Snow and Blood
The weather had turned damp and bitter, and dark clouds sealed the sky around the horizon like pastry on a pie.
"What do you make of that?" asked Seregil.
Micum eyed the clouds. "Snow before the morning's gone. Probably heavy."
"Then we'd better make good time while we can, if we want to reach the inn before nightfall," Seregil said. The cold affected him more than the others, and Alec knew he wouldn't be happy spending the night around a fire in the open.
"At this rate? We'll be lucky to make it by nightfall."
By afternoon it was falling even more heavily, blotting out both sky and the surrounding landscape.
Alec, in the lead on foot, suddenly held up a hand to signal a stop. "Do you hear that?"
Micum reined in. "Hear what?"
"That strange sound."
They sat listening. After a moment, Seregil thought he did hear something in the distance--a deep, dull sound with a pulsing rhythm.
"What is it?" asked Alec.
"Damned if I know."
"I don't hear anything," said Micum.
"Well, whatever it is, it's too far away to be our problem," Seregil said, setting off again.
He couldn't hear it now, and soon it was the least of their worries as the snow came down harder than ever and the whole world went white--so white and blank that it hurt the eyes. Sound took on an eerie, muffled quality, as if his ears were just a little numb or lightly packed with wool, everything deadened by the soft hiss of snow on snow. The hair on the back of his neck started to prickle, the way it did in a dark room when he was certain there was someone hiding just behind him.
The rhekaro stirred restlessly, looking around as if he felt it, too.
Seregil tightened his arm around Sebrahn's waist and called out, "Wait!"
Alec turned and called back, "What's wrong?"
"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. Sebrahn, keep still!" The rhekaro was pushing at Seregil's arm now.
"That's the way he acts where there's someone who needs healing nearby."
"We don't have time to--" Micum began, then reined in with a grunt of surprise.
No one heard them coming, not even Seregil. The white-cloaked figures on white horses were suddenly just there in the road ahead of them, no more than twenty paces from where Alec stood. Their wolfskin hoods were up, and a mask of some sort covered the upper parts of their faces. Seregil couldn't see how many there were, just the hint of other shapes moving among the curtains of snow.
"I see them!" There was no time to get to his bow, tied on behind his saddle. Mounting his horse, he drew his sword.
Sharp whistles came from all sides, which meant their would-be attackers were signaling to each other.
They were being surrounded.
Tightening his one-armed hold on Sebrahn, who was fighting to get away now, he gestured toward the men blocking their way, signaling break for it!
They kicked their horses into a gallop and ran straight at them. As Seregil closed with one, he saw that the mask was shaped like the face of a red bird, with black painted eyes surrounding narrow horizontal slits. The man who swung his sword at Seregil's head had a mask like a wolf.
With his arms full of rhekaro, he barely managed to duck the blade and keep his one-handed grip on the reins.
They must have caught their attackers by surprise, because they were able to get through. With Micum in the lead now, they kicked their horses into a hard gallop, hoping to lose them in the snow before any of the horses broke a leg in a hidden ditch or rabbit hole.
"Bandits?" Alec said, looking back over his shoulder. He was riding so close that Seregil could have reached out and touched him, but his voice was so muffled Seregil could barely make out what he said. That eerie quiet had settled over them again, making the hair on the back of his neck prickle again.
As they pelted along, trying to keep Micum in sight, Seregil caught motion from the corner of his eye, but when he turned to look there was nothing there.
It happened again to his right, just past Alec, and this time he saw one of the masked riders pacing them. This one wore a fox mask. His horse's hooves didn't make a sound, but Seregil heard his whistle, and the answering ones behind them. Micum reined his horse away from the ones they could see, and Seregil and Alec followed hard on his horse's heels.
We're going to break our damn necks, Seregil thought. And Sebrahn was still struggling!
The whistles started up again, all around them, sounding so close Seregil wondered why he couldn't see any of them.
Suddenly Alec lurched forward in the saddle, an arrow protruding from his left shoulder. Micum slowed and grabbed the fallen reins.
"Damn!" Seregil reined in beside them, intending to make a stand. Before he could dismount, however, Sebrahn opened his mouth and sang.
