Admiral Ackbar took his seat at the high bench, with Generals Madine and Salm below and to the left and right respectively. He waited for the defendant and prosecutor to be seated, then he looked out over the sparsely populated courtroom. “Today’s session will be abbreviated. Even the most simple voyage can be ended by an unanticipated wave, and the wave affecting us here was titanic in proportions.”
He glanced down at Tycho Celchu and the two droids at the defense table. “Captain Celchu, your lawyer is not here because approximately an hour ago he was shot and seriously wounded in the parking facility on the upper floors of this building. The assassin has been killed, but we have sealed the building for security reasons nonetheless. Nawara Ven was shot while in the process of bringing to court a witness who had recently surfaced to provide proof of your innocence. The witness offered his testimony on your behalf in return for a new identity and repatriation to another world. He provided a datacard filled with encrypted information that backed his claims concerning you as well as claims concerning the Imperial espionage net here on Coruscant.
“Unfortunately the assassin who wounded Counselor Ven succeeded in killing this witness.” Ackbar looked over toward where Airen Cracken sat on the prosecution side of the court. “General Cracken has assured me he has people working on the datacard to see if they can slice the information out, but there is no telling if or when they will succeed.”
Tycho frowned. “Where does this leave me?”
Halla Ettyk stood. “Admiral, the prosecution would be amenable to a continuance until Counselor Ven has recovered.”
“Granted.” Admiral Ackbar raised a gavel. “If there is nothing more we will stand in recess until Counselor Ven is able to continue.”
Tycho held a hand up. “Wait, please, isn’t there something I can do? Isn’t it possible for me to represent myself in his absence?”
“That has always been your right, Captain Celchu.”
Halla looked over at Tycho. “The admiral is correct, but really there is nothing you can do.”
“I can call and question a witness.”
The prosecutor shook her head and pointed at her datapad. “Not really. I have before me the list of witnesses Counselor Ven said you were going to call. None of the members of Rogue Squadron are here and available. The Duros Lai Nootka is not here and, unfortunately, is probably dead. You have no witnesses.”
Whistler tooted.
Emtrey’s clamshell head came up. “Whistler says we do have a witness.”
Halla frowned. “Who?”
Tycho stood. “I can testify on my own behalf.”
“It would be a mistake to do so, Captain. I would rip you apart on cross.”
The R2 unit blatted rudely.
Tycho patted Whistler on the dome. “I agree.”
Emtrey canted his head to the side. “Ah, sir, Whistler was agreeing with Commander Ettyk. You’re not his witness. Your testimony won’t put this whole business to rest.”
Halla shook her head. “The only witness who could do that is dead.”
Whistler trumpeted loudly, whirling his head full around in a circle. The droid bounced excitedly and his tone became a piercing shriek.
Ackbar’s gavel cracked once, sharply, jerking Emtrey to attention. “Tell Whistler to calm down or I’ll have a restraining bolt put on him.”
The little droid stopped and hummed mournfully.
“Now what was he talking about, Emtrey?”
Whistler answered.
Emtrey glanced sharply down at him and gave him a good clout on the dome. “Make sense, Whistler. They’re waiting.”
Whistler repeated his previous answer.
The 3PO unit raised its arms and looked up at Ackbar. “I am sorry, sir, but he makes no sense. The stress—circuits must have become polarized. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
Ackbar sighed. “Answer my question. Who is he saying this witness is?”
Before Emtrey could answer, a man spoke from the court’s open doorway. “Begging your pardon, Admiral, I think Whistler intends for me to be called as a witness.”
Ackbar’s barbels twitched. From the black depths all manner of beasts can swim. “This is impossible.”
“It wasn’t easy,” Corran Horn smiled, “but as for impossible, Admiral, you know impossible is what Rogue Squadron does best of all.”