Who doesn’t love a good love triangle—especially
one involving guys like Peeta and Gale? Finding out which boy
Katniss would end up with was an important moment—and for some
readers the most important moment—in the series. But, as Jennifer
Lynn Barnes reminds us, amid all the talk of who Katniss would
choose, we sometimes forgot to think about who Katniss
actually is. Barnes looks at Katniss independent of
potential love interests and provides a convincing alternative to
Team Peeta and Team Gale: Team Katniss.
These days, it seems like you can’t throw a
fish in a bookstore without hitting a high-stakes love triangle—not
that I recommend the throwing of fish in bookstores, mind you (it
annoys the booksellers—not to mention the fish), but it certainly
seems like more and more YA heroines are being faced with a problem
of abundance when it comes to the opposite sex. While I am a total
sucker for romance (not to mention quite fond of a variety of
fictional boys myself), I still can’t help but wonder if, as
readers, we’re becoming so used to romantic conflict taking center
stage that we focus in on that aspect of fiction even when there
are much larger issues at play.
No book has ever made me ponder this question as
much as Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games trilogy—in part because it
seems like everyone I know has very strong feelings about which boy
is the best fit for Katniss, but also because the books themselves
contain a commentary on the way audiences latch onto romance, even
(and maybe especially) when lives are at stake. To survive her
first Hunger Games, Katniss has to give the privileged viewers in
the Capitol exactly what they want—a high-stakes romance featuring
star-crossed lovers and unthinkable choices. Given that readers of
the Hunger Games trilogy are granted insider access to Katniss’
mind, life, and obligations, it seems somewhat ironic that in the
days leading up to the release of Mockingjay, the series was
often viewed the same way—with readers on “Team Peeta” and “Team
Gale” focusing on Katniss’ love life, sometimes to the exclusion of
everything else.
But Katniss Everdeen—like a variety of her literary
predecessors—is far more than a vertex on some love triangle. She
interesting and flawed and completely three-dimensional all on her
own. She’s a sister, a daughter, a friend, a hero, and—above all—a
survivor. She’s defined by her compassion, her loyalty, and
her perseverance, and those are all traits she has independent of
the boys.
I’m not Team Gale or Team Peeta. I’m Team Katniss,
and in the next few pages, we’re going to take a closer look at her
character and explore the idea that the core story in the Hunger
Games trilogy has less to do with who Katniss ends up with and more
to do with who she is—because sometimes, in books and in
life, it’s not about the romance.
Sometimes, it’s about the girl.
Meet Katniss Everdeen
Ask anyone who’s ever met her—Katniss Everdeen is
a hard person to know. She has one of the most recognizable faces
in her entire world, but the vast majority of Panem knows very
little about the real Katniss. To the viewers of the Games,
she’s the object of Peeta’s affection and then a star-crossed lover
herself. Later, she’s the Mockingjay, the face of the rebellion,
and ultimately, as far as the outside world is concerned, a broken
shell of a girl pushed to the edge of insanity and beyond.
Sometimes Katniss dons these masks willingly; sometimes they are
thrust upon her. But one thing is certain—unlike the Careers, the
flighty members of her prep team, or many of the Capitol’s
citizens, Katniss has no desire to be famous.
She has no desire to be known.
Whether it’s with the viewers of the Games, the
revolutionaries, or the townspeople in District 12, Katniss is the
type to
keep her distance, a fact she readily admits to in the first
chapter of book one, saying that over time, she has learned to
“hold [her] tongue and to turn [her] features into an indifferent
mask so that no one could ever read [her] thoughts.” Katniss keeps
her private thoughts private and keeps most of the world at least
an arm’s length away. Next to Gale, Katniss’ closest friend before
the reaping is a girl she barely speaks to. In fact, when
describing her friendship with Madge, Katniss suggests that the two
of them get along primarily because they both just keep to
Clearly, this pre-reaping Katniss identifies as a
loner, never getting too close to other people, never expecting too
much of them so that she is never disappointed. Similarly, the
people in District 12 seem content to let Katniss keep them at bay.
