If the corner were a slave plantation, Dollar
was the overseer, the Negro chosen to ensure the other Negroes
performed their assigned tasks. His tall, gangly frame – like a
basketball player with not enough bulk – filled out his white Notre
Dame jogging suit, his bloodshot glare held the menace of a whip
ready to scourge any who weren't keeping up their end. A poorly
grown goatee outlined his jaw. A black wavecap pulled snug under
the jogging suit's hood. His crew were the field Negroes, steady
grinding, toiling away; from the lookouts down the way to the
runner passing product. The fiends? They were house Negroes, come
to beg scraps from their master's table. Some he knew, others were
just faces. These brokendown fools he knew because they ran with
his boy, Tavon. Loose Tooth, the player formerly known as
CashMoney, carried quite a bit of weight to him for a fiend. Though
he had to be pushing forty, his body hadn't quite given into the
wasting yet, but his mouth hadn't seen the inside of a dentist's
office probably since the mid-'80s. Miss Jane, on the other hand,
her dusty ass had to have an eye on her at all times. Always
running games, she'd be the one who'd alert the master to any
slaves trying to make an escape. In the end, they were all slaves
to the game.
Junie studied the scene with the
desperation of a man cramming for finals he forgot were that day.
He and Parker had waited until Green left. Though neither would
have used the word "preternatural" to describe his mien, they knew
that Green cast an aura that filled their veins with water. Once
sufficient time had elapsed after his departure – his presence
still managing to hold court for a time – they were ready to make
their move. While Dollar's crew was occupied bullshitting with a
couple of fiends, the pair crept toward them. They kept their
weapons pointed toward the ground in their loping gait toward their
targets. Young, black, and poor, they were the most dangerous men
in America, with no hope and nothing to lose.
"They coming up the block, yo," a
lookout on a bike yelled as he whizzed by Dollar.
Dollar chose the entrance of
Breton Court for a reason (as if he had a choice once Green told
him where to set up). Two rows of townhouses ran alongside the main
drag of Breton Court, plus outstretched arms from the court proper,
each having another row of townhouses facing each other separated
by a grassy yard. The rears of the two rows between the main drag
and the outstretched arm of condos formed an alley of sorts, the
fenced-in back patios providing a series of nooks where bodies
could hide or deals be transacted with minimal intrusion. Rising up
from one of the posts that served as his seat, Dollar dispatched
his boys to the bushes that decorated the ends of the townhouses,
wasted landscaping that served mostly to hide stashes and weapons.
Guns were also hidden among the concrete bricks used to prop open
the back patio doors. With the choreography of a ballet company,
their movements swift and sure, the troops were ready for
Parker didn't have much more of a
plan than to walk up and start busting caps. Their only other real
option was a drive-by, but that lacked the personal touch, the
demonstration of heart, that would cause their names to ring out.
Hitching up his baggy jeans as he broke into a jog – another gun
firmly in the waistband of his boxers hidden beneath his black
hoodie and trailing white T-shirt – Parker aimed his Glock 17. The
fiends and bystander scattered with the first shot, though Miss
Jane ducked into the bushes with the presence of mind to use the
distraction to raid Dollar's stashes. Parker turned his gun
sideways, the way he'd often seen it done in movies, only dimly
aware that he wasn't coming close to hitting anything he aimed at.
A hot casing popped up and caught him under his eye, the searing
pain causing him to clutch at his face and move between the cars
parked in the front lot.
Junie fired, not so much aiming
as swinging his arm toward any movement. Dollar's boys hid among
the bushes and ran between patio cavities. A couple ran across the
grass yard throwing careless shots in the general direction of the
parked cars.
A car window exploded over
Junie's head. He crouched down even further, both hands
instinctively covering his head to shield him from the rain of
glass. Guns still in hand, he accidentally set off a round,
blasting out another window. Dollar ran into the open, figuring the
safest place to be was right in front of them. He fired at the
cars, then ducked behind the car furthest from them. Parker threw
his arm around the corner and peeled off a few more shots. Junie's
heart pounded so hard his chest hurt. The taste of copper pennies
filled his mouth, a mix of adrenaline and fear. No one admitted
that they didn't want to die, though truth be told, Parker no
longer cared much either way.
