor
of that: his view of power was no less primitively tribal and venal
than your average Pushtun village headman’s.) Apart from naming
public buildings after himself than your average Latin American
caudillo would, what else did Byrd accomplish in his “public
service”? What do Michiganders have to show for the Dingell
dynasty’s four-fifths of a century in office? Opponents should
simply put up graphs showing the debt when Inouye and the rest were
elected, and what it is now.
Charlie Rangel has been there since 1970. Even his
car has been there a long time. Apparently in Congress you’re not
meant to keep a vehicle in the House parking garage for more than
six weeks without moving it. Rangel parked his Mercedes in one of
the most “highly coveted” spaces in 2003, put a tarp on it, and
left it there for six years.70 If only we could have done that with
him and the rest of the legislative class. The chairman of the
powerful House Ways and Means committee, Rangel was the man who
wrote the nation’s tax laws yet did not consider himself bound by
them. So, for example, he had a rental property in the Dominican
Republic but did not declare the income he received from it. Good
for him. Would you like to have a rental property in a foreign
jurisdiction and keep all the dough to yourself? Too bad. If you
were to do it, there wouldn’t be enough money to maintain our
rulers in the style to which they’ve become accustomed. Rangel
isn’t rich by congressional standards, but he is in the happy
position of so many people one encounters in “public service” who
rarely if ever have cause to write a personal check. After the
congressman’s grotesque selfpitying ululations on the House floor
for the injustice of being “censured” for his conduct, Kerry Picket
of the Washington Times invited him to imagine what
punishment the “average American citizen” would have received had
he done what Rangel did. “Please,” the congressman told her. “I
don’t deal in average American citizens.”71
If only. Pete Stark has been in the House of
Representatives since 1973. For all those decades, he has sworn to
uphold the Constitution of the United States. What’s in there? Let
Pete explain it. In 2010, running for his nineteenth term in
Congress, Stark was asked about the constitutionality of ObamaCare.
He replied: “I think there are very few constitutional limits that
would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect
your private life.”72
His lady questioner wanted to be sure she’d
understood: “Is your answer that they can do anything?”
Stark responded: “The federal government, yes, can
do most anything in this country.”
He’s right. If the Commerce Clause can be stretched
to require you to make arrangements for your health care that meet
the approval of the national government, then the republic is
What’s the very least that we’re entitled to expect
of our legislators? That they know what they’re legislating. John
Conyers has been in the House of Representatives since 1965. Like
most representatives, he didn’t bother reading the 3,000-page
health-care bill he voted for, because, as he said with disarming
honesty, he wouldn’t understand it even if he did: “I love these
members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’” sighed Congressman
Conyers. “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages
and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it
means after you read the bill?”73
Okay, so it would be unreasonable to expect a
legislator to know what it is he’s actually legislating into law.
He’s got wall-to-wall aides to do that for him. When you’re
rejiggering more than one-sixth of the economy and incurring
massive future debt, that’s the sort of minor task you can
outsource to a flunkey. It would be churlish to direct readers to
the video posted on the Internet of Representative Conyers finding
time to peruse a copy of Playboy while on a commuter flight
to Detroit.74 Perhaps if the ObamaCare bill had had
a centerfold of Kathleen Sebelius on page 1,872, or maybe a “Girls
of the Health & Human Services Death Panel” pictorial ...
Two-thousand-page bills, unread and indeed
unwritten at the time of passage, are the death of representative
government. They also provide a clue as to why, in a country this
large, national government should be minimal and constrained. Even
if you doubled or trebled the size of the legislature, the Conyers
plea would still hold: no individual can read these bills and
understand what he’s voting on. That’s why the bulk of these
responsibilities should be left to states and subsidiary
jurisdictions, which
can legislate on such matters at readable length and in
comprehensible language.
But there’s a more basic objection: Conyers is
correct. He doesn’t need to read the bill because he is no longer a
maker of law. Law rests on the principle of equality before it.
When a bill is two thousand pages, there’s no equality: instead,
there’s a hierarchy of privilege. One state is treated differently
from another, out of raw political necessity. For ObamaCare,
Nebraska got a “Cornhusker Kickback,” but there was no “Granite
State Graft” for New Hampshire, because there was no political need
for one. Some citizens (i.e., members of powerful unions and
approved identity groups) are treated differently from other
citizens (i.e., you). It’s not a law so much as a Forbes 500 List,
a hit parade of who’s most plugged in to who matters in Washington,
with Nebraska senators and UAW honchos at the top, and a loser like
you way down at the bottom. And even then, as happened almost as
soon as ObamaCare had passed, the un-level playing field had to be
re-landscaped with additional hillocks and valleys containing
opt-outs for McDonald’s, the United Federation of Teachers, and
anyone else powerful enough to get past the Obama switchboard
operator.75 So Conyers has to worry only that his
client groups have been taken care of: he doesn’t deal in average
American citizens, as Charlie Rangel would say. Joe Average and all
the rest can be left to the agency of this, the board of that, the
commission of the other, manned by millions of bureaucrats whose
role is to determine, arbitrarily but authoritatively, which of the
multiple categories of Unequal-Before-the-Law Second-Class (or
Third-Class, or Fourth-Class) Citizenship you happen to fall
The lifetime professional legislative class boasts
of its “experience.” Experience of what? Of spending beyond not
their means but ours. The Emirs of Incumbistan have presided over
an explosion of government, an avalanche of debt, and the looting
of America’s future. Robert C. Byrd named buildings after himself;
Eddie Bernice Johnson handed out a third of Congressional Black
Caucus college scholarships to her own grandchildren and the family
of her senior aide;76 Charlie Rangel fiddled his expenses
while Rome burned through our money. Focused on their petty
privileges, they were happy to sub-contract law-making to others.
The Emirs corrupted not just themselves but the very idea of
responsible government. And far from the ballot box, alternative
sources of power arose.
Behind our left-wing legislators are lefter judges.
