%0551 /
Pop 675,000
There’s little to see in Gorakhpur itself, but this well-connected transport hub is a short hop from the pilgrimage centre of Kushinagar – the place where Buddha died – making it a possible stopover on the road between Varanasi and Nepal.
4Sleeping & Eating
Grand Kaushal InnHOTEL$
(%0551-2200690; Railway
Station Rd; r from ₹600, with AC from ₹990;
Definitely the best choice of the hotels in front of the railway station. Rooms are on the smallish side but are modern and well kept. They offer 24-hour checkout.
Rd; mains ₹70-200; h7am-11pm;
This bi-level madhouse is packed with locals taking in an extensive array of delicious Indian and Chinese veg dishes in a diner atmosphere, including ginormous dosas and excellent thalis (₹160 to ₹210). It specialises in sundaes, too, with a tasty boatload from which to choose. You can get a cycle-rickshaw ride (₹30) here from the railway station.
Residency Hotel, Golghar Rd; mains
₹170-375; h11am-10.30pm)
At the Royal Residency Hotel, this restaurant is an homage to Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachhaan, featuring a wall full of headshots and a mural of the star. The atmosphere is modern and pleasant, with tasteful lighting and e-tablet menus. The food is good, too – definitely worth a visit.
There are State Bank of India ATMs in the train station parking lot and across from Hotel Adarsh Palace.
Inside Gorakhpur’s train station.
8Getting There & Away
Frequent bus services run from the main bus stand to Faizabad (₹155, 3½ hours, every 30 minutes), Kushinagar (₹56, 1½ hours, every 30 minutes) and Sunauli (₹90, three hours, every 30 minutes). Private AC buses to Faizabad (₹245, 3½ hours) and Lucknow (₹500, six hours) also depart from here throughout the day. Faster collective cars and jeeps leave for Sunauli (per person ₹150 to ₹300, two hours) when full between 5am and 6pm, directly across from the train station.
Buses to Varanasi (₹200, seven hours, express at 7.30am then hourly 10am to 10pm) leave from the Katchari bus stand, as do buses to Allahabad (₹250, 10 hours, express at 7am, then hourly 10am to 10pm).
For the main bus stand, exit the train station and keep walking straight for about 400m. For Varanasi buses you need the Katchari bus stand, about 3km further south.
There are three daily trains (four on Tuesday and Thursday, five on Friday and Saturday) from big and bustling Gorakhpur Junction to Varanasi (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹170/490/695, 5½ hours). A number of daily trains also leave for Lucknow (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹190/490/695, five hours) and Delhi (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹395/1080/1555, 14 to 17 hours) and one for Agra Fort (19038/40 Avadh Express, sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹335/910/1305, 14½ hours, 1.20pm).
The train ticket reservation office is 500m to the right as you exit the station.
/ Pop 23,000
One of the four main pilgrimage sites marking Buddha’s life – the others being Lumbini (Nepal), Bodhgaya and Sarnath – Kushinagar is where Buddha died. There are several peaceful, modern temples where you can stay, chat with monks or simply contemplate your place in the world, and there are three main historical sights, including the simple but wonderfully serene stupa where Buddha is said to have been cremated.

1Top Sights
In addition to the main ruins, Kushinagar's one road is lined with elaborate temples run by various Buddhist nations.
Marg; h6am-dusk)
The highlight of this modest temple, rebuilt in 1927 and set among extensive lawns and ancient excavated ruins with a circumambulatory path, is its serene 5th-century reclining Buddha, unearthed in 1876. Six metres long, it depicts Buddha on his ancient death-bed and is one of the world’s most moving Buddhist icons. At sunset, monks cover the statue to the shoulders with a long saffron-coloured silk sheet, as though putting Buddha to bed for the night.
Behind the temple is an ancient 19m-tall stupa, and in the surrounding park is a large bell erected by the Dalai Lama.
GOOGLE MAP ; www.watthaikusinara-th.org;
Buddha Marg; h9-11.30am
& 1.30-4pm)
Features an elaborate temple, beautifully maintained gardens with bonsai-style trees, a monastery and a temple containing a gilded Buddha. There’s also a Sunday school and health clinic across the street, both of which welcome visitors. Unfortunately for the rest of us, accommodation is reserved for Thai citizens only.
Architecturally, this half-ruined 15m-high stupa is little more than a large, dome-shaped clump of red bricks, but there's an unmistakable aura about this place that is hard to ignore. This is where Buddha’s body is said to have been cremated and monks and pilgrims can often be seen meditating by the palm-lined path that leads around the structure.
Marg; hdawn-dusk)
This small shrine, set among monastery ruins, marks the spot where Buddha is said to have made his final sermon. It now houses a 3m-tall blue-stone Buddha statue, thought to date from the 10th century AD.
4Sleeping & Eating
Some of the temples, which have basic accommodation for pilgrims, also welcome tourists.
Tibetan TempleGUESTHOUSE$
GOOGLE MAP ; %8795569357; Buddha
Marg; d/tr ₹600/800)
By far the nicest of Kushinagar's pilgrim accommodation offerings, this a great temple choice – rooms are even nicer than in the more expensive neighbouring hotels. There's also a dormitory offering rooms by donation. Tibetan monks from Dharamsala do a one- to two-year managerial stint here and usually speak decent English.
Linh Son Vietnam Chinese TempleGUESTHOUSE$
GOOGLE MAP ; %9936837270; www.linhsonnepalindiatemple.org;
Buddha Marg; s/d/tr
Simple, clean triples with private bathroom, hot water and a rare wi-fi signal.
%9956112749; Buddha
Marg; mains ₹60-100;
Run by the welcoming Mr and Mrs Roy, this Kushinagar institution has a traveller-friendly menu that includes toast, omelettes, fried rice and thukpa (Tibetan noodle soup). It's also the best place to come for information about the area, including about the so-called Holy Hike, a 13km walk in the surrounding farmland.
There are two ATMs in town and a couple of private money changers.
Central Bank of India ( GOOGLE MAP ; Buddha Marg)
State Bank of India ( GOOGLE MAP ; Buddha Marg)
8Getting There & Away
A new international airport has been approved nearby, but there's no firm date for its completion.
Frequent buses to Gorakhpur (₹56, 1½ hours) can be flagged down along the main road, in the middle lane across from the yellow archway entrance to town.
Sunauli & the Nepal Border
/ Pop 700
Sunauli is a dusty town that offers little more than a bus stop, a couple of hotels, a few shops and a border post. The border is open 24 hours and the crossing is straightforward, so most travellers carry on into Nepal without stopping here, pausing just long enough to get their passport stamped. Some move on to the nearby town of Bhairawa (officially named Siddharthanagar), while others get straight on a bus to Kathmandu or Pokhara.
Buses drop you just a few hundred metres from the Indian immigration office (and jeeps at its doorstep) – it's on the main road in the middle of town – so you can ignore the cycle-rickshaws. Don't forget to stamp in or out of India here!
4Sleeping & Eating
City Guest HouseHOTEL$
(%7054378491; r
This is the best you're going to do in Sunauli. Rooms are basic and on the scruffy side, but doable – look at a few before choosing. It's on the main road.