Dollar's boys could've penned
them in at this point, were they not too busy cowering in their
nooks or bushes, throwing shots without bothering to see where they
were landing. Parker calmly reloaded while crouched behind a car
bumper. He nodded to Junie and pulled out his second gun so that he
could fire off both as they backed out. He saw that in the movies,
also. No control, no discipline, it was no mystery why no one
caught a bullet. Little boys playing cowboys having a shootout to
prove their manhood to others. Undoubtedly the story would grow in
the re-telling, with tales of derring-do and uncanny
No matter how many bodies anyone
would claim to have dropped, the only casualties this day were
innocent cars and the neighborhood tranquility.
"No one saw dick."
Lee McCarrell's hard-boned face
was all jaw and forehead with mean green eyes that bore through
folks. A street-wise knucklehead all about kicking down doors, he
did one year of patrol, did some time as a part of a special detail
out of the mayor's office, and now slummed in Gang Crimes until he
could move on to do SWAT work. Lee tired of being the white cop,
the presumed racist out to lock up more brothas. His thoughts bubbled with their familiar
boil. It wasn't his fault so many brothers were up to no good. He'd
be just as happy locking up Koreans or being unemployed entirely if
it meant no more bad guys. You'd think these people, if not being
grateful, would at least save their anger for the… animals (yeah,
he thought it), their own that preyed on the rest of them. No, they
protected them, hid them from the cracka
devil out to take away their freedom. Hell, they deserved
what they got.
Detective First Grade, Octavia
Burke sipped from her bottled water, constantly scanning the
streets with her large eyes. She wore her brownish-black hair
naturally. Freckles dotted her medium complexion on either side of
her wide-ish nose. She shifted her broad shoulders along the seat,
getting comfortable, her thick frame part of her "100% po-lice"
"Not much here either," Octavia
said, adopting a rather Zen attitude about her presumed status of
police House Negro. The residents of the Phoenix Apartments had
closed ranks once again. As bad as they wanted the crime stopped,
they didn't want the label of snitch put on them. For every one
criminal arrested, that left plenty behind that the good citizens
had to live with. So when chased by the police, the greater of two
evils, suspects found plenty of open doors and places to hide. Word
on the street was that there was even a buried stash of community
guns. The "cracker devil" and "house nigger" faced little
cooperation. "Seems once the shots started, everyone scattered. No
one got a good look at anyone. Can't even get a consistent number
of participants."
"Actual detective work. I like
this." Maybe it was a trick of the light, but Lee had been letting
his hair grow out and it now threatened to become a fullblown
mullet, a hairstyle choice which did not combine well with his
porn-star mustache. "Deaf, blind, and dumb. No wonder criminals
make a home here. What more could they ask for than such
cooperative neighbors."
"Take it easy." Octavia slowly
grew accustomed to Lee's rhythms and how tightly wound he got about
the job. Tilting her angular face, she revealed the hard lines of
her profile. She couldn't let him go off half-cocked and
ill-tempered, running roughshod over citizens. He'd become his own
self-fulfilling prophecy: the boogeyman white police everyone
warned about.
"How am I supposed to take it
easy?" Lee slammed the steering wheel. "We're nowhere. That many
bullets flying and we're nowhere."
"You being upset and making the
both of us miserable isn't going to make it any better. Things are
what they are."
"Practicing for your television
Their lieutenant had tapped
Octavia to do the press conference updating the good citizens of
Indianapolis on their lack of progress on the case. Not that Lee
was jealous, since public relations wasn't his area of expertise.
It would have been nice, however, to have been
"Now you're going to break bad on
me?" she asked.
"I'm just saying. I don't want to
slow you down, have you slumming with us actual investigators when
promotions come around."
"Why don't you calm your ass
down. Just because a captain's slot opened up doesn't mean they're
going to offer it to me. Or that I'd take it."
"Bull and shit. Bet you can't
wait to be a bigger boss. Go to all those lunches, rub elbows with
the politicos. Sure beats actual police work. Don't open your mouth
to me."
