This chapter provides guidelines to help
psychologists determine when to refer a child or adolescent for
neuropsychological assessment, neurological examination, or other
neurodiagnostic testing (e.g., CT scan or MRI). Children and
adolescents often need neurological, neuroradiological, and/ or
neuropsychological assessments. Although not every child seen for
cognitive, academic, psychiatric, or behavioral problems requires
further assessment apart from traditional psychoeducational
evaluations, some disorders do need further attention by
specialists to investigate the child’s neurological or
neuropsychological status. Clinical and school psychologists should
be apprised of conditions that typically require further attention.
The nature of neurologic, neuroradiologic, and neuropsychological
assessment will be discussed, along with guidelines for making
referrals. Further, aspects of psychological, psychosocial, and
academic functioning are discussed, as these areas may be seriously
compromised by brain-related disorders of childhood. Integration of
these various evaluation findings are discussed.
The Neurological Examination
Neurological examinations are conducted by
neurologists generally specializing in childhood and adolescent
neurology. Because it is sometimes difficult to differentiate
normal developmental variations from abnormal neurodevelopment in
the first few years of life, it is important to access child
neurologists when there is a question about chronic and serious
neurodevelopmental delays. The neurologist will identify disease,
injury, developmental, or genetic processes that interfere with CNS
functioning. The neurological examination usually consists of the
following: (1) an in-depth review of medical and developmental
history; (2) an assessment of mental status; (3) an assessment of
the functional capacity of the CNS, including the cranial nerves;
(4) an evaluation of motor systems; (5) an assessment of sensory
functions, and (6) an assessment of autonomic functions (Swaiman,
Ashwal, & Ferriero, 2006).
Each area is systematically evaluated through a series of
activities designed to measure muscle tone, cranial nerves, and
primitive and autonomic reflexes. Interpreting information from the
neurological examination is complicated by the child’s age and
intellectual and functional capacity. A look inside the examination
room with a neurologist and patient would show the physician
initially conducting an in-depth developmental interview. Since the
child is present during this procedure and the physician notes the
child’s participation, attention, and language. Moreover, the
child’s facial movements are noted with attention to head nodding,
eye blinking, staring, tics, and movement disorders. In addition,
the physician observes the child’s behavior with regard to his or
her impulsivity, dependence on the parent, and activity level.
Additional observations of parent-child interaction are obtained.
Swaiman et al. (2006) suggests
that the physician consider the following questions: “Does the
child respond positively to the parent’s interaction? Does the
child attempt to manipulate the parent? Is the response transient
or persistent? Is the parent’s attitude one of caring or
After age four, a motor screening examination is
conducted. The neurologist has the child stand in front of him or
her and demonstrate the required motor acts. The child is asked to
hop on one foot and then the other, to walk forward and backward,
to walk on tiptoes, and to walk on heels with toes pointed up.
Additionally, the child is asked to rise from a squatting position,
and to stand with feet together, eyes closed and arms and hands
outstretched from the body and parallel with the floor. These
maneuvers are designed to check for balance, extraneous unnecessary
movement, and the Romberg sign. The Romberg sign is indicative by
the child’s inability to stand still when his or her eyes are
closed (Swaiman et al., 2006). The
child then is asked to touch his or her nose with the finger, both
with eyes closed and with eyes open. Based on this initial
screening, the neurologist will follow up on any abnormalities in
motor coordination. The next portion of the examination involves
testing reflexes. Both deep tendon reflexes (also known as muscle
stretch reflexes) and reflexes appropriate at various ages are
assessed. For the deep tendon reflexes, the neurologist elicits the
reflex with a rubber reflex hammer while the child is seated
quietly. Hyper reflexes (contraction of muscles that generally are
not involved in the reflex) are a sign of corticospinal
dysfunction. Hypo reflexes are most often associated with motor
unit abnormalities of the spinal cord (Swaiman, 1994) or of the cerebellum. Cerebellar functions
are assessed by asking the child to first touch his or her nose and
then the examiner’s finger at various positions. The child is also
asked to run his or her heel down the shin of the opposite leg.