The burst of power that emanated from that thin little body nearly threw Seregil from the saddle. It was like being struck in the chest by lightning and being on fire, all at once. The high-pitched cry drove a spike of pain between his eyes, blinding him for a moment.
Clinging on with his thighs and one hand, he managed to stay in the saddle and follow the others as they dashed away, hoping to take advantage of whatever Sebrahn had just done. He was relieved to see Alec upright again and riding hard, even with the arrow wagging up and down in his shoulder.
They drove their horses until the beasts were exhausted and they had no choice but to stop. The snow had ceased somewhere along the way, and the wind had come up. Looking back, all Seregil saw was a triple line of hoof marks slowly being scoured away. He reined his gelding around, looking for their pursuers. He hadn't seen or heard any sign of pursuit since Sebrahn had sung, and he didn't see them now across the snowswept plain. The masked bastards were probably lying in the snow, dead, just like those slave takers who'd killed Alec in Plenimar. He hoped so, anyway, though he was curious about who they were. They'd been better organized than most bandits he'd encountered. As much as he'd have liked to inspect the bodies, they'd have to backtrack for miles. Without their own trail to follow, they'd end up casting around while it got dark.
Just then Alec slid awkwardly from the saddle and collapsed in a heap, gripping his wounded shoulder with his good hand.
Seregil dismounted and shoved Sebrahn into Micum's arms. "How bad is it?" he asked, pulling off his gloves.
"Shit! Hurts like hell!" Alec hissed between gritted teeth. "Don't think it went all the way through, though."
"Can you move your arm?" asked Micum.
Alec lifted his left arm and swore again.
Seregil knelt beside him. "Steady, now. Let me take a look."
The arrow had gone in at an angle. Seregil grasped the shaft and gave it the slightest tug. It moved a little and he felt it grate against bone, probably Alec's shoulder blade.
"Brace yourself," he said calmly. "I'll do this as quickly as I can." Grasping the shaft in both hands this time, he snapped it off close to the back of Alec's coat.
Alec didn't make a sound, just fumbled one-handed at the bone buttons on the front of his thick coat.
"Let me do it."
When he had the coat open, Seregil reached down the back of Alec's shirt until his fingers found the arrow shaft and the hot blood soaking the fleece lining and the wool of Alec's tunic. Bracketing the broken shaft with two fingers, he lifted the coat free of it, then gently pulled Alec's arm from the sleeve. Most of the blood had soaked into the thick fleece at the collar. If it had been summer, he'd have left a blood trail for their pursuers to follow--if they were still alive. That doubt was going to haunt him.
Micum handed him his belt knife and Seregil carefully cut the fabric away from the wound. The arrowhead was lodged in the muscle between Alec's shoulder and neck. A few inches to the right and it would have hit his spine. It was a painful wound, but not a serious one.
It meant pulling or cutting it out, though, depending on the type of arrowhead and how barbed it was. "You'd better lie down. I can get a better purchase on it that way and get it over with."
Alec stretched out on his belly in the snow and rested his face in the crook of his right arm. "Just do it!"
Micum held down Alec's left arm and Seregil straddled Alec's waist. The bloody stump of the arrow was long enough to get a good grip on, but slippery. He grasped it and pulled as Alec stifled a growl against his sleeve. To everyone's relief, it pulled out clean. Instead of being barbed and triangular, the head had the long leaf shape meant to pierce a stag, or a man, deep into the organs.
He packed a handful of snow against the wound and showed Alec the arrow. "You were lucky. Your coat must have helped stop it. Micum, would you bring some water and a cup? Sebrahn--" He paused, looking around. A trail of small footsteps in the snow led back the way they'd come. Sebrahn hadn't gotten far, but he was going as fast as he could through the snow.
Seregil sprinted after the rhekaro and grabbed him around the waist, swinging him off his feet. Sebrahn didn't struggle as Seregil lugged him back, but he kept staring off in the direction they'd come from.
"Where in Bilairy's name were you headed?" Seregil snapped, puzzled and annoyed in equal measure. Sebrahn just pointed in the direction he'd been trying to go.
