TAYLOR moved back from her and gave her lush curves a wistful look. “If you insist on covering yourself.”

“I do.” At least the trembling in her heart did.

He left her for a moment and returned with the T-shirt she had borrowed.

“I’ll be right back.” She fled to the bathroom to change, any lingering stiffness in her back remarkably absent. Minutes later, she entered the back yard to the hot-tub deck, nicely shaded by enormous cottonwood trees from too much sun or any prying eyes. High fences surrounding the yard ensured no one could peek in.

Taylor was already in the water up to his chest and leaning his head back against the cushioned bumper, his clothing in a rumpled pile on the deck. Piper eased her legs into the steaming water just as Taylor opened his eyes.

Petals of desire blossomed free in Piper as she entered the water. Stiff muscles forgotten as she looked at Taylor, she submerged all the way to her neck and leaned back, allowing the jets of water to pound her muscles and dissolve her bones. “Oh, this was a fabulous idea. I think I’m going to melt.”

Relaxing was out of the question, though. As Taylor slid closer to her, a different kind of tension pulsed through her, and she opened her eyes to slits to observe him.

“Remember, you’re only supposed to stay about ten to fifteen minutes beneath the water, and then you have to come out for a while.” Taking both hands, he ran his wet fingers through his hair and pushed it away from his face, looking much like an ad for the ultimate aphrodisiac. Who needed drugs when a wet, naked man would do the job?

“Okay.” Piper swallowed, her tongue feeling thick in her mouth as he neared. Did he have a suit on or was he as naked as he suggested that she get? Heart fluttering wildly, she didn’t know if it was from the heat of the water or the heat of Taylor so close to her.

“Your face is flushed. Are you okay?”

“I’m sure it’s just the heat of the tub making my blood vessels dilate.” Yeah, right. That was a great excuse, so flimsy he could see right through it.

Taylor grinned. “I’m sure.” He reached for her hand and tugged until she semi-floated across the tub closer to him. “I’d better check your pulse.” With his fingers on her wrist, and his gaze locked on hers, he smiled knowingly. “Heart is fast, too. Are you sure it’s the water?”

“No. I could be having a reaction to something.”

“Like what?” He drew her closer until she stood in front of him, no longer up to her neck in the water. “It’s certainly not an adverse reaction. You look very healthy to me.”

Taylor’s gaze dropped and her nipples tingled as if he had touched them. The sodden white T-shirt clung to every curve and nuance of skin, revealing everything to his hungry gaze that she had sought to hide beneath the water. “I’m not sure. Mimosa maybe?” Probably a reaction to too much Taylor. Too close, too fierce, too hot.

“You only had one.”

As he spoke, Taylor’s hands drifted from her hips upward, dangerously close to her throbbing breasts.

“Yes, but—”

“I think it’s something else.”

Raising his gaze to hers, Taylor’s eyes flamed with desire that made her heart rate more erratic than it already was. Piper licked her lips and dropped her gaze to his mouth. With nothing but hot water and a flimsy sodden shirt between them, Piper wanted to reach out to him, to take what he offered with his body. That sweet release she hadn’t known in a very long time urged her boldly forward. One step closer and his thumbs stroked her peaked nipples. They were already hard and pressed against the shirt.

“I think you’re right.” Was admitting that bad? Giving him more power over her than he already had? She didn’t know, but seemed powerless to stop herself. She wanted this. She needed his touch, more than she had known even moments ago. So much of her life went to giving to others. Wasn’t it time she allowed herself to take a little, to please herself just a bit? That wasn’t being selfish, that was experiencing life and everything it had to offer. For too long she’d sat on the sidelines, watching while life raced by her.

“I’d also like to say that the shirt looks better on you than it ever has on me. I think I’ll have it bronzed later.”

Piper took a deep breath and inched herself closer, her gaze locked on him as something inside her broke free. Her arms crept out to his shoulders, and her hands rested on the slick skin. Oh, how she wanted this man. This adventurer, who had begun to creep into her mind, her dreams, and her heart, pushed aside the past, pushed aside the memories of hurt, until there was nothing except him in front of her. With him there would always be excitement, but would she be enough for him? Could she be enough? Be bold enough, brazen enough, passionate enough? There was only one way to find out. The past had no place here. The now was filled with Taylor in her arms.

“Do you want it back?” She pressed forward until her breasts met the solid wall of his chest, and she tipped her face up, her mouth inches from his. Every sense she had was focused on him. Standing between his parted legs, she let herself drift forward.

“Yes,” he whispered, and cupped the back of her head.

“Then I think you should take it.” Desire made her speak. Boldness urged her forward. Temptation made her close the gap between them.

With a groan, Taylor moved. His arm around her waist pulled her against him and the hand behind her head guided her mouth to his. Parting her lips, Piper surrendered to the need and the desire raging within her. It wasn’t the heat of the tub or the effects of one Mimosa that made her want Taylor. It was everything he was, and he was everything she wanted.