Other than her family, Gale, and in his own adore-her-from-afar
way, Peeta, there don’t appear to be people lining up to know
Katniss Everdeen. Even the family cat keeps his distance when she
feeds him—to the point that Katniss remarks that “entrails” and “no
hissing” are the closest she and Buttercup can come to love. The
same could be said of Katniss’ relationship with everyone from the
baker to the Peacemakers who buy her contraband prey—right up until
the moment she takes Prim’s place at the reaping.
Standing up on the stage after she takes Prim’s
place, Katniss notes that it is as if a switch has been flipped,
and all of a sudden, she has “become someone precious” to people
who have never seemed to care about her one way or another, people
who don’t really know her, except through that one selfless act. As
she realizes this, Katniss—in typical Katniss fashion—schools her
face to be devoid of emotion, refusing to let the rest of the world
see her tears, and this reluctance to give the Games’ viewers
anything real continues throughout the series. Our heroine’s
initial reaction to Haymitch telling her to make the audience feel
they know her is to explode, arguing that the Capitol has already
taken away her future and that she doesn’t owe them anything else.
When Katniss does eventually give viewers a tiny glimpse of her
love for Prim during her first pre-Games interview with Caesar
Flickerman, even this revelation lays our heroine as bare as if
she’d been asked to undress on camera.
Throughout the series, Katniss wears many masks—and
a large part of the reason she slips into them so easily is that
being the Mockingjay, or the giggling girl twirling around in her
dress, or the lunatic who killed President Coin, is easier than
letting people in and being herself. It’s occurred to me—more than
once—that maybe Katniss isn’t just a hard person to know; maybe
she’s a hard character to know, too, even for those of us
who are inside her head. Maybe that’s why there’s a tendency for
readers to fall into the same trap as the viewers in the Capitol
and to look for an easy answer, a handy label like “girl in love”
or some kind of either/or question that will tell us exactly who
Katniss Everdeen is.
Maybe, for a lot of readers, that question is
Peeta or Gale?
Who am I?
I think there are two reasons that Katniss is a
hard character for us, as readers, to wrap our minds around. The
first is that Katniss isn’t the kind of hero we’re used to seeing
in fiction. She reacts more than she acts, she doesn’t want to be a
leader, and by the end of Mockingjay, she hasn’t come into
her own or risen like a phoenix from the ashes for some triumphant
moment that gives us a sense of satisfaction with how far our
protagonist has come. She’s not a Buffy. She’s not a Bella. She
limps across the finish line when we’re used to seeing heroes
racing; she eases into a quiet, steady love instead of falling
fast and hard.
As much as Katniss holds herself apart from the
people in her own world, she doesn’t fit easily in with the canon
of literary heroines either. But in addition to not fitting the
mold, Katniss can be even more difficult for readers to know
because though the books are told in first person, Katniss has
strikingly little self-awareness. We have to work to figure Katniss
out, because as often as not, Katniss doesn’t know who she
is, what she feels, or the kind of influence she wields over other
Peeta points this cluelessness out to Haymitch
after Katniss’ first interview in The Hunger Games, but even
hearing him say that she has no idea what kind of effect she has on
people, Katniss seems fully oblivious to what Peeta is talking
about. She spends most of the trilogy completely unsure of her own
romantic feelings, but she’s equally in the dark about everything
from the kind of person she is and the kind of person she wants to
be to the influence she wields as the Mockingjay. Consider a moment
shortly after the reaping when Katniss is told that people admire
her spirit. She seems perplexed, saying “I’m not exactly sure what
it means, but it suggests I’m a fighter. In a sort of brave way.”
The idea that a girl who volunteers for certain death to save a
loved one might not know that she is brave is astounding,
but somehow, Collins sells it absolutely.
Given that Katniss knows so little of herself, is
it any wonder that she can be difficult for us to wrap our heads
around, too? It seems plausible to me that one of the reasons that
so many readers seem entirely invested in whether Katniss ends up
with Peeta or Gale is that this seems like a more manageable
question than debating the kind of person Katniss is at her core.
After all, firecracker Gale and dandelion Peeta are so different
from each
other that it’s easy to imagine that a girl who would choose Gale
is a completely different person than one who would choose Peeta.
When people sit around debating who Katniss should choose, maybe
what they’re really debating actually is her identity—and
the romance is just a proxy for that big, hard question about the
ever-changing, unaware girl on fire.
