I DRESSED FOR BUNKA in jeans and runners then snagged a jacket over my shoulders. Then I added a cap that I could pull down over my hair.
I took a look in the mirror. Too designer still, I decided, and swapped the jeans for some worn but fitted track pants. The tracks clung too closely too my legs but at least they didn’t scream money.
Satisfied, I locked up the flat, and tipped the birds’ crunched seed husks into a dead pot plant. The birds were still a little flustered by their change of location and Brains tried to bite me when I reached in with fresh seeds.
‘Silly bird,’ I said sternly.
She took another swipe and nicked the tip of my finger.
‘Owww!’ I snatched my finger away but Hoo sidled up against the bars, clicking at me. He wanted a cuddle.
I scratched him with my non-injured finger and he purred like a cat, cocking his head at an impossible angle so I could get under his chin. Brains kept a baleful distance, attacking the sunflower seeds.
Why did they remind me of Fiona Bligh and Bill Barnes?
It was still a bit early to put on their night cover so I slung the canvas over one corner of the cage and left them fighting over a peanut.
I pulled into the car park of the Subi just after 4 pm. My phone rang as I undid my seatbelt.
‘Tara? It’s Ed.’
‘Yeah, him too,’ he laughed.
‘Are you OK?’ I asked. ‘They said you had food poisoning.’
‘Must have been the Indian food,’ he said innocently.
‘Must have,’ I agreed. ‘Listen. I’m sorry. That was a lousy date.’
‘I wouldn’t call it lousy . . .’ he said. ‘More . . . interesting.’
‘Yeah well . . . I’ll make it up to you some time.’
‘How about tomorrow night?’
Yikes! He actually wanted a second date. ‘Err. Got some work on.’
‘Saturday night?’
‘You don’t sound certain?’
He was right on that score. I mean there was Delgado to think about, and the triathlon. And then there were my mixed-up feelings for Nick Tozzi. ‘What are you like at body massage?’
‘S-say again?’ he spluttered.
‘I’m running in a team triathlon at Perry Lakes on Saturday morning. I might need reviving.’ For all sorts of reasons.
‘I can’t think of anything I’d rather do,’ he said in his sexiest voice.
My mouth went totally dry. I mean . . . I’d been joking. Was he? My turn to splutter. ‘T-talk to you l-later then.’
‘I’ve got all of Saturday off, so I’ll come and cheer for you at the finish line,’ he said, and clicked off.
I got out of the car and walked into the band lounge of the Subi, sporting a blush that could have lit up half the brothels in Northbridge. Fortunately, the place was empty apart from the roadies.
Wal was crawling around on the stage, with a rollie about to burn up his lip, and a bunch of electrical leads in one hand. I watched him connect them through puffs of smoke, and wondered how the hell he could see what he was doing.
When he’d finished, he spat the rollie out on the stage, not even bothering to stamp it out, and stood up. Collecting his jacket and backpack from the back of a chair he headed down towards me.
We didn’t speak but, as we reached the door, a bunch of cat whistles pierced the air from the roadies over at the sound desk. One of them offered to lend Wal a stepladder.
Wal stiffened and hustled me through the door.
‘Next time, wait outside,’ he said gruffly.
‘Oh?’ I said, confused.
‘You’re killing my rep-u-tay-shun.’
It took me nearly to Bunka to swallow that down. Like before, when we’d been having coffee, part of me wanted to giggle. Then there was the other part of me that wanted to kick him in the kneecaps.
He broke the silence finally as we cruised past Burnside train station. ‘So, what’s the story?’
I looked out for Cass, but the platform was full of nine-to-fivers, knocking off early. I wondered if Thursday afternoon was like that everywhere in the world.
‘I probably won’t need you to do anything,’ I said. ‘I just want to check out some things in an office out here. Got chased when I brought the car out to Bog.’
Wal took out his tobacco and started rolling another smoke. ‘Yeah. Bog heard about it. They reckon you can run pretty damn quick for a chick.’
I gave him a sideways look. ‘You heard about it?’
He shrugged. ‘Bog’s shut up shop for a while. Cops been sniffing around.’
I wanted to ask more but I didn’t. Less I knew about ‘Wal’s World’ the better. There was one thing I couldn’t resist asking, though. ‘What’s in your bag?’
He rolled the numbers on the chain lock and unzipped it. ‘Just my working kit. Nothing flash.’
‘OK, put it away,’ I said, after glimpsing the butt of a pistol and a knife sheath. ‘You got a licence for that stuff?’
He stuck the rollie between his lips and lit it with a zippo he pulled from his pocket. ‘Yeah. Sure.’
