The intravenous morphine was beginning to work. Emiliano Graciano Mateos-Corrientes lay across the rear seat of the Toyota Roraima, and watched as his personal physician bandaged his foot.
‘You’ve got a compound fracture. Every hour you don’t get to hospital makes you that much more likely to lose your foot. If you’re lucky, only septicaemia will set in. If you’re unlucky, gangrene will follow. There’s filth in there. And bits of sock. And dust you picked up from the track. And polluted bone fragments.’
‘Hand me that pistol.’
One of his lieutenants handed his pistol over to Emiliano.
Emiliano pointed it at the doctor. ‘If I lose my foot, you lose your life. Do you get me? I have business here first. Before the hospital. You will accompany me.’
‘But the police. They will see the smoke of the fire and they will come.’
‘The police will not come. It has been explained to them and to the fire brigade that we are simply burning scrubland.’
‘But it’s the wrong time of year for the milpa slash and burn.’
‘It’s never the wrong time of year for the milpa slash and burn. Do you understand me, doctor?’ ‘I understand you.’ ‘Now get into the car. We are going to a baptism.’