Grier dropped to the dirt like a bag of
sand. The shot echoed. Blood bloomed through his shirt. Autumn
screamed, a loud, continuing wail.
Ritter shouted, “What are you doing?”
Jo lurched to her feet. And found a pistol pointed
at her face.
“Don’t move,” Friedrich said.
A quicksilver fear rolled through her. Friedrich
looked frantic. The gun was matte black. The bleak eye at the end
of the barrel wandered across her face.
She struggled to keep her voice level. “I’m holding
still. I’m unarmed.”
Peyton applauded. “Bravo.”
She wandered to the center of the clearing,
offering a big, slow handclap. “Give Grier a hand.” She whistled.
“Grier, you can get up. Take a bow.”
Autumn pressed a trembling hand to her mouth.
Peyton waved, broadly, at Jo and Gabe. “And welcome
our newest escaped convicts.” She laughed again. “Don’t you get it?
They’re with Edge.”
Dustin looked like he’d just pissed himself. Noah
stood, hands raised, blinking like a strobe light. Gabe was
sweeping the scene with his gaze, checking that nobody else with a
weapon was behind him. He was looking for an out.
Von aimed his pistol at Ritter. “Get Grier out of
sight. Into the trees.”
Ritter cringed across the clearing. He picked up
Grier’s feet and began dragging him away. Von casually took out his
phone and snapped a photo of the body.
Peyton watched, swaying. Grier’s face dragged along
the dirt, painting a trail with blood. Slowly, finally,
understanding fired in her eyes. She gasped. Then she ran for the
trees jaggedly, arms extended, hands like starfish.
Von picked up the rifle and tossed it to Friedrich.
“Get them all in the Hummer.”
He racked the slide on his pistol and charged after
Autumn screamed, “No!”
Friedrich shoved her into the Hummer, then swung
the gun toward Dustin. Hacking—“Don’t shoot me”—Dustin stumbled in
after her. Autumn clutched at him. Friedrich leveled the gun at
Noah’s knees.
“Chill, man. I’m going.” Hands out, gesturing for
calm, Noah climbed in as well. Lark was right behind.
Friedrich grabbed Jo by the biceps and beckoned
Gabe. “You too. Right now.”
Gabe’s gaze was riveted on Friedrich. On
Friedrich’s momentum and direction and his jittering gun hand. Jo
knew what he was thinking, what he was desperate to signal to her:
Don’t get in the Hummer.
If she climbed in that vehicle she was trapped. The
quicksilver ran cold in her veins. She balked in Friedrich’s
He shoved the gun against her side and shouted at
Gabe. “In, now. Or she gets a new orifice in her rib
“Don’t,” Gabe said. “Lower the weapon. I’ll get
In the trees beyond the clearing, Peyton’s screams
deteriorated into sobbing. Von reappeared, hauling the girl by her
hair. She was barely keeping her feet beneath her.
Gabe climbed into the Hummer. Jo stood rigid on the
dirt. Friedrich rose on his toes and put his orange mustache near
her ear.
“This gun has fifteen in the magazine. If you’re
not in the vehicle in two seconds, I’ll start with your
Jo couldn’t breathe, couldn’t swallow. She climbed
into the Hummer.
Von shoved Peyton in behind her, sobbing. The girl
fell to her knees on the thick carpet. Lark grabbed her and held
her tightly.
Ritter finished dragging Grier’s body to the trees
and staggered back, tracked by the rifle under Friedrich’s gaze.
Ritter’s eyes looked wild, spinning with shock.
“Hurry up,” Friedrich said.
Von turned to make sure Ritter was cooperating. Jo
looked at Gabe. Last chance—the door on the far side of the
vehicle. She scrambled across the Hummer.
Friedrich fired the pistol into the backseat. The
report was shockingly loud. Fabric flew and cordite stank up the
air. The screaming came from all directions.
“What the fuck?” Dustin yelled. His gaze rounded on
Jo. “Hold still.”
He grabbed her by the collar of her jacket and
yanked her back. She fell on her butt on the floor.
Jo sank her fingernails into his wrist. Then Gabe
grabbed Dustin’s arm and twisted, quick and sharp.
Dustin let go. His eyes shone like cracked marbles.
“What’s wrong with you?”
Von shoved Ritter into the passenger compartment,
climbed in after him, and slammed the door. Friedrich jumped behind
the wheel and put the huge vehicle in gear.