Inability to complete these tasks smoothly may indicate cerebellum
Cranial nerves are evaluated next. Congenital
anomalies as well as traumatic injury can produce observable
neurological signs. See Table 5.1 for a review of some common anomalies that
might be identified when conducting an examination of the cranial
Common anomalies revealed during
examination of the cranial nerves
Name and function
Contributing factors
Olfactory (smell)
Asnomia-loss of smell
Severe head trauma
Frontal lobe gliomas
Olfactory groove meningiomas
Temporal lobe epilepsy
Optic (vision)
Uncoordinated movement
Congenital blindness
Asymmetric nystagmus
Gliomas or craniopharyngiomas
Congenital disorders
Increased cranial pressure
Macula discoloration
Tay-Sachs, metachromatic dystrophy,
Batten’s disease
Retinal bleeding
Intracranial pressure, bleeding, or
Oculomotor (eye movement)
Pupil dilation
Eyes downward
Depression of eye movement
Eye turns medially
Restricted lateral eye movement
Trigeminal (masticatory movement)
Hyperactive jaw
Cerebral trauma
Pseudobulbar palsy
Hypoactive jaw
Bulbar palsy
Facial (facial movement)
Symmetry, upper and lower face
Odd auditory perceptions
Impaired taste and salivation
Bell’s palsy
Auditory (hearing)
Vestibular dysfunction
Vertigo, nystagmus, ataxic gait
Neuromas or skull factures
Tinnitus (ear ringing)
Otosclerosis or toxins (streptomycin or
Glossopharyngeal (tongue and pharynx)
Taste buds
Vagus (heart, blood vessels, viscera,
larynx, and pharynx)
Language expression
Spinal accessory (movement, strength of
neck and shoulder muscles)
Paralysis of head/neck muscles
Hypoglossal (tongue muscles)
Atrophy of tongue
Protrusion of tongue
Eating problems
The sensory system is assessed next. The ability
to sense vibrations, position of limb, and joint sense is
evaluated. To evaluate the child’s ability to localize tactile
information, the neurologist touches various places both
unilaterally and bilaterally with the child’s eyes closed. The
inability to localize touch is associated with parietal lobe
dysfunction (Swaiman et al., 2006). The child is also asked to recognize
various objects which are placed in his or her hand (stereognosis)
with eyes closed. Although these tasks are believed to provide
information as to the integrity of the parietal lobes, attention to
task can interfere with performance.
Muscle strength is also assessed. The child is
asked to push against the examiner’s hand with his or her hand or
foot as hard as possible. He or she may also be requested to push
his/her head against the neurologist’s hand as hard as possible, or
walk on his or her hands while the examiner holds the child’s feet.
Once the child’s feet are placed on the floor, the child is asked
to stand up. Inability to stand without aid is another measure of
muscle strength. To evaluate gait, the child is asked to walk back
and forth and to run. Running exacerbates problems with gait and
can show additional signs of spasticity or jerking movements
(Swaiman, 1994). This section was
a brief overview of a typical neurological examination. The
interested student may wish to observe a neurological examination
in order to obtain a first-hand experience. You may wish to ask a
parent if you can accompany him or her to such an
When to Refer for a Neurological Evaluation
A neurological examination should be considered
under the following conditions:
- 1.
Sudden, unexplained, and prolonged nausea accompanied by high fever, headache, and lethargy that might suggest meningitis or encephalitis
- 2.
Rapid blinking eye movements, visual aura (auditory and sensory auras are not uncommon), blank stares, or head or muscle jerks/spasms that might suggest seizure activity
- 3.
Visual or olfactory hallucinations
- 4.
Sudden motor clumsiness or cerebellar ataxia
- 5.
Prolonged viral infections producing symptoms listed under item 1
- 6.
Head trauma producing nausea, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, or dilated pupils
- 7.
Cranial nerve involvement producing unilateral or bilateral motor weaknesses (e.g., droopy mouth, eyes, or facial muscles, or tongue protrusion)
- 8.
Sudden, unexplained diminution of cognitive, language, speech, memory, or motor functions following normal development
A number of tumor processes, CNS leukemia, CNS
infections (meningitis, encephalitis, and intracranial abscesses),
neuromuscular diseases, and genetic disorders (e.g.,
neurofibromatosis, Sturge-Weber syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis)
produce some of these symptoms (Hynd & Willis, 1988). These conditions typically require
ongoing neurological examination and follow-up. Neurologic
examination is usually part of the diagnostic and treatment
protocol that follows when children display the symptoms described
here. In some instances, neurologists will recommend further
neuroradiological follow-up to ascertain the nature and range of
CNS involvement. In other instances (head injury or suspected brain
tumor or lesion), CAT scans and MRI studies may be warranted
immediately. CT scans, MRI scans, and regional cerebral blood flow
(rCBF) procedures were described in detail in Chapter
Neuroradiological Evaluation
Despite their research potential, CT scans and
MRI procedures are not necessarily part of the typical diagnostic
process for identifying developmental disorders unless there are
other accompanying neurologic signs (e.g., seizures, dysphasia). CT
and MRI techniques are relatively expensive and for the most part
are reserved for diagnosing and treating medical or neurological
conditions affecting the CNS.
When to Refer for Neuroradiolgical Evaluation
A physician generally refers a child or
adolescent for neuroradiological techniques under the following
- 1.
Head trauma
- 2.
CNS tumor processes
- 3.
CNS disease processes involving white matter degeneration
- 4.
Neurodevelopmental anomalies affecting the size or formation of brain structures, such as hydrocephaly or agenesis of the corpus callosum
- 5.
Cerebrovascular diseases (e.g., sickle cell anemia)
- 6.
Dyslexia or other neurodevelopmental disorders when there is a history of seizures, neurological signs, and/or significant language or speech delays
Positive signs on the neurological examination
(see previous section) also may warrant further neuroradiologic
evaluation. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders that affect
brain size, tissue growth, cortical formations, and neural tube and
fusion abnormalities usually require initial diagnostic and ongoing
neuroradiological follow-up.
Finally, repeated neuroradiologic evaluations are
routinely conducted on children with brain trauma to measure
changes in neurologic status (Donders, 2007). Neuropsychological evaluations utilize
measures and methods for determining the neurobehavioral status of
children with various disorders. Guidelines for referral for
neuropsychological evaluation will be explored next.
