Chapter 50
There was no tactful way to broach the subject. Julie had flat out asked David about his Xanax prescription.
“Marc wouldn’t have taken that because of his anti-HIV drugs. He was careful about his medications.”
“What about oxycodone? Did Marc have a prescription for that?”
“Yes, he did, but he never wanted to take them; too many of his friends had become addicted to their pain meds. For the most part, Marc managed his pain with marijuana. When he did take a pain pill, he’d cut it in half…
“Oh, God, it’s true, isn’t it? Someone murdered him!” He began to cry and grabbed a handful of napkins off the kitchen bar. “But it wasn’t Rolly!” he said. He turned - napkins pressed to his face - and hurried to his room.
Julie was sorry she had triggered his distress. Damn. Now he’s embarrassed; crying like that in front of Joe.
“Poor guy,” said Joe.
“Yeah…well, I could have handled that better,” said Julie.
“No. You have a direct way of asking questions, Merlin. It’s productive. And that’s a professional opinion.”
Joe’s cell phone rang, and he flipped it open.
“Hi, Sherm!” he said, putting the phone on speaker, for Julie’s benefit.
“Joe, listen…I can’t give you details, but it’s in your best interest, as well as the agency, for you to tell me everything you know about Avram Solomon.”
“No problem,” said Joe, eyes wide, looking at Julie. “Julie O’Hara is here with me. I’ve got you on speakerphone, is that okay?”
“Yes. Actually, that’s good. Hi, Julie. In case Joe hasn’t told you, I’m Sherman Dixon, and I’m with the FBI. Joe and I have been friends for a long time, so call me ‘Sherm’, okay?”
“Okay, Sherm,” said Julie.
Joe began filling Sherman in on what he had learned since their initial conversation. He told him about his trip to Castle Cay with Will Sawyer, the evidence of drug traffic in the recent past, how the timing of it seemed to coincide with Avram Solomon’s management, and the impending sale of the island.
“Slow down, Joe, I’m taking notes. Okay, go on.”
Joe continued, telling him their suspicions in regard to Marc’s murder.
“There are a couple of holes, though, Sherm,” he said. “For one thing, Avram was in Boston when his half-brother, Marc, was killed here in Key West. We still think he could have pulled the strings, though. The guy that’s on the run now, Rolly Archer…have you seen that on the news?”
“Yeah. What about him?”
“He’s from Boston, too, Sherm,” said Julie. “Avram Solomon denied knowing him to me, but Avram is a pathological liar, at the very least.”
“The other problem is motive,” said Joe. “We think Avram wanted to prevent Marc Solomon from going to Castle Cay; that he probably didn’t want him to see the altered side of the island. Marc didn’t know anything about that, so it might have caused a glitch in the sale. That looks like a pretty good motive…except that Avram doesn’t profit from the sale! He’s just the trustee. The money ends up with Matthew Castle, Marc and Avram’s uncle,” said Joe, looking at Julie, who was nodding.
“I’ve met Marc’s uncle,” said Julie. “Matt Castle is a good man, Sherm, and wealthy, I suspect. He’s a respected attorney in Boston.”
“Thing is, we can’t figure out why the sale of this island is important to Avram Solomon at all,” said Joe.
“Hm. Julie…I understand that you have friends who work for this guy…or used to. Can you give me their names, so I can contact them?”
“Oh.” Julie paused, biting her lip. “I don’t know if I can do that, Sherm. One of my friends works for him right now. That could put his job in jeopardy, and he has a family.”
“Julie, I wish I could be more specific but, believe me, your friend is better off establishing some distance between himself and this man, Solomon. Cooperating with the FBI…now…is a good way to do that. If nothing comes of it, you have my word that any information he gives us will be kept confidential.
“Can you call him…now…and tell him about me and this conversation? Can you do that?”
“Yes, okay. I guess I could do that.”
“Great. Thank you, Julie. Then call me right back. Joe? You still there? Do you have my cell number?”
Joe said he did, and they hung up.
Julie leaned forward, her head in her hands. “Oh, God, Joe; what have I gotten Pete and Joan into?”
* * * * *