In a country where every other institution has lost legitimacy,
only our robed rulers still command widespread deference. So these
days the left advances its causes more effectively through the
courts than through elections, for the fairly obvious reason that
very few people are dumb enough to vote for this stuff. The
judiciary legislates fundamental issues—abortion, gay marriage,
illegal immigration, health care—and thereby supplies electoral
cover for Democrats. As Nancy Pelosi explained, “It is a decision
of the Supreme Court. So this is almost as if God has
spoken.”77 So that’s that. Love to help you,
says Nancy, take your point, but there’s nothing I can do.
That’s not how Abraham Lincoln saw it: “If the
policy of the government upon vital questions affecting the whole
people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme
Court... the people will have ceased to be their own
Which they have.
America is unique in this regard. In Europe, if the
establishment wants to invent a new “right”—that is, yet another
intrusion by government—it goes ahead and does so. If it happens to
conflict with this year’s constitution, they rewrite it. But the
United States is the only western nation in which the rulers invoke
the Constitution for the purpose of overriding it.
What Judge Bolton in the Arizona immigration case
and Judge Walker in the California marriage case share with Mayor
Bloomberg’s observations on popular opposition to the Ground Zero
mosque is a contempt for the
people. Popular sovereignty may be fine in theory but not when the
citizenry are so obviously in need of “re-education” by their
betters. The alliance of political statists and judicial statists
is moving us into a land beyond law—a land of apostasy trials. The
Conformicrats have made a bet that the populace will willingly
submit to subtle but pervasive forms of re-education camp. Over in
England, London’s transportation department has a bureaucrat whose
very title sums up our rulers’ general disposition toward us: Head
of Behavior Change.
In 2008, when the Canadian Islamic Congress
attempted to criminalize my writing north of the border by taking
me to the “Human Rights” Commission, a number of outraged American
readers wrote to me saying, “You need to start kicking up a fuss
about this, Steyn, and then maybe Canadians will get mad and elect
a conservative government that will end this nonsense.”
Made perfect sense. Except that Canada already had
a Conservative government under a Conservative prime minister, and
the very head of the “human rights” commission investigating me was
herself the Conservative appointee of a Conservative minister of
justice. Makes no difference. Once the state swells to a certain
size, the people available to fill the ever expanding number of
government jobs will be statists—sometimes hard-core Marxist
statists, sometimes social-engineering multiculti statists,
sometimes fluffily “compassionate” statists, sometimes patrician
noblesse oblige statists, but always statists. The short
history of the post-war western democracies is that you don’t need
a president-for-life if you’ve got a bureaucracy-for-life: the
people can elect “conservatives,” as from time to time the Germans
and British have done, and the left is mostly relaxed about it
because, in all but exceptional cases (Thatcher), they fulfill the
same function in the system as the first-year boys at wintry
English boarding schools who for tuppenceha’penny would agree to go
and take the chill off the toilet seat in the unheated lavatories
until the prefects were ready to stroll in and assume their
rightful place. Republicans have gotten good at keeping the seat
Thus, America in the twenty-first century—a
supposedly “center-right” nation governed by a left-of-center
political class, a lefter-of-center judiciary,
a leftest-of-center bureaucracy, all of whom have been educated by
a lefterooniest-of-all academy.
Liberalism, as the political scientist Theodore
Lowi put it, “is hostile to law,” and has a preference for “policy
without law.”79 The law itself doesn’t really matter
so much as the process it sets in motion—or, as Nancy Pelosi
famously told the American people regarding health care, “We have
to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it.”80 When Lowi was writing in the
Seventies, he noted that both the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC) were set up by a Congress that didn’t identify a single
policy goal for these agencies and “provided no standards
whatsoever” for their conduct. So they made it up as they went
Where do you go to vote out the CPSC or OSHA?
Or any of the rest of the unaccountable acronyms
drowning America in alphabet soup. For more and more Americans, law
has been supplanted by “regulation”—a governing set of rules not
legislated by representatives accountable to the people, but
invented by an activist bureaucracy, much of which is well to the
left of either political party. As the newspapers blandly reported
in 2010, the bureaucrats weren’t terribly bothered about whether
Congress would pass a cap-and-trade mega-bill into law because, if
fainthearted Dems lose their nerve, the EPA will just “raise”
“standards” all by itself.81
Where do you go to vote out the EPA?
Congress stripped provisions for end-of-life
counseling (the so-called “death panels”) out of the ObamaCare
bill, but Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human
Services, put ’em back on her say so.82 And why shouldn’t she? As Philip
Klein pointed out in the American Spectator, the new law
contained 700 references to the Secretary “shall,” another 200 to
the Secretary “may,” and 139 to the Secretary “determines.” So the
Secretary may and shall determine pretty much anything she wants.
Plucked at random:
The Secretary shall develop oral healthcare
components that shall include tooth-level
“Tooth-level surveillance”: from colonial subjects
to dentured servants in a mere quarter-millennium.
Where do you go to vote out “the Secretary”?
And so “We the people” degenerates into “We the
regulators, we the bureaucrats, we the permit-issuers, we the
czars.” Dancing with the czars is unrepublican. “Ignorantia juris
non excusat” is one of the oldest concepts of civilized society:
ignorance of the law is no excuse. But today we’re all ignorant of
the law, from John Conyers and the guys who make it down to li’l
ol’ you on the receiving end. How can you not be? Under the
hyper-regulatory state, any one of us is in breach of dozens of
laws at any one time without being aware of it. In a New York deli,
a bagel with cream cheese is subject to food-preparation tax, but a
plain bagel with no filling is not.84 Except that, if the clerk slices the
plain bagel for you, the food-preparation tax applies. Just for
that one knife cut. As a progressive caring society, New York has
advanced from tax cuts to taxed cuts. Oh, and, if he doesn’t
slice the plain bagel, but you opt to eat it in the deli, the food
preparation tax also applies, even though no preparation was
required for the food.