The Hummer lurched forward, tires spinning, and
slewed across the dirt in a brown swirl of dust. Von braced himself
on the seat, pistol raised. Dustin’s chest rose and fell. His gaze
was frightened and resentful. Peyton cringed into a ball on the
backseat, sobbing, fingers jammed in her mouth. Beside her, Kyle
Ritter stared at Von, his face blank and hard.
Autumn sat rigid, blinking like an otter in the
sunlight, fingers clenching the plush red seat. Lark and Noah had
tumbled to the floor beside Jo. They looked like stunned
Von held the gun steady. “Everybody lock your hands
behind your head.”
They cinched their fingers behind them. The narrow
road rose up the mountainside. Friedrich accelerated. The Hummer
had power, but in the altitude the engine labored. The trees
whipped past. Von wiped his hand under his nose.
He gestured to Jo and Gabe. “Pockets. Empty
They threw their phones across the limo. Von
scooped them up.
He nodded at Gabe. “Back pocket too, hombre.”
Reluctantly Gabe took out his folded buck knife and
slid it across the carpet to him.
“Nobody move. Not a muscle.” Von climbed over the
bench seat into the driver’s compartment.
Peyton’s sobs subsided to whimpers. Autumn was
shaking. “Grier.” She turned to Dustin, buried her face against his
shoulder, and cried. He whispered in her ear, “Quiet.”
In the driver’s compartment, Friedrich shot Von a
crazed look. “What do we do?”
“We keep driving. We get there, and then we deal
with it.”
“You know that Dane’s gonna flip,” Friedrich
“Shut up.”
“And Sabine’s gonna have your balls for
Jo’s stomach was cramping. Von, Friedrich, Dane,
Sabine. They were being kidnapped by the damned Trapp Family
Ritter looked stunned. “My first scenario. I can’t
believe it.”
Gabe said, “You work for Edge Adventures?”
“Started this week,” Ritter said.
“You see this gang before today?”
“No. Just Mr. Coates, the head guy. And I don’t
know where he is.”
I bet he’s in the luggage compartment, Jo
The asphalt ran out and the road became packed
gravel. It kicked under the tires, loud and insistent. The Hummer
bumped over a rut and everybody jostled against one another.
Von leaned toward Friedrich. Low and hard, he said,
“We can’t just dump them by the roadside.”
Ritter whispered to Jo. “I thought something was
wrong when these people showed up. They seemed surprised to see
They crossed a bridge. The tires droned on the
concrete. Jo caught a glimpse of whitewater in the river
Dustin inhaled. “We gotta do something.”
Noah, the quieter of the two college boys,
murmured, “What?”
Von turned and stared at them. The gun loitered in
his hand. “Keep quiet.” He turned back to Friedrich. “This is a
clusterfuck of major proportions. We got three people we never
counted on and the kids know what’s happening. We have to keep
going. All we can do is get to the location and lock everybody
Friedrich shook his head. “We’re screwed.”
“We’re screwed worse if we toss them out
Friedrich glanced in the mirror, and Jo’s stomach
gripped. She was afraid he was thinking, Only if we toss them
out alive.
The Hummer boated over the gravel. The road was
curving up a steep gorge. The tires ran along the road’s edge,
close to a drop-off.
“Just don’t slow down,” Von said. “Volvo’s two
hours behind us. We get there, we lock everybody down, we think it
Dustin gritted his teeth and hissed, “We should
jump them.”
Gabe gave him a slow, considered look. “What are
you talking about?”
“We outnumber them. We can take them by surprise.
Get control of the car.”
Peyton shook her head, quick little movements.
“No,” she whispered. “Grier. No, no, no.”
The road curved strongly, following the river in a
hard continuous turn. Everybody slid toward the left side of the
limo. The vehicle bumped over the uneven gravel surface. The trees
grew thick on the right side of the road. The mountains rose
behind. The gorge yawned on their left.
Jo scrambled onto a seat and buckled her seat belt.
Autumn watched and did likewise.
Dustin lowered his voice to a sharp whisper. “We
can swarm them.”
Gabe didn’t move. “Bad idea.”
Dustin looked at Noah. “We can take them.”
Von glanced at them, suspicious, but they were
speaking too quietly to be overheard. He resumed his manic dialogue
with Friedrich.
Dustin’s breathing picked up. He whispered,
“They’re going to kill us all.”
“This is not the place,” Gabe said.
Dustin turned to him, pale, almost seasick. “And
who are you, some guy who works at USF? Me and Noah and Ritter
here, we charge. Three on one. You can sit here with your
girlfriend if you want, but we have at least three men who can do
Gabe’s eyes flashed, briefly, and dimmed again.
