Chapter Eleven
Chelsea woke with a start from a noise sounding in the other room, like a door shutting or opening. Her captors must have returned, but their voices sounded too muffled to tell what they were saying. It probably wasn’t good, whatever it was.
They’d taken off her gag, but her hands and feet remained bound. Despite there being a bed, a chair, and a dresser in the small room, they’d dumped her on the floor with a rope attached to the closet door, preventing her from going anywhere. Her position gave her some hope they weren’t interested in her for sex, but why else take her? Her brain was too numb to think straight.
My God, but it was cold. They had let her keep her jacket on, but they hadn’t given her any water or food since she’d arrived last night. During the ride from her car to this place, they’d blindfolded her. That didn’t mean she had no idea where they’d headed. From the way the engine had groaned then purred, she suspected they were in some mountain cabin. It had taken them about a half an hour to arrive. She knew the time because they’d kept the radio on, and the broadcaster mentioned the time twice.
They’d headed north first, then got off on a smaller road. From there she couldn’t say as there were a lot of switchbacks.
She’d had her iPhone in her jacket pocket, but they’d confiscated it as soon as they brought her in. Otherwise she would have found some chance to call, assuming there was even a signal up here.
She wasn’t sure why they wore masks. She’d know Phil and Dave Scanlon’s voice anywhere. Phil was younger than Ross and Dave was two years older. In a town as small as Pleasure, and them having a father who’d practically built the town from the ground up, the Scanlon kids were always visible and always in trouble.
The door snapped open, and her breath caught. Both men loomed in front of her, their masks tightly in place. To her, the disguise implied they didn’t plan on killing her. Yet.
“We’re friends of Ross Scanlon,” Phil announced.
No shit. “Okay.” Had they expected her to cringe?
Dave stepped forward. “We want you to tell the sheriff Ross didn’t attack you, that you two was just playing around.”
Was he stupid? “I’d really like to help you out, but the sheriff took photos.” She detailed her injuries. “With the record of the bite with his saliva on my skin, how do I explain without incriminating him?”
“Tell him you and Ross like to play rough.”
She wasn’t sure how to respond, but laughing at him wouldn’t have helped. If she agreed right away, they’d know she was lying. “Why don’t you write up something and I’ll sign it.” She tried to smile but couldn’t quite manage. They turned to go. “Wait. Can I get a drink of water? I’m so thirsty, my hand is shaking.” She didn’t want to appear pathetic, but she understood she was losing body heat too fast.
They grumbled something, and she slouched back to her dark, cold corner.
* * * *
Luke jammed his hands in his coat pockets to keep them warm and leaned against her car. “So, where the hell is she?”
Preston’s phone rang. “Yeah, Justin.”
His shoulders eased. Hopefully, the sheriff was calling because he’d discovered something.
Preston nodded. “I appreciate that.” He disconnected.
“Bradford got Judge Williams to issue a court order to the telephone company. If she still has her phone, we might be able to get her GPS coordinates.”
“And if not, we’re screwed.”
Sparks and Evan had searched the other side of the highway before returning to the car. “No sign of her, but there are a few cabins in the mountains that sit vacant all winter. We’re going check them out. Someone might have seen something last night.”
“Let us help.”
Evan rubbed his hands together. “That would make it faster. Let’s sit in the truck. It’s too damned cold out here for my fingers to work.”
He and Preston piled in the back of the cab. Sparks and Evan conferred and came up with six empty cabins that could possibly be used.
“Besides the empty ones, who actually lives up there?” The cabins were a little too far out of town for them to know everyone.
“One belongs to Sara Phillips, another to Mr. and Mrs. Bonheart. Then there’s the Scanlon place, but it’s been empty for a while. It belonged to the brother who went to prison last year.”
Luke punched Preston in the arm. “That’s it, bro. I bet the bastards want revenge for what Chelsea did to Ross.” Excitement filled him at coming up with a clue.
Preston grinned. “I’ll call the sheriff and ask him to give us backup. Sparks, can you give us directions?”
“You bet.”
The fact it was daylight was both an advantage and a disadvantage. The drive would be easier to navigate in the light, but on the other hand, if one of Ross’s brothers had taken her, they’d be sitting ducks coming up the road. Even if they were invited in, there was no way they could search all the rooms without suspicion. Shit.
Sparks handed him the hand-drawn map. “We’re still going to check the other five cabins in case your idea doesn’t pan out.”
“Good. We’ll be in contact if we find her.”
He and Preston got out of the truck and climbed back into their vehicle.
Preston pulled out his phone. “I’m calling Justin and Tom.”
“If he knew her GPS already, he would have called.”
“True, but, besides backup, we could use some rifles. I don’t like going there unarmed.” He called Justin and they devised a plan on how to proceed. He pivoted toward Luke. “They’ll meet us there.”