Octavia tired of always having to
nursemaid her partner, tip-toeing around whatever latest snit he
wound himself into. His provocative tone was the last straw. "I'm
sorry. I mistook myself for your superior officer. But I guess I'm
not a boss, but a black boss to you, so
you can talk to me any way you see fit."
"There we go. What'd that take,
fifteen seconds, to make this a racial thing?"
"With you it's always a racial
thing. A black thing. Black junkies. Black skels. Black police. All
dirtying up your Leave it to Beaver
"You can kiss my Leave it to Beaver ass."
"Sure, I'm just your black
"You can kiss my Leave it to Beaver ass, ma'am. Feel free to jam me up any way you
"Yeah, cause we're all out to get
you. Watch out now. One of my 'homies' is coming up behind you. He
may want to screw you out of a promotion." Octavia turned to study
the passing cityscape through her window, feeling the onset of yet
another headache. Part of her understood his frustration, shared
it, though now it was impossible to commiserate about it. They
drove back to the station in complete silence, both their thoughts
drifting to what it would take to break the grip that silenced so
many tongues. Maybe it boiled down to who folks feared more: the
police or the predators.
Most good police work amounted to
waiting and paperwork, so one had to learn how to wait. Patience
was her gift. Unlike her partner. Reading between the lines of his
risky jacket, and listening to the gossipy sewing circle known as
the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, rumors of
suspected corruption dogged him. The rumor mill gave him too much
credit. Lee was more of a soldier, not bright enough to pull off
true corruption, though he occasionally found extra money from a
drug dealer. Nothing serious, little more than keeping the change
found between couch cushions. Still, it was nice to be married to a
city councilwoman's daughter, even better, a councilwoman on the
budget committee. He would die "100% po-lice" long before he'd ever
be fired, no matter how badly he screwed up.
"Traffic stops or
"Domestics. Doesn't matter who's
in the wrong, you never know when your victim will turn on you once
you threaten to lock up the other." Lee sighed, letting his anger
go along with the silence. "Going through the door or clearing the
"Attic. I seen too many horror
movies, so sticking my head through a dark hole? No
"Come on, now. These days a black
woman in a horror movie has to make it to the end. It's
affirmative-action Hollywood these days." Lee lived to push her
buttons. Octavia did three years of patrol work, moved to vice,
prostitution decoy, and then moved to Gang Crimes. After the
Pyrcioch case, she was promoted to detective. He could read a
jacket, too. All that and she still walked as if she had to prove
her worth on the job.
"I see your diversity training
has paid off." Octavia coolly glanced at him sideways.
"I've learned a heightened
respect for others. An appreciation for other cultures and
worldviews. I can only hope to use my newfound…" He stumbled for
the right word.
"Yes, thank you," he continued in
his faux-polite manner. "My newfound sensitivity in order to
facilitate others in moving forward in the job."
In the end, she tolerated her
partner's half-acracka antics. Too often a cop's prejudice got the
better of him, aimed at the poorest community in which he served.
Today it was blacks. Tomorrow he'd forget about blacks and hate
Hispanics. "You're full of shit. And you shouldn't burn through so
much coffee. You'll be up and down to piss all night."
"That's why God created partners.
And," Lee pointed to a man approaching the corner in order to cop,
"why He created junkies too stupid to pick out cops obviously
sitting on a corner."
"Lookie here, lookie here. Poor
dumbass Tavon."
They had set up on Night's crew
and had the beginnings of an outline of his organization worked
out. They knew about Night who operated out of the Phoenix (all
they had on him was a name, which was more than they had on his
rival). One of Night's operations, Green's actually, was a red,
two-story house known as The Shack, a pea shake house offering
neighborhood games similar to Hoosier Lottery's Pick Three or Pick
Four games. Since the money didn't flow to the state, they were
illegal. Everyone knew it, hustlers, cops, citizens, and
politicians, but that activity never led to bodies dropping and
lined too many pockets, so a convenient blind eye was
The police currently attempted to
get up on Night's lieutenant Green – as high up on the food chain
as they had worked – and, right now, Green's boys were doing sloppy
work. Probably the reason Green was on the streets as much as he
was. The detectives waited because before long someone had to pick
up the count. However, Tavon Little provided them an opportunity
they couldn't pass up.
