Praise for...
In Legend Born
The Silerian Trilogy: Book One
"In Legend Born is the kind of book that makes you say, 'Just one more page. I'm right in the middle of a good part and have been for the last 400 pages.' Laura Resnick's plot and characters work together seamlessly. The protagonists have complex histories, and, as Resnick deftly reveals their hidden motivations, their actions begin to make sense. These characters seem real... and readers will want to know what happens to them."
"For action-packed storytelling filled with prophecies, plot reversals, and conflict-haunted heroes, this is as good as it gets."
—Philadelphia Inquirer
"A rich brew of conspiracies... juicy romantic entanglements... blood feuds and massacres."
—Publishers Weekly
"A smoothly narrated, intricate tale of revolution and the human heart."
—Library Journal
"Creating a vast panorama that provides an intimate backdrop to the lives of her fascinating characters, Ms. Resnick writes with the shining wonder of truly great fantasy."
—Romantic Times
"Well-crafted . . . well told, absorbing, and intelligent."
"An epic debut, a book filled with color and excitement."
—Abilene Reporter-News
"A bang-up job, a sharp, satisfying read."
—The Edmonton Journal