“Good. Let’s get close and head on up by foot. We might be able to sneak a peek.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
With Sparks’s crudely drawn map in hand, they crossed a road in serious need of plowing. “We’d do better in a snowmobile.”
He glanced at Preston. “You got one hidden in the back?”
“Don’t I wish.”
They kept quiet for the remainder of the drive. Talking would only rile them up. When they got to the last turnoff, Preston cut the engine and maneuvered the vehicle around for a faster escape.
“Good thinking.”
“Let’s hope we don’t need it.” Preston’s phone rang again. “It’s Justin. Yeah?…You sure?…Thanks.”
He faced Luke and smirked. “We got the bastards. Her phone’s in the cabin. Guess they didn’t know about the GPS feature.”
He tamped down his relief. Only when he had Chelsea in his arms would he rejoice. “What’s Justin’s ETA?”
“Too long for me. I think we should chance it. I doubt Dave or Phil will be expecting anyone.”
They both exited the car, and he followed Preston up the path toward the house. The air turned the hairs in his nose to ice. Luke pointed to the recent tire tracks cut into the snow. Clearly, someone had been there.
When the cabin came into view, Luke motioned he’d go east while Preston should take the west side. Their intent was to circle around back and check the windows before confronting whoever was inside.
After making certain their cell phones were turned to vibrate, they began their circuitous path to find the woman they loved.
Luke dashed from one tree to the next until he made it to the back of the house. His breath formed a cloud in the air, which would be easy to see if anyone were looking. When no alarm sounded, he slammed his back against the back wall of the cabin. Preston kept a lower stance as he sprinted across a more exposed area. With both hopefully hidden from view, they slid toward each other.
The cabin had three windows that faced the back, but no doorway. He motioned they take the window nearest each of them. The first window on his side was an empty bedroom with the bed unmade. There was no sign of Chelsea. He looked up, and Preston’s thumb pointed upward. His heart pounded, but the fact his brother didn’t smile turned his stomach to mush.
Ducking, he dashed across the back and peered in Preston’s window. In the far corner, Chelsea was on the floor slumped forward. Her feet were bound. Fists clenched, he wanted to rush in and confront the bastards.
Preston moved closer. “I’ll go to the front and distract them. You break the window and get her out. Give me ninety seconds before you try the escape.”
He nodded. The moment Preston disappeared around the side, Luke dug through the snow for something hard. Six inches down, he hit a rock. Perfect.
Footsteps pounded on the front steps and a shout sounded from inside. With the kidnappers distracted, he smashed the window, reached in, and unlashed the sash. Chelsea glanced up.
With a finger to his lips, he lifted the window and climbed in. Adrenaline flooded his system. He wanted to run to her, hug her, and kiss her, but they couldn’t afford the time. He smiled to let her know she’d be safe.
More shouts sounded in the room. Luke wanted to pick her up and haul her out the window, but instead held up a finger and stood behind the door waiting for someone to barge in.
Chelsea mouthed, “Untie me.”
He wanted to, but he had to take care of the kidnappers first. The bedroom door burst open, and a stocky man rushed in and glanced toward Chelsea. Luke stepped from behind the door, collared him, and yanked hard. A knee to the back and a twist to the man’s neck caused the opponent to drop like a stone tossed off a cliff.
In the other room, Preston was duking it out with a taller man. Luke crept up behind the kidnapper and put a stranglehold on him. The man grabbed Luke’s hands, but with the victim’s stomach exposed, Preston took his best punch. The man groaned and his knees weakened. Luke let go and the guy stumbled backward. The moment Preston moved in, Luke rushed back to Chelsea.
The man in her room was still prone, apparently out cold.
“Are you okay?” His throat had dried.
With his pocketknife, he cut the ties that bound her. The moment she was free, he pulled her to his chest.
“Darlin’, I was so scared.”
She sniffled, and tears flowed down her cheeks. “You? I was scared, too. Those were Ross’s brothers.”
“I know. Did they hurt you?”
“Only from the ropes.”
The relief caused his muscles to nearly give out, but he managed to stand and help her up. Footsteps sounded on the porch, followed by shouts that the sheriff’s department had arrived.
“The cavalry’s here.”
“That sounds like Tom and Justin.”
“It is.”
“How did you find me?”
“Let’s get you out of here, and we’ll tell you the whole story.”
“Sounds good.” She shivered. Luke stepped over to the bed, pulled off the blanket, and draped it over her shoulders.
“We’re never letting you out of our sight again.”
* * * *
“I don’t need to stay in bed.” Chelsea had already had a hot shower and eaten a meal both men had prepared. “I’m good, and I’m sure whoever is cooking downstairs would like to go home sometime.” She’d felt guilty enough that the old man had to cover for her all day yesterday as well as today.
Preston slid down on the bed. “You need to rest after your ordeal.”
“It’s not even 5:00 p.m., and I should see my brothers. I know they’re worried.”
