Typical properties of fractals are often their non-integer dimension and the self-similarity of the entire set with its pieces. The latter can frequently be found in nature, e.g. in geology. There it is often difficult to decide from a photograph without a given scale whether the object in question is a grain of sand, a pebble or a large piece of rock. For that reason fractal geometry is often exuberantly called the geometry of nature.
In this chapter we exemplarily have a look at fractals in and . Furthermore we give a short introduction to L-systems and discuss, as an application, a simple concept for modelling the growth of plants. For a more in-depth presentation we refer to the textbooks [21, 22].
9.1 Fractals
Definition 9.1
Let .
- (a)
A point is called interior point of A if there exists an -neighbourhood of which itself is contained in A.
- (b)
A is called open if each point of A is an interior point.
- (c)
A point is called boundary point of A if every -neighbourhood of contains at least one point of A as well as a point of . The set of boundary points of A is denoted by (boundary of A).
- (d)
A set is called closed if it contains all its boundary points.
- (e)
A is called bounded if there is a number with .
Example 9.2
Fractal dimension. Roughly speaking, points have dimension 0, line segments dimension 1 and plane regions dimension 2. The concept of fractal dimension serves to make finer distinctions. If, for example, a curve fills a plane region densely one tends to assign to it a higher dimension than 1. Conversely, if a line segment has many gaps, its dimension could be between 0 and 1.
Definition 9.3
Remark 9.4
Example 9.5
Example 9.6
The set displayed in Fig. 9.5 has box-dimension . We check this claim with the following MATLAB experiment.
Experiment 9.7
4 |
16 |
64 |
256 |
1024 |
4096 |
16384 |
65536 |
262144 |
1048576 |
0.79 |
0.61 |
0.55 |
0.52 |
0.512 |
0.5057 |
0.5028 |
0.5014 |
0.5007 |
0.50035 |
Example 9.8
Example 9.9
(Koch’s snowflake1) This is a figure of finite area whose boundary is a fractal of infinite length. In Fig. 9.7 one can see the first five construction steps of this fractal. In the step from to we substitute each straight boundary segment by four line segments in the following way: We replace the central third by two sides of an equilateral triangle, see Fig. 9.8.
9.2 Mandelbrot Sets
Definition 9.10
Experiment 9.11
Figure 9.9 shows as result a little apple man which has smaller apple men attached which finally develop into an antenna. Here one already recognises the self-similarity. If an enlargement of a certain detail on the antenna is made, one finds an almost perfect copy of the complete apple man. The Mandelbrot set is one of the most popular fractals and one of the most complex mathematical objects which can be visualised.
9.3 Julia Sets
Definition 9.12
Experiment 9.13
Using the MATLAB program mat09_3.m plot the Julia sets in Fig. 9.10 in high definition. Also try other values of c.
9.4 Newton’s Method in
Experiment 9.14
Using the MATLAB program mat09_4.m carry out an experiment. Ascertain yourself of the self-similarity of the appearing Julia sets by producing suitable enlargements of the boundaries of the region of attraction.
9.5 L-systems
The formalism of L-systems was developed by Lindenmayer 4 around 1968 in order to model the growth of plants. It also turned out that many fractals can be created this way. In this section we give a brief introduction to L-systems and discuss a possible implementation in maple.
Definition 9.15
- (a)
A finite set B of symbols, the so-called alphabet. The elements of B are called letters, and any string of letters is called a word.
- (b)
Certain substitution rules. These rules determine how the letters of the current word are to be replaced in each iteration step.
- (c)
The initial word . The initial word is also called axiom or seed.
- (d)
The number of iteration steps which one wants to carry out. In each of these steps, every letter of the current word is replaced according to the substitution rules.
- (e)
A graphical interpretation of the word.
Example 9.16
Construction of fractals. With the graphical interpretation above and , the axiom fpfpfpf is a square which is passed through in a counterclockwise direction. The substitution rule converts a straight line segment into a zigzag line. By an iterative application of the substitution rule the axiom develops into a fractal.
Experiment 9.17
Using the maple worksheet mp09_1.mws create different fractals. Further, try to understand the procedure fractal in detail.
Example 9.18
For a more realistic modelling one can introduce additional parameters. For example, asymmetry can be build in by rotating by the positive angle at p and by the negative angle at m. In the program mp09_2.mws that was done, see Fig. 9.13.
Experiment 9.19
Using the maple worksheet mp09_2.mws create different artificial plants. Further, try to understand the procedure grow in detail.
- (a)
Represent the letter f by shorter segments as one moves further away from the root of the plant. For that, one has to save the distance from the root as a further state parameter in the stack.
- (b)
Introduce randomness by using different substitution rules for one and the same letter and in each step choosing one at random. For example, the substitution rules for random weeds could be as such: Using random numbers one selects the according rule in each step.
Experiment 9.20
Using the maple worksheet mp09_3.mws create random plants. Further, try to understand the implemented substitution rule in detail.
9.6 Exercises
- 1.
Determine experimentally the fractal dimension of the coastline of Great Britain. In order to do that, take a map of Great Britain (e.g. a copy from an atlas) and raster the map using different mesh sizes (e.g. with 1 / 64th, 1 / 32th, 1 / 16th, 1 / 8th and 1 / 4th of the North–South expansion). Count the boxes which contain parts of the coastline and display this number as a function of the mesh size in a double-logarithmic diagram. Fit the best line through these points and determine the fractal dimension in question from the slope of the straight line.
- 2.
Using the program mat09_3.m visualise the Julia sets of for and . Search for interesting details.
- 3.
Let with . Use Newton’s method to solve and separate the real part and the imaginary part, i.e. find the functions and with
- 4.
Modify the procedure grow in the program mp09_2.mws by representing the letter f by shorter segments depending on how far it is away from the root. With that plot the umbel from Experiment 9.19 again.
- 5.
Modify the program mp09_3.mws by attributing new probabilities to the existing substitution rules (or invent new substitution rules). Use your modified program to plot some plants.
- 6.
Modify the program mat09_3.m to visualise the Julia sets of for and integer values of k. Observe how varying k affects the shape of the Julia set. Try other values of c as well.
- 7.
Modify the program mat09_3.m to visualise the Julia sets of