Apna RestaurantDHABA$
Road; thalis ₹50; h11am-9pm)
One of the better dhabas in town, on the main road. This place is on a rooftop, up a flight of stairs about 30m to the right when exiting the Indian immigration office.
Nepal Tourism Board Information CentreTOURIST INFORMATION
If you’re leaving India, the very helpful tourist info centre is on your right, in no-man’s land.
8Getting There & Away
Frequent government and private buses run from Sunauli to Gorakhpur (₹90, three hours, 4am to 7pm) from where you can catch trains and buses to Varanasi and elsewhere. Two buses run direct to Varanasi (11 hours) – AC at 5pm (₹466), non-AC at 6pm (₹292) – but it’s a long, bumpy ride.
Faster collective cars and jeeps to Gorakhpur hang out alongside the road beyond Indian immigration and leave when full (₹150 to ₹300, two hours).
Border Hours
The border is open 24 hours but closes to vehicles from 10pm to 6am, and if you arrive in the middle of the night you may have to wake someone to get stamped out of India.
For further information, head to shop.lonelyplanet.com to purchase a downloadable PDF of the Kathmandu chapter from Lonely Planet's Nepal guide.
Foreign Exchange
There are a couple of money changers in Sunauli. On the Nepal side, there are a few ATMs on the Nepali side, including a State Bank of India adjacent to Hotel Akash – all accept international cards.
Small denominations of Indian currency are accepted for bus fares on the Nepal side.
Onward Transport
The most comfortable option to Kathmandu
is the Golden Travels (%071-520194) AC bus (US$15, six to seven hours); it
leaves from 100m beyond Nepali immigration at 7am. AC micros
(minivans) depart from the same spot every 30 minutes from 6am to
10am (₹800, six hours).
Local buses (₹20) and autorickshaws (₹100) can take you from the border to Siddharthanagar, 4km away, where you can also catch non-AC buses to Kathmandu (₹550, eight hours) via Narayangarh (₹350, three hours) and Pokhara (₹550, nine hours) via Tansen (₹250, five hours) along the Siddhartha Hwy or via the Mugling Hwy (₹650, eight hours). Local buses for Buddha's birthplace at Lumbini (₹80, one hour) leave from the junction of the Siddhartha Hwy and the road to Lumbini, about 1km north of Bank Rd.
Buddha Air (www.buddahair.com) and Yeti Airlines (www.yetiairlines.com) offer flights to Kathmandu from Siddharthanagar (from US$135).
Multiple-entry visas (15-/30-/90-day US$25/40/100) are available at the Nepal immigration post (note: you must pay with US cash, not rupees). You can now save time by applying online at http://online.nepalimmigration.gov.np/tourist-visa. Your receipt, which you must produce at the border within 15 days of your application, outlines the border procedures.
Always check with the Nepal Department of Immigration (%+977-1-4429659; www.nepalimmigration.gov.np;
Kathmandu) for the
latest information on visas.
%0522 /
Pop 3.3 million
Sprinkled with exceptional British Raj–era buildings, boasting two superb mausoleums and famed throughout India for its food, the capital of Uttar Pradesh is something of a sleeper: plenty worth seeing, but often overlooked by travellers. Central Lucknow features wide boulevards, outsized monuments and several parks and gardens, but feels a bit worn out, creating an atmosphere of tired grandiosity. Locals tend to be welcoming, and you'll experience little of the hassle of more touristy towns.
The city rose to prominence as the home of the Nawabs of Avadh (Oudh) who were great patrons of the culinary and other arts, particularly dance and music. Lucknow’s reputation as a city of culture, gracious living and rich cuisine has continued to this day – the phrase for which conveniently rhymes in Hindi: Nawab, aadaab ('respect'), kebab and shabab ('beauty').

GOOGLE MAP ; Indian/foreigner ₹10/105, video
₹25; hdawn-dusk)
The large collection of gardens and ruins that makes up the Residency offers a fascinating historical glimpse of the beginning of the end for the British Raj. Built in 1800, the Residency became the stage for the most dramatic events of the 1857 First War of Independence (Indian Uprising): the Siege of Lucknow, a 147-day siege that claimed the lives of thousands.
The compound has been left as it was at the time of the final relief and the walls are still pockmarked from bullets and cannon balls.
The focus is the well-designed museum (8am to 4.30pm) in the main Residency building, which includes a scale model of the original buildings. Downstairs are the huge basement rooms where many of the British women and children lived throughout the siege.
The cemetery around the ruined St Mary’s church is where 2000 of the defenders were buried, including their leader, Sir Henry Lawrence, who – according to the famous inscription on his weathered gravestone – 'tried to do his duty’.
GOOGLE MAP ; Hussainabad
Trust Rd; Indian/foreigner ₹50/500; h6am-6pm)
This colossal imambara (tomb dedicated to a Shiite holy man) is worth seeing in its own right, but the highly unusual labyrinth of corridors inside its upper floors make a visit here particularly special. The ticket price includes entrance to Chota Imambara, the clock tower and the Hussainabad Picture Gallery, all walking distance from here.
The complex is accessed through two enormous gateways that lead into a huge courtyard. On one side is an attractive mosque, on the other a large baori (step-well), which can be explored – bring a torch (flashlight). At the far end of the courtyard is the huge central hall, one of the world’s largest vaulted galleries. Tazia (small replicas of Imam Hussain’s tomb in Karbala, Iraq) are stored inside and are paraded around during the Shiite mourning ceremony of Muharram.
But it’s what is beyond the small entrance – intriguingly marked ‘labyrinth’ – to the left of the central hall that steals the show. It leads to the Bhulbhulaiya, an enticing network of narrow passageways that winds its way inside the upper floors of the tomb’s structure, eventually leading out to rooftop balconies. As with the step-well, it’s handy to have a torch.
Just beyond the Bara Imambara is the unusual but imposing gateway Rumi Darwaza ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Hussainabad Trust Rd), said to be a copy of an entrance gate in Istanbul; ‘Rumi’ (relating to Rome) is the term Muslims applied to Istanbul when it was still Byzantium, the capital of the Eastern Roman empire. Across the road is the beautiful white mosque Tila Wali Masjid ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ), a deceptively shallow building built in 1680. The interior is repainted periodically over the original designs.
If you are visiting as part of an opposite-sex couple, you will be required to pay for a guide (₹100) to prevent any hanky-panky in the labyrinth (yes, we're serious).
Chota ImambaraISLAMIC TOMB
GOOGLE MAP ; Hussainabad
Trust Rd; Indian/foreigner ₹20/200, incl with Bara Imambara
ticket; h6am-6pm)
This elaborate tomb was constructed by Mohammed Ali Shah (who is buried here, alongside his mother) in 1832. Adorned with calligraphy, it has a serene and intimate atmosphere. Mohammed’s silver throne and red crown can be seen here, as well as countless chandeliers and some brightly decorated tazia.
In the garden is a water tank and two replicas of the Taj Mahal that are the tombs of Mohammed Ali Shah’s daughter and her husband. A traditional hammam is off to one side.
Outside the complex, the decaying watchtower on the other side of the road is known as Satkhanda (Seven Storey Tower; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Hussainabad Trust Rd). It has only four storeys because construction was abandoned in 1840 when Mohammed Ali Shah died.