Tavon paused on the corner with
an eye on the car parked in front of a nearby house. The trunk,
left agape while the owner ran stuff into the house, called to him
with a sultry seduction, open and inviting. Wiping his mouth, he
double-checked to make sure the coast was clear, Tavon hitched up
his pants and nonchalantly strode toward the car.
The pair of detectives skulked
from their car to intercept him. He veered off his beeline to the
trunk like a gazelle who'd picked up the scent of hyenas.
Half-throwing his hands up in a "why me/why now?" declaration, he
moved out of sight of his would-be suppliers. The last thing he
needed was to be seen with black police old enough to be his
mother, and worse, this redneck fool who'd love to see him dangling
from a noose. Or a bumper.
"Tay-Von Little." Octavia started
in, emphasizing his name. Conversations were a finesse game and she
hoped she had at least imparted that much to her erstwhile
colleague. "Tavon, Tavon, Tavon."
"Officer Burke." Tavon shrank
against the tall wooden fence separating the prying eyes of
neighbors. Burke and McCarrell crowded him. He chewed on a
black-tipped fingernail, his bony body retreating further into his
grim-stained, one-time-gray hoodie.
"Detective," she corrected.
"My bad. De-Tec-Tive Burke."
Tavon addressed only her. "What can I do for you?"
"Just looking for some
information. A name really. Someone in Baylon's crew."
"Baylon's crew? They ain't around
"We know that, Tae. We didn't
want to put you in the awkward position of dealing out your
hook-up. Every organization has a weak link and if anyone knows
about spotting a weak link, it'd be you."
"I don't know if I can help you,
Detective Burke."
"Tavon, you watch Bugs Bunny
cartoons?" Lee grabbed the man's jaw and turned his face to meet
his, having grown a little hot about the casual disrespect shown by
this bit of junkie trash. He decided he needed to get his
"Yeah." Tavon muttered through
his clenched jaw.
"You remember the ones with the
"Yeah, Road Runner."
"Nah. The other ones, the ones
with the sheep dog. You see, every day was the same. The sheep dog
and Mr Wile E. Coyote would ride to work together, break for lunch
together, but when they were on the clock – you know, once that
work whistle blew – it was all business. Coyote would try and steal
sheep. The sheep dog would drop an anvil on his head to handle his
"Tavon," Octavia, picking up on
Lee's thread, pointed to him, "this here's my anvil."
"A name or maybe I should let you
ride up front with me," Lee said.
"Huh?" Tavon said.
"You know, all cozy like. Take a
tour of the corners."
"No need to go to any trouble."
Tavon raised his hands.
"Let your boys see you riding in
style with po-po. Maybe drop you off on one of your favorite
corners. How does that sound?"
"Juneteenth Walker. Folks call
him Junie," Tavon said with a quickness.
"Junie? He like folks calling him
that?" Octavia asked.
"What's that matter?"
"I'm just saying. His momma, all
proud of her beautiful baby boy names him after a black holiday,
the celebration of our emancipation, but he turns around and the
streets call him Junie. Junie… like he's some kind of
"That's the point," Tavon said.
"You don't get to choose your name. Those with power over you name
"That's a fucked-up way of
looking at things," Lee offered.
"It's a fucked-up
"We'll check this out. If you on
the level, there'll be something in it for you down the
"This here's America." Tavon's
eyes grew wide with the lucidity spurred by capitalism. "We believe
in credit, but with all of this economic uncertainty – downturns
and shit – we also a cash down payment sort of people."
Octavia fished out a twenty
dollar bill. She held it up when he snatched for it. "Your info
better be straight or else my anvil will have an excuse to drop all
over you."
"We're cool." Tavon grabbed the
bill and ducked out of their little enclave before he could be
"What you think?" Octavia
"Be nice to find out where this
motherfucker lays his head. Hold on, I got something so that this
night's not a total waste."