Neuropsychological Assessment
Neuropsychological assessment procedures are
described in detail in Chapter
6. Neuropsychological tests are generally
administered to investigate the brain-behavior relationship in
children and adolescents and to determine whether cognitive,
academic, and psychiatric disorders are related to abnormal brain
When to Refer for Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological evaluations are generally
recommended under the following conditions:
- 1.
Conditions affecting the CNS that were previously described under neurological and neuroradiological referrals (e.g., head trauma, CNS diseases)
- 2.
Chronic and severe learning disabilities that do not respond to traditional special education or remedial programming, particularly when there is evidence of a pattern of right or left hemisyndrome (lateralizing sensory-motor neurological signs)
- 3.
Severe emotional or behavioral disturbances accompanied by significant learning, intellectual or developmental delays (e.g., motor, speech/language, perceptual) that are particularly resistant to traditional psychopharmacological, psychological, or behavioral interventions
- 4.
Acute onset of memory, cognitive, academic, motor, speech/language, behavioral, and personality deficits that cannot be explained by other psychoeducational evaluations
Neuropsychological evaluations can be used to
diagnose various neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., LD), brain
injuries, and CNS diseases, and for measuring treatment efficacy
and recovery of function (Donders, 2007). See later chapters for methods of
developing interventions for specific childhood disorders.
The Integration of Neurological, Neuroradiological, and Neuropsychological Data
Medical and university labs and clinics are
exploring integrated research protocols including neuroradiological
and neuropsychological data in an effort to more fully understand
the nature of childhood disorders. Clinicians and researchers that
are prominent in this effort include Castellanos et al. (2002),
Giedd et al. (2004), Papanicolaou
(2003), Gabrieli (2003), Semrud-Clikeman et al. (2006), and
Shaywitz et al. (2004), to name a few. In these efforts,
researchers are revealing evidence linking neurocognitive and
neuropsychological deficits to functional brain regions or systems.
In essence, these investigators are providing information to
establish the bidirectional nature of the
neuroanatomical/morphological neuropsychological-functional link.
(This relationship is depicted in Fig. 1.1). While the link between
anatomy and function has generally been downward, these efforts
start at the functional and neuropsychological level and build
upward, establishing a function-to-structure linkage that may lead
to a better understanding of childhood disorders.
Researchers postulate neurobiological models of
childhood disorders, such as dyslexia, and, in an effort to test
these models empirically, information from divergent sources is
analyzed. Typically theories about how the brain functions are
tested by administering neuropsychological tests to carefully
defined groups of children (e.g., dyslexic children with
language-related deficiencies), and then by studying morphological
variations in brain structures using neuroimaging techniques and,
more recently, fMRI procedures. The degree to which specific
neurolinguistic deficiencies are related to morphological
abnormalities or functional differences in brain activation can
thus be investigated. In doing so, researchers are beginning to
answer questions such as these: Do children with language-related
reading disorders have structures that are similar to those
typically found in children in regions presumably mediating
language processes? And, are the measured linguistic difficulties a
function of these unique patterns of brain asymmetry? Shaywitz,
Shaywitz, Pugh, Fulbright, and Skudlarski (2002) have discussed these
morphological-functional relations for children with dyslexia in
detail. The reader is also referred to Pliszka et al.
(2006) for a better understanding
of these brain/behavior interactions in children with ADHD.
The next logical and critical step in developing
a neurobiological model of childhood disorders is to investigate
the extent to which children with cognitive-processing and/or
linguistic deficits respond to differential intervention programs.
Efforts to identify cognitive correlates of reading deficits have
been reviewed by Eden and Moats (2002). A meta-analysis of phonologically based
approaches to remediation found that stressing phonological
processing skills for poor readers improves reading performance
(National Reading Panel, 2000).
These interventions will be explored in more detail in Chapter 10.
In summary, efforts linking neuroradiological and
neuropsychological findings are underway establishing the
bidirectional nature of the relationship between brain structure
and brain function. Integrated research paradigms are important in
this effort, and will advance our basic understanding of childhood
disorders. In the clinical setting, children referred for
neuropsychological evaluation do not necessarily receive
neurological or neuroradiological testing unless there is
accompanying brain damage or suspected CNS disease. Cognitive,
academic, behavioral and psychosocial functioning are also of
interest to the neuropsychologist because these factors may affect
test performance on neuropsychological measures. Thus it is
important to explore alternative hypotheses (e.g., attentional
deficits, motivational variations, depression, anxiety, and/or
oppositional defiance) before making inferences about brain
pathology on the basis of neuropsychological test results. Tests of
psychological functioning that are commonly incorporated into
neuropsychological evaluations are reviewed next. Psychological
factors that have a negative impact on the neuropsychological
evaluation are also explored.
