As long as you stay up to date with your vaccinations and take basic preventive measures, you’re unlikely to succumb to most serious health hazards. While Botswana and Namibia do offer an impressive selection of tropical diseases, it’s more likely you’ll get a bout of diarrhoea or a cold than an exotic malady. The main exception to this is malaria, which is a real risk in lower-lying areas.
Before You Go
A little predeparture planning will save you trouble later. Get a check-up from your dentist and from your doctor if you have any regular medication or chronic illness, eg high blood pressure or asthma. You should also organise spare contact lenses and glasses (and take your optical prescription with you); get a first-aid and medical kit together; and arrange necessary vaccinations.
Travellers can register with the International Association for Medical Advice to Travellers (, which provides directories of certified doctors in-country. If you’ll be spending much time in more remote areas, consider doing a first-aid course (contact the Red Cross or St John’s Ambulance), or attending a remote medicine first-aid course, such as that offered by Wilderness Medical Training (
If you are bringing medications with you, carry them in their original containers, clearly labelled. A signed and dated letter from your physician describing all medical conditions and medications, including generic names, is also a good idea. If carrying syringes or needles, be sure to have a physician’s letter documenting their medical necessity.
In Botswana and Namibia, most doctors expect payment in cash. Find out in advance whether your insurance plan will make payments directly to providers, or will reimburse you later for overseas health expenditures. It’s also vital to ensure that your travel insurance will cover any emergency transport required to get you to a hospital in a major city, or all the way home, by air and with a medical attendant if necessary. Not all insurance covers this, so check the contract carefully. If you need medical assistance, your insurance company might be able to help locate the nearest hospital or clinic, or you can ask at your hotel. In an emergency, contact your embassy or consulate.
Medical Checklist
It’s a very good idea to carry a medical and first-aid kit with you, to help yourself in the case of minor illness or injury. Following is a list of items to consider packing:
Aantibiotics (prescription only), eg ciprofloxacin (Ciproxin) or norfloxacin (Utinor)
Aantidiarrhoeal drugs (eg loperamide)
Aacetaminophen (paracetamol) or aspirin
Aanti-inflammatory drugs (eg ibuprofen)
Aantihistamines (for hay fever and allergic reactions)
Aantibacterial ointment (eg Bactroban) for cuts and abrasions (prescription only)
Aantimalaria pills, if you’ll be in malarial areas
Abandages, gauze
Ascissors, safety pins, tweezers, pocket knife
ADEET-containing insect repellent
Apermethrin-containing insect spray for clothing, tents and bed nets
Aprickly-heat powder for heat rashes
Asun screen
Aoral rehydration salts
Aiodine tablets (for water purification)
Asterile needles, syringes and fluids if travelling to remote areas.
The World Health Organization ( recommends that all travellers be covered for diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella and polio, as well as for hepatitis B, regardless of their destination. The consequences of these diseases can be severe, and outbreaks do occur.
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (, the following vaccinations are recommended for Botswana and Namibia: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rabies and typhoid, and boosters for tetanus, diphtheria and measles. Despite an outbreak in Angola in 2016 and a single case along the Angola–Namibia border at the time, yellow fever was not a risk in the region at the time of writing, but the certificate is an entry requirement if you’re coming from an infected region.
There is a wealth of travel-health advice on the internet. The Lonely Planet website at is a good place to start. The World Health Organization publishes the helpful International Travel and Health, available free at Other useful websites include MD Travel Health ( and Fit for Travel (
Official government travel-health websites:
Further Reading
AA Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness and Travel Medicine (1998) Eric A Weiss
AThe Essential Guide to Travel Health (2009) Jane Wilson-Howarth
AHealthy Travel Africa (2000) Isabelle Young
AHow to Stay Healthy Abroad (2002) Richard Dawood
ATravel in Health (1994) Graham Fry
ATravel with Children (2015) Sophie Caupeil et al
In Botswana & Namibia
Availability & Cost of Health Care
Good-quality health care is available in all major urban areas in Botswana and Namibia, and private hospitals are generally of excellent standard. Public hospitals, by contrast, are often underfunded and overcrowded, and reliable medical facilities are rare in off-the-beaten-track areas.
Prescriptions are generally required in Botswana and Namibia. Drugs for chronic diseases should be brought from home. There is a high risk of contracting HIV from infected blood transfusions. To minimise this, seek out treatment in reputable clinics. The BloodCare Foundation ( is a useful source of safe, screened blood, which can be transported to any part of the world within 24 hours.
Infectious Diseases
Following are some of the diseases that are found in Botswana and Namibia, though with a few basic preventative measures, it’s unlikely that you’ll succumb to any of these.
