Games of Command

Linnea Sinclair

This bit of space opera romance silliness is dedicated, with thanks, to: Janie Blankenship, RN, DON, aka Doc Eden, who kindly and with much encouragement let me reinvent her real life into an intergalactic adventure (and borrow one of her cats for the story as well); Commander Carla Arpin, my publicist, who graciously permitted me to up her to the rank of admiral in the U-Cee Fleet; My readers and fans at the Intergalactic Bar & Grille, who constantly pestered me for a resolution to Sass and Kel-Paten’s story and were patient—and faithful—for its return;

Intergalactic Bar & Grille regular and creative partner April “Cosmic Wench” Koenig for the “discovery” of McClellan’s Void (also known as Dreehalla):

The Danvari call it Dreehalla, the mother of the universe. The Krylle’s word for it is simply a popping sound, which literally translates to

“devourer of all that is good and evil.” The Rebashee don’t give it a name but when speaking of it make an odd symbol with their fingers to protect them from its taking notice of them. Us? We call it simply McClellan’s Void, McClellan’s Lie, McClellan’s Folly... named after the fleet captain who went in and lived to tell the tale—or so he claims.

And the following Bar regulars for their creative assistance with naming the following: Degun’s Luck (Gerard Gourion), Crylocs (Mo Boylan), Morrassian Mists (Ken), and Asterion (Linda Durkin).

My crit partners, author Stacey “Silver Spoon” Klemstein and Lynne

“Liberrry Lady” Welch; and readers Donna Kuhn and Michelle Williamson, who put up with my mad rambling e-mails and desperate pleas for feedback with such panache;

My editor, Anne “Gemstone” Groell, and my agent, Kristin “Let’s Try That Martini Next” Nelson, for not letting me give up; My husband, Rob Bernadino, who after twenty-six years still finds me amusing;

And to Daiquiri, my real-life Tank the Furzel, and his little buddy, Miss Doozy, who perhaps will get her own book someday... .