1   Bennie Rosato had waited for more than a hundred . .

2   Friday morning, Bennie squirmed in her desk chair . .

3   Bennie had taken her lunchtime run to Dunkin’ Donuts . .

4   Bennie combed the dhurrie rug and crawled under her desk

5   It took only a weekend to transform the firm’s large . .

6   Monday morning, Bennie stepped off the elevator . .

7   Near the wall in the reception area, two workmen . .

8   Bennie had visited Lawyer Kingdoms in her day . .

9   Only a telltale latex smell signified that the interrogation . .

10   Grun & Chase was one of the largest law firms . .

11   Bennie walked home from Grun & Chase . .

12   Bennie got to the tack shop fifteen minutes before nine . .

13   The next morning found Bennie in her office at seven . .

14   Bennie felt the familiar whoosh of chilly air . .

15   Bennie left her very satisfied client at the courthouse . .

16   Look ahead, eight! Look ahead!” rowers screamed . .

17   Bennie did a double take when David came . .

18   Boxy TV news vans littered

Walnut Street

 . .

19   It took Bennie a minute to absorb the shock.

20   Of course I know what time it is,” Bennie answered . .

21   No comment, no comment, no comment!”

22   Allo?” said the voice on the other end of the phone line . .

23   Detective Needleman!” Bennie said in surprise . .

24   Sir, may I speak to you a minute?” Bennie gestured . .

25   Mort Abrams,” the young man said . .

26   Situated at the southwestern corner of Rittenhouse . .

27   French heartthrob came instantly to Bennie’s mind . .

28   Bennie pushed through the police only sign . .

29   Bennie had thrown herself on her couch . .

30   Bennie felt refreshed and energized when she got off . .

31   Bennie, Mort Abrams here.”

32   But there was a commotion outside her office . .

33   Bennie, help!” Marshall screamed. She was on the floor . .

34   I’m sorry, but you have to go,” one of the nurses told . .

35   Alice!” Bennie said, startled.

36   Georges St. Amien stood in front of the tarp . .

37   But it wasn’t dark, in the dream. In the dream . .

38   When Bennie opened her eyes, everything around her . .

39   Yeah!” “Hurray!” “Welcome back, Bennie!”

40   Bennie opened her office door into the aroma of brewing . .