Psychological Assessment of Children with Neurodevelopmental, Neuropsychiatric, and Other CNS Disorders
Achenbach (1990,
2005) suggests that at least six
microparadigms be incorporated in the study of childhood disorders:
biomedical, behavioral, psychodynamic, sociological, family
systems, and cognitive. By drawing from each of these diverse
approaches, questions about childhood disorders can be framed into
an integrated “macroparadigm.” Achenbach describes a model of
multiaxial assessment with specific suggestions for measuring child
Axis I: Parent reports, Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach, 1991)
Axis II: Teacher reports, Child Behavior Checklist Teacher’s Report Form
Axis III: Cognitive assessment, WISC-IV or WAIS-III
Axis IV: Physical assessment, height, weight, and neurologica/medica1 exam
Axis V: Direct assessment, Semistructured Clinical Interview and Youth Self Report (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001).
Neuropsychological evaluations could be
appropriately incorporated into Axis IV of this model. Various
components and techniques recommended for use in a comprehensive
psychological evaluation are discussed briefly. Information
gathered from this evaluation informs the neuropsychologist and
others about the child’s overall cognitive-intellectual,
psychosocial, and academic functioning. This information is helpful
in describing the extent to which brain-related dysfunction affects
these important functional areas of the child.
Impact of Psychological Functioning on Neuropsychological Results
A number of psychological conditions or factors
can have an impact on neuropsychological evaluations that should be
considered when evaluating children and adolescents. These factors
may interact differentially depending on whether the child’s
condition is a result of acquired anomalies (e.g., traumatic brain
injury) or developmental anomalies (e.g., learning or
neuropsychiatric disorders). First, children sustaining traumatic
brain injury may display symptoms of “psychic edema” that interfere
with performance on neuropsychological tests. Inattention,
distractibility, and motivational problems may be present soon
after injury. Although these features frequently subside within
weeks of injury, once the child has stabilized, initial or baseline
neuropsychological evaluation may be contaminated by these
short-term problems (Semrud-Clikeman, 2004). Furthermore, these psychological aspects
may mask other deficits that could ultimately be long-lasting
(e.g., impaired reasoning and planning). For example, tests of
executive functioning (e.g., Wisconsin Card Sort or Category Test)
may be sensitive to these psychological problems.
If a child is inattentive and distractible, then
careful and thoughtful analysis is lacking. Impulsive responses may
be inaccurate. Some children with TBI do continue to display
ADD-like symptoms long after recovery, but the clinician is advised
to consider the initial impact on test results if inattention and
distractibility are observed, particularly when the child’s history
does not suggest that the problems were present preinjury. Second,
language and/or reading delays may make some neuropsychological
items difficult. If a child does not understand the verbal
directions of a test and responds inaccurately, this may indicate a
language comprehension problem rather than a deficit in the
underlying neuropsychological function of interest. For example,
instructions on some psychological and neuropsychological measures
tests (i.e., Trails B from the Halstead Reitan) may prove too
complicated for a child with a receptive language delay. In this
instance, it is imperative to determine whether low scores result
from true reasoning or planning deficits, or from problems in
comprehension. Testing the limits or simplifying instructions may
be helpful in this determination. Further, cognitive delays also
may produce poor performance on measures of global (e.g.,
reasoning, abstract formation, memory) versus specific brain
functioning (e.g., motor speed).
Third, children with conduct-related or
oppositional defiant disorders may show signs of passive
aggressiveness and poor motivation. Refusal or poor effort should
not be confused with neuropsychological deficits. It is also not
uncommon for children with these psychiatric problems to have poor
frustration tolerance. They may give up quickly and become easily
frustrated when they begin to struggle on items that are difficult
(e.g., reasoning tasks). Efforts to improve frustration tolerance
may include using reinforcers (e.g., a soda, a candy bar) or
shorter testing intervals. Fourth, children with ADHD also may make
careless, impulsive errors. Testing on and off medication often
gives the clinician a better picture of the child’s underlying
neuropsychological problems beyond the impulsivity and
distractibility that may be paramount in ADHD. Breaking testing
periods into shorter periods may also improve performance.
Finally, depression and/or anxiety may interfere
with a child’s ability to put forth sustained effort. Children may
appear apathetic, withdrawn, or overly nervous. It is important to
build rapport with the child and to create a supportive,
reinforcing testing climate. Again, testing the child both on and
off medication may be indicated, especially for children who take
antidepressants. The neuropsychological report should reflect any
special testing administration changes or modifications, and should
describe the conditions under which the behaviors were elicited. It
may be helpful to conduct a follow-up evaluation (three to six
months later) if the clinician believes that psychological factors
have rendered the interpretation of neuropsychological findings
suspect or contaminated. An important part of the
neuropsychological evaluation process is a comprehensive
presentation of the information gathered on the child’s behavior
and method of interacting with the examiner.
With the advent of new examination methods for
the neurological functioning of children, neurologists and
neuropsychologists are better equipped to concentrate on areas of
strength and weakness as well as remediation, instead of the
previous emphasis on location of damage or diagnosis. Understanding
when to refer a child for a neuropsychological examination is just
as important as understanding the basic measures that are utilized.
Neuropsychological reports should not only report testing results,
but also provide interventions and understanding of the results.