The 67m red-brick clock tower (
GOOGLE MAP ; free with
Bara Imambara ticket;
hdawn-dusk), the tallest in India, was built in the
1880s. Nearby is the Hussainabad Picture Gallery (Baradari;
GOOGLE MAP ; Indian/foreigner ₹20/200, free with Bara Imambara
h7am-6pm), a striking red-brick baradari
(pavilion) built in 1842 that was once a royal summer house. It
overlooks an artificial lake and houses portraits of the
oUP Tourism
Heritage Walking TourWALKING
GOOGLE MAP ; %9415013047; 3hr tour
htours 7am
Apr-Sep, 8am Oct-Mar)
This fabulous tour run by UP Tourism could well turn out to be the best ₹300 you ever spend. Meet your English-speaking guide outside Tila Wali Masjid, then follow them first around the mosque and the Bara Imambara before delving in to the architectural delights of the crazy maze of alleyways in the fascinating Chowk district.
You'll sample interesting nibbles such as refreshing thandai (made from milk, cardamom, almonds, fennel, saffron etc and – in this case – with or without marijuana!) and get an insider glimpse into various traditions, from indigo block printing to traditional unani medicine or vark making (edible silver foil). This is an eye-popping way to get your bearings among Lucknow's oldest neighbourhoods. Note: tours are best booked directly by phone and last between 2½ and three hours.
Lucknow HomestayHOMESTAY$
GOOGLE MAP ; %9838003590; lucknowhomestay@gmail.com;
110D Mall Ave; s/d
₹1000/1100, without bathroom ₹600/700, with AC
Lucknow's most accommodating budget option is in the leafy neighbourhood home of Naheed and her family, who keep their distance but offer six rustic rooms – four with private bathrooms. Breakfast is included with your stay. There's a sign in front – enter and go up one flight of stairs. Book ahead – it's popular for long stays.
Rickshaw drivers know Mall Ave, which is actually a neighbourhood (not merely an avenue), but you'll need to orient yourself upon arrival if you want to find your way back home, as the address is amid the maze if you enter the neighbourhood from anywhere other than the Mahatma Gandhi (MG) Rd side. Better yet, get to know Naheed's favourite rickshaw driver: the honest, reliable and English-speaking Guatam.
SSJ InternationalHOTEL$$
GOOGLE MAP ; %0522-406609; www.ssjinternational.com;
46 Chandran Gupt Nagar,
Charbagh; s/d ₹1725/2200)
If you want to be close to the railway station or bus stand but don't want to slum it, this is your place. New and modern, with excellent management and rooms that offer many business-quality comforts. It's on a small cross street just east of Subash Marg, about a block north of Kanpur Rd.
Hotel Ganga MaiyaHOTEL$$
GOOGLE MAP ; %9335282783; www.hotelgangamaiya.com;
62/9 Station Rd; s/d from
Clean and well run, and even the cheapest rooms have wi-fi, flat-screen TVs and good beds; the higher-priced rooms offer more space and a bit of extra glitz. What sets this place apart is the incredibly helpful staff. Overall one of Lucknow's best-value hotels. Conveniently located between the railway station and MG Road. Discounts usually available.
Lucknow is the undisputed king of UP cuisine. The refined palates of the Nawabs left the city with a reputation for rich, meaty and impossibly tasty Mughlai cuisine. Restaurants here are famous for mouth-watering kebabs and delicious biryanis.
In addition to its renowned kebabs, Lucknow is also famous for dum pukht – the art of steam-pressure cooking, in which meat and vegetables are cooked in a sealed clay pot. In winter, look out for namash, a surprisingly light and tasty concoction made from milk, cream and morning dew.
Naaz Cinema Rd, off Aminabad
Rd; dishes ₹95-200; h11am-11.30pm)
This is the cleaner, more hospitable outlet
of Lucknow's renowned, 100-year-old, impossible-to-find kebab shop
in Chowk (
GOOGLE MAP ; near Akbari
Gate, Chowk;
kebabs ₹5; h10am-11pm), where buffalo-beef kebabs go for ₹5!
Here the prices are higher, but the boys put on quite a show
streetside for to-go orders, while the proper restaurant behind
dishes up scrumptious plates of mutton biryani, kebabs and tandoori
chicken for throngs of carnivores.
The minced-mutton kebab (₹95 for four, eat them with paratha) here is impossibly delicious and a spicy punch in the gut. Rickshaw riders know how to find this place. It's tucked away down a narrow street in the bustling Aminabad district. You’ll find other Tunday kebab restaurants around the city – some of which are franchises, most of which are copies.
2 Kaiserbagh Ave, behind Awadh
Gymkhana Club;
kebabs ₹110-140; h4.30-10.30pm
This highly recommended hole-in-the-wall doesn't look like much, but the daily-changing kebabs (galawat etc) at this locals' haunt are fabulous – the smoky, perfectly crispy char makes the difference – and, despite appearances, it has won international accolades and doubles as an Awadh cooking institute. Also serves biryanis and several curries.
51 MG Rd; chaat
₹50-180, mains ₹190-470;
Even if you don’t step inside this excellent restaurant, don’t miss its exceedingly popular chaat (spicy snack) stand at the front, where mixed chaats are served in an aloo (potato) basket or in mini puris.
Inside, you'll find it does a mouth-watering job of Mughlai cuisine and everything else, including Chinese, Continental, pizza and shakes and sundaes, which are whipped out along with classy service to a wildly mixed crowd that runs the gamut: Sikhs and Muslims over there, Hindus and hipsters over here. Our boneless murg mirch masala (chicken cooked with chilli peppers and ground spices with onion and tomatoes) was perfect.
Moti Mahal RestaurantINDIAN$$
Rd; mains ₹125-210; h7am-11pm;
If Mughlai meat country has got you down, seek refuge in this popular veg hideaway on MG Rd. It's perfect for breakfast (with great poori sabji – deep-fried bread rounds served with potato curry) or lunch. Come evening, head upstairs for more refined dining in the good-quality, low-lit, AC restaurant.
You could do worse here than try the Lucknow dum aloo (potatoes stuffed with nuts and paneer in a tomato-based sauce) and the kadhai paneer (paneer in a gravy made of capsicum, tomato, onion and traditional Indian spices) makes a stunning case for vegetarianism. It's all excellent.
( GOOGLE MAP ; www.vivantabytaj.com; Vivanta by Taj Hotel, Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar; mains ₹780-1350)
If you want to savor the flavours of the
Nawabs performing at their culinary best, look no further than
Oudhyana, where Chef Nagendra Singh gives Lucknow's famous Awadh
cuisine its royal due at this signature restaurant inside the
city's top hotel (
%0522-6771000; www.vivantabytaj.com;
Vipin Khand, Gomti
Nagar; s/d from ₹13,110/14,375;
The flavours of everything Singh does, from the famous galawat and kakori kebabs to an entire menu of long-lost heritage dishes, unravel like an intricate gastronomic spy novel in your mouth. The intimate room is impossibly striking as well, dressed up in soothing baby-blues with chandelier accoutrements. A special night out.