The kiss he’d first given her paled to the heat of his mouth now. Lips moving over hers, his tongue probed deeply, eagerly stroking against hers. As he kissed her, Taylor drew her knees to either side of his hips so that she straddled his lap, providing her with proof that he wore no suit. Groaning deep in her chest, she pressed herself against Taylor, against the muscle and the heat of him.

Hands roaming over the curves of her hips, Taylor raised her up until her breasts reached the level of his mouth. Holding her above him, he opened his mouth over a nipple and teased. The tremors of her arms clutching his shoulders let him know how much he affected her. Moving to her other breast, he rolled his tongue around the nipple through the wet shirt that clung to her. The sight of her in his shirt stirred him deeply, as if in the wearing it had marked her as his.

Easing her down, he pulled her tight into his lap and stood, his breath coming hard and fast. “I think our ten minutes is about up.”

Nodding, she clung to him as he climbed over the edge of the tub and lay down with her on the wooden deck. Mindful of her back, he rolled with her until she lay on top of him, and he fit her comfortably to his body. Panting, Taylor sought her sensitive neck with his mouth while his hands held her hips pressed to his.

“Taylor, someone’s going to see us.” She tried to pull back, but he held on to her.

“No, they won’t. That’s why I built very high fences.”

Raising herself up to verify his statement, she exposed her front. Ever one to take advantage of a situation, he scooped a nipple into his mouth and pulled until her attention refocused on him.

Overcome by Taylor’s touch, the heat of him and the needs of her body, Piper lowered herself closer to Taylor, unable to stifle the groan of pure sensation in her throat. She pressed her hips forward, touching her delicate femininity against the heat and bold hardness of him. Ultimate aphrodisiac indeed.

Hands trembling with need, Taylor cupped her face and ravished her lips, then pulled back, resting his forehead against hers, his breath harsh in his throat. “Piper, I want to make love to you. Right now. Right here.” He panted. “I need to make love to you. Now.” He cupped his hands around her face, pulling her as close as possible, spreading kisses all over her skin.

“Yes.” For her, there was no other answer. Ever since she’d met Taylor, she’d felt as if she were moving to this place and time with him. There was no wrong or right, there just was.

“Are you on birth control?” God, he hoped so, because he didn’t want to move from this delicious spot with her weight pressing on him making him feel more alive than he’d felt in a long time. She was beautiful and funny, and he wanted her with everything in him.

“Yes. The five-year implant.” Nodding eagerly, she pulled his mouth back to hers. Seconds later, Taylor had divested her of her panties and his hands were firm on her hips. “I have to tell you I don’t do this often. I’m not promiscuous.”

“You may have heard otherwise, but neither am I. I’m clean. Look at me,” he said, and paused until Piper raised her face.

With his eyes firmly locked on hers, he pulled Piper’s body down over his erection. As every part of him joined with her, her moist flesh encased him, and her eyes closed. She was delicate and firm around him, and he eased gently inside her until he could go no further. Every inch forward was a sweet torture.

“Oh,” she whispered, and clutched his arms. “Oh, my. Taylor.” Every word she breathed against his skin urged him on, and the beat of his heart raced. She wasn’t someone who made love often as evidenced by the feel of her body against his. Something inside Taylor popped, something in his chest opened up. Something he hadn’t realized had been closed off from his emotions until now. Being with Piper freed him.

The feel of Piper surrounding him released the chains that had held his heart closed for too long. With his hands on her hips, he began to move, urging her hips forward and back until she cried for release. She clung to him, her voice soft in his ears, and he quickened the pace between them.

Every move Taylor made took Piper closer to the edge of paradise. He was strong and commanding, his body hard and masculine beneath her. Hands tender on her skin, he sought to please her, and she gasped as the feelings surging within her built to a crescendo. Release was a second away, and she dug her fingers into Taylor’s shoulders as instinct took over, and she gave her body free rein. With another powerful move from Taylor, Piper’s body rocked. She cried out, helpless in Taylor’s arms as pulses of pleasure shot through her, and her body tightened around Taylor’s flesh.

Control was something he never lost, but at that moment he saw no need for it. The strong pulses of Piper’s body took Taylor over the edge, and he bucked beneath her, losing himself to the sweet pleasure of her, clutching her body to his.

Piper collapsed on top of him, and he wrapped her in his embrace as he regained his breath. After a long slow kiss, he pulled back to look into her face. She was all soft and well-loved looking, and it looked good on her. He didn’t want to let go of her just yet, but he checked his watch to see how much time was left to them.

“Do you have to go?” she asked, and sat upright, still joined with him.

“Not yet. Alex won’t be back for two more hours.” Stroking his hands down her arms, he marveled at the softness of her skin, wanting to explore it further. “Want to come inside for a while?” he asked.

“I’d love to,” she said, and he dragged her down for another kiss.


Piper stood in the shower later that evening and reluctantly washed away the fragrances of the delightful afternoon spent with Taylor. It had been such an indulgence, being with him. An indulgence that made her want to stay put for a while and give up the traveling for good. She could if she wanted to. Anytime. Having an affair wasn’t something she took on lightly, but with Taylor, excitement would always be part of the relationship, for sure. Hadn’t she earned a little excitement in her life? After so many years of commitments, of doing for others, hadn’t she earned a little time to do something just for herself?