Many cases that are referred for a neuropsychological evaluation
will often also have psychiatric overtones. A comprehensive
examination provides information about the child’s social and
emotional functioning. For adolescents and adults the MMPI-A and
MMPI-2 are instruments that are frequently utilized. For children
self-report rating scales are generally useful. For some clients
who are either unwilling or unable to describe their difficulties
or who have poor insight, a projective measure will be
Thus, a comprehensive neuropsychological
evaluation encompasses a good psychological assessment and adds
knowledge about brain function as well as possible aspects of
development that may negatively impact brain development and
functioning. These issues are illustrated in the neuropsychological
report provided in this chapter.
The following chapter briefly reviews basic
domains of neuropsychological functioning. It also provides a brief
discussion of the commonly utilized tests for these areas. Further
discussion of set neuropsychological batteries is provided in
Hospital: Developmental/Behavioral Program
Name: Sam
Medical Record Number:
Date of Birth:
Date of
Evaluation: 8/5, 8/12,
Age: 13–10
Reason for Referral
Sam was referred for evaluation by Dr. K to
evaluate his current level of intellectual and academic
functioning. Dr. K evaluated Sam and diagnosed him with ADHD:
combined type, Conduct disorder: adolescent onset, Anxiety disorder
NOS with rule outs for Bipolar disorder, and learning disorders.
Dr. R, child psychiatrist, is evaluating Sam concurrently with this
evaluation. Sam is not currently prescribed any medications.
Background Information
The following information was obtained through
review of medical records, discussion with Dr. K, and parent and
child interviews. Additional information is available through Dr.
K’s report to the interested professional. The following is a
summary of Sam’s history. Sam has a long history of acting out
behaviors and sadness/anxiety disorder. Significant deficits have
been found in attention, social skills, and activity level. His
family history is positive for incarceration and substance abuse
and has been notably unstable. He has been at a juvenile detention
center twice with the most recent stay in the past school year. He
was at the juvenile detention center most recently due to
significant behavioral difficulties at home, school refusal, and
suicidal ideation. Sam’s older brother has been reportedly arrested
several times and is currently in prison for burglary. His mother
also has a history of incarceration and substance abuse, but is
currently working on turning her life around, and she reported she
has been clean for 18 months.
The pregnancy was complicated by the use of
heroin, caffeine, and nicotine during the first trimester,
substances which were discontinued at that time. Pregnancy and
delivery were reported as normal and delivery was by Cesarean
Section. Sam was reported to be an active and fussy baby, but met
all developmental milestones within normal limits. Sam’s mother
reports that he has significant difficulty sleeping and frequently
doesn’t sleep until early morning. Sam attends school at the ALC
and has a history of suspensions and expulsions prior to his
attendance at ALC. His achievement was reported to be in the
average range. Sam has not had a psychological or
neuropsychological evaluation. Dr. K’s report indicates the
presence of depression, anxiety, conduct problems, and peer
problems. These findings were present on both home and school
behavioral checklists and consistent with self-report measures
completed by Sam.
Speech and Language assessment conducted at the
hospital found Sam’s language skills to be within normal limits for
his age. An audiological evaluation through CHOA found an auditory
processing deficit with recommendations for a repeat evaluation in
one year.
Behavioral Observations
Sam was accompanied to the assessment by his
mother. He was tested during two consecutive Thursday appointments
for approximately three hours each. Sam was friendly throughout the
evaluations and seemed to enjoy the tasks at hand. His language was
age-appropriate and his speech was clear and unpressured. He
reported that he had not slept well the nights before the
assessments and was tired. Sam did appear to be lethargic during
the testing which affected his attention at times. He responded
well to redirection and worked on the tasks at hand. On tasks that
were challenging for him Sam would give up easily and appeared to
lack confidence in his abilities. He worked hard throughout the
tests, but did not push himself if he didn’t know the answer. He
did not become unduly frustrated on tasks that were challenging for
him. Given his high level of cooperation, the following results are
felt to be a reliable and valid representation of his level of
current functioning.
Tests Administered
Differential Abilities Scales (DAS), Wechsler
Individual Achievement Test-II (WIAT-II), California Verbal
Learning Test-Children’s Version (CVLT-C), Stroop Color Word Test,
Test of Variables of Attention, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST),
Judgment of Line Orientation (JLO), Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure
Test, Rorschach Inkblot Test, Behavior Assessment System for
Children—parent form (BASC), Review of Medical Records, Clinical
Test Interpretations
Cognitive Functioning
The Differential Abilities Scales (DAS) consists
of core and diagnostic tests of general cognitive ability. The
cognitive subtests assess the child’s ability to understand and use
language, complete puzzles and block designs, and interpret visual
information. The diagnostic subtests evaluate the child’s short-
and long-term memory as well as his speed of information
processing. Sam shows average overall functioning achieving a
general cognitive index of 91 that places him at the 27th national
percentile. There is a 90 percent assurance that his true ability
lies between 86 and 95. There is a significant difference between
his verbal and nonverbal skills; his verbal ability is in the
strong average range and his nonverbal reasoning skills is below
the average for his age. Sam’s spatial abilities are in the average
range. On the verbal subtests Sam shows age- appropriate ability to
define words and use abstract language concepts. He also shows
average perceptual skills. Weakness is present in Sam’s nonverbal
reasoning skills particularly in his ability to recognize patterns
and complete sequencing tasks. The diagnostic tests indicate very
good visual memory, both short- and long-term. His ability to
process information quickly and his recall of auditory information
are in the low average range for his age.