Lee pulled some firecrackers out
from under the backseat of their car. Octavia rolled her eyes and
slipped into the driver's side. Lee tossed the lit firecrackers
into some nearby bushes. Watching folks jump into each other's
pockets wasn't her idea of entertainment as the touts and lookouts
scurried for their covey holes, a few soldiers, hands on weapons,
popped their heads out to see what was what. Lee grinned with the
glee of a kid kicking over an anthill.
No one knew where Green lived. When folks
needed him, they caught up with him on his cell.
His coat hung from a nail lodged
in a bullet hole in the wall. A series of cracks in the plaster
filigreed his wall. The water-damaged ceiling and floorboards
trapped mildew within their spaces, so thick at times, breathing
was a chore. Or would be to any but Green. The rest of his place
was unfurnished for all intents and purposes. Surrounding a card
table were mismatched chairs, from a broken La-Z-Boy to a lawn
chair, not that he entertained often. Plywood covered the window
creating the darkness of a cave which obscured the stained walls. A
bare bulb dangled from the ceiling. Radiators filled the abandoned
house though they, too, were long-stilled. From the bathroom came
the stench of excrement and urine from a paper-clogged toilet,
though the clawfoot bathtub next to it remained bone-dry. No
electricity, no gas, no water. Burn marks trailed along the window
sills from previous squatters. There was no bed or mattress to be
found in the bedroom. For all practical purposes, the room was a
walk in the closet, wall-to-wall with suits, coats, shoes, and
Green stood.
"How's business?" Merle
"Steady mobbin'. People always
want to get their head up." Green's voice was dry as kindling.
"What do you want, mage?"
"Can't two old friends share a
"Is that what we are
"Depends, do you still have that
thing for heads?" Merle asked.
"I see you haven't tired of your
word games."
"Chop, chop, fizz, fizz. Oh what
a relief it is."
"He's returned, hasn't he?" Green
said, still not turning to meet Merle.
"He's been here a
"It's really him?"
"Slowly finding himself. Here,
there be dragons, or so I hear." Merle ran his finger along the
edges of the jutting sconces as if performing a white glove
inspection. "How's the old lady?"
"In seclusion. Well guarded. What
do you want?"
"A name. What's in a name?
Bercilak. Bredbeddle. Bernlak. I guess it depends on who you
"I won't ask again." Green
remained rooted to his spot, unflinching, yet his gaze followed
"Really? Third time's a
His gray-flecked red sideburns
straggled out from beneath the aluminum foil helmet he'd crafted.
The voices of the dead or else gone were getting harder to sift
through. His body aged one way, his spirit the other, he thought,
though he couldn't remember which aged which way. "Damn it, Mab.
Can't you be quiet for a moment?"
"I see Dred is not the only one
haunted by echoes of his mother."
"You can be reached," Merle
"And you can be
"A year and a day. A year and a
day. The challenge comes full circle."
"A year and a day. Nothing is
evergreen. Do what you always do."
In a thought, the flesh of
Green's hand stretched and tore, raking the shape of a shorn
branch, with one side beveled to form a close approximation of a
blade. He swung the slicing hand in an arc directed at Merle's
neck, but the mage had already vanished into the night, abandoning
the elemental. Which was just as well. He'd grown restless and
still had an errand to run.
• • •
Inside the Phoenix Apartments, the woman had
a name. A mother of three whose baby daddy walked out when the
pressures of taking care of a family proved too hard to shoulder.
She worked two jobs to make ends meet, refusing to go on welfare.