Cholera is caused by a bacteria and spread via contaminated drinking water. You should avoid tap water and unpeeled or uncooked fruits and vegetables, although tap water, especially in Namibia, is sometimes safe. The main symptom is profuse watery diarrhoea, which causes debilitation if fluids are not replaced quickly. An oral cholera vaccine is available in the USA, but it is not particularly effective. Most cases of cholera can be avoided by close attention to drinking water and by avoiding potentially contaminated food. Treatment is by fluid replacement (orally or via a drip), but sometimes antibiotics are needed. Self-treatment is not advised.
Dengue Fever
Dengue fever, spread through the bite of the mosquito, causes a feverish illness with headaches and muscle pains similar to those experienced with a bad, prolonged attack of influenza. There might be a rash. Mosquito bites should be avoided whenever possible. Self-treatment: paracetamol and rest.
Filariasis is caused by tiny worms migrating in the lymphatic system, and is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms include localised itching and swelling of the legs and/or genitalia. Treatment is available. Self-treatment: none.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A, which occurs in both countries, is spread through contaminated food (particularly shellfish) and water. It causes jaundice and, although it is rarely fatal, it can cause prolonged lethargy and delayed recovery. If you’ve had hepatitis A, you shouldn’t drink alcohol for up to six months afterwards, but once you’ve recovered there won’t be any long-term problems. The first symptoms include dark urine and a yellow colour to the whites of the eyes. Sometimes a fever and abdominal pain might be present. Hepatitis A vaccine (Avaxim, VAQTA, Havrix) is given as an injection: a single dose will give protection for up to a year, and a booster after a year gives 10-year protection. Hepatitis A and typhoid vaccines can also be given as a single-dose vaccine, known as hepatyrix or viatim. Self-treatment: none.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B, found in both countries, is spread through infected blood, contaminated needles and sexual intercourse. It can also be spread from an infected mother to the baby during childbirth. It affects the liver, causing jaundice and occasionally liver failure. Most people recover completely, but some people might be chronic carriers of the virus, which could lead eventually to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Those visiting high-risk areas for long periods or those with increased social or occupational risk should be immunised. Many countries now routinely give hepatitis B as part of the childhood vaccination program. It is given singly or can be given at the same time as hepatitis A (hepatyrix). A course will give protection for at least five years. It can be given over four weeks or six months. Self-treatment: none.
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is an enormous problem in Botswana and Namibia, with a devastating impact on local health systems and community structures. Botswana in particular has one of the highest rates of infection on the continent, with an HIV-positive incidence of 25.16%, second only to nearby Swaziland. The rate is more than 15.97% in Namibia. The virus is spread through infected blood and blood products, by sexual intercourse with an infected partner, and from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth and breastfeeding. It can be spread through ‘blood to blood’ contacts, such as with contaminated instruments during medical, dental, acupuncture and other body-piercing procedures, and through sharing used intravenous needles.
At present there is no cure, but medication that might keep the disease under control is available. In 2002 the Botswana government elected to make antiretroviral drugs available to all citizens free of charge, becoming the first country in the world to offer this treatment for free. Still, for people living in remote areas of the country access to such treatment is a problem, as is the continuing stigma attached to ‘owning up’ to having the infection. In Namibia, antiretroviral drugs are still largely unavailable, or too expensive for the majority of Namibians.
If you think you might have been infected with HIV, a blood test is necessary; a three-month gap after exposure and before testing is required to allow antibodies to appear in the blood. Self-treatment: none.
Apart from road accidents, malaria is probably the only major health risk that you face while travelling in this area, and precautions should be taken. At the time of writing, the northern half of both Botswana and Namibia were considered areas of medium to high malaria risk. The disease is caused by a parasite in the bloodstream spread via the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. There are several types of malaria; falciparum malaria is the most dangerous type and the predominant form in Botswana and Namibia. Infection rates vary with season and climate, so check out the situation before departure. Several different drugs are used to prevent malaria and new ones are in the pipeline. Up-to-date advice from a travel-health clinic is essential, as some medication is more suitable for some travellers than others (eg people with epilepsy should avoid mefloquine, and doxycycline should not be taken by pregnant women or children aged under 12).
The early stages of malaria include headaches, fevers, generalised aches and pains, and malaise, which could be mistaken for flu. Other symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhoea and a cough. Anyone who develops a fever in a malarial area should assume malarial infection until a blood test proves negative, even if you have been taking antimalarial medication. If not treated, the next stage could develop within 24 hours, particularly if falciparum malaria is the parasite: jaundice, then reduced consciousness and coma (also known as cerebral malaria) followed by death. Treatment in hospital is essential, and the death rate might still be as high as 10% even in the best intensive-care facilities.