Academic Functioning
The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test is a
measure of general academic functioning in the areas of reading,
arithmetic and writing. On the reading subtests the child is asked
to read single words and also to read a passage and answer
questions about content. On the arithmetic subtests the child is
asked to solve word problems as well as general calculation
problems. The writing subtests require the child to spell words and
then to write a story on a topic.
Sam’s reading skills are within expectations for
his age and grade placement. He shows better abilities
understanding what he has read and appears to use context clues in
order to understand passages. His ability to sound out words is not
as well developed and he would not attempt to sound out words that
he did not know. Sam’s mathematics abilities are his weakest area
particularly in his ability to complete calculation tasks. He has
not mastered fractions and shows poor understanding of decimals.
Sam’s spelling skills are in the below average range and his
ability to write a paragraph is significantly below his age and
ability measures. His story was marked by poor word usage, lack of
punctuation and capitalization, run-on sentences, and limited word
usage. Sam shows adequate development of his ideas. Compared to his
ability, particularly compared to his verbal ability, Sam meets
criteria for a learning disability in mathematics and written
Learning and Memory
The California Verbal Learning Test-Children’s
Version (CVLT-C) was administered to assess Sam’s ability to learn
verbal material after several exposures. The task also provides
measures of recall and recognition of previously learned material.
Sam’s scores on this measure are listed below. Sam shows average
ability to encode and store auditory information. When asked to
recall information after a short period of time, Sam’s scores are
significantly below average. Strategies for recalling information
do not improve his score either in the short- or long-term.
The findings from the memory measures have
important implications for Sam’s school performance. He does not
spontaneously generate efficient strategies for encoding, and may
need to be taught more effective means of remembering new material.
It also appears that new learning may be taking place, but Sam is
having difficulty with retrieval. Thus, he should be provided with
a system of cueing himself to help him to remember information that
he has just learned. Additionally, new learning should be rehearsed
often to help render retrieval somewhat easier. These findings are
consistent with the possibility of a central auditory processing
Executive Functioning
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is a measure of
executive or frontal lobe functioning, including the ability to
form concepts, generate an organizational strategy, and use
examiner feedback to shift strategy to the changing demands of the
task. Sam’s performance is summarized below:
Sam shows excellent executive functioning skills.
He is able to utilize examiner feedback to change his answers and
to respond flexibly to a cognitive task. Sam did show difficulty in
staying on the task and became distracted by additional stimuli.
This finding indicates that he can be distracted from the task at
hand and this hampers his ability to respond.
The Stroop Color Word Test was also administered
to measure Sam’s ability to inhibit responding. The Stroop has
three parts: the first part requires him to read color words as
quickly as possible, then colors, then words that are printed in
opposing colors (the word red is printed in green ink and the child
reads the color of the ink). Sam scored in the low average range in
his ability to read color words quickly and for the colors. He
scored in the below average range in his ability to inhibit his
response when asked to complete the task where he reads the color,
but not the word. He became increasingly frustrated at this task
and this frustration also contributed to his very low score.
Sam was administered the Test of Variables of
Attention (TOVA) to evaluate his abilities. He was administered the
TOVA off of any medication, then on 10 mgs of methylphenidate. His
scores without medication showed difficulties in all areas. With
the medication his scores fell within average ranges.
These findings are consistent with observations
during the evaluation as well as an interview with Sam and his
mother. He endorsed eight symptoms of inattention, three of poor
impulse control and four of high activity level. These findings are
similar to those reported by Dr. K.
Perceptual-Motor Functioning
The Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure test requires
the adolescent to copy a very detailed figure. Sam scored in the
average range on this task showing good visual-motor skills, as
well as good planning and organizational abilities.
Sam’s basic visual-perceptual skills were
assessed using the Judgment of Line Orientation test which requires
the adolescent to determine the correct directional orientation of
a line pattern. On this measure, Sam showed significant deficits in
his ability to match patterns. This finding is consistent with his
difficulty on the DAS nonverbal reasoning tasks. Sam achieved a
score of 14 which places him 3.5 standard deviations below
expectations for his age.
Sam also completed the Purdue Pegboard. The
Purdue Pegboard requires him to place pegs in a pegboard as quickly
as possible with each hand individually and then with both
simultaneously. He scored in the average range with his ability to
place pegs with his right (dominant) and left hands as well as with
both hands together. He also completed the Finger Tapping Test,
which requires him to tap on a tapper as quickly as possible with
each hand for 10 seconds. Sam scored well within the average range
on the measure. These findings indicate that Sam does not have
significant motor task problems, but he does have difficulty with
perception and with the integration of perception and motor, a task
that is important for writing.