In many ways, this is a compelling idea, but I
think that giving in to this line of thinking can be dangerous,
because there is so much more to Katniss than her relationships
with Peeta and Gale, and if this were a book about a boy who takes
his brother’s place at that first reaping, I wonder if we would all
be sitting around talking about who he should be with, rather than
who we think he should be. Katniss herself seems to resent the idea
that her entire personality boils down to a romantic decision—in
Catching Fire, she feels sickened when Haymitch tells her
that she’ll never be able to do anything but live “happily ever
after” with Peeta. She hardens herself against the very idea of
marriage until she “recoil[s] at even the suggestion of marriage or
a family” (Catching Fire). And in Mockingjay , in the
aftermath of Prim’s death, when Katniss goes to Haymitch for help
and he greets her by asking if she’s having more “boy trouble,” she
is devastated that this is what he thinks of her, cut to her core
that while her entire life is imploding, the closest thing she has
to a father acts like her single biggest dilemma is deciding who
she loves.
In typical Katniss style, she states that she is
unsure why Haymitch’s words hurt her so much, but I have my own
theory, one that says that Katniss knows that the world—and many of
the trilogy’s readers—reduce her to that one thing—romance—and that
she expects better of those who know her best.
Like Haymitch.
And—if we’ve taken the time as readers to dig deep
enough—like us.
The Symbolic Katniss
Even though I’ve already argued that Katniss uses
the masks she wears to keep other people at bay, I think at least
one of those masks is a good to place to start when looking for
clues about the girl underneath. Long before District 13 asks
Katniss to officially take up the mantle of Mockingjay, she
identifies with the animal in question on her own. She sings, they
sing back. They’re a product of the Capitol, and even before our
heroine steps foot in the arena, so is she. Mockingjays are
adaptive, and, as Katniss notes, the Capitol severely
underestimated the species’ desire to survive.
At the end of Catching Fire, in a daze from
having been violently extracted from the arena, Katniss makes what
is perhaps the strongest statement of her own identity in the
entire series: “The bird, the pin, the song, the berries, the
watch, the cracker, the dress that burst into flames. I am the
mockingjay. The one that survived despite the Capitol’s plans. The
symbol of the rebellion.” It seems that Katniss’ entire life—or at
the very least, her life since she took Prim’s place at the
reaping—has been leading to this, as her tiny acts of bravery and
compassion and cunning spark a revolution. For once, Katniss is
aware of exactly what she symbolizes and how her actions have led
to this moment—and yet, Katniss herself is no more of a rebel than
an actual mockingjay, an animal who never thought of thwarting the
Capitol and merely wanted to survive.
Katniss is, at her core, a survivor—a fact that is
reinforced by her very name. In stark contrast to Prim and Rue, who
both named after pretty, delicate flowers, Katniss was named after
a root—one that can be eaten like a potato, leading her father to
have once commented that as long as Katniss could find herself,
she’d never starve (ironic, given that Katniss spends much of the
series trying to figure out who exactly she is). It’s a practical
name: no frills, no fuss, all about the bottom line.
Whether she’s “Katniss” or “the Mockingjay,” it’s
all right there in the name: Katniss is the kind of person who does
what she needs to do to survive. Her other dominant
characteristic—the one other thing that’s important to her—should
be obvious, given that she entered the Hunger Games voluntarily to
save Prim.
To this end, I’d argue that there might be a better
symbol for Katniss than the mockingjay or the potato-like plant
after which she was named, one that shows up like clockwork in
every book of the trilogy, tracing Katniss’ path as she goes.
I know that it might seem crazy to some people that
I think you can get a better sense Katniss’ character by looking at
The Cat Who Refuses To Die than by debating the relative merits of
Peeta versus Gale, but at the end of the day, if I had to pick a
“team” (other than Team Katniss, of course), I would pick Team
Buttercup. Not because I don’t love Peeta (I do) or Gale (also do),
but because I can’t help looking at that beat-up old cat, who
arrived at the Everdeen household as a scrawny little kitten, and
thinking about how very much like Katniss he is. Standoffish.
Protective. A creature who, against all odds, survives.