I had a moment of complete panic as we turned down Lucas Road. I was driving in a car with an armed and dangerous man. And I’d invited him. What was wrong with me? Then I thought of the galah, stiff and ant-eaten, left under my windscreen wiper. Wal was my insurance.
We cruised up and around the government land strip until I located SUP’s lab building. It was an ugly little demountable adjacent to a more solid steel-framed government warehouse. I parked a way back from the driveway, and told Wal to stay put.
‘That all?’ he asked.
‘For the moment. If I can’t find out what I want, we might have to hang around for a bit. You know, until it gets dark.’
‘Sweet.’ He opened the door and stuck his feet up in the vee of the hinge. A bag of sandwiches materialised out of his kitbag. Egg by the smell of it.
I raised my eyebrows at the odour, but he ignored me, so I hustled down the long driveway to the demountable.
The blonde desk-girl had a comb in one hand and was rummaging in her handbag with the other. ‘We’re closed,’ she said without ceremony, pulling out a packet of menthol cigarettes.
‘I’m looking for a business, and I’ve lost the address.’
She frowned, clearly not in a helping mood. ‘What kind of business? I’ve gotta catch a train.’
‘Mining,’ I said. ‘Got an appointment with some bloke called Mitch. I sell diggers.’
Her annoyed look was amplified by the way her aura was zipping around her body like a go-kart on the speedway; a dull red aura with not much going for it other than its speed.
‘It’s a really important meeting. Twenty bucks in it if you can help me,’ I said, waving a note.
‘Joey, can you come out here? Someone’s lost. I’m late.’ She shrugged towards the guy who appeared from a back room. ‘Try him.’
I scrambled for an excuse to keep her in the office a bit longer. ‘Are you catching the 4.30 to the city?’ I asked.
‘Yeah. Why?’ Her eyes narrowed.
‘Haven’t you heard? There’s a strike. No trains until 5.30 pm. I just drove by the station. It’s crazy down there.’
She wrinkled her forehead. ‘Never heard nothin’ about it.’ She glanced at the computer. ‘I just shut down.’ She dropped her bag back down on the desk and started rummaging in it again.
‘Might be worth waiting till the worst’s over,’ I said, helpfully.
‘What you looking for?’ asked Joey, who looked like one haircut short of Cousin It. A wookie compressed into a medium-sized white lab coat.
‘A mining warehouse. I sell diggers.’
Joey grunted and shrugged. ‘I can drive you around, to look, if you like?’ he said, hopefully.
I ignored the offer. ‘You got anyone else out the back there who knows the area?’
Joey went over to the back door. ‘Hey, Zach. Girl needs help out here.’
Zach emerged a minute later. Slim, white lab coat, dark, oily hair and small scar on his chin. His aura was the colour of a pair of tan boots I used to own, and sprinkled with black dots.
‘What is this place anyway?’ I asked, looking around. ‘Pathology lab?’
‘Assay,’ said blondie, texting on her phone.
‘Assay lab? Think there’d be more of you.’
‘We’ve got another guy,’ said Joey. ‘His wife’s just had a baby though.’
‘Uh. Oh.’ I looked at slim Zach. ‘I sell mining equipment. Got an appointment with a guy – lost the address though.’ Now I had them all together, I dropped the bomb. ‘Think his name was Viper . . . no . . . Viaspa.’
Bang. Zach’s aura expanded like popcorn. The other two didn’t change.
Zach shook his head. ‘Never heard of him.’
‘No sweat. Thanks.’ I headed to the door as a text message chimed on Blondie’s phone. ‘Hey!’ she called out after me, ‘There’s no stri –’
I slammed the door and high-tailed it down the driveway.
Wal tucked his leg in and shut his door as I pulled away from the curb. ‘So?’
I turned off Lucas Road at the nearest street, and pulled in between two parked cars. ‘I need to tail someone.’
Wal looked at me. He’d been cleaning his teeth with dental floss and it hung out the side of his mouth still. ‘In this car? Thought you was smart.’
‘No choice.’ I peered out of my back window towards the SUP building.
‘You need a white car, or blue. Like that one.’ Wal tapped my shoulder and pointed to the car in front.
‘What do you mean?’ I said blankly.
His hand fell to his backpack. ‘I got the gear here. Could wire it in a few minutes.’
‘You mean “steal” it?’
Wal tongued the dental floss. ‘Borrow.’
‘Absolutely NO! And too late anyway,’ I said, as a red SUV pulled out from behind the demountable. It turned left onto Lucas in the direction of the train station. From what I could see, Blondie was in the passenger seat and Zach was driving.
I swung Mona out and followed at a fair distance. ‘He’s dropping her at the train station,’ I muttered to Wal.
But he’d already settled his head against the door and closed his eyes.