Strange though it may seem, this is not the book
we originally set out to write. In a sense, we are very surprised —
and not a little shaken — to have found ourselves on the
rock-strewn path that led, ultimately, to The Stargate
We had intended to write a follow-up to our 1997
book The Templar Revelation, which argued that Christianity
was essentially an offshoot of the ancient Egyptian religion of
Isis and Osiris — meaning that our culture is not
Judaeo-Christian at all, but Egypto-Christian. The
implications were astonishingly far-reaching, but we also disclosed
the most carefully hidden of all the secrets of the heretical
Knights Templar in the most controversial revelation of the book —
namely, that they believed that John the Baptist was the true
Messiah, and that Jesus was, to say the very least, his
Wanting to learn more about our civilisation’s
Egyptian roots, we researched further into the ancient religion,
and found ourselves examining the Pyramid Texts and the origin of
the Hermetic writings. The more we progressed, the more we realised
the ancient Egyptians possessed astonishing knowledge, far beyond
that generally accepted by modern academics. We discovered that
those far-off people had an understanding of cosmology unequalled
until our own century, and even now perhaps they still have
something to teach us. But in the end even the largely unknown and
unacknowledged genius of the ancient Egyptians was not to be the
subject of this book.
As non-academics researching ancient Egypt we
could not remain unaware of the upsurge of interest in the
‘alternative Egypt’ of Andrew Collins, Colin Wilson and others,
whose books challenge the often rather complacent ‘certainties’ of
mainstream Egyptology. Above all three authors have become
associated in the public mind with radical new ideas about ancient
cultures, particularly Egypt: Robert Temple, author of the seminal
The Sirius Mystery (1976); Robert Bauval, co-author with
Adrian Gilbert of The Orion Mystery (1994); and Graham
Hancock, whose runaway success was established with The Sign and
the Seal (1992). Since then Hancock has gone on to entrance
huge audiences worldwide with Fingerprints of the Gods
(1995) and, with his wife Santha Faiia, Heaven’s Mirror
(1998), and also collaborating with Robert Bauval to produce
Keeper of Genesis (1996) and (together with John Grigsby)
The Mars Mystery (1998). These books encompass a vast range
of fascinating and radical new ideas, many of which have now become
so entrenched among their readers as to be accepted as hard fact.
And, like most of their readers, we, too, began as enthralled
After many months of researching and writing this
book, we still admired those authors’ energy and commitment, but as
we stood back from their work, we have perceived a new and
considerably larger pattern taking shape. Whether or not those
authors are aware of it, their work forms an intrinsic part of what
amounts to an orchestrated campaign.
And the matter does not end there. The bitter
controversy surrounding the idea of a long-dead civilisation on
Mars has also been absorbed into this campaign and - like the
mysteries of Egypt — has been pressed into service to present a
carefully stage-managed message. Essentially, it proposes that the
ancient gods were extraterrestrials - and they’re back. But
the subtext is very clever: only certain, chosen people hear their
words, and only certain, chosen people will be part of the
revelations to come. We can hazard a guess at the identity of some
of the chosen, but the others may be rather surprising.
This is the well-worn tactic of ‘divide and
rule’, and has worrying, quasireligious overtones. And it is no
obscure and tiny cult, but a massive phenomenon that, in one shape
or form, has infiltrated much of the West’s cultural and spiritual
life. But who lies behind it? And what on earth would anyone hope
to gain by it?
We certainly considered the idea that we may have
developed into sad cases of paranoia - the thought was to recur
several times as we plunged deeper into this investigation — but
the evidence remains, staring us all in the face, and there is no
doubt in our minds that a huge conspiracy is trying to make us
think in certain ways. And for such a global plot to work, it
requires teams of fellow conspirators, whose participation may be
unwitting or otherwise. These groups, we were to find, not only
included, rather predictably perhaps, intelligence agencies such as
the CIA and MI5, but also less obvious candidates, from New Age
gurus to cutting-edge physicists, top-level scientists and
Cynically exploiting our fin de
siècle hunger for signs and wonders, and our ongoing love
affair with the mysteries of ancient Egypt, the conspirators are in
the process of creating a massive, insidious belief system that
feeds on millennium fever, though perhaps not blossoming properly
until the first years of the twenty-first century.
The fact that modem man’s craving for contact
with the numinous and the ineffable is being cynically exploited on
a vast scale does not mean that there are never genuine paranormal
phenomena or mystical experiences. Nor do we suggest that there are
no mysteries about man’s ancient past or his place in the universe.
While we are critical of certain beliefs and claims to have solved
some of those mysteries, it is because we find fault with them, not
because we have a ‘skeptical’ bias. What disturbs us greatly is the
use to which many otherwise innocent or uplifting beliefs and
concepts are being put.
Even the lives of those with no interest in such
subjects will inevitably be touched by this campaign to have us
believe and be persuaded to think in a certain way. We came to
realise, with heavy hearts, that part of this plot is to prepare us
to accept certain ideas that we would normally find unacceptable,
perhaps even repugnant. Make no mistake, this amounts to cultural
and spiritual brainwashing on a lavish scale.
This story is so challenging that we can only ask
for a willing suspension of disbelief, and for our readers to
follow our detective work step by step, abandoning preconceptions
and personal biases along the way. At the end, perhaps the thought
might be allowed: what if this book is right? What if
there really is a ‘stargate conspiracy’ eating away at the heart of
democracy, human autonomy and decency itself? What if we are
being prepared for the acceptance of something that we would
normally find, to say the least, disturbing?
This book is not an attempt to rally the masses
or create some kind of political backlash against the conspiracy.
Perhaps, in any case, those with the vested interests would ensure
that such an attempt would be doomed to ignominious - and immediate
— failure. Yet we believe that successful opposition is possible,
beginning with the realisation that, perhaps like the stargate
itself, true resistance is in the mind.
Lynn Picknett
Clive Prince
London, June 1999