Kakori Kebab
Originates from Kakori, a small town outside Lucknow. Legend has it that the old and toothless Nawab of Kakori asked his royal bawarchi (chef) to make kebabs that would simply melt in the mouth. So these kebabs are made adding papaya (as a tenderiser) to raw mincemeat and a mix of spices. They are then applied to skewers and barbecued over charcoals.
This is the mouth-watering creation that is served up in Lucknow’s most famous kebab restaurant, Tunday Kababi. There it is simply referred to as a mutton kebab, and in other restaurants it is often called Tunday. Essentially, they're the same as Kakori kebabs, except that rather than being barbecued they are made into patties and shallow-fried in oil or ghee.
Raw mincemeat is boiled with spices and black gram lentil. It is then ground on stone before being mixed with finely chopped onions, coriander leaves and green chillies, then shaped into patties and shallow-fried.
6Drinking & Nightlife
72 MG Rd; hnoon-11:45pm
Mon-Fri, to 1am Sat)
This chic bar on the rooftop of the Best Western Levana is Lucknow's attempt at a genuinely trendy bar. It draws the young and restless, especially for Saturday night DJ sets. Otherwise, the breezy, plant- and bamboo-filled spot is pleasant enough for a cocktail (₹350 to ₹450), either in the open air or within the smart AC lounge.
Lucknow is famous for chikan, an embroidered cloth worn by men and women. It is sold in a number of shops in the labyrinthine bazaars of Chowk (near the Tunday Kebabi there), and in the small, traffic-free Janpath Market, just south of MG Rd in Hazratganj.
www.sugandhco.com; D-4 Janpath
Market; hnoon-7.30pm
A family business since 1850, the sweet-scented Sugandhco sells attar (pure essence oil extracted from flowers by a traditional method) in the form of women’s perfume, men’s cologne, household fragrances and incense sticks. Sweet-smelling stuff.
GOOGLE MAP ; Shalimar
Tower, 31/54 MG Rd, Hazratganj; h8am-8pm
Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm Sat)
Changes travellers cheques (Monday to Friday only, 10am to 5pm) and cash, and has an ATM.
Main Post OfficePOST
GOOGLE MAP ; www.indiapost.gov.in;
MG Rd; h10am-4pm
In a building of Grand Raj–era architecture.
Sahara HospitalHOSPITAL
GOOGLE MAP ; %0522-6780001; www.saharahospitals.com;
Gomti Nagar)
The best private hospital in Lucknow.
Tourist PolicePOLICE
Hazratganj; h8am-9pm
Located at the UP Tourism kiosk on MG Road.
%0522-2615005; www.up-tourism.com;
6 Sapru Marg;
Not a particularly helpful or
well-informed government tourist office, but it happens to run
Lucknow's excellent Heritage Walking Tour (though they couldn't
tell us one single detail about it!). It operates a smaller
kiosk (
Hazratganj; h8am-9pm
Mon-Sat) on MG Rd's main
drag as well as a Tourist Helpline
8Getting There & Away
The modern Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport is 15km southwest of Lucknow in Amausi, with a number of different airlines offering direct daily service to many domestic cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Benguluru (Bangalore). Nonstop international flights head to Gulf destinations including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Muscat (Oman).
Most long-distance buses leave from Charbagh Bus Stand ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Kanpor Rd, at Subhash Marg), opposite the railway station. Services include the following:
AAgra Non-AC (₹395, seven hours, 4.30pm and 8.30pm), regular AC (₹530, six hours, 8.45pm and 9.45pm), Scania AC (₹905, six hours, 10am and 10.30pm)
AAllahabad Non-AC (₹175, five hours, every 30 minutes), regular AC (₹280, five hours, departs throughout day), Volvo AC (₹480, 4½ hours, 10 daily)
ADelhi Non-AC (₹510, 11 hours), AC Volvo/Scania (₹835/1510, nine hours). Departs throughout the day.
AFaizabad Non-AC (₹145, four hours, every 30 minutes), Volvo AC (₹345, three hours, 10am and 10pm)
AGorakhpur Non-AC (₹285, 7½ hours, every 30 minutes), Volvo AC (₹718, six hours, 10am, 10pm and 11pm)
AJhansi Non-AC (₹350, eight hours, 6pm, 7pm and 9.30pm)
AVaranasi Non-AC (₹290, eight hours, every 30 minutes), regular AC (₹405, six hours, 9am and 10.30pm), Volvo AC (₹710, six hours, 3pm and 10pm)
Kaiserbagh Bus Stand (
GOOGLE MAP ; %0522-2622503; J Narain
Rd) also has services to
Faizabad (₹145, four hours) and Gorakphur (₹285, eight hours, every
30 minutes, 6am to 10pm), as well as buses to Rupaidha (₹210, seven
hours, 9.30am, 11am, 7.30pm, 8.30pm, 9.30pm and 11pm), where there
is a rarely used Nepal border crossing.
The two main stations, Lucknow NR (usually called Charbagh) and Lucknow Junction, are side by side about 4.5km or so south of the main sites. Services for most major destinations leave from Charbagh, including several daily to Agra, Varanasi, Faizabad, Gorakhpur and New Delhi. Lucknow Junction handles the one daily train to Mumbai and trains to Haldwani. Check your ticket and make sure you go to the right station!
The Foreign Tourist Help Desk (
Reservation & Booking Centre, Charbagh
Station; h8am-1.50pm
& 2-8pm) for booking
train tickets is at window 601 inside the Rail Reservation and
Booking Centre complex, 150m to your right as you exit
Handy Trains from Lucknow
Destination | Train no & name | Fare (₹) | Duration (hr) | Departure |
Agra | 12179 LJN AGC INTRCT | 145/515 (C) | 6 | 3.55pm |
Allahabad | 14216 Ganga Gomti Exp | 340 (B) | 4¼ | 6pm |
Faizabad | 13010 Doon Exp | 140/490/695 (A) | 2½ | 8.45am |
Gorakhpur | 13020 Bagh Exp | 190/490/695 (A) | 6 | 6.20am |
Jhansi | 11016 Kushinagar Exp | 195/490/695 (A) | 6½ | 12.40am |
Kolkata (Howrah) | 13006 ASR-HWH Mail | 480/1300/1890 (A) | 20½ | 10.50am |
Mumbai (CST)* | 12533 Pushpak Exp | 626/1627/2337 (A) | 24 | 7.45pm |
New Delhi | 12553 Vaishali Exp | 335/865/1220 (A) | 8 | 10.25pm |
Varanasi | 14236 BE-BSB Exp | 210/570/810 (A) | 7½ | 11.25pm |
Fares: (A) sleeper/3AC/2AC, (B) AC chair only, (C) 2S/AC chair; * leaves from Lucknow Junction
8Getting Around
To/From the Airport
An autorickshaw to the airport from the prepaid taxi stand outside the train station costs ₹125 (plus ₹20 airport entry) and takes about 30 minutes.
Local Transport
A short cycle-rickshaw ride is ₹30. Dealing with autorickshaws demands some serious haggling. From the train station/Charbagh bus stand, pay about ₹80 to reach Hazratganj, or ₹120 to Bara Imambara.