"No, Alec's over here and he's hurt! How can you not know that?"
A cup of water stood ready in the snow, and Micum had wiped the knife clean. Alec was still bleeding, and covered in gooseflesh.
"Hurry now," Seregil urged, putting Sebrahn down beside him.
The rhekaro cut his finger and made half a dozen healing flowers, pressing each to Alec's wound. It slowly stopped bleeding and closed up, leaving an angry pink circle of flesh.
"That's better," Alec said, still breathing a little fast as he flexed his left arm. Sitting up, he gathered in Sebrahn with his good arm and hugged him. "Where were you off to?"
Sebrahn just looked over Alec's shoulder at his own footsteps in the snow.
Seregil frowned down at him. "What I want to know is what could be more important to him than healing you? He knew you were wounded. That's why he sang."
"Did it sound the same to you as his killing song?" asked Alec as he pulled his bloody clothing back on.
Seregil shrugged. "I don't remember, but the power of it damn near knocked me off my horse. It's a wonder I'm not dead."
Alec pushed the tangled hair back from Sebrahn's face. "Where were you going?"
Sebrahn pointed again.
"Yes, but why? Who were you going to?"
Sebrahn said nothing, just pointed again.
"Is someone hurt?"
Sebrahn knew yes and no pretty reliably, but again he just pointed.
"It doesn't matter now. We've got other problems." Micum picked up the broken arrow and wiped the head clean in the snow. "This is interesting."
"What is?" asked Alec.
"The shape of this arrowhead, and the way the edges are serrated. It's a damn lucky thing that you had a thick coat and were nearly out of range. I've never seen one like this in Skala, or anywhere else."
"I have," said Seregil, frowning. "Some of the southern clans use arrowheads like that."
"You think someone followed us all the way from Aurenen?" asked Alec.
"I don't know, but that's where that arrow came from." He picked up the other part of the broken shaft. "See, it's fletched with four vanes, rather than three. I've seen that among the Golinil clan members."
"But they aren't a southern clan," Alec pointed out.
Seregil twirled the broken arrow between his fingers. "No, they're not. So we have a southern arrowhead on a Golinil shaft."
"I'd say someone is trying to look like they're Aurenfaie, but didn't get their methods straight," said Micum.
"Maybe. Then there's the question of the masks."
"They spooked me a little," Alec admitted.
Micum pocketed the arrowhead. "That's why they wear them, I'm sure, besides hiding their cowardly faces."
"Actually, I think I've seen something like them, too," said Seregil. "Not with the animal motifs, but the Khatme who live up in the highest valleys wear some sort of slotted visor to protect them from going snow blind. It cuts down on the glare."
Alec stood up and flexed his shoulder. "That makes three clans."
"So who in Bilairy's name are they?" growled Micum.
"Aurenfaie, or someone pretending to be them," Seregil said with a shrug. "Which makes me think that it wasn't just happenstance that we ran across them."
Seregil shrugged. "I don't know how long his reach is, here in Skala."
Micum grasped his stick and pushed himself up to his feet. "We're not going to be able to answer that unless we go back and search the bodies."
Seregil considered that. "Assuming they're dead. None of us knows one of Sebrahn's songs from another, but that didn't sound the way I remember the killing one. Whatever the case, either they're dead, and no problem, or alive and we don't know how many of them there are, except they outnumber us. I say we head for the inn for now, and reconsider in daylight. Alec, can you ride?"
"I'm fine. Come on, before they catch up with us."
"Then I'd better find the road," Micum said as he climbed up into the saddle using his good leg.
Seregil stood, holding his horse's reins. "Micum?"
"I don't think we should go to Watermead. You don't want us leading trouble to your doorstep. Not after all these years of being so careful."
"I know," Micum said, regret clear on his face. "Let's find the damn inn before it gets dark, and see if Thero has any news for us."
They cast around for nearly an hour before
they found the road again, and Seregil was glad to find it well
traveled. The frozen mud and trampled snow were marked with
hundreds of other hoof prints; even Micum would have trouble
tracking them here. Hopefully if their pursuers had survived,
they'd have given up on them by now. Somehow, though, Seregil
couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was right behind them,
even when a look over his shoulder across the flat terrain showed
that there was no one there.