Emotional Functioning
Sam completed the Behavioral Assessment System
for Children-Self-report (BASC), an integrated system designed to
facilitate the differential diagnosis and classification of a
variety of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and to
aid in the design of treatment plans.His mother had previously
completed the BASC as well as his teacher during the evaluation
with Dr. K. Findings indicated highly clinically significant
difficulties present in learning, social functioning, activity
level, and attention in school. At home significant problems were
reported in attention, activity level, aggression, conduct, and
Sam’s ratings indicate that he is feeling most
stress in school and that his attitude toward school and teachers
is problematic. He does not consider teachers as people who can
help him, that they are unfair, and that they only look at the bad
things you do. He also does not feel that school is a helpful place
and that he really doesn’t care about school and wants to get out
as soon as possible. In addition, Sam indicates that he prefers
excitement and will seek out such situations if they are not
present. The risk for antisocial behavior is very high based on the
BASC and he shows little anxiety about getting in trouble with
authority figures. There are indications of concerns about his
sense of worth and that he does not have the motivation to attempt
tasks when they are more difficult. He reports adequate self-esteem
and self-reliance, but problematic relationships with his
The Rorschach Inkblot Test was also administered
to attempt to uncover areas of emotional functioning that Sam did
not appear free to discuss. Sam’s protocol indicates that he
directs his behavior through internal means and attempts to keep
his feelings aside when in coping situations so that their
influence on his decisions is, at best, modest. This coping style
is very marked and not very flexible—in other words, he will
persist in his behavior even in a situation in which an intuitive
or trial-and-error style may be more appropriate. Sam is also
showing significant signs of situational stress that appears to be
interfering with his ability to direct his behavior in a more
appropriate manner. He shows a conflict between possibly unmet
dependency needs and his need to isolate himself—given his history
he may feel that he needs to protect himself from opening up to
anyone. He shows a tendency toward cognitive distortion that may
make it more difficult for him to interpret interpersonal behavior
appropriately. His protocol indicates the risk for antisocial
behavior and he does not perceive that people work together toward
a goal. Positively, Sam shows an interest in people, but may not
process human relationships very well. He shows signs of dysthymia
as well as some indications that he sees himself as damaged or
Summary and Recommendations
Sam is a 13-year, 10-month-old male with a
history of aggressive behavior, attendance at a juvenile detention
center, and a problematic childhood. Cognitive assessment indicates
average ability in verbal and spatial skills with below average
nonverbal reasoning skills. Achievement testing indicates
age-appropriate reading skills with deficits present in mathematics
and written expression. He shows significant problems with
attention which is improved with medication. Sam also has a history
of social skills deficits as well as our finding of visual-spatial
skill deficits. These findings are consistent with a diagnosis of a
nonverbal learning disability. His difficulty in understanding
appropriate social actions as well as containing his impulses make
it difficult for him to participate in many social interactions.
Instead Sam has developed behaviors that remove him from this
difficulty through acting out. One cannot rule out that some of
these behaviors may be related to his early development and his
mother’s probable substance abuse during pregnancy and after
Sam shows good skills in utilizing feedback to
change his behavior. However, he shows difficulty recalling
information when presented orally—a finding consistent with his
performance on the auditory processing test recently completed at
the hospital. Emotionally Sam shows indications of being at high
risk to develop antisocial behavior. He seeks out situations that
are exciting for him and has a very low tolerance for boredom.
There are indications of dysthymia in the projective testing as
well as unmet needs for nurturance. Sam’s difficulty in trusting
adults in authority make it problematic for him to change his
behavior and his defiance is his way of asserting control over a
situation. These feelings are likely grounded in his early
experience where his mother was unavailable to him and his needs
were not met in a timely manner. The picture presented by Sam is of
an adolescent who is torn between a need to be cared for and
nurtured, and a need to reject human contact. These concerns are
complicated by his difficulty in perception that may frequently
lead him to misinterpret people and their motives.
These findings are not consistent with a
diagnosis of bipolar disorder, but are consistent with that of
conduct disorder, ADHD, and a learning disability. It is believed
that Sam is at a crossroads at this time and is at high risk to
continue down his path of antisocial behavior. He requires
intensive intervention assist him in preventing this
Given the above findings, the following
recommendations are offered:
- 1.
It is strongly recommended that his school convene a multidisciplinary team meeting to determine Sam’s eligibility for special education services in the areas of OHI and LD.
- 2.
A sleep study is recommended to determine the cause of Sam’s history of sleep difficulty.
- 3.
Individual cognitive-behavioral therapy is recommended and can be arranged through the hospital.
- 4.
Continuation of parent training with Dr. K. is strongly recommended. Moreover, continuation of therapy with Dr. R is also strongly recommended as well as consideration for medication.
- 5.
It is very important that auditory information which requires encoding be paired with visual cues to improve Sam’s ability to remember what he has learned.
- 6.
Additional memory strategies are provided as follows:
Strategies for Improved Memory Skills
Teaching Behaviors which are helpful:
- 1.
Break tasks into small steps
- 2.
Use extensive repetition
- 3.
Teach strategies for memory, such as verbal rehearsal, clustering or chunking, imagery, associations, note taking, etc.
- 4.
Use massed and distributed practice
Focus on the following:
- A.
Working Memory: Teach the child how to remember directions and keep it in mind long enough to complete the task. Younger children especially forget what they are supposed to do and start to “drift away.” Use cues like “make yourself remember. . .” “This is important. . .” Do the first few items with the child, pointing out what is important.
- B.
Present information in short segments: Two sentences may be overwhelming. Monitor comprehension.