The best way to get around is by shared autorickshaw – flag one down and tell them the neighbourhood you're headed for (like Hazratganj, for MG Road, or Charbagh, for the railway station) and they'll wave you in if they're going that way. Pay ₹5 to ₹15 depending on the length of the trip.
A metro system is under construction – we were told that the first phase was supposed to be completed in early 2017, but from what we saw, that seemed highly optimistic.
Ayodhya & Around
/ Pop 58,000
With monkeys galore, the usual smattering of cows and even the odd working elephant, the relatively traffic-free streets of Ayodhya would be an intriguing place to spend some time even if not for the religious significance of the place.
Ayodhya is revered as the birthplace of Rama – and as such one of Hinduism’s seven holy cities – as well as the birthplace of four of Jainism’s 24 tirthankars (religious teachers). It was also the site of one of modern India’s most controversial religious disputes, but the only evidence you'll see of that today is a more robust police presence than a town of this size would usually warrant, and intense security precautions around the site where Rama is said to have been born.
The slightly larger town of Faizabad, 7km away, is the jumping-off point for Ayodhya and where you’ll find more accommodation.
In Faizabad, the so-called 'Taj Mahal of the East' (OK, an overstatement) is a unique mausoleum built for the queen of Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula. It has three domes built above each other, with wonderfully ornate decoration on the walls and ceilings, and is considered to be a prime example of Awadhi architecture.
HanumangarhiHINDU TEMPLE
This is one of the town’s most popular temples, and is the closest of Ayodhya's major temples to the main road. Walk up the 76 steps to the ornate carved gateway and the fortress-like outer walls, and join the throng inside offering prasad (temple-blessed food).
(Palace of
Gold; h8.30-11.30am
& 4.30-9.30pm Apr-Sep, 9am-noon & 4-9pm
This palace rebuilt into a temple is one of the most impressive in Ayodhya, It was supposedly given to Lord Rama and his wife Sita as a wedding present, and the interior features three shrines dedicated to the holy couple.
Ramkatha MuseumMUSEUM
Beyond the far northern end of the main road, this museum houses paintings and ancient sculptures. Every evening except Monday, the museum hosts free performances of the Ram Lila – a dramatic re-enactment of the battle between Lord Ram and Ravan, as described in the Hindu epic the Ramayana – at Tulsi Smarg Bhawan, a nearby park, from 6pm to 9pm.
Walk about 500m or so along the main road deeper into Ayodhya, turn right at the police station across from Akash Cycle Company, and the museum is another 500m or so on your right.
& 12.30-5pm)
This is the highly contentious spot said to be the site of Lord Rama's birth. Security here is staggering (think crossing from West Bank into Israel!). You must first show your passport, then leave all belongings apart from your passport and money (even your belt!) in nearby lockers. You are then searched several times before being accompanied through a long, caged corridor that leads to a spot 20m away from a makeshift tent shrine, which marks Rama’s birthplace.
You get about 10 seconds to look at it before being hustled away. Go for the surreal experience, not the unremarkable tent shrine (and if lines are very long, skip it). To get there, turn left at Dashrath Bhavan, when coming from Hanumanghari.
This nondescript town near the Madhya Pradesh border is famous for its link to Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi, a key player in the 1857 First War of Independence (Indian Uprising). It's commonly used as a transit hub and gateway to Orchha, Khajuraho and Gwalior.
Buses leave from the bus stand for Chhatarpur (₹130, three hours, hourly, 5am to 10pm), where you can switch for Khajuraho (₹50, 1½ hours); Chitrakut (₹250, six hours, 8.30am); and Gwalior (₹100, three hours, hourly). Tempos (₹20) go between Jhansi bus stand and Orchha all day; private autorickshaws charge ₹200. Handy trains include 12137 Punjab Mail to Gwailior (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹170/535/735, 1½ hours, 2.30pm) and Agra (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹195/540/740, 3½ hours, 2.30pm); 12138 Punjab Mail to Mumbai (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹530/1395/2010, 19 hours, 12.35pm); 12615 Grand Trunk Express to Delhi (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹280/830/1010, 7½ hours, 11.40pm); 11107 Bundelkhand Express to Varanasi (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹305/720/1190, 12½ hours, 10.25pm); and 19666 Udz Kurj Express to Khajuraho (sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹160/490/695, three hours, 3.30pm).
4Sleeping & Eating
Hotel Shane AvadhHOTEL$
(%05278-222075; www.hotelshaveavadh.com;
Civil Lines,
Faizabad; s/d from ₹450/550, with AC from
There’s a huge range of rooms at this well-run establishment in Faizabad (though only a few recently renovated ones are as smart as their website would have you believe). The cheapest ones are a bit gritty, but they improve rapidly if you pay a little more. Beds are rock-hard. Book ahead.
(Civil Lines,
Faizabad; mains ₹95-235; h11am-10.30pm;
Clean and hip, this out-of-place restaurant does a seriously good all-veg menu that runs the gamut from Chinese to Italian to Indian. The special thali (₹200) is a real treat, and it's all set to trendy tunes in a funky lounge atmosphere. It's across the street from Bharat Petroleum. (Don't mistake it for the nearby New Awantika snack house.)
There are a number of ATMs in Faizabad around Hotel Shane Avadh.
(Civil Lines,
Faizabad; per hr ₹20; h10am-8.30pm)
A rudimentary internet cafe at the first intersection 50m on the right after Hotel Shane Avadh, on the road heading towards Ayodhya.
8Getting There & Away
From the Faizabad bus stand turn left onto the main road, where you’ll find shared rickshaws (₹10 to ₹20, 20 minutes) to Ayodhya.
From Faizabad bus stand, frequent buses run to Lucknow (₹140, three hours), Gorakhpur (₹150, 3½ hours, 5am to 8pm) and Allahabad (₹150, five hours, 7am to 10pm). AC coaches head to Lucknow (₹190) every hour or so.
There are several handy trains from Faizabad:
Lucknow 13307 Gangasutlej Express, sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹140/485/690, 3½ hours, 11.08am
Varanasi 13010 Doon Express, sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹140/490/695, five hours, 11.10am
Delhi 12225 Kaifiyat Express, sleeper/3AC/2AC ₹380/995/1410, 11¼ hours, 7.52pm
A cycle-rickshaw from the bus stand to the train station is ₹30.
%0532 /
Pop 1.2 million
Brahma, the Hindu god of creation, is believed to have landed on earth in Allahabad (or Prayag, as it was originally known), and to have named it the king of all pilgrimage centres. Indeed, Sangam, a river confluence on the outskirts of the city, is the most celebrated of India’s four Kumbh Mela locations. Allahabad was also home to the Nehru family, whose house served as a headquarters for the independence movement against the British Raj.
Yet for all its importance in Hindu mythology, Indian history and modern politics, Allahabad today is a much humbler place. Though there are a few surprisingly good places to stay and eat, the main sights are of modest appeal – and the mix of dust, exhaust fumes and burning trash makes for eye-stinging air by late afternoon.