Rieser came to slowly, aware at first of nothing but the stabbing pain in his head, snow on his face, and the taste of blood at the back of his throat. Someone was shaking him and that only made everything worse. He grabbed for the hand and opened his eyes. Hazadrien was leaning over him, and the sky beyond was full of sunset color. It had been afternoon when they'd found their prey. And lost them.
"Stop it, my friend. I'm alive." He sat up and felt blood run down over his lips from his nose. Hazadrien reached back for something and presented him with a yellow healing flower.
Rieser pressed it to his face gratefully and the bleeding stopped, but the pain in his head did not. Using the tayan'gil's shoulder to steady himself, he climbed to his feet and looked around for the others.
They lay where they'd fallen, covered with a thin layer of fresh snow. Turmay lay next to him in a crumpled heap, his oo'lu trapped awkwardly under his left shoulder. Two horses remained, pawing in the snow for grass; the others were nowhere to be seen.
Nowen sat up, holding her head in both hands. "What in the name of Aura was that?"
"I don't know," Rieser told her. "Help me check the others."
She appeared to be in as bad shape as Rieser, and they moved like invalids as they slowly went from one to another, shaking them awake.
All of them were hurt to some degree. Rieser came last to young Thiren lying facedown in the snow. When he didn't stir, Rieser rolled him over and found the boy's eyes fixed and his face dark with settled blood. His bow lay broken beside him.
Nowen came to Rieser and rested a hand on his shoulder. Her voice was thick with grief and pain as she whispered hoarsely, "Why didn't the witch know, if his 'Mother' is so--"
"Mind your tongue," Rieser cautioned, covering her mittened hand with his own.
Rane staggered over and sank to his knees beside his dead brother, blood trickling from both ears, and began the death keen.
"Not here, Rane," Rieser said, wrapping an arm around the boy's shaking shoulders. "There'll be time later to mourn, when we've found some safe place for the night."
Rane wiped the tears from his face with his sleeve.
Rieser found his eyes stinging, too. He had lost riders before, but Thiren was his mentor's son. He was glad Syall i Konthus wasn't alive to know this.
Turmay was on his feet now, white and unsteady. He hands shook as he tried to warm himself in his frozen clothing.
"You didn't know that one of them was a wizard?" Rieser demanded.
"Because none of them are," Turmay replied, sinking down beside him, looking very green and ill. "I--I would have seen such a one. That was not magic; it was--power. This must have come from their tayan'gil."
"That's impossible. They don't kill."
Turmay gestured weakly back at the dead boy, and at the other riders staggering around holding heads and stomachs. Several were vomiting into the snow. "This one can. And your own tayan'gil was the only one of us not stricken by its power."
"A lucky thing for us," said Rieser, watching Hazadrien minister to the others. "Sona, Taegil, go look for the other horses. Turmay, you come with me. Nowen and Hazadrien, you take care of the others here."
Mounted on the two remaining horses, he and the witch set off to see what direction the ya'shel and his tayan'gil had gone. Three distinct lines of shallow hoof marks dimpled the fresh snow, heading southeast. The horses had been running at a gallop. They were probably miles away by now, but he kept going.
"What was that sound?" Rieser asked as they rode along, not really expecting an answer.
"I think that must be the power of the tayan'gil."
"I still say they don't have such an ability."
Turmay frowned at him from the depths of his fur-lined hood. "Even so, I tell you this one does. Remember that it was made from a half-breed's blood. Who knows what that would do?"
Rieser snorted softly. "That should make it weaker, not stronger. One of the others must be a wizard. They exist among the Tir in the north, so why not here?"
Turmay shrugged. "Then perhaps it was that."
They followed the trail for nearly a mile before it ended; the snow was less deep on the ground here. The wind had swept away all trace of them.
With a muttered curse, Rieser turned back and kicked his horse into a gallop, retracing his steps with Turmay beside him. The chase would have to wait for as long as it took for his riders to recover.
And what then, he could not say.