Got that? If you’ve got a deli, you better have,
because New York is so broke they need their nine cents per sliced
bagel and their bagel inspectors are cracking down. How does the
song go? “If I can make it there/I’ll make it anywhere!” If you can
make it there, you’re some kind of genius. To open a restaurant in
NYC requires dealing with the conflicting demands of at least
eleven municipal agencies, plus submitting to twenty-three city
inspections, and applying for thirty different permits and
certificates. Not including the state liquor license.85 The city conceded that this could all
get very complicated. So what did it do to help would-be
restaurateurs? It set up a new bureaucratic body to help you
negotiate your way through all the other bureaucratic bodies.
Great! An Agency of Bureaucratic Expeditiousness! And, if that
doesn’t work, they’ll set up an Agency of Bureaucratic
Expeditiousness Regulation to keep it up to snuff.
In such a world, there is no “law”—in the sense of
(a) you the citizen being found by (b) a jury of your peers to be
in breach of (c) a statute passed
by (d) your elected representatives. Instead, unknown, unnamed,
unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats determine transgressions,
prosecute infractions, and levy fines for behavioral rules they
themselves craft and which, thanks to the ever more tangled
spaghetti of preferences, subsidies, entitlements, and incentives,
apply to different citizens unequally. But tyranny is always
whimsical. You may be lucky: you may not catch their eye—for a
while. But perhaps your neighbor does, or the guy down the street.
No trial, no jury, just a dogsbody in some office who pronounces
that you’re guilty of an offense a colleague of his invented.
One morning, I strolled into my office in New
Hampshire and noticed a letter on my assistant’s desk from the
State of New York’s Bureau of Compliance informing us that we were
in non-compliance with the Bureau of Compliance.
This was news to me. I don’t live in New York, I
don’t own a business in New York, I don’t make anything in New
York, I don’t sell anything in New York, I rarely visit New York
except to fly in once in a while and catch a Broadway show (which
I’ll now be doing on its out-of-town tryout in New Haven).
Nevertheless, the State of New York had notified me that I was in
non-compliance with the Bureau of Compliance, and apparently the
fine for that is $14,000.
“Fourteen grand?” I roared to my lawyer. “On
principle, I’d rather go to jail and be gang-raped by whichever
bunch of convicted Albany legislators I have the misfortune to be
sharing a cell with.”
“I take it then you don’t want to settle?”
No, sir. I’m proud to be in non-compliance with the
Bureau of Compliance. I’ve put it on my business card. Still, I was
interested to read this a few days later in the New York
Albany—As Gov. David A. Paterson calls lawmakers
back to work on the budget this week, he has announced that the
fiscal situation is so serious that he must begin laying off state
workers. But there is one wrinkle, as officials try to pare
spending: No one knows for sure how big the state work force
actually is.86
Oh, my. You’d think that that would also be in
non-compliance with the Bureau of Compliance, wouldn’t you? But no,
it’s just business as usual. They can audit you, but no one can
audit them. You have to comply with them, but they don’t have to
comply with them. The Times attempted to get some ballpark
figures from the hundreds of state agencies; a few provided
employment numbers, but others “seemed unaccustomed to public
inquiry,” as the newspaper tactfully put it.
Why wouldn’t they be? Government accounting is a
joke. In one year (2009), Medicare handed out $98 billion in
improper or erroneous payments. 87 A tenth of a trillion? Ha! Rounding
error. Look for it in the lineitems under “Miscellaneous.” For an
accounting fraud of $567 million, Enron’s executives went to jail,
and its head guy died there.88 For an accounting fraud ten times
that size, the two Democrat hacks who headed Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac, Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick, walked away with a
combined taxpayer-funded payout of $116.4 million. Fannie and
Freddie are two of the largest businesses in America, but they’re
exempt from SEC disclosure rules and Sarbanes-Oxley “corporate
governance” burdens, and so in 2008, unlike Enron, WorldCom, or any
of the other reviled private-sector bogeymen, they came close to
taking down the entire global economy. What then is the point of
the SEC?
By 2005, the costs of federal regulatory compliance
alone (that is, not including state or local red tape) were up to
$1.13 trillion—or approaching 10 percent of GDP.89 In much of America, it takes far more
paperwork to start a business than to go on welfare. In the words
of a headline in the organic free-range hippie-dippy magazine
Acres, “Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal.”90
The most vital element in a dynamic society is the
space the citizen has to live life to his fullest potential. Big
Government encroaches on this space unceasingly. Under the acronyms
uncountable, we have devolved from
republican self-government to a micro-regulated nursery. The book
What’s the Matter with Kansas? gives the game away in its
very title. What’s the matter with Kansas is that it declines to
vote as the statists would like. It surely cannot be that there is
something the matter with the statists, so there must be something
the matter with their subjects: they’re too ill-educated, or
manipulated by advertisers, or deceived by talk radio, or just
plain lazy to understand their own best interests. Therefore, it is
our duty, as enlightened progressives, to correct their
misunderstanding of themselves and decide on their behalf. In a
famous interaction at an early tea party, CNN’s Susan Roesgen
interviewed a guy in the crowd and asked why he was here:
“Because,” said the Tea Partier, “I hear a president say that he
believed in what Lincoln stood for. Lincoln’s primary thing was he
believed that people had the right to liberty, and had the right
But Miss Roesgen had heard enough: “What does this
have to do with your taxes? Do you realize that you’re eligible for
a $400 credit?”
Had the Tea Party animal been as angry as Angry
White Men are supposed to be, he’d have said, “Oh, push off, you
condescending tick. Taxes are a liberty issue. I don’t want a $400
‘credit’ for agreeing to live my life in governmentapproved ways.”
Had he been of a more literary bent, he might have adapted Sir
Thomas More’s line from A Man for All Seasons: “Why, Susan,
it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world...
but for a $400 tax credit?”