Many travellers think that malaria is a mild illness, and that taking antimalarial drugs causes more illness through side effects than actually getting malaria. This is unfortunately not true. If you decide against antimalarial drugs, you must understand the risks, and be obsessive about avoiding mosquito bites. Use nets and insect repellent, and report any fever or flu-like symptoms to a doctor as soon as possible. Some people advocate homeopathic preparations against malaria, such as Demal200, but there is no evidence that this is effective, and many homeopaths do not recommend their use.
Malaria in pregnancy frequently results in miscarriage or premature labour, and the risks to both mother and foetus during pregnancy are considerable. Travel throughout the region when pregnant should be carefully considered. Adults who have survived multiple bouts of early childhood malaria will have developed immunity and usually only develop mild cases of malaria; most Western travellers have no immunity at all, thus the need for precautions. Even if you've recently had malaria you are still vulnerable to a serious infection, so don't think that you are immune.
Antimalarial A to D
A – Awareness of the Risk No medication is totally effective, but protection of up to 95% is achievable with most drugs, as long as other measures have been taken.
B – Bites To be avoided at all costs. Sleep in a screened room, use a mosquito spray or coils, sleep under a permethrin-impregnated net at night. Cover up at night with long trousers and long sleeves, preferably with permethrin-treated clothing. Apply appropriate repellent to all areas of exposed skin in the evenings.
C – Chemical prevention (ie antimalarial drugs) Usually needed in malarial areas. Expert advice is needed as resistance patterns can change, and new drugs are in development. Not all antimalarial drugs are suitable for everyone. Most antimalarial drugs need to be started at least a week before, and continued for four weeks after, possible exposure to malaria.
D – Diagnosis If you have a fever or flu-like illness within a year of travel to a malarial area, malaria is a possibility, and immediate medical attention is necessary.
Rabies is spread by receiving bites or licks from an infected animal on broken skin. Few human cases are reported in Botswana and Namibia, with the risks highest in rural areas. It is always fatal once the clinical symptoms start (which might be up to several months after an infected bite), so postbite vaccination should be given as soon as possible. Postbite vaccination (whether or not you’ve been vaccinated before the bite) prevents the virus from spreading to the central nervous system. Animal handlers should be vaccinated, as should those travelling to remote areas where a reliable source of postbite vaccine is not available within 24 hours. Three preventive injections are needed over a month. If you have not been vaccinated, you’ll need a course of five injections starting 24 hours or as soon as possible after the injury. If you have been vaccinated, you’ll need fewer postbite injections, and have more time to seek medical help. Self-treatment: none.
Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia)
This disease is a risk in parts of Botswana and Namibia. It’s spread by flukes (minute worms) that are carried by a species of freshwater snail, which then sheds them into slow-moving or still water. The parasites penetrate human skin during swimming and then migrate to the bladder or bowel. They are excreted via stool or urine and could contaminate fresh water, where the cycle starts again. Swimming in suspect freshwater lakes or slow-running rivers should be avoided. Symptoms range from none, to transient fever and rash, and advanced cases might have blood in the stool or in the urine. A blood test can detect antibodies if you might have been exposed, and treatment is readily available. If not treated the infection can cause kidney failure or permanent bowel damage. It’s not possible for you to infect others. Self-treatment: none.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis is spread through close respiratory contact and occasionally through infected milk or milk products. BCG vaccination is recommended if you’ll be mixing closely with the local population, especially on long-term stays, although it gives only moderate protection against the disease. TB can be asymptomatic, only being picked up on a routine chest X-ray. Alternatively, it can cause a cough, weight loss or fever, sometimes months or even years after exposure. Self-treatment: none.
This is spread through food or water contaminated by infected human faeces. The first symptom is usually a fever or a pink rash on the abdomen. Sometimes septicaemia (blood poisoning) can occur. A typhoid vaccine (typhim Vi, typherix) will give protection for three years. In some countries, the oral vaccine Vivotif is also available. Antibiotics are usually given as treatment, and death is rare unless septicaemia occurs. Self-treatment: none.
Yellow Fever
Although not a problem within Botswana and Namibia at the time of writing, you’ll need to carry a certificate of vaccination if arriving from an infected country. For a list of countries with a high rate of infection, see the website of the World Health Organization ( or the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (
Traveller’s Diarrhoea
This is a common travel-related illness. It’s possible that you’ll succumb, especially if you’re spending a lot of time in rural areas or eating at inexpensive local-food stalls. Sometimes dietary changes, such as increased spices or oils, are the cause. To help prevent diarrhoea, avoid tap water unless you’re sure it’s safe to drink, only eat fresh fruits or vegetables that have been cooked or peeled, and be wary of dairy products that might contain unpasteurised milk. Although freshly cooked food can often be a safe option, plates or serving utensils might be dirty, so be selective when eating food from street vendors (make sure that cooked food is piping hot all the way through). If you develop diarrhoea, be sure to drink plenty of fluids, preferably an oral rehydration solution containing lots of water and some salt and sugar. A few loose stools don’t require treatment but if you start having more than four or five stools a day you should start taking an antibiotic (usually a quinoline drug, such as ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin) and an antidiarrhoeal agent (such as loperamide) if you’re not within easy reach of a toilet. If diarrhoea is bloody, persists for more than 72 hours or is accompanied by fever, shaking chills or severe abdominal pain, you should seek medical attention.
