Making Use of the Useless

ULAN I SATHIL'S SPIES sent word that Seregil and the other had indeed gone to ground in Bokthersa, and that there was a child with them, one with yellow hair and silver eyes--one never seen to eat. To kidnap them from there would be far too difficult, not to mention an unforgivable breach of honor. If caught at it, the consequences were too dire to contemplate. Having lived this long, Ulan had no intention of dying by the two bowls--not when he was so close to his goal. However, his prey had youth on their side; he could only afford to wait so long. Perhaps spring would bring them out.

In the meantime, he fought against the disease in his lungs as best he could, and between fits amused himself by nursing Ilar back to life and winning his trust. It was too dangerous to call him by his true name, lest someone remember him. Instead he went by his slave name--Khenir. He'd borne it for so long, he seemed more at ease with it.

It also became clear that Ilar had been genuinely devoted to his alchemist master, whom he still called "Ilban" and spoke of as if the man were still alive. He often rubbed the lighter skin at his throat, too, as if he missed the collar being there. What he felt for the others was less clear. He seemed to hate Alec, but sometimes rambled about pleasant moments spent together at the villa before their escape. And Seregil? In some twisted, angry way, he seemed to want to possess him, and spoke at times as if he had at some point. It finally came out that Seregil had been his slave for a brief time--something that Ulan had a hard time imagining.

For the first weeks Ulan had feared that the man's mind might remain unhinged. Ilar could not bear to be touched, would not leave his room, and kept his scars carefully hidden, unaware that his host had observed him many times through the peephole in his room. Ilar had been a proud young man, and that had worked to his detriment as a slave, as his many stripes and scars attested.

Ulan visited him each morning and evening, listening for any new detail. Ilar had wept a great deal in the early days, and when he did talk, he went round and round in his mind, recalling scattered details of their escape and dwelling on the fact that Seregil was still alive. Ulan couldn't tell if what Ilar felt for Seregil was love or hatred, and he began to think that Ilar himself didn't know. Nonetheless it was clearly still a strong attachment. And who knew? That might prove useful.

As Ilar's body healed and gained strength, so did his mind. He grew increasingly lucid and paid more attention to his surroundings, but the fear and the longing remained. Questions about the rhekaros and their making remained unanswered.

At last Ilar--now Khenir to the household--allowed Ulan to lead him out of his room for short walks inside the clan house. After a few days Ulan was able to draw him out into the snowy garden for some fresh air. The color had returned to Ilar's face, and some of his beauty, as well. As long as he remained clothed, he looked like nothing more than a young man recovering from a long illness.

With this promising turn of events, Ulan began to ask more probing questions.

"Why was he so frustrated with the first one?" he asked one day as they sat together on the long balcony overlooking the harbor after one of Ulan's coughing fits. "Why would he go to such lengths and then destroy it?"

Ilar stared out at the boats for a while, pain clear in his eyes, and Ulan worried that he'd overstepped. But at last the young man sighed and said, "He was trying to distill an elixir of some sort from its blood."

"Yes, I know, but how was the rhekaro made?"

"I don't know, exactly. I only assisted him when required, but he used Alec's flesh, blood, spit, tears ... Ilban combined it with other things he called 'elements.' Still, it wasn't enough. He had more hope for the second one, and seemed pleased with it, even though it didn't have wings. He hadn't yet found how to unlock the secrets of its blood, either. But it could do little tasks around the workshop. I think he meant to keep it as a pet."

"And Alec--" Another cough tore at his chest and Ulan tasted blood. Ilar patted him awkwardly on the back until the fit was over. Ulan fell back in his chair, wiping his lips. "He kept Alec to make more rhekaros. What of Seregil?"

"He was given to me. If only--" Ilar broke off and would say no more. He looked thoroughly miserable.

"I see. Well, perhaps you will see him, in time."

Ilar's eyes widened. "But how?"

"Time will tell. In the meantime, would you like to live here permanently, under my protection?"

"Yes, Khirnari." Ilar sank to his knees before Ulan and kissed his hand.

"Now, now, dear boy. No need for such dramatics. We'll bide our time, and my spies will keep an eye on things. I doubt Seregil and Alec will go anywhere before spring, if they move at all."

"Spring?" Ilar said, disappointed. "Will I see him then?"

"Perhaps, and you'll be that much stronger by then. Now, I