But Miss Roesgen wasn’t done with her “You may
already have won!” commercial: “Did you know,” she sneered, “that
the state of Lincoln gets $50 billion out of this stimulus? That’s
$50 billion for this state, sir.”
Golly! Who knew it was that easy? $50 billion!
Where did it come from? Did one of those Somali pirate ships find
it just off the coast in a half-submerged treasure chest, all in
convertible pieces of eight or Zanzibari doubloons? Or is it
perhaps the case that that $50 billion has to be raised from the
same limited pool of 300 million Americans and their as yet unborn
descendants? And, if so, is giving it to the (bankrupt) “state of
Lincoln” likely to be of much benefit to the citizens? Government
money is not about the money, it’s about the government. It’s about
social engineering—a $400 tax
credit for falling into line with Barack Obama, Susan Roesgen, and
the “Head of Behavior Change.” That’s why these protests are called
Tea Parties—because the heart of the matter is the same question
posed two-and-a-third centuries ago: Are Americans subjects or
citizens? If you’re a citizen, then a benign sovereign should not
be determining “your interests” and then announcing that he’s
giving you a “tax credit” as your pocket money.
In Political Economy (1816), Thomas
Jefferson wrote that “to take from one because it is thought that
his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in
order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised
equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first
principle of association—‘the guarantee to every one of a free
exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.’” To do so
on the scale modern western societies do leads to two obvious
problems: First, you can’t erect a system of socioeconomic
redistribution as extravagant as Susan Roesgen favors without
losing a lot of the money en route. How much money do you have to
take from Smith to give a $400 tax credit to Jones? Government
isn’t an efficient delivery system; it’s a leach-field pipe with
Smith at one end and Jones at the other and holes every couple of
inches with thousands of bureaucrats sluicing all the way along.
That’s why we’ve wound up with a situation worse than that foreseen
by Jefferson. America is not a society comprising two groups—one
that has “acquired too much” and one that has “not exercised equal
industry and skill”—but a society dominated by a third group, a
government bureaucracy that has “acquired too much” and, to add
insult to financial injury, is not required to “exercise equal
And, when the state is that large, it takes not
only the fruits but the fruit pies of your labors.
On the first Friday of Lent 2009, a state inspector
from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture raided the fish fry
at St. Cecilia’s Catholic
Church in Rochester. He had been there for his annual inspection
of the church’s kitchen, but, while going about his work, he espied
an elderly parishioner unwrapping some pies.
He swooped. Would these by any chance be
homemade pies? Sergeant Joe Pieday wasn’t taking no for an
answer. The perps fessed up:
Josie Reed had made her pumpkin pie.
Louise Humbert had made her raisin pie.
Mary Pratte had made her coconut cream pie.
And Marge Murtha had made her farm apple pie.
And, by selling their prohibited substances for a
dollar a slice, these ladies and their accomplices were committing
a criminal act. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, it is illegal
for 88-year-old Mary Pratte to bake a pie in her kitchen for sale
at a church fundraiser. The inspector declared that the baked goods
could not be sold.92
St. Cecilia’s holds a fish fry every Friday during
Lent, and regular church suppers during the rest of the year.
That’s a lot of pie to forego. What solutions might there be? The
inspector informed the ladies they could continue baking pies at
home if each paid a $35 fee for him to come ’round to her home and
certify her kitchen as state-compliant. “Well, that’s just
ridiculous,” Louise Humbert, seventy-three, told the Wall Street
Alternatively, they could bake their pies in the
state-inspected kitchen at the church. As anyone who bakes pies, as
opposed to regulating them, could tell the inspector, if you
attempt to replicate your family recipe in a strange oven, it
doesn’t always turn out like it should.
A local bakery stepped in and donated some pies.
But that’s not really the same, is it? Perhaps a more inventive
solution is required. In simpler times, Sweeney Todd, purveyor of
fine foodstuffs to Mrs. Lovett’s pie shop in Fleet Street, would
have been proposing we drop the coconut cream and replace it with
state-inspector pie, perhaps with a lattice crust, symbolizing the
prison bars he ought to be behind. Problem solved. Easy as pie, as
we used to say.
Instead, bye bye, Miss American Pie.
No matter how you slice it, this is tyranny. When I
first came to my corner of New Hampshire, one of the small
pleasures I took in my new state were the frequent bake sales—the
Ladies’ Aid, the nursery school, the church rummage sale. Most of
the muffins and cookies were good; some were exceptional; a few
went down to sit in the stomach like overloaded barges at the
bottom of the Suez Canal. But even then you admired if not the
cooking then certainly the civic engagement. In a small but
tangible way, a person who submits to a state pie regime is a
subject, not a citizen—because participation is the essence of
citizenship, and thus barriers to participation crowd out
citizenship. A couple of kids with a lemonade stand are learning
the rudiments not just of economic self-reliance but of civic
identity. So naturally an ever multiplying number of jurisdictions
have determined to put an end to such a quintessentially American
institution. Seven-year-old Julie Murphy was selling lemonade in
Portland, Oregon, when two officers demanded to see her “temporary
restaurant license.” Which would have cost her $120. When she
failed to produce it, they threatened her with a $500 fine, and
also made her cry.93 Perhaps like the officers of Saudi
Arabia’s mutaween (the “Commission for the Promotion of
Virtue and Prevention of Vices”) the cheerless scolds of Permitstan
could be issued with whips and scourges to flay the sinners in the
street. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade—and then watch
the state enforcers turn it back into sour fruit.
It is part of a sustained and all but explicit
assault on civic participation, intended to leave government with a
monopoly not just of power but of social legitimacy. So, while
thanking that local bakery in Pennsylvania for their generosity in
stepping up to the plate, we should note that, just as gun control
is not about guns but control, so pie control is likewise not about
pies, but about ever more total control.
Indeed, we do an injustice to ye medieval tyrants
of yore. As Tocqueville wrote: “There was a time in Europe in which
the law, as well as the consent of the people, clothed kings with a
power almost without limits. But almost never did it happen that
they made use of it.”
