Situation June 1863: the routes of the armies
Situation Noon, June 30: Buford enters Gettysburg
The First Day—dawn: Buford’s defense of Gettysburg
Situation at 9:00 A.M., July I: Buford’s defense
The First Day—11:00 A.M.: situation after the death of Reynolds
The First Day—3:00–4:00 P.M.: attack of Ewell’s Corps on Howard’s flank
Chamberlain’s route to Gettysburg
Situation at the close of the First Day
The Second Day—morning: estimated Union position
The Second Day—morning: Lee’s plan for Longstreet’s assault on the Union left
The Second Day—4:00 P.M.: actual line attacked by Longstreet after Sickles’ move forward
The Second Day—5:00 P.M.: defense of Devil’s Den and Little Round Top