I ask you to read my work before expressing any
criticism or opinion of it or of my person. Criticism is most
welcome as long as it is well-founded, for otherwise it is not
criticism but simply a personal opinion based on someone else’s
thoughts; in fact, not opinion at all but just the expression of a
collective “truth”, probably derived from some religious leader who
also received it at second hand. I ask the theologians and
pseudo-theologians not to come to me insisting that the Bible is
God’s truth; remember, first of all, that the Bible is just another
historical document, which has been subject to major modification
during its dozens of translations. Remember too that there are
other documents that bear careful study, quite apart from the best
known, most widely circulated all-time bestseller. I do not claim
that this work has a monopoly of the truth; I present it as a way
of sharing a little of the knowledge I have acquired during more
than ten years of study and research. Nor do I pretend that every
word I have written is necessarily true; for after all this is a
work of fiction, and it will be up to the reader to study it
carefully and reach his
But don’t just criticize a writer who is trying to do the right thing by demonstrating the truth, based on the research he has done and on an analysis of the facts of mankind´s history. Instead do the world a favor, not just by stopping the proliferation of meaningless and unfounded opinions, but also by reading this book carefully: it will help you not to swallow whole all the things you thought you knew and all the things you’ve been told before, which don’t even come close to the truth.
My message to accompany this first part of my trilogy about the story of mankind is the following: Think outside the box. Question the world.