Agrippa. Octavian’s trusted general; father of Vipsania.
Alexander. Son of Queen Kleopatra and Marc Antony; Selene’s twin brother.
Antonia. Daughter of Octavia and her second husband, Marc Antony.
Antyllus. Son of Marc Antony and his third wife, Fulvia.
Claudia. Daughter of Octavia and her first husband, Gaius Claudius Marcellus.
Drusus. Second son of Livia and her first husband, Tiberius Claudius Nero.
Gallia. Daughter of Vercingetorix, king of the defeated Gauls.
Juba II. Prince of Numidia, son of the defeated King of Numidia, Juba I.
Julia. Daughter of Octavian and his first wife, Scribonia.
Kleopatra VII. Queen of Egypt, mother to Julius Caesar’s son Caesarion and to Marc Antony’s children Alexander, Selene, and Ptolemy.
Livia. Wife of Octavian; Empress of Rome.
Maecenas. Poet; friend of Octavian.
Marc Antony. Roman consul and general.
Marcella. Second daughter of Octavia and her first husband, Gaius Claudius Marcellus.
Marcellus. Son of Octavia and her first husband, Gaius Claudius Marcellus.
Octavia. Sister to Octavian; former wife to Marc Antony.
Octavian. Emperor of Rome; known as Augustus from January 16, 27 BC, onward.
Ovid. Poet.
Ptolemy. Younger son of Queen Kleopatra and Marc Antony.
Scribonia. First wife of Octavian; mother of Julia.
Selene. Daughter of Queen Kleopatra and Marc Antony.
Seneca the Elder. Orator and writer.
Tiberius. Son of Livia and her first husband, Tiberius Claudius Nero.
Tonia. Second daughter of Octavia and Marc Antony.
Verrius. A freedman and a schoolteacher of great renown.
Vipsania. Daughter of Agrippa and his first wife, Caecilia Attica.
Vitruvius. Engineer and architect; author of De architectura.