Aelle-a Shadow world
Aellei-those who live on Aelle, a race of beautiful, vain tricksters, often mistaken for fairies by those on earth
aeva-an Aellein word for destined mate
affai-a Light Bringer word for a Storm Lord’s destined mate
Balance-harmony between the Light and Dark energies in the Spectrum
blooddrinker-one who must drink blood to survive, and who lives in thrall to the hunger
cinarum-a fine ale, both expensive and hard to procure
Dark-one end of the Spectrum, intense, seething, negative energy
Dark Lord-a race of people steeped in Dark energy, their numbers are few, their power immense
Djinn-a race of people steeped in Dark energy
Darkling-anyone of Dark descent
Earth-a world with little to no magic, where xiantopes live
Foreia-the Djinn homeworld
fhel-Dark Lord word for “shit”
in truth-a Djinn’s natural state, whereby their bodies are of white energy surrounded by black flame
Isle of Frigia-part of the Dark Lords’ homeworld, an island in Malern
Kreer-a magical world founded by the Aellei, steeped in Shadow
lekharn-Djinn word for “asshole” or “shithead”
leraffes-pale, purple flowers with a sweet scent when in bloom, native to Tanselm
Light-one side of the Spectrum, airy, powerful energy full of positive light
Light Bringer-anyone of Light descent, most of whom live in Tanselm
melea-Dark Lord for “whore”
Malern-the Dark Lord homeworld
Mount Malinta-a mountain in Malern, home to the demons
Netharat-‘Sin Garu’s army consisting of wraiths, Shadren and Djinn, an evil conglomeration of monsters
Nocumat-Shadren from Aelle who are made up of a red, gelatinous goo, and who have an insatiable appetite and gravitate toward mischief and calamity
Orfel-a Dark Lord hideaway in the between
overking-king who rules over all of Tanselm’s territories, a Storm Lord of immense power
overqueen-queen who rules over all of Tanselm’s territories
purie-Light Bringer for “little one”
Royal Four-(also known as the Tetrarch) four identical quadruplet Storm Lords who will one day rule Tanselm; one set is born every generation
Sarqua Djinn-those Djinn loyal to Ethim, who fight against ‘Sin Garu
sertia-Light Bringer for “darling” or “beloved”
Shadow-the middle of the Spectrum, where Light and Dark
energy mix
Shadow Dweller-one of Shadowy descent
Shadren-creatures who live in Aelle, related to the Aellei but have less human forms (Nocumat and ogres, for example)
Spectrum-the multiverse and all its energy
Storm Lords-royal Light Bringer warriors who harness elemental power
Tanselm-a sentient land currently ruled by the Light Bringers