“They’re fine. Vicki’s with them.”
Maybe they were better off. Vicki would fuss over them, and she’d already spoken with Clint when he called to check on her. He said Sanford’s fever had gone down. He, too, had insisted she stay with Luke and Preston for a few days until they were sure there would be no more threats on her life. After all, there was still one more Scanlon brother who’d suspiciously left town, but she bet their insistence might be an excuse to be with Vicki.
“Fine, but I’m not even tired.”
“How about if Luke and I cuddle next to you. I’ll rub your back to help you sleep.”
She liked the cuddle part, but she had no intention of sleeping. “Okay.”
“Hey, Luke,” Preston shouted.
“Bring in the lotion, will ya?”
A moment later, Luke came in with a tall bottle. He smiled. “We ordered some special cream off the Internet.”
Her men were too considerate.
“Let me turn up the heat,” Preston said. “We don’t want you to get chilled while we rub you down.”
“Sounds wonderful.” No man had ever been more considerate.
Luke placed a knee on the bed. “We need to get you out of those clothes, darlin’.”
That worked for her. She was already barefoot, but as soon as she unbuttoned her jeans, Luke’s hands stopped her. “Let me.”
She wasn’t going to argue. When she’d been tied to the wall in that terrible cabin, what kept her going was thinking about her two men making love to her.
He tugged off her jeans and ran his hands up her legs. “Let’s keep the top on for a moment until the heat kicks in.”
She expected him to drag off her panties, but instead, he squirted the lotion in his hands and began his massage on her feet. His thumbs pressed into her tender soles, and she moaned.
Preston came back in from resetting the thermostat. “You started without me.”
She laughed. “There’s plenty to go around.”
He got some lotion, lifted her shirt, and rubbed her stomach. The cool lotion startled her a bit. “It’s cold.”
“I’ll do something about that.” Preston rubbed and rubbed until his heated hands warmed her. When his fingers traveled upward, he contacted her bra. His brows furrowed. “I think we need a new rule in the house. No bras when upstairs.”
She smiled. “You got it, but on one condition.” She didn’t wait for them to ask what it was. “How about you both go shirtless? That way we both get some eye candy.”
Preston looked to Luke and shrugged. “I think we can accommodate you.” With that, they both took off their flannel shirts.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about.”
Preston removed her top and lowered the straps on her bra. He rubbed more cream into her shoulders before applying the cool lotion on the top of her breasts.
“I’m thinking I need to taste these ladies first to see if they even need softening.”
She’d heard come-on lines before, but this might be a first. “Go ahead.”
He dragged his lips between her tits before shoving the cup out of the way and capturing the tip with his mouth. The instant shock made her pussy wet. Oh, how she wanted her men. Her back arched just as Luke’s fingers reached the top of her thigh. Distracted, she diverted her attention to what he was doing. He slipped his finger between her warm folds. She gasped.
“You like that, darlin’?”
“Dumb question.”
“I guess so, since your pussy is dripping for me.” He slid down the red lace panties she’d put on just for them, and his mouth latched onto her opening.
Preston increased his teasing by licking and biting her hardened nipples, almost as if they were competing for her attention. Her mind couldn’t separate the sensations. It was too much, too fast.
She gripped the spread. “Hold it.”
They both stopped and looked up. “What is it?”
“Every time I’m in bed with one of you, you always want to take care of me, but there’s something I’m not getting.”
Their brows furrowed. “What’s that, darlin’? All we’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy.”
“I want to touch you without you touching me back.”
“That will be pure torture,” Preston said.
She grinned. “Precisely.”
When they didn’t respond, she thought they’d turn her down.
“Where do you want us?”
“First I want to strip both of you.” She looked at Luke. “You first.” She patted the bed. “Foot, please.”
With some effort, she got off his boots and socks. Taking her time around his waistband, she eventually unbuttoned his jeans, but not before she licked his flat nipples.
“You’re killing me, darlin’.”
She laughed. “I haven’t even begun. You should just be lucky there’s no icing up here or I’d have to smear it on your body and lick it off.”
That got a groan. “I’m hoping I still get that hot tongue of yours on my cock.”
“Oh, yeah, but you’ll have to wait.” This was going to be fun. “Stand.”
Luke obliged, and she pulled down his pants. Apparently, boxers weren’t part of his attire today, and his big cock popped out, all nice and hard.
She was about to take ahold of him when he grabbed his cock and lowered the head. He stepped forward and dragged it down her stomach.
She backed up. “No touching. You’ll get your turn.”
She picked up the bottle of lotion, put some on her palm, and dragged her hands down his chest, making sure to give an extra rub to his nipples with her thumbs. Going lower, she took her time moving up and down his fabulous abs, enjoying the ridges and valleys of his flesh. But if she was going to last, she couldn’t spend all of her time exploring his glorious body.
“Sit and move back on the bed.” Now for the torture.