1Top Sights
6Drinking & Nightlife
This is the particularly auspicious point where two of India’s holiest rivers, the Ganges and the Yamuna, meet one of Hinduism’s mythical rivers, the Saraswati. All year round, pilgrims row boats out to this holy spot, but their numbers increase dramatically during the annual Magh Mela, a six-week festival held between January and March, which culminates in six communal ‘holy dips’.
Every 12 years the massive Kumbh Mela takes place here, attracting millions of people, while the Ardh Mela (Half Mela) is held here every six years.
In the early 1950s, 350 pilgrims were killed in a stampede trying to get to the soul-cleansing water, an incident recreated vividly in Vikram Seth’s essential novel A Suitable Boy. The last Ardh Mela, in 2007, attracted more than 70 million people – considered to be the largest-ever human gathering until the 2013 Kumbh Mela, which attracted about 32 million on Mauni Amavasya, the main bathing day, and 100 million across the 55-day festival; expect equally astonishing numbers at the next Allahabad Kumbh Mela in 2025.
Old boat hands will row you out to the sacred confluence for around ₹50 per person (hard-bargaining Indian) or ₹100 (hard-bargaining foreigner), or ₹600 to ₹800 per boat.
Around the corner from Sangam (skirt the riverbank around the front of Akbar’s Fort) is Saraswati Ghat ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ); further along the shore is Nehru Ghat ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ). Both host a nightly aarti (an auspicious lighting of lamps/candles), but neither is as impressive as what you'd see in Varanasi or Mathura.
Khusru BaghPARK
This intriguing park, surrounded by huge
walls, contains four highly impressive Mughal
tombs. One is that of Prince Khusru (
GOOGLE MAP ; hdawn-dusk), the eldest son of Emperor Jehangir, who
tried to overthrow his father in 1606, but was instead apprehended,
imprisoned and blinded. He was finally murdered in 1622 on the
orders of his half-brother, who later took the throne under the
name Shah Jahan. If Khusru’s coup had succeeded, Shah Jahan would
not have become emperor – and the Taj Mahal would not exist.
A second tomb belongs to Shah Begum (
GOOGLE MAP ; hdawn-dusk), Khusru’s mother (Jehangir’s first wife),
who committed suicide in 1603 with an opium overdose, distraught
over the ongoing feud between her son and his father. Between these
two, a third, particularly attractive tomb was constructed by
Nesa Begum (
hdawn-dusk), Khusru’s sister, although was never
actually used as a tomb. A smaller structure, called Tamolon’s Tomb (
hdawn-dusk), stands to the west of the others, but
its origin is unknown.
If you linger around the tombs of Prince Khusru and Shah Begum, someone will appear with keys to let you inside, where you can see a beautiful array of nature paintings and unique, tree-shaped window jalis (carved lattices). You'll have to negotiate a price – but don't pay more than ₹100 for all four tombs.
Anand BhavanMUSEUM
₹10/100; h9.30am-1pm
& 1.30-5pm Tue-Sun)
This picturesque two-storey house is a shrine to the Nehru family, which has produced five generations of leading politicians, from Motilal Nehru to the latest political figure, Rahul Gandhi. This stately home is where Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and others successfully planned the overthrow of the British Raj. It is full of books, personal effects and photos from those stirring times.
Akbar's Fort & Patalpuri TempleFORT, HINDU TEMPLE
donation; h6am-5.30pm)
Built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar, this 16th-century fort on the northern bank of the Yamuna has massive walls with three gateways flanked by towers. Most of it is occupied by the Indian army and cannot be visited, but a small door in the eastern wall by Sangam leads to one part you can enter: the underground Patalpuri Temple.
This unique temple is crowded with all sorts of idols; pick up some coins from the change dealers outside so you can leave small offerings as you go. (You may be pressured into giving ₹10 to ₹100 at some shrines, but a few coins are perfectly acceptable.)
Outside the temple – though its roots can be seen beneath ground – is the Undying Banyan Tree. Pilgrims used to leap to their deaths from it, believing this would liberate them from the cycle of rebirth.
Dip Dates
The vast riverbanks at Sangam attract tens of millions of pilgrims every six years for either the Kumbh Mela or the Ardh (Half) Mela, but every year there is a smaller Magh Mela. The next Ardh Kumbh Mela is in 2019; the next full Kumbh Mela is in 2025.
The following are auspicious bathing dates during upcoming Magh Melas:
Bathing Day | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Makar Sankranti | 14 Jan | 15 Jan | 15 Jan | 14 Jan |
Mauni Amavasya | 16 Jan | 4 Feb | 20 Jan | 11 Feb |
Vasant Panchami | 22 Jan | 10 Feb | 29 Jan | 16 Feb |
Magh Purnima | 31 Jan | 19 Feb | 9 Feb | 27 Feb |
Mahashivatri | 14 Feb | 5 Mar | 21 Feb | 11 Mar |
Hotel PrayagHOTEL$
%0532-2656416; www.prayaggroupofhotels.com;
73 Noorullah Rd; s/d from
₹500/700, without bathroom ₹300/350, s/d with AC
A stone's throw south of the train station, this sprawling, well-run place is helpful and boasts an internet cafe (₹30 per hour) with free wi-fi, a State Bank of India ATM and a funky restaurant. There's a wide variety of old-fashioned, basic rooms in various states of dilapidation, but staff are friendly and will even help negotiate autorickshaws.
Milan HotelHOTEL$$
%0532-2403776; www.hotelmilan.in; 46 Leader
Rd; s ₹2300-4000, d ₹3000-4900;
One of the best values in Allahabad in this price range: rooms are modern and clean, with mellow colour schemes and good beds. You can pay more for more space, but even the cheapest rooms are of good quality.
Hotel U.R.HOTEL$$
%0532-2427334; mj1874@gmail.com; 7/3, A/1 MG
Marg, Civil Lines;
r ₹1600-2200;
This professionally run 20-room midrange hotel is in a good location along MG Marg and offers a slight step up from similarly priced competition. A glass elevator leads to somewhat cramped (due to big beds) but clean rooms, the best of which open onto a plant-lined terrace. Staff is better trained than elsewhere in this price range. Discounts often available.
GOOGLE MAP ; %9838631111; www.kanchanvilla.com;
64 Lukerganj; s/d from
₹3000/3850, ste from ₹4950;
Ivan – a guitar-wielding Indian rum enthusiast – and his wife, Purnima, are your South Indian/Bengali hosts at this fabulous homestay offering a window into a rarely seen side of Christian Indian culture. In a historic home nearing its centennial milestone, six rooms are decked out with period furnishings (our fave: Bengali); breakfast (included) can be taken on the lush, 2nd-floor patio.
The lovely staff will cook for you as well, serving up fresh kebabs from the outdoor tandoor, for example. You'll feel right at home in the living room–bar. Pick-up and drops-offs included; otherwise it's a short cycle-rickshaw ride (₹20) from the train station.
MG Marg; mains
₹50-200; h11.30am-10pm
This standing-room-only food shack does four things, and does them astonishingly cheap and well: mouth-watering shami kebabs (minced mutton with black lentils and spices), perfectly spiced chicken biryani, roasted chicken (evenings only) and a lovely, thin paratha to accompany it all. Prepare to wait – this is one of Allahabad's best.