She sighed and allowed the steaming water to flow over her. Muscles she hadn’t used in a long, long time now made their presence known. The back injury from yesterday was certainly resolved after the manipulation. The rest of her had benefited from his touch, as well.

As she turned the showerhead to massage, she allowed her mind to roam free and unbidden thoughts of her last relationship intruded.

Derek Winsome, an MD in Los Angeles, two years ago. Gifted with such talent and charm that no patient or female he set his sights on had been able to escape. She’d been just as susceptible as anyone else. Having fallen for his charm and ended up in his bed, she had allowed herself to want more from him than he had been able to give her. Or that he had been willing to give her alone.

Unfortunately, she had been just one in a long line of women parading through Derek’s life. She wasn’t special, not by a long shot, and after she had popped in on him unexpectedly at home, he’d made that very clear. So had the woman beside him, warming his bed.

Regret started to slide over Piper as she scrubbed and shampooed. Was this thing, this attraction to Taylor, going to end up the same way, with her being made a fool of and hurting for what he couldn’t give? She’d allowed herself to be vulnerable and care about Derek and nothing good had come of it. Other than a valuable learning experience. Was anything good going to come of having an affair with Taylor?

Probably not. He wasn’t the type to settle down to home and hearth. After having to deal with the responsibility of her sister for so long, she wasn’t sure if she was, either. The long-ago dream of a husband, home and family of her own had been dangling by a thread for so long, she wasn’t sure it was something she wanted any longer. Once, she would have wanted it. But after so many years alone, she couldn’t really imagine her life any other way. Sure, if she had met the right man, the dream would have returned in Technicolor. But now it was still in black and white, just another unfulfilled fantasy.

She turned the water off and left the shower, dried and dressed for bed. Unable to chase away the dark memories that wanted to intrude on her precious time with Taylor, Piper checked her e-mails, hoping for a message from Elizabeth. But there was nothing. E-mails from friends and other travel nurses occupied her for a while, but thoughts of Taylor and Derek battled for the upper hand in her mind.

Was she going to regret her time with Taylor? Should she continue to see him outside a professional relationship? What the hell was she going to do when it was time to seek a new assignment in a few weeks? San Francisco had been home for the first twenty years of her life, but it hadn’t been home for so long, she doubted that she’d want to go there again on a permanent basis. Though her aunt still lived there, Elizabeth was in Phoenix and who knew where she’d end up after school? Santa Fe was a wonderful place with a diverse culture that called to Piper. She could live here if she wanted. Most hospitals were happy to hire travelers on a permanent basis.

Pulling up her company’s Web site, she searched their database for other assignments. She’d been just about everywhere she wanted to go, so there weren’t too many places of interest left, and she didn’t need to take assignments for money anymore. She had the option of taking a job she loved in a place she wanted to be.

The images on the Web site were designed to be exciting. People who were skiing, at the beach, climbing mountains or fishing in a lake. Those were all things that had enticed her into travel nursing, but after eight years of it, she was ready to settle down. Somewhere. She sighed and left the Web site. Her restless feet had calmed over the years and so many assignments. Now she just wasn’t in a big hurry to go anywhere. She had time.

Now that Elizabeth was going to be living her own life, Piper could live her own, too, couldn’t she? Too much of the last eight years had been spent on other people, and it was time Piper spent some time on herself.

Cruising over to another Web site, she indulged in one of her favorite pastimes that she could take anywhere: shopping.


Taylor pulled into his driveway just as Alex’s cousins returned with him. He’d taken Piper home and lingered in the doorway with her almost too long. The feel, the smell, the look of her made him want to touch her, to kiss her, and to take her down the hall and show her once again how much he desired her. They were both mature adults, right? They could enjoy each other without strings tangling things up. At least that’s how he’d always played it and he didn’t see a need to change that philosophy now.

“Uncle T.!” Alex yelled from the other car and bounded across the driveway with his backpack bouncing along behind him. “Where were you?”

“I just took Piper home.”

“Oh, man. Did you go climbing without me?” he asked, obviously disappointed.

“No, no. We just went out to eat since we missed the picnic yesterday.”

“Oh. Well, that’s okay, then. I didn’t want you to go climbing again without me. I’m your new partner now, right?”

“I’d never think of it, Alex.” He held out his hand and Alex slapped him some palm. Even though the thought of taking Alex climbing again made him shudder. “Why don’t you say goodbye, and we’ll go inside?”

Alex collected his belongings from the car and waved. “I’ll see you on Friday,” he said.

“What’s Friday?” Taylor asked.

“They want me to come for a sleepover. It’s Elliot’s birthday. Is that okay?”

Taylor thought. “Sure. I don’t see why not. Does your mom let you sleep over?”

Alex shrugged. “Sure. Sometimes they come to our house, too.”

“Then I don’t see any problem.” As they walked into the house, he thought of Piper. Might be the perfect time to take her on a proper date, too. He’d have to check and see what the Opera House had going on that night.