True. His Majesty was an absolute tyrant—in theory.
But in practice he was in his palace hundreds of miles away. A
pantalooned emissary might come prancing into your dooryard once
every half-decade and give you a hard time, but for the most part
you got on with your life relatively undisturbed. In Tocqueville’s
words: “Although the entire government of the empire was
concentrated in the hands of the emperor alone, and although he
remained, in time of need, the arbiter of all things, the details
of social life and of individual existence ordinarily escaped his
Just so. You were the mean and worthless subject of
a cruel and mercurial despot but, even if he wanted to, he lacked
the means to micro-regulate your life in every aspect. Yet what
would happen, Tocqueville wondered, if administrative capability
were to evolve to make it possible “to subject all of his subjects
to the details of a uniform set of regulations”?
That moment has now arrived. Thanks to computer
technology, it’s easier than ever to subject the state’s subjects
to “a uniform set of regulations.”
Back in the 1990s, Bill Clinton famously said, “The
era of Big Government is over.”94 What we have instead is the era of
lots and lots of itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy morsels of small
government that cumulatively add up to something bigger than the
Biggest Government of all—a web of micro-tyrannies which, in their
overbearing pettiness, ensnare you at every turn.
Marge Murtha can make an apple pie. What can a
regime that criminalizes such a pie make? That’s easy: Big
Government makes small citizens.
Like to mull that thought over a cup o’ joe? Sorry,
I’d love to offer you one, but it’s illegal. With its uncanny
ability to prioritize, California, land of Golden Statism for
unionized bureaucrats, is cracking down on complimentary coffee.
From the Ventura County Star:
Ty Brann likes the neighborly feel of his local
hardware store. The fourth-generation Ventura County resident and
small business owner has been going to the B & B Do it Center
on Mobile Avenue in Camarillo for many years.... So when he
learned the county had told B & B it could no longer put out
its usual box of doughnuts and coffee pot for the morning
customers, Brann was taken aback.95
Dunno why. He lives in California. He surely knows
by now everything you enjoy is either illegal or regulated up the
wazoo. The Collins family had been putting a coffee pot on the
counter for fifteen years, as the previous owners of the store had
done, too, and yea, back through all the generations. But in
California that’s an illegal act. The permit mullahs told Randy
Collins that he needed to install stainless steel sinks with hot
and cold water and a prep kitchen to handle the doughnuts. “What
some establishments do is hire a mobile food preparation services
or in some cases a coffee service,” explained Elizabeth Huff,
“Manager of Community Services” (very Orwellian) for the Ventura
County Environmental Health Division. “Those establishments have
permits and can operate in front of or even inside of the
Even inside? Gee, that’s big of you. “Those
establishments have permits”? In California, what doesn’t?
Commissar Huff added that there are a range of permits of varying
costs. No doubt a plain instant coffee permit would be relatively
simple, but if you wished to offer a decaf caramel macchiato with
complimentary biscotti additional licenses may be required.
“We’re certainly working with the health
department,” said Mr. Collins. “We want to be in compliance with
the law.”
When the law says that it’s illegal for a
storekeeper to offer his customer a cup of coffee, you should be
proud to be in non-compliance. Otherwise, what the hell did you
guys bother holding a revolution for? Say what you like about
George III, but he didn’t prosecute the Boston Tea Party for
unlicensed handling of beverage ingredients in a public
This is the reality of small business in America
today. You don’t make the rules, you don’t get to vote for people
who make the rules. But you have to work harder, pay more taxes,
buy more permits, fill in more paperwork,
contribute to the growth of an ever less favorable business
environment, and prostrate yourself before the Commissar of
Community Services—all for the privilege of taking home less and
less money.
The prohibition of non-state-licensed coffee is a
small but palpable loss to civic life—a genuine community service,
as opposed to those “Community Services” of which Elizabeth Huff is
the state-designated “Manager.” Randy Collins and the other
taxpayers of Ventura County pay Commissar Huff’s salary. I would
wager that, like most small business owners, the Collins family
work hard. They take fewer vacations and receive fewer benefits
than Commissar Huff. They will retire later and on a smaller
pension. Yet they pay for her. Big Government requires enough of a
doughnut to pay for the hole: you take as much dough as you can get
away with and toss it into the big gaping nullity of
microregulation. And it’s never enough. And eventually you wake up
and find your state is all hole and no doughnut.
What do we have to show for the political class’
disruption of every field of endeavor? From education to energy,
health care to homeowning, the Conformicrats bungled everything
they touched. You can see the impact of the regulatory state in the
structural transformation of the American economy. From 1947 to the
start of the downturn in 2008, manufacturing declined from 25.6
percent of the economy to 11 percent, while finance, insurance,
real estate, and “professional services” grew from 13.9 percent to
33.5 percent.96 Much of that last category is about
the paperwork necessary to keep whatever it is you do in compliance
with the Bureau of Compliance. Of the remainder, the financial
sector ballooned in support of the Age of Credit, and real estate
was the one thing you could always rely on—“safe as houses,”
So how are those growth “industries” doing today? A
headline from the New York Times:
Real Estate’s Gold Rush Seems Gone for
Which is a problem. For all the novelty junkies
twittering about the Internet age and virtual reality, the
principal asset of most Americans remains the most basic of all:
the bricks and mortar of their rude dwelling. For all the analysts
proclaiming society’s transition from manufacturing to the
“knowledge economy,” for the majority of Americans the surest way
of building wealth at the dawn of the twenty-first century involved
neither knowing nor making anything: you bought a house, and,
simply by doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and watching TV in
it, your net worth increased.