Amoebic Dysentery
Contracted by eating contaminated food and water, amoebic dysentery causes blood and mucus in the faeces. It can be relatively mild and tends to come on gradually, but seek medical advice if you think you have the illness. It won’t clear up without treatment (which is with specific antibiotics).
This, like amoebic dysentery, is also caused by ingesting contaminated food or water. The illness usually appears a week or more after you have been exposed to the offending parasite. Giardiasis might cause only a short-lived bout of typical traveller's diarrhoea, but it can also cause persistent diarrhoea. Ideally, seek medical advice if you suspect you have giardiasis, but if you are in a remote area you could start a course of antibiotics.
Stick to bottled water, and purify any river water before drinking it.
Environmental Hazards
Heat Exhaustion
This condition occurs if heavy sweating and excessive fluid loss are followed by inadequate replacement of fluids and salt, and it's primarily a risk in hot climates when taking unaccustomed exercise before full acclimatisation. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness and tiredness. Dehydration is already happening by the time you feel thirsty – aim to drink sufficient water to produce pale, diluted urine. Self-treatment: fluid replacement with water and/or fruit juice, and cooling by cold water and fans. The treatment of the salt-loss component consists of consuming salty fluids (as in soup), and adding a little more table salt to foods than usual.
Heat exhaustion is a precursor to the much more serious condition of heatstroke. In this case there is damage to the sweating mechanism, with an excessive rise in body temperature, irrational and hyperactive behaviour, and eventually loss of consciousness and death. Rapid cooling by spraying the body with water and fanning is ideal. Emergency fluid and electrolyte replacement by intravenous drip is usually also required.
Insect Bites & Stings
Mosquitoes might not always carry malaria or dengue fever, but they (and other insects) can cause irritation and infected bites. To avoid these, take the same precautions as you would for avoiding malaria. Use DEET-based insect repellents. Excellent clothing treatments are also available; mosquitos that land on treated clothing will die.
Bee and wasp stings cause real problems only to those who have a severe allergy to the stings (anaphylaxis). If you are one of these people, make sure to carry an EpiPen – an adrenaline (epinephrine) injection, especially when travelling in remote areas. This could save your life.
Scorpions are found in arid areas. They can cause a painful bite that is sometimes life-threatening. If bitten by a scorpion, seek immediate medical assistance. Medical treatment should be sought if collapse occurs.
Ticks are always a risk if away from urban areas. If you do get bitten, press down around the tick’s head with tweezers, grab the head and gently pull upwards. Avoid pulling the rear of the body as this may squeeze the tick’s gut contents through the attached mouthparts into the skin, increasing the risk of both infection and disease. Smearing chemicals on the tick will not make it let go and is not recommended.
Bedbugs are found in hostels and cheap hotels and lead to itchy, lumpy bites. Spraying the mattress with crawling-insect killer after changing bedding will get rid of them. Scabies are also found in cheap accommodation. These tiny mites live in the skin, often between the fingers, and they cause an intensely itchy rash. The itch is easily treated with malathion and permethrin lotion from a pharmacy; other members of the household also need treating to avoid spreading scabies, even if they do not show any symptoms.
Snake Bites
Basically, avoid getting bitten! Don’t walk barefoot, or stick your hand into holes or cracks. Boomslangs (venomous Southern African tree snakes) tend to hang out in trees, especially on overhanging limbs, so also exercise caution when walking in forests. However, about half of those bitten by venomous snakes are not actually injected with poison (envenomed). If bitten by a snake, do not panic. Immobilise the bitten limb with a splint (such as a stick) and apply a bandage over the site with firm pressure, similar to bandaging a sprain. Do not apply a tourniquet, or cut or suck the bite. Get medical help as soon as possible. It will help get you the correct antivenene if you can identify the snake (although antivenene has some potentially serious side effects and may not always be given); try to take note of the snake's appearance just in case.
Traditional Medicine
According to estimates, as many as 85% of residents of Botswana and Namibia rely in part, or wholly, on traditional medicine. Given the high costs and unavailability of Western medicine in many rural areas, traditional healers are the first contact for many when falling ill. The sangoma (traditional healer) and inyanga (herbalist) hold revered positions in many communities, and traditional medicinal products are widely available in local markets. Unfortunately, some traditional medicines are made from endangered or threatened species like aardvarks, cheetahs and leopards.