Gale may be the one who promises to protect Prim
when Katniss leaves for the Games, but Buttercup is the one she
trusts to watch over her little sister—to comfort her when she
cries, to
love her. Other than the fact that Buttercup’s a great hunter and
has a less-than-approachable personality, his two most defining
characteristics are that he survives things a cat has no business
surviving and that he loves Prim.
Sound familiar?
Throughout the trilogy, these same two
characteristics are the ones that drive Katniss’ actions the most.
She is focused, sometimes to the exclusion of everything else, on
finding a way to survive and protecting the people she considers
family so that they may do the same. The importance Katniss puts on
survival and family seems obvious, not just to us as readers, but
to the handful of people who actually know Katniss. Peeta and Gale
agree that Katniss will ultimately choose whoever she can’t survive
without, and even President Snow hits the nail on the head, saying,
“Any girl who goes to such lengths to preserve her life isn’t going
to be interested in throwing it away” (Catching Fire).
Significantly, however, President Snow doesn’t end his appraisal of
Katniss with that statement about her will to survive; in a
threatening tone, he adds on, “And then there’s her family to think
of,” pinpointing her second major priority as well. Katniss is a
survivor, and she lives to protect those she loves. Snow knows
exactly how to threaten her, because—like the rest of the major
players in the series—he knows exactly what our heroine’s
priorities are.
But what is significantly less obvious—and what I
think accounts for many of the character developments we see in
Mockingjay (and the fact that Katniss fails to go suddenly
Buffy and start kicking ass left and right)—is the fact that
together, these two driving forces—the ability to survive and an
intense love for people who might not—can only lead one place when
you put Katniss in any kind of war. Suffice to say, it’s not a
happy place, and to really understand it—and the girl—you have to
take a step back and think about how Katniss views family and what
it means to her to survive.
For Katniss, the name of the game has always been
survival. At the age of eleven, with her father dead and her mother
falling to pieces, Katniss had to make a choice, and she chose to
set aside her own grief and fight for her family and for herself.
To Katniss, whose mother “went away” and became an emotional
invalid after her father’s death, this must have seemed like an
either/or situation: you can either grieve for your lost loved ones
or you can plow on; you can love and risk being decimated, or you
can survive.
It’s little wonder, then, that in Katniss’ mind
romance was something she “never had the time or use for”
(Hunger Games) and that when circumstances forced her to
start thinking of love, it was always, always tied in her mind to
survival. When Gale asks Katniss to go away with him at the
beginning of the first book, she turns him down and only later
begins to wonder whether the invitation was a practical means of
increasing their chances of survival or whether it was something
more. Shortly thereafter, when comparing her feelings about Peeta
to her feelings about Gale, Katniss explicitly ties romance and
survival together, saying, “Gale and I were thrown together by a
mutual need to survive. Peeta and I know the other’s survival means
our death. How do you sidestep that?”
Romance and survival, survival and romance.
For Katniss, they have always gone hand in hand.
And yet, when she overhears Gale telling Peeta that her romantic
choice will ultimately come down to who she can’t survive without,
Katniss is completely thrown and hurt that Gale sees her as being
so cold and passionless. She wonders if Gale is right, and if that
makes her selfish or less of a person—but what Katniss
not-so-shockingly doesn’t seem to realize about herself is that she
absolutely, one hundred percent isn’t the kind of person who
prizes her survival above all else.
There is at least one thing that matters to her
Katniss comments in Catching Fire that if
she had been older when her father died, she might well have ended
up prostituting herself to the Peacekeepers to keep Prim fed.
During the Quarter Quell, she goes in with the full intention of
dying, so that Peeta might live. Neither of those actions is the
work of a girl with a cold heart and a Machiavellian approach to
survival. Katniss throws herself in front of bullets as often as
she dodges them—because she would rather die for the people she
loves than see them hurt.
Daughter, Sister, Mother, Friend
If anyone doubts that Katniss is more driven by
family than anything else—including romance—all you have to do is
look at the role that Prim plays in almost every major turning
point in the series. For a character who exists primarily
off-screen, she’s instrumental in nearly everything Katniss does.