Not anymore. Dean Baker, of the Center for Economic
and Policy Research, calculates that it will take two decades to
recoup the $6 trillion of housing wealth lost between 2005 and
2010.98 Which means that in real terms it
might never be recouped. In the early Seventies, the United States
had about 35 million homes with three or more bedrooms, and about
25 million two-parent families with children. By 2005, the number
of two-parent households with children was exactly the same, but
the number of three-or-more-bedroom homes had doubled to 72
million. As the Baby Boomers began to retire, America had perhaps
as much as a 40 percent over-supply of family-sized houses.99 As Mr. Baker puts it, “People
shouldn’t look at a home as a way to make money because it
Oh. So what does that leave?
The “financial sector”? In the Atlantic
Monthly, Simon Johnson pointed out that, from 1973 to 1985, it
was responsible for about 16 percent of U.S. corporate profits. By
the first decade of the twenty-first century, it was up to 41
percent.101 That’s higher than healthy, but the
“financial sector” would never have got anywhere near that size if
government didn’t annex so much of your wealth—through everything
from income tax to small-business regulation—that it’s become
increasingly difficult to improve your lot in life through
effort—by working hard, making stuff, selling it. Instead, in order
to fund a more comfortable retirement and much else, large numbers
of people became “investors”—
albeit not as the term was traditionally understood. Like
homeowning, it was all very painless: you work for some company,
and it puts some money on your behalf in some sort of account that
somebody on the 12th floor pools together with all the others and
gives to somebody else in New York to disperse among various
parties hither and yon. You’ve no idea what you’re “investing” in,
but it keeps going up, so why do you care? That’s not like a
nineteenth-century chappie saying he’s starting a rubber plantation
in Malaya and, with the faster shipping routes out of Singapore, it
may be worth your while owning 25 percent of it. Or a guy in 1929
barking “Buy this!” and “Sell that!” at his broker every morning.
Instead, in both property prices and retirement plans, an
exaggerated return on mediocre assets became accepted as a
permanent feature of life.
It’s not, and it never can be. In Sebastian Faulks’
novel A Week in December, set during the great unraveling of
2008, the wife of a hedgefundy type muses:
The essential change seemed to her quite simple:
bankers had detached their activities from the real world. Instead
of being a “service” industry—helping companies who had a function
in the life of their society—banking became a closed system. Profit
was no longer related to growth or increase, but became
self-sustaining; and in this semivirtual world, the amount of money
to be made by financiers also became unhitched from normal
It’s one thing to have a financial sector that
provides a means for wealth creators to access equity to advance
economic growth. But, by the time you’re using the phrase “credit
default swap” without giggling, by the time you’re trading not only
in derivatives of derivatives but in derivatives of derivatives of
derivatives (seriously), you’re several links unhitched from any
tangible reality. Tom borrows money from Dick, who turns a nice
profit by selling Dick’s debt to Harry, who covers himself against
the risk of Dick’s
failure to repay by insuring the debt with Nigel, who mentions it
over lunch to Peregrine, who writes it up in his Moneywatch column
as a sign that confidence is returning to the markets. Only when
Peregrine brings it up with Ahmed, the affable imam who lives next
door, does anybody rain on the parade. The Prophet Mohammed, among
his many strictures, enjoins the believers to have no truck with
the frenzied infidel trade in Xeroxed IOUs. Which may be why (in
the financial sector’s in-house version of the demographic
Islamization of Europe) the Age of Credit also saw shariacompliant
finance plant itself in the citadels of the West.
We’re in a worse state than Jonathan Swift’s
banker—we cannot reliably say who has our bonds and therefore our
souls. Thanks to the packaging, repackaging, subcontracting, and
outsourcing of even routine mortgages, millions of home “owners”
have no idea who really holds their property or the terms by which
they can be expelled from it. And nor do the banks. According to
the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, by 2010 the U.S.
financial system “owned” more than 230 trillion dollars’ worth of
derivatives—or about four times the entire planet’s GDP.102
It was Polonius who advised, “Neither a borrower
nor a lender be,” and America at the dawn of the Obama era was
approaching that blessed state. A man who borrows $400,000 for a
house he cannot afford isn’t really a “borrower,” is he? After all,
by 2008 every politician agreed that the priority was to keep
people in “their” homes, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus
was soon calling for a “moratorium on foreclosures,” which is a
polysyllabic way of saying there’s no need to make your monthly
payments. In what sense then is such a man “borrowing”?
And the banker who loaned the 400 grand isn’t a
“lender” of anything terribly real, is he? Not in an era of banking
as performance art. “We refused to touch credit default swaps,” the
author and investment adviser Nassim Taleb said. “It would be like
buying insurance on the Titanic from someone on the
Titanic.”103 But a lot of people did just that.
The Canadian commentator Jay Currie, waxing lyrical, put it this
way: “If two people make a bet on the fall of a raindrop and each
puts up, say, their shoes, the bet is a real
bet. If they put up cash it is very close to a real bet. IOUs are
not much of a bet. Someone else’s IOUs? Still less of a bet. A good
deal of imaginary money is going to money heaven, which is sort of
like saying that your stuffed animal is dead.”104
Except that many people made real-world decisions
with their dead imaginary money. You thought the house you bought
for a hundred grand was now worth a quarter-mil and so you took out
a home-equity loan to buy a camper or to send your kid to private
school. Your stuffed animal has died, but you’ve still got a real
vet’s bill to pay.
And then, just to pile on, the government steps in
to replace all that dead imaginary money with real (or realish)
money. Having, in effect, colluded in the destruction of meaningful
risk-evaluation, Washington decided it was obliged to act—not to
prevent a Thirties-style “credit crunch” but to prop up an
unsustainable form of mock credit that had led to the crisis in the
first place. The state’s response to the downturn was to insist
that we needed to re-inflate the credit bubble. If someone
punctures your balloon, you can huff and puff into it all you want,
but you’re never going to get it up in the air again. The Obama
administration blew a trillion dollars of “stimulus” into the
punctured credit balloon, and it flew out the gaping hole in the
back, dropped into the Potomac, and floated out to sea.
