Many thanks to Detective Jay Williams of the Mountain Brook Police Department who took a big chunk of time out of his day to answer more questions than he anticipated and give me a guided tour of the town. Everyone in the department was wonderful whenever I called to check a detail. If I've missed anything or got it wrong, it's totally my error.

All of the addresses in this book are fictitious, as are the characters.

To Susan Bailey, George Edwards, Chad Jordan, Glenda Barker, Jim Robbins, Tom Comer—the character of Trevor Densmore is in no way based on any of you. Honest. An honorable mention to Linda Jones, who invented WMS.

If any reader is ever in the Birmingham area, you might want to check out Milo's Hamburgers. Any local can direct you to the nearest Milo's restaurant. And you might want to drive through Mountain Brook, where they really haven't had any murders in about five years now—and where the town clock is a Rolex.