“Not yet. Not here.”
His gaze slid toward the window. The Hummer was
rocketing along the rutted gravel road, bouncing like a runaway
covered wagon. To their left, an eroded gradient dropped into the
depths of the gorge. There was no guardrail.
Jo whispered, “Dustin, look outside. Don’t be
They had no margin for error. The gorge was so deep
that she couldn’t see the bottom. The light swept across the
interior of the limo as they continued to bowl around the long,
sweeping bend.
Friedrich’s hands jerked back and forth on the
wheel like a cartoon character’s. “We are screwed.
“Shut up.”
Von got out a cell phone and punched numbers. As he
did, a chime echoed from his pocket. Jo recognized the sound: It
was her phone, sending a message. Von pulled her cell out.
Dustin’s breathing accelerated. “He’s
Dustin tensed. Gabe shot out an arm to grab him,
but Dustin was beyond reach and in motion. Shouting like a wild
man, he threw himself at the front seat.
Von heard the disturbance and turned, phone to his
ear. Dustin lunged into the driver’s compartment and tackled
Friedrich’s head whipped around. “Shit—”
Gabe moved too, fast as a snake. Ritter was a beat
behind him.
Jo saw Dustin’s flailing legs and grunting face. He
was fighting Von for control of the gun. Noah scrambled toward the
melee. The pistol waved in Von’s hand. Jo watched it swing. She
couldn’t possibly reach it. She couldn’t get anywhere close to
Friedrich gaped and lifted his foot off the
“No,” Von yelled. “Faster—don’t let them jump
Friedrich slammed on the power again. The Hummer
leapt forward.
With Dustin in the way, Gabe couldn’t get close
enough to grab Von’s gun. Instead, he swept his right arm around
the headrest, grabbed Von by the hair, and smashed his head against
the door frame.
“Dustin, aim the gun away from us,” Gabe
Von twisted and submarined and kicked like a
trapped bull. Gabe slammed his head against the door frame again.
With his left hand he gouged at Von’s eyes. Von’s knees came up and
his feet kicked the dash and the gearshift and the windshield.
Friedrich turned his head.
Von’s boot connected with it. Hard.
Friedrich’s head snapped sideways. He jerked the
Jo had a sick, falling sensation. No, don’t.
Stay on the road.
Friedrich hauled the wheel back and straightened
The gun in Von’s hand fired.
Jo ducked. Peyton and Lark screamed. The windshield
spidered and the Hummer swerved. Von kicked furiously. The pistol
waved in the air. Dustin clawed at Von’s hand, trying to grab the
“No, turn the barrel away from us,” Gabe repeated.
“Pin his hand against the dash and aim the gun away.”
Von’s legs muscled wildly back and forth. Ritter
dived for his knees. Gabe continued battering Von’s head against
the door frame. Von weakened. The Hummer veered left.
Jo yelled, “Steer. Hold the wheel and stop
the car.”
Lark threw herself onto a seat and grabbed a seat
belt. She wrapped her arm through the shoulder strap and gripped it
like a vine. The Hummer shuddered. The left front wheel caught the
lip of the hill. Friedrich jerked the wheel, fighting, foot still
to the floor. Jo saw Autumn’s eyes gleaming with fright.
From the driver’s compartment came grunts and
shouts. The gun boomed again. Then again. Glass shattered and
Friedrich’s hands dropped from the wheel.
The Hummer straightened momentarily and tilted. The
light turned in the sky, shadow overtaking the window.
“Oh my God,” Autumn said.
Then everything went sideways, fast. Jo hit whoever
was next to her. She cried out. She saw Gabe, arms around the
headrest, gripping Von’s head. He let go, grabbed a seat belt, and
braced himself. He snapped the buckle and grabbed for Lark.
The front of the Hummer angled down, sliding, fast.
Through the window Jo saw the slope, covered with trees and
They flipped.
The Hummer capsized, hard. The roof of the car hit
the slope with a crunching sound. The windows shattered. People
flew around the interior of the limo. Jo hung on to the shoulder
strap of her seat belt like a commuter in a subway car that had
just been kicked into a tumble cycle. The gorge steepened, and
upside down, they slid forward down the slope. Jo saw light,
shadow, felt the roof crushing. Dust blew through the shattered
windows. She saw boulders and the silver glint of water at the
bottom of the gorge. Her mind went firework white. They were going
down, all the way.