Chapter 54
It was dark when the two agents arrived in Salem, Massachusetts…a city made famous by witchcraft and magic. Sherm was looking forward to meeting the Soldanos. Bob was hoping for a magical break in the investigation.
Pete Soldano answered the door.
“Hi. Sherman Dixon,” said Sherm, showing Pete his identification. “This is Special Agent Robert Branson from the Boston field office.”
Bob held out his identification, also.
“Hi,” said Pete. “C’mon in.”
Joan was nervously waiting in the living room. She stood as Pete introduced her to the agents.
“Nice to meet you,” she said. “Please, sit down. Can I get you something to drink? You know, a coke? Or some water?”
“Some water would be good, thanks,” said Sherm.
“I’ll be right back,” she said, and left to get the water.
Pete Soldano couldn’t help staring at Sherm Dixon. He’d had no idea that the man was black, or so tall. He’d actually had to duck as he came through the front door!
For his part, Sherm had pictured Pete and Joan Soldano correctly, except for their deep tans. He thought they looked like they lived year-round in Miami.
“I hope you don’t mind that I brought another agent along, Pete. Bob has an interest in Avram Solomon, apart from Marcus Solomon’s death,” said Sherm.
“No,” said Pete. “We made our decision to help…whatever you need to do.”
Joan returned with four glasses of water on a tray, set the tray on the coffee table and sat next to Pete on the sofa.
“So, where do we start?” asked Pete, looking at the two men.
“I understand that you’ve worked for Solomon Chrysler for twenty years,” said Sherm. “That’s a long time. It tells me that you’re a loyal employee, Pete. And yet, I know from Joe Garrett and Julie O’Hara that things have changed a lot over the years that have caused you to distrust Avram Solomon, or have some misgivings about him. Why don’t you begin by telling us what has changed, what has bothered you?”
“Well, I guess I was just a lot happier working for Milton Solomon. Joan worked there, too, in those days,” said Pete, looking at her and giving her hand a squeeze. “Milton had respect for people. And he didn’t micro-manage, you know? When he put someone in a position of authority, they were in charge of that department.
“At first, when Avram came to work there, he just handled the payroll department, where Joan worked. But after Milton’s wife died, he gradually turned over more and more responsibility to Avram. Eventually, he called a meetin’ and told us that he was retirin’, and that Avram was the new President of the company. Of course, by then, we were expectin’ it.
“I wasn’t thrilled about it, but the good news was that the company was expandin’ to Lynn, so I applied for the GM position. I got the job and that worked out good for us, because Joan had gotten into a fight with Avram over some payroll issues and really hated workin’ for him. So, anyway, she was able to leave and be at home for the kids. That’s when we moved here to Salem.”
“What were the ‘payroll issues’ that upset you, Joan?” asked Sherm.
“Nothing important, you know, or illegal,” said Joan. “Some paychecks bounced, and I thought there should be some reserve money in the payroll account, you know, so it wouldn’t happen again? It was just a small thing. I suggested it to Avram and he was very nasty about it. He said that ‘it was none of my business’, you know, that I was just ‘supposed to type the checks’, or something to that effect. It was very embarrassing and unnecessary. I was glad we were moving here. It was an excuse to leave, you know?”
“So, is the payroll for all the stores done at the Boston location?” asked Bob.
“Yes,” said Pete. “That and everything else. Except for individual car deals and financin’, everything has to go through Boston and be approved by Avram.”
“But, he must be a good businessman. Isn’t there a third dealership now, in Waltham?” asked Bob.
“Yes. That’s what really got me wonderin’,” said Pete, shaking his head. “He’s not a good businessman. He makes terrible decisions. Even after all this time, he still doesn’t know his ass from his elbow about the damn car business!
“My store could be making a lot more money than it does, but I’ve got my hands tied. The Boston lot, and the store, too, is small. Too small to generate a lot of money…and it takes a lot of money to expand! So, how’s he doin’ it? Listen, Miriam Castle came from money…but not Milt. And, from what I heard, she didn’t love Milt. I heard she left her money to Marc. So where is Avram gettin’ the money to expand the business and live like he does? I just don’t get it, you know?”
Sherm looked at Bob Branson. Bob was quiet…thinking. No one said anything for a minute or two.
“Why didn’t they expand the Boston car lot?” asked Bob. “There’s a defunct gas station next door. Why didn’t Avram buy it?”
“Exactly! They already own it! See what I mean?” said Pete. “I would have done that, years ago. We’ve got more room than we need out in Waltham and not enough room in Boston. It doesn’t make sense!”
The four talked a little more, Sherm and Bob thanked the Soldanos, and they took their leave, heading back to Boston.
“Sharp guy, that Pete,” said Sherman.
“Yep,” agreed Bob. “Solomon’s moves may not make much sense for his car business, but they make plenty of sense for his drug business.”
Sherman nodded.
Bob pulled out his cell phone and punched in a number.
“Jack? Are you and Mike watching Solomon Chrysler?”
“Good. Oh, yeah? He’s there?”
Bob nodded and glanced at Sherm.
“I want you guys to circle the block. That way you can keep an eye on Solomon and see when he leaves. But, listen, I want you pay particular attention to the closed gas station on the corner. See if there’s an entrance on the other street. See if anyone goes in or out of there.
“Don’t slow down; don’t stop. Just keep circling. Do it until midnight. Good. See you in the morning.”
He flipped the phone shut.
* * * * *