- C.
Get the child involved actively whenever possible. Use many visual aids, demonstrate, repeat, give many pages of the same idea. Your goal is comprehension, retention, and mastery.
- D.
The child needs memory strategies such as:
visualization (make a picture in your mind as you listen)
note taking (or buddy note taker)
repeating words in chunks
learning to associate related ideas
using “silly” cues such as, Joe’s Present . Joe was born on Sunday , July 4th, in Seattle , WA , USA on Book Street . He got a Ninja Turtle from Toys R' Us . These sentences have all the rules for capitalization .
- E.
Only present the important information; leave out the frills and elaborations. Simplify, make it interesting, make it fun. Avoid long paragraphs or small print.
- 7.
Techniques to help students with attentional problems in the classroom
Physical Arrangement of Room
- 1.
Have student seated near teacher
- 2.
Move student’s desk away from hallway, outside windows, etc.
- 3.
Use desk dividers or study carrels if possible
- 4.
Seat appropriate models next to students with attentional problems
- 5.
Stand near student when giving directions or presenting lesson. Use the student’s worksheet as an example
- 6.
Use rows for seating arrangement. Avoid tables with groups of students, if possible
Lesson Presentation
- 1.
Provide an outline, key concepts, or vocabulary prior to lesson presentation
- 2.
Include a variety of activities during each lesson
- 3.
Make lessons brief
- 4.
Actively involve the student during the lesson presentation:
Use cooperative learning activities
Develop learning stations
Provide self-correcting materials
Enable the student to make frequent responses
Interact frequently (verbally and physically) with the student
- 5.
Use the student’s name during your presentation
- 6.
Pair students to check work
- 7.
Arrange for peer tutoring to help students review concepts
- 8.
Use colored chalk during presentations when using chalk board
Worksheets and Tests
- 1.
Use larger type
- 2.
Keep page format simple:
Don't include extraneous pictures
Provide only one or two activities per page
Have white spaces on each page
- 3.
Write clear, simple directions
- 4.
Underline key direction words, vocabulary words, etc.
- 5.
Draw borders around parts of page you want emphasized
- 6.
Add reminders on worksheets to check work, etc.
- 7.
Give frequent short quizzes and avoid longer tests
- 8.
If necessary, allow student to take tests orally
- 9.
Provide practice tests
- 10.
Shorten assignments
- 1.
Implement a classroom behavior management system
- 2.
Implement an individual behavior program and consistently chart progress (earn points for on-task time)
- 3.
Use kitchen timer to help students stay on task
- 4.
Use visual and auditory cues as behavioral reminders
- 5.
Develop contracts/ behavior management systems in conjunction with parents to reinforce specific behaviors at home and at school
- 6.
Implement a social skills curriculum
- 7.
Give students choices (“You may work on your report or finish your math sheet”)
- 8.
Praise specific behaviors (“I like how you remembered to check your work before turning it in to me”)
- 9.
Define and review class rules each dayPost rules where students can see them
- 10.
Be as consistent as possible in following through on classroom and individual behavior programs
- 11.
Set hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly goals with the student and provide frequent feedback on student’s progress
Thank you for the opportunity to work with this
young man and his family. If you have any questions about this
report, please do not hesitate to contact me at the XXX-XXXX.
Dr. X. Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
cc: Dr. K
Dr. R
Psychometric Summary
Differential Abilities Scale-2
Average standard scores for the general cognitive
index are between 85 and 115 with average T-scores for the
individual subtests being between 40 and 60.
Standard Score
Verbal Cluster
Nonverbal Reasoning
General Conceptual Ability
Word Definitions
Recall of Designs
Pattern Construction
Reasoning Subtests
Sequential and Quantitative
Recall of Digits
Recall of Objects— Immediate
Recall of Objects— Delayed
Speed of Information Processing
Wechsler Individual Achievement
Average standard scores are between 85 and
115. Sam’s scores are as follows:
Standard Score
Basic Reading
Word Attack
Reading Comprehension
Mathematics Reasoning
Numerical Operations
Written Expression
California Verbal Learning Test-Children’s
Scores have a mean of 0, with standard
scores of -1.0 to +1.0 indicating performance within the broad
average range.
Raw Score
Standard Score
List A, Trial 1
List A, Trial 5
Trials 1–5
List B Free Recall
List A Short Delay Free Recall
List A Short Delay Cued Recall
List A Long Delay Free Recall
List A Long Delay Cued Recall
Correct Recognition Hits
Learning Slope
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Categories Achieved:
Normal range = 5–6
Failure to Maintain Set
Normal range = 0–1
Raw Score
Standard Score (100 + 15)
Total Errors
Perseverative Responses:
Perseverative Errors:
Non-perseverative Errors:
Percent Conceptual Level
Test of Variables of Attention-Visual
Average scores run between 85 and 115
Off Ritalin
On 10 mg
Response Time
Stroop Color Word Test
Average scores range between 40 and
Behavior Assessment Scale for
Attitude to School
Attitude to Teachers
Sensation Seeking
Sense of Inadequacy
Social Stress
Symptoms Index
For the following scales, higher scores are
Relations with Parents
Interpersonal Relations
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