Alice!” Bennie said, startled. Her twin stood directly in front of her. She was Bennie’s double. Same blond tangle of hair, same light makeup, same linen suit. Bennie could have been standing in front of a mirror, but for the gun. A Beretta, it was small, black, and deadly. And its snub nose was aimed at her heart.
“Scream and I’ll shoot you dead.” Alice’s voice had the same tone and timbre as Bennie’s. She raised the gun, sending a tingle of fear through Bennie.
Stay calm. At least Marshall is being cared for. Bennie sensed that talk was her only chance of getting out of this alive. David was up at Penn. She was on her own. “I am curious why.”
“Why what?”
There are three two-by-fours on the cement floor, by the drywall. “Are you kidding? The whole thing.”
“This is a hard one? To take everything from you.” Alice’s lips—Bennie’s lips—curled into a sneer. “To take every last thing you owned, worked for, built, or created. Because you got all of it at my expense.”
The lumber is about ten feet away, slightly behind Alice and to the right. Bennie took a step closer to the plywood, as if she were startled, which wasn’t hard to fake. “I didn’t even know you until two years ago.”
“And I didn’t know you either. But it doesn’t mean you didn’t take from me.” Alice cocked the gun, and it made a mechanical clik. “Every day you lived in the nice house, with the boyfriend and the furry doggie, those were days that belonged to me. Things that I would have had, but you got instead. And once I knew that you had it all, I wanted it, too.”
I have to get close enough to dive for the wood, then swing it at her. Bennie inched closer to the lumber. Nine feet away now. “I defended you when you were charged with murder, Alice. I got you out of jail, free.”
“You didn’t do it for me. You did it for yourself. You’re the famous one. You’re the one with the degrees and the cool job. You were the one who got the glory.” Alice’s eyes narrowed, and Bennie was reminded of herself. “Tell the truth, Bennie. Isn’t there a part of you that feels guilty that Mommy gave me up, and not you? But for that one little thing, my life would be yours, and yours would be mine.”
It’s true. Bennie swallowed hard.
“You’ve thought about me since we met, haven’t you? You’ve tried to find me, I know. I heard.”
Bennie couldn’t deny it. She looked into the eyes of her twin. Her own eyes. Denying her would be denying herself.
“So it’s true. That guilt tells you something. It tells you how wrong you are, and how right I am. You want justice? I’ll give you justice.” Alice took aim.
“Did you know that Dad died?”
Alice blinked behind the gun.
“Obviously not.”
“You’re lying.”
“No. I went to see him, to find you. He’s gone. I found out.”
“When?” Alice seemed to falter. “I was . . . going to see him.”
Just like me. “You waited too long. Too bad. I guess you were too busy wreaking havoc.”
Alice’s lip twitched. “When did he . . . when did this happen?”
This could work. I know how to get to her, because she is me. Bennie took a step closer to the discarded lumber, eight feet away now. “Don’t tell me that you care about him, Alice. You don’t have a bit of human emotion in you.”
“I do, too.”
“You didn’t even know the man.”
“I knew him better than you.” Alice’s tone echoed a child’s. “He knew me better than you. He knew that I was the one who cared about him, not you. You were Mommy’s girl.”
Bennie felt something happening under their talk. Alice wanted her to know that she was their father’s favorite. And if that was true, then Alice needed her approval. Power shifted from Alice to Bennie, but the gun didn’t. Bennie inched closer to the lumber. Seven feet away. “So you were Daddy’s girl?”
Alice pursed her lips, just slightly.
“You were?” Bennie had had no idea. She took another step. Six feet now. Almost close enough.
“We kept in touch the past two years. On the phone, we talked. He wasn’t ill, not that he said.”
But Alice fell suddenly silent when a rustling came from the other side of the blue tarp that hung behind Bennie.
Somebody was pulling the tarp aside.