She’s the impetus for Katniss volunteering for the Games. In
Catching Fire, she’s the reason Katniss considers taking to
the woods and the reason she decides not to—if her job is to
protect Prim, she’s already failed, because the Capitol has been
hurting her little sister since the day she was born. In
Mockingjay, Prim is the first one who spells out for Katniss
exactly how much power she has as the Mockingjay, and Prim’s death
kicks off
the final act of the book, cutting off one vertex of the Katniss/
Peeta/Gale love triangle as viciously as a bomb can blow off a leg.
Prim is the first character, other than Katniss, to appear in the
books, and Katniss’ very first action on the very first page is to
reach for her and come up empty-handed.
If that’s not foreshadowing, I don’t know what
But although Katniss identifies Prim as “the only
person in the world I’m certain I love” (Hunger Games),
throughout the course of the series, we see Katniss taking other
people into her heart.
Adopting them.
Making them family.
The most of obvious case of this is Rue. Katniss
takes her in, casts her in Prim’s role, tries to protect her and
fails. Rue’s death, more even than the promise Katniss made to
Prim, is what drives our heroine to devote herself to winning the
Games—because the only way to make Rue’s death mean something, to
make her unforgettable, is “by winning and thereby making [herself]
unforgettable.” In the span of less than twenty-four hours, Katniss
lets Rue past all of her shields. She trusts her. She makes her
And then Rue dies.
While the little girl from District 11 is the only
one, other than Prim, who gets the word “love” out of Katniss in
that first book, even if it is in the lyrics of a song, this isn’t
a pattern that holds up for long. Throughout the series, we see
Katniss bringing more and more people into her fold: Peeta and
Haymitch, Mags, Johanna and Finnick, Cinna. As focused as Katniss
is on her own family, and as much as she tries to “protect” herself
from letting other people in, the number of people the Capitol can
use to hurt her just keeps growing and growing. The number of
people Katniss feels she must protect keeps getting bigger and
And the number of times she will inevitably fail
becomes innumerable.
The End
Katniss is a survivor, and she’s a protector.
She’s a person who creates family everywhere she goes and a person
who loves fiercely—but she lives in a brutal world, a world in
which she cannot protect the ones she loves, a world in which
survival—and living without her loved ones—is more of a curse than
it is a blessing.
I would like to argue that this—and not any kind of
romantic decision—is what makes Katniss Everdeen the person we see
at the series’ end. Her drive and ability to survive and her
fierce love of the family she’s made are the traits that account
for every single moment named in Mockingjay when Haymitch
asks people to talk about times when they were personally affected
by Katniss’ actions. Ultimately, even to the other characters in
the book, Katniss isn’t The Girl Who Chose Peeta. She’s not The
Mockingjay or The Girl on Fire or The Girl Who Didn’t Choose
She’s a girl who survives something horrible and
loses far too many people along the way.
There’s an episode of Buffy the Vampire
Slayer that I’ve been thinking about a lot while writing this
essay. In it, Buffy sacrifices her own life to save her sister, and
right before she does, she tells her sister that the hardest thing
to do in the world is to live—ironic words coming from someone
about to kill herself for the greater good. As I’m writing this, I
just keep thinking that Katniss never gets to sacrifice herself.
She doesn’t get the heroic death. She survives—and that leaves her
doing the
hardest thing in the world: living in it once so many of the ones
that she loves are gone.
The very last we see of Katniss in
Mockingjay is an epilogue in which she’s still struggling
with that, even as we learn that she’s come full circle and given
birth to a new family. Some people probably read that epilogue and
think, “Okay, so Katniss chose Peeta and they had kids. The End.” I
read it and think that Katniss chose to go on—again. She chose to
love—again. She’s scarred, but she survived—and she loves her
children just as fiercely as she loved Prim.
That’s who Katniss is, underneath all of the
masks—and if we’re picking teams, I’m on hers.

JENNIFER LYNN BARNES is the author of
seven books for young adults, including Tattoo, Fate,
the Squad series, and Raised by Wolves, a paranormal
adventure about a human girl raised by werewolves. Jen graduated
from Yale University in 2006 with a degree in cognitive science and
Cambridge University in 2007 with a master’s in psychiatry. She’s
currently hard at work on a PhD.