Conducting research for Beaglemania and future Pet Rescue Mysteries has been fun and rewarding, as well as eye-opening and, sometimes, sad.
There are a lot of wonderful people who gave unstinting time to answer my questions, show me around their facilities, and be generally supportive of my plan to turn Lauren Vancouver into one determined pet rescuer.
I admit to using poetic license in my writing, so any inaccuracies are mine, definitely not theirs.
I want to thank them all, including:
Detective Susan Brumagin of the LAPD, who is the head of the Los Angeles Animal Cruelty Task Force, as well as the many devoted members of her team.
Kathleen Davis, general manager of the Los Angeles Board of Animal Services Commissioners, who helped to put me in contact with others to interview.
Captain Karen Knipscheer-Cox, commanding officer of SmART, D.A.R.T., and Animal Emergency Preparedness, who showed me around an amazing, yet unopen, Los Angeles Animal Services care center, and didn’t flinch when I told her I might use her position—but not her—in my story. Also, special thanks to all the members of the Small Animal Rescue Team (SmART) who let me observe their training sessions and answered a lot of questions—especially Team Leader Armando Navarette (Nav).
Los Angeles Animal Services Officers Daniel Gonzalez and Eric Gardner, who, individually, graciously provided answers when I ran into them and started asking a lot of questions.
Thanks, too, to some amazingly dedicated, friendly, and helpful animal shelter administrators and others:
Arlene Ober, Office Coordinator, and more, of Pet Orphans of Southern California, as well as all the wonderful staff members and volunteers.
Tina Ito, Director of Administration of the Glendale Humane Society.
Ricky Whitman, Vice President of Community Resources of the Pasadena Humane Society and SPCA.
Thanks also to my excellent editor, Michelle Vega, and my incredible agent, Paige Wheeler.
This book is dedicated to animals everywhere, especially those pets who are awaiting new forever homes. I wish I could help all of you!
It’s also dedicated to those . . . well, dedicated animal rescuers who work hard to take care of those animals, and to help them find the right forever homes.
And, as always, to my husband, Fred, who helps keep me sane. I think. Most of the time.