“Borrowing,” continues Polonius, “dulls the edge of
husbandry”—and that goes double for government, whose husbandry is
dulled in the best of times. The state spends too much. So the
individual spends too much. The state hires too many people on whom
it lavishes too many benefits. So those foolish enough to remain in
the private sector have to pay for the benefits of the public
sector, and fund both their basics (housing) and their baubles
(plasma TVs) through debt. At the start of the Reagan
administration, America was the world’s largest creditor nation and
its citizens had a 10 percent savings rate.105 Not today: By 2007, the average U.S.
household had debts equivalent to 130 percent of income.106 Keynes’ view of the economy derived
from the premise that a government treasury was not a family purse,
and so the state, unlike the household, could borrow to
“invest.” Now, the family purse has caught up: Governments and
individuals alike borrow extravagantly—and to “consume” in the most
transient sense rather than invest in anything meaningful.
The intellectual cover for America’s structural
deformation was provided by “globalization.” Some of us have always
been in favor of the “global economy.” If I want to buy a CD or a
sofa, I don’t think it’s any business of the government whether it
comes from Cleveland or Milan or Ougadougou. As Adam Smith and John
Stuart Mill will tell you, free trade has been indispensable to
economic vitality from the Netherlands to Bengal. But you no longer
hear much about “free trade.” That humdrum, prosaic
supply-anddemand concept yielded to a glittering new coinage:
“globalization,” less a commercial mechanism than an
But what does this mysterious metaphysical force
called “globalization” actually boil down to? At the end of 2008, a
few weeks after Barack Obama’s historic election, the media
reported on America’s Christmas shopping spree. “Retail Sales
Plummet,” read the headline in the Wall Street Journal.
“Sales plunged across most categories on shrinking consumer
That’s great news, isn’t it? After all, everyone
knows Americans consume too much. What was it that then Senator
Obama had said on the subject only a few months before? “We can’t
just keep driving our SUVs, eating whatever we want, keeping our
homes at 72 degrees at all times regardless of whether we live in
the tundra or the desert and keep consuming 25 percent of the
world’s resources with just four percent of the world’s population,
and expect the rest of the world to say, ‘You just go ahead, we’ll
be fine.’”108
And by jiminy, we took the great man’s words to
heart. SUV sales nosedived, and 72 is no longer your home’s
thermostat setting but its current value expressed as a percentage
of what you paid for it. If I understand the
president’s logic, in a just world Americans would be 4 percent of
the population and consume 4 percent of the world’s resources. And
in his first year in office we made an excellent start toward that
blessed utopia: Americans were driving smaller cars, buying smaller
homes, giving smaller Christmas presents.
And yet, strangely, the Obama administration wasn’t
terribly happy about the Obamafication of the U.S. economy. The
Democrats immediately passed a bazillion dollar “stimulus” package
to “stimulate” us back into our bad old ways, and, when that didn’t
work, Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve printed another gazillion
dollars in “quantitative easing” to lure us back into the
And how did the rest of the world, of whose tender
sensibilities Senator Obama was so mindful, feel about the collapse
of American consumer excess? They were aghast, and terrified—as you
would be if you suddenly found yourself strapped into a nightmare
ride on a one-way express elevator into the abyss.
They didn’t put it that way, of course. Economics
correspondents instead penned erudite thumbsuckers about how the
global economy needed to restore aggregate demand. Which is a fancy
term for you—yes, you, Joe Lardbutt, the bloated, disgusting
embodiment of American excess, driving around in your Chevy
Behemoth, getting two blocks to the gallon as you shear the roof
off the drive-thru lane to pick up your $7.93 decaf
gingersnap-mocha-pepperoni-zebra mussel frappuccino, which makes
for a wonderful thirst-quencher after you’ve been working up a
sweat watching the 78” TV in your rec room with the thermostat set
to 87. The message from the European political class couldn’t be
more straightforward: if you crass, vulgar Americans don’t ramp up
the demand, we’re kaput. Unless you get back to previous levels of
planet-devastating consumption, the planet is screwed.
“Much of the load will fall on the U.S.,” wrote
Martin Wolf in the Financial Times, “largely because the
Europeans, Japanese and even the Chinese are too inert, too
complacent, or too weak.”109 The European Union
has 500 million people, compared with America’s 300
million.110 Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and
Spain are advanced economies whose combined population adds up to
that of the United States. Many EU members have enjoyed for decades
the enlightened progressive policies that Americans didn’t find
themselves on the receiving end of until the Obama-Pelosi-Reid era.
Why then are these advanced societies so “inert” that their
economic fortunes depend on the despised, moronic Yanks?
Well, that’s globalization. All the stuff that used
to be made in America is now made somewhere else. But the people
who buy it are still Americans. That part hasn’t changed.
So, if Americans don’t make any of this stuff,
where do they get the money to buy it?
By borrowing it. Once you’re paying what citizens
of free societies do in taxes, what’s left barely covers room and
board. So life’s little luxuries—or cheap plastic Chinese-made
luxuries—have to be paid for through debt. So Americans buy toys
that so enrich the Chinese they can afford to lend huge amounts of
money to America to help our government grow even bigger so that
Americans will have to borrow even more money for the next
generation of cheap Chinese toys.
Hey, it’s globalization. What could go wrong?
Entire countries—not just the Third World assembly
plants, but G7 members such as Canada—have economies overwhelmingly
dependent on access to the U.S. market. “Globalization,” translated
out of globaloney, means the American shopping mall is all but
singlehandedly propping up living standards from Ontario to
Indonesia. In 2010 U.S. consumer debt (that means us: not the
spendaholic rulers but the spendaholic subjects) was about $2.5
trillion, or the combined GDP of Canada and India.111 That seems like a lot of money to
borrow in order to buy electronic amusements for a lifestyle we
can’t afford.
But the Chinese are smart guys. They must know
that, right?
Undoubtedly. But the dollar is the global currency
and so, unlike Zimbabwe or even Iceland, America gets to borrow
money in its own bills,
which it has the exclusive right to print as much of as it wants.