Kamdhenu SweetsSWEETS$
GOOGLE MAP ; 37, Palace
Cinema Compound, MG Marg; snacks
₹20-80; h8.30am-10.30pm)
Very popular snack shop selling absolutely delicious house-made sweets, as well as cakes, samosas, sandwiches and ice cream.
Marg; mains ₹200-400; hnoon-10.30pm)
Cure your homesick hungries in a heartbeat among a forward-thinking Indian crowd. Big breakfasts all day – cinnamon pancakes, waffles, espresso – sandwiches, wood-fired pizzas and more sophisticated fusion fare fill out the menu. Try the Sizzlin' Brownie! The cafe is attached to El Chico.
26/28 MG Marg; mains
₹200-500; h10am-10.30pm;
This refined restaurant serves up absolutely wonderful Indian (the chicken-chilli-garlic kebab is every bit as delicious as it sounds), tasty-looking Chinese, popular sizzlers and Continental cuisine, along with coffee in pewter carafes. It's below the modern El Chico Cafe.
6Drinking & Nightlife
Patiyala Peg BarBAR
Continental Hotel, Sardar Patel Marg; h7-11pm)
Allahabad's most interesting bar for tourists has live ghazal (Urdu love songs) performed nightly from 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Serves mostly beers (from ₹300) and whisky.
ATMs dot the Civil Lines area.
Axis Bank ( GOOGLE MAP )
Apollo ClinicHOSPITAL
%0532-2421132; www.apolloclinic.com;
28B MG Marg;
A modern private medical facility with a 24-hour pharmacy.
Post OfficePOST
GOOGLE MAP ; www.indiapost.gov.in;
Sarojini Naidu Marg; h10am-1.30pm
& 2-5pm Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm Sat)
%0532-2408873; www.up-tourism.com;
35 MG Marg;
Mon-Sat, closed 2nd Sat each month)
At the Rahi Ilawart Tourist Bungalow, next to Civil Lines Bus Stand. Of marginal use.
8Getting There & Away
Allahabad Airport is 15km west of
Allahabad. Air India (%0532-258360; www.airindia.com) has one daily flight to Delhi (from
₹3800, 3pm). An autorickshaw to the airport costs ₹450 and a taxi
From the Civil Lines Bus Stand ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; MG Marg) regular non-AC buses run to Varanasi (₹120, three hours, every 10 minutes), Faizabad (₹170, five hours, every 30 minutes, 4.30am to 1am), Gorakhpur (₹250, 10 hours, every 30 minutes, 4am to midnight) and Lucknow (₹176, five hours, hourly, noon to 8pm). AC buses run to Varanasi (₹195, three hours) and Lucknow (₹510, five hours) throughout the day, and to Delhi (₹1680, 14 hours) at 7pm. To go to Delhi or Agra, you can change in Lucknow, or take a train.
To reach Chitrakut go to the Zero Road Bus Stand ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Zero Rd) and hop a bus for Karwi (₹125, three hours, every 30 minutes, 4am to 8.30pm), from where you can travel the final 10km by shared autorickshaw (₹10).
Allahabad Junction is the main station. A few daily trains run to Lucknow, Varanasi, Delhi, Agra and Kolkata. Frequent trains also run to Satna, from where you can catch buses to Khajuraho.
Handy Trains from Allahabad
Destination | Train no & name | Fare (₹) | Duration (hr) | Departure |
Agra | 12403 ALD JP Exp | 295/765/1075 (A) | 7½ | 11.30pm |
Kolkata (Howrah) | 12312 Kalka Mail | 435/1150/1640 (A) | 14½ | 5.20pm |
Lucknow | 14209 PRG-LKO Intercity | 330 (B) | 4 | 3.40pm |
New Delhi | 12559 Shiv Ganga Exp | 375/985/1395 (A) | 9¾ | 10.30pm |
Satna | 12428 ANVT REWA Exp | 170/540/740 (A) | 3 | 6.55am |
Varanasi | 15017 Gorakhpur Exp | 140/490/695 (A) | 4 | 8.45am |
Fares: (A) sleeper/3AC/2AC, (B) AC chair only
8Getting Around
Cycle-rickshaws are plentiful; pay ₹20 for a short trip of 1km to 2km but be prepared to haggle for it.
The stand at the train station or MG Marg are your best bet for autorickshaws. Consider hiring one for a half-day (₹500, four hours) to take in more of the sights.
Vikrams (large shared autos) hang about on the south side of the train station. Destinations include Zero Road Bus Stand (₹10), Civil Lines Bus Stand (₹10) and Sangam (₹15).
Known as a mini Varanasi because of its many temples and ghats, this small, peaceful town on the banks of the River Mandakini is the stuff of Hindu legends. It is here that Hinduism’s principal trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – took on their incarnations. It is also the place where Lord Rama is believed to have spent 11½ years of his 14-year exile after being banished from his birthplace in Ayodhya at the behest of a jealous stepmother. Today Chitrakut attracts throngs of pilgrims, giving the area a strong religious quality, particularly by Ram Ghat, the town’s centre of activity, and at the holy hill of Kamadgiri, 2km away.
Dozens, sometimes hundreds, of devotees descend onto Ram Ghat to take holy dips at dawn before returning at the end of the day for the evening aarti (an auspicious lighting of lamps/candles). Colourful rowboats (with rabbits!) wait here to take you across to the opposite bank, which is actually in Madhya Pradesh, or to scenic spots along the river.
The 2km trip to the Glass Temple, a building covered in religious mosaics made with thousands of pieces of coloured glass, is popular. During the day, many people make their way to Kamadgiri, a hill revered as the holy embodiment of Lord Rama. A 5km circuit (90 minutes) around the base of the hill takes you past prostrating pilgrims, innumerable monkeys and temples galore.
Western Uttar Pradesh
Side by side in the west of Uttar Pradesh, on the road from Delhi to Agra, Mathura and Vrindavan are a pair of sacred towns that have played a pivotal role in India's religious history.
%0565 /
Pop 540,000
Famed for being the birthplace of the much-loved Hindu god Krishna, Mathura is one of Hinduism’s seven sacred cities and attracts floods of pilgrims, particularly during Janmastami (Krishna’s birthday) in August/September and Holi in February/March. The town is dotted with temples from various ages and the stretch of the sacred Yamuna River which flows past here is lined with 25 ghats. They're best seen at dawn, when many people take their holy dip, and just after sunset, when hundreds of candles are sent floating out onto the river during the evening aarti ceremony.
Mathura was once a Buddhist centre with 20 monasteries that housed 3000 monks, but after the rise of Hinduism, and later sackings by Afghan and Mughal rulers, all that’s left of the oldest sights are the beautiful sculptures recovered from ruins, now on display in the Archaeological Museum.

1Top Sights
oKesava Deo
(Shri Krishna
GOOGLE MAP ; h5am-9.30pm
summer, 5.30am-8.30pm winter)
In the most important temple complex in Mathura, the small, bare room known as Shri Krishna Janambhoomi marks the spot where Krishna is said to have been born in prison more than 5000 years ago. The much larger main temple is decked with murals depicting scenes from Krishna's life, and houses several statues of the god and his consort, Radha. Destroyed and rebuilt a number of times over the past thousand years, the current temple was erected in the 1950s.