Not so much due to pride as much as never again wanting to be
dependent on anyone – a lesson she wanted to pass on to her
She let her sister live with them
in the Phoenix Apartments, paid half the rent, and bought most of
the groceries. In trade, her sister watched the kids after school
and read to them before they went to bed. Though honest and
hard-working, she wasn't a saint. On weekends she and her sister
weaved each other's hair and they got their party on; she deserved
to let off steam and have a life. Her body held up fairly well
after three kids. Sure, her breasts sagged more than she would have
liked and she had a pudginess to her belly that spilled over her
too-tight, low-cut jeans; but she had thick thighs and knew how to
carry herself in a way to accentuate her assets. The woman had a
None of which mattered to
The woman, while out at a party,
stumbled across Dollar putting Prez on in the life, overseeing his
initiation. He had drawn the joker from the deck of cards and was
meant to take out a random mark. His shot went wide of his intended
target and had the misfortune to strike Conant Walker through the
Walker family's window. The woman had been staggering down the
sidewalk when she witnessed the shooting. When Dollar and Prez
broke out, she was sure she hadn't been spotted. As the days
passed, what she had seen ground on her conscience. She was
careful, only telling her sister about the possibility of her going
to the police. She was positive she had only told her. Fairly
positive anyway.
None of which mattered to
"Snitching is a lifestyle
choice." Green circled the woman who was tied to one of her kitchen
chairs. Her home was modest and clean. Poor didn't have to mean
dirty, she had always instructed her children. The floors were
swept regularly, the countertops wiped down and the house picked
up. She was in the middle of mopping the kitchen when Green kicked
in her front door, leading Dollar and Prez, as he, too, had a mess
to clean up. Dollar and Prez brandished guns, directing the kids to
sit against the wall. Green forced her to sit in the chair as they
used zip strips to bind her hands behind her. Her sister was out
for the evening. "Usually a choice to shorten one's
"I'm not going to tell anyone, I
"That we're all for damn sure.
What we have here is an opportunity for an object
His chinchilla coat hung from his
broad shoulders like the mane of a lion, Green reached into the
folds of his burnt orange suit jacket. The woman flinched, the
correct impulse, though he withdrew only a tiny box. The children
were a chorus of stifled cries and hitching breaths.
"Open it." Green placed it in her
trembling hands. Complying, she found three brand-new razor blades.
"Chew them."
The woman's eyes flared open in
disbelief. Green stood, fixing his impassive gaze on her. The box
shook in her hands.
"I can't."
"No, you won't. A distinct, though subtle, difference. You
simply lack the proper motivation. Prez, shoot one of the
"No!" the woman
Prez glanced over at him with
questioning eyes. The night he shot Conant Walker, his shot hadn't
gone wide on accident. While many thought him a stone-cold killer,
one stare into Green's terrible eyes… he knew that Green knew
different. Prez was in, but he still had to prove himself to Green.
The children huddled closer together. The youngest girl burst into
fresh tears.
"I didn't stutter, nigga. Shoot
one of them," Green reiterated.
"No, wait. Please don't hurt my
"Do what you have to
The woman closed her eyes and
opened her mouth. Green, dark priest of the streets, placed the
blades like a communion wafer on the flat of her tongue. She closed
her mouth gingerly around them. Hot tears trailed down her face.
Her eyes pleaded with Green for this gesture to suffice, that she'd
learned her lesson and her place. She swallowed involuntarily, the
blades shifted in her mouth, and she let loose a muffled
"I said chew. Don't make me tell you again."
She lowered then clamped her jaw.
With each action the blade sliced through her tongue, sharp knives
through the tenderest of veal. She coughed up a mouthful of blood
to the raised wails of her children. A blade slashed through her
"That's enough."
The words echoed from down a long
tunnel the way the woman heard them. Still, carefully as she could
muster, she let the blades fall from her mouth.
"Good girl." Green knelt down,
his coat draped about him like James Brown preparing to be walked
off stage. He met her eye-to-eye but spoke loud enough for the
children to hear. "You even think about talking to po-po and there
is a price to be paid. Gentlemen, can you wrap up this little
Prez watched as Dollar stepped to
the woman and fired once into her face. Blood mixed with brain
matter splattered her clean kitchen walls and her blood pooled on
her freshly mopped floors. Dollar took out his penis and peed on
her, nodding to Prez to join him. Prez started to turn to Green,
but opted to avoid the gaze that bled into an eternity of nights.
Instead, he pissed on the woman.
With that, Green led the men out
of the apartment. Before closing the door Green whispered to the
children: "Tell everyone what you saw here. Everyone except the