So, even if there’s a decline in value, for foreigners there is
perceived to be a limit to the risk: buying U.S. debt is not like
buying Zimbabwe’s debt.
Yes, but why is the dollar still the global
currency if America’s the biggest debtor nation?
That’s about image, too: America is seen as the
guarantor of global order.
But, as noted earlier, when money drains, so does
power—and very quickly, as the British learned after World War II.
Today, money is draining across the Pacific. China Minmetals is a
Fortune 500 company owned and controlled by the People’s
Republic.112 By the way, read that sentence again
and imagine what an H. G. Wells time traveler from the early
Sixties, from the time of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, would make of
it. Yet in the Fortune Top Ten there are three Chinese companies
against two from the United States.113 And China Minmetals is serious
business: they own the Northern Peru Copper Company in
Canada,114 and the Golden Grove copper, lead,
zinc, silver, and gold mines in Western Australia,115 and the mining rights to a huge
percentage of Jamaican bauxite.116 China’s Sinopec bought up Calgary’s
Addax petroleum117 and 9 percent of the Alberta oil
sands business Syncrude,118 and have massively expanded oil
production and development in Sudan and Ethiopia. China’s Sinochem
took over Britain’s Emerald Energy.119 You remember all the “No Blood for
Oil” chants back in 2003? Relax, it’s our blood, their oil. The
biggest foreign investor in post-war Iraq is the developer of the
Ahdab oil field, the China National Petroleum Corporation.120
Think of it as the first settlers did vis á
vis the Indians: the ChiComs sell us trinkets in exchange for
our resources. Lenin boasted that “the capitalists will sell us the
rope with which we will hang them.” His fellow Communists in
Beijing inverted the strategy to lethal effect: they sell us the
rope, and sit back to watch us hang ourselves.
And, where money flows, power follows. Having
turned resource nations in Africa into de facto protectorates,
China has moved on to the
developed world, and bailed out Portugal for $100 billion in
exchange for significant stakes in their national utility
companies.121 Beijing is also the biggest foreign
investor in post-bailout General Motors: they bought 18 percent of
the Obama administration’s IPO in 2010.122 If the Obamaapproved Chevy Volt
isn’t environmentally friendly enough for you, wait for the new
Chevy Rickshaw. Can you still, as Dinah Shore sang, see the USA in
your Chevrolet? The Chinese can.
Like America, China has structural defects. It’s a
dictatorship whose authoritarian policies have crippled its human
capital. It has too many oldsters and not enough youth, and among
its youth it has millions of surplus boys and no girls for them to
marry. If China were the inevitable successor to America as global
hegemon, that would be one thing. But the fact that it is incapable
of playing that role is likely to make things even messier, more
unpredictable, and far more destabilizing.
They have our souls who have our bonds. In their
decadence, much of the western elite now think the answer to our
worsening problems is not merely Chinese money but Chinese-style
dictatorial government. If you support Bush’s “Patriot Act,” you’re
endangering civil rights. But if you support eco-totalitarianism,
it’s totally groovy.
In 2008, David Suzuki, Canada’s most famous
environmentalist, suggested that “denialist” politicians should be
thrown in jail.123 Mayer Hillman, senior fellow at
the Policy Studies Institute in London, thinks democratic dissent
from conformocrat-enviro-hysteria needs to be suppressed: “When the
chips are down I think democracy is a less important goal than is
the protection of the planet from the death of life, the end of
life on it. This has got to be imposed on people whether they like
it or not.”124 If the people are too foolish to
vote as their betters instruct, then it will have to be “imposed.”
The earth is your führer. James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard
Institute, agrees on the inadequacy of America’s “democracy” (his
scare quotes) and argues that (to quote the article he wrote for
the South China Morning Post) “Chinese Leadership Needed to
Save Humanity.”125
The New York Times’ Great Thinker Thomas
Friedman regularly channels his inner Walter Duranty: “What if we
could just be China for a day?” he fantasized. “Where we could
actually, you know, authorize the right solutions. . . .”126 Ah, yes. “Authorize” the “right”
solutions without all that messy multi-party democracy getting in
the way: why, in Beijing, where they don’t suffer the disadvantages
of free elections, they banned the environmentally destructive
plastic bag! In one day! Just like that! “One-party autocracy
certainly has its drawbacks,” wrote Friedman. “But when it is led
by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it
can also have great advantages. That one party can just impose the
politically difficult but critically important policies needed to
move a society forward in the 21st century.”127
Ooooo-kay. But, pardon my asking, forward to
When the New York Times’ most prominent
writer comes out in favor of dictatorship, and no one else in the
smart set calls him on it, you get a glimpse at the very least of
the scale of elite contempt for popular sovereignty and the
republic’s animating principles. In breaking faith with the
American idea, the political class got everything wrong: they
exported millions of low-skilled jobs but imported millions of
low-skilled workers; they fund both sides of the war on terror out
of a wanton hostility to domestic energy production that leaves us
dependent on noxious oil dictatorships that use their profits to
wage civilizational warfare. And, having gotten us into this mess,
the way to get us out is “China for a day.” This is the logical
endpoint of a cocooned conformocracy: Big Government having
“imposed” the problems in the first place, only Even Bigger
Government can “impose” the solutions.
Never underestimate the totalitarian temptations of
the smart set. We’ll hear a lot more of that in the years
In this chapter, Steyn writes:
“Barack Obama is so smart he had a fake Martin
Luther King quote sewn onto the Oval Office carpet.… Barbra
Streisand is so smart she sonorously declaimed to a Democratic
Party national gala a fake Shakespeare quote she insisted was from
Julius Caesar.… Hundreds of leftie websites are so smart that,
after the 2011 shootings in Tucson, they all blamed it on Sarah
Palin by using the same fake Sinclair Lewis quote from It Can’t
Happen Here.… Liberals are so smart they teach a fake book in
college (I, Rigoberta Menchu).”
So what’s your best “Liberals are so smart they
…” line?
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