Vishram GhatGHAT
A string of ghats and temples lines the Yamuna River north of the main road bridge. The most central and most popular is Vishram Ghat, where Krishna is said to have rested after killing the tyrannical King Kansa. Boats gather along the banks here to take tourists along the Yamuna (₹150 per hour for two people, ₹300 for a full boat).
GOOGLE MAP ; hdawn-dusk)
This serene marble temple on the road to Vrindavan has the entire Bhagavad Gita (Hindu Song of the Divine One) written on a red pillar in the garden.
Katra MasjidMOSQUE
This fine sandstone mosque was built by the Mughal ruler Aurangzeb in 1661. To clear the site, he ordered the destruction of the then-standing incarnation of the Kesava Deo temple, which marked the spot of Krishna's birth. The mosque, which sits directly beside the current incarnation of the Kesava Deo temple, is now heavily guarded around the clock by soldiers to prevent a repeat of the tragic events at Ayodhya in 1992.
Cameras, bags, and mobile phones must be checked before entering, and you'll have to pass through a security screening.
Archaeological MuseumMUSEUM
Rd; Indian/foreigner ₹5/25, camera
₹20; h10.30am-4.30pm Tue-Sun)
This large museum houses superb collections of religious sculptures by the Mathura school, which flourished from the 3rd century BC to the 12th century AD. It was closed for renovation at the time of research.
zFestivals & Events
You can barely move here during Krishna’s birthday, when temples are swathed in decorations and musical dramas about Krishna are performed.
Perhaps the world's most colourful festival – you've probably seen pictures of people covered in all shades of fluorescent powder – this nationwide party celebrates the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. The action is particularly intense around Mathura and Vrindavan, the birthplace and spiritual home of Krishna.
4Sleeping & Eating
Hotel Brijwasi RoyalHOTEL$$$
GOOGLE MAP ; %8191818818; www.brijwasihotels.com;
SBI Crossing, Station
Rd; r incl breakfast ₹3500-4900;
A clean and contemporary hotel, with 40 business-like rooms that come with either marble floors or carpets and bath-tubs; some overlook a buffalo pond behind the building. Substantial discounts are available if business is slow.
Status RestaurantINDIAN$$
Crossing, Station Rd;
mains ₹195-275; h7am-11pm)
At the Hotel Brijwasi Royal, this well-staffed place serves up some tasty Indian veg plates, and is deservedly popular. Go for the tandoori platter.
There is a State Bank of India ATM ( GOOGLE MAP ; Station Rd) at SBI Crossing, next door to Brijwasi Royal and not far from the New Bus Stand. There is a second one at Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi.
8Getting There & Around
The so-called New Bus Stand ( GOOGLE MAP ; Vrindavan Rd) has buses to Delhi (₹135, four hours, every 30 minutes, 5am to 10pm) and Agra (₹65, 90 minutes, every 15 minutes, 4am to 9pm).
Shared autos and tempos that ply Station and Mathura-Vrindaven Rds charge ₹15 for the 13km Mathura–Vrindavan run.
Frequent trains go to Delhi (sleeper/AC chair ₹170/260, two to three hours), Agra (sleeper/AC chair ₹170/330, one hour), and Bharatpur (sleeper/AC chair ₹100/270, 45 minutes). The Bharatpur trains continue to Sawai Madhopur (for Ranthambore National Park; two hours) and Kota (5½ hours).
%0565 /
Pop 65,000
The village of Vrindavan is where the young Krishna is said to have grown up. Pilgrims flock here from all over India – and in the case of the Hare Krishna community, from all over the world. Dozens of temples, old and modern, dot the area. They come in all shapes and sizes and many have their own unique peculiarities, making a visit here more than just your average temple hop.

1Top Sights
Most temples are open from dawn to dusk and
admission is free. Among those worth a stop are Rangaji Temple (
GOOGLE MAP ; h5.30-10.30am
& 4-9pm summer, 6-11am & 3.30-8.30pm
winter), Vrindavan's
largest; Madan Mohan Temple (
GOOGLE MAP ), Vrindavan's oldest; Radha Ballabh Temple (
GOOGLE MAP ), dedicated to Krishna's consort, Radha;
and Nidhivan Temple (
hdawn-dusk), which Krishna is said to visit every
oKrishna Balaram
Temple ComplexHINDU TEMPLE
GOOGLE MAP ; h7.30am-12.45pm & 4-9pm winter, 4.30-9pm
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness
GOOGLE MAP ; %0565-2540343; www.iskcon.org), also known as the Hare Krishnas, is
based at the Krishna Balaram temple complex (Iskcon Temple).
Accessed through a beautiful, white marble gate, the temple houses
the tomb of Swami Prabhupada (1896–1977), the founder of the Hare
Krishna organisation.
Inside the temple is a whirl of activity, filled with chanting and singing, and devotees prostrating in prayer, playing drums, and consulting with monks. Several hundred foreigners attend courses and seminars here annually.
The temple is closed to the public at various times of the day, most significantly from 12.45pm to 4pm (4.30pm in summer). If you're carrying a bag, you must use the side entrance.
Pagal Baba TempleHINDU TEMPLE
GOOGLE MAP ; h6am-noon
& 3.30-8.30pm winter, 5-11.30am & 3-9pm
This 10-storey temple, a fairy-tale-castle lookalike, has an amusing succession of animated puppets and dioramas behind glass cases on the ground floor, which depict scenes from the lives of Rama and Krishna. Puppet shows telling the story are performed year-round.
Govind Dev TempleHINDU TEMPLE
GOOGLE MAP ; h8am-12.30pm
& 4.30-8pm)
This cavernous, red-sandstone temple, built in 1590 by Raja Man Singh of Amber, has cute bells carved on its pillars. The resident monkeys here are as cheeky as any in India, so stay alert!
4Sleeping & Eating
It’s possible to stay at the guesthouse (
GOOGLE MAP ; %0565-2540021; www.iskconvrindavan.com;
r with AC ₹950;
a) at
the back of the Hare Krishna temple complex (though devotees are
prioritised). Otherwise, there are several hotels, ranging from
modest to fancy, on the main road west of the complex.
Sri Govinda RestaurantINDIAN$
GOOGLE MAP ; mains
₹100-200; h8am-2.30pm
& 6-9.30pm)
Does Indian veg dishes, pasta, cakes, shakes, salads and soups. Located inside Krishna Balaram Temple Complex.
The closest ATM is Andhra Bank ( GOOGLE MAP ), 250m down from the main entrance of the temple complex (near the Bhaktivedanta Swami gate).
Krishna Balaram Welcome OfficeTOURIST INFORMATION
GOOGLE MAP ; %9557849475;
& 5-8pm)
Has lists of places to stay in Vrindavan and can help with booking Gita (studies in the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu scripture) classes as well as all travel agency services.
8Getting There & Around
Tempos, shared autos and buses all charge ₹15 between Vrindavan and Mathura.
The temples here are spread out, so a cycle-rickshaw tour is a good way to see them. Expect to pay ₹200 to ₹250 for a half-day tour (₹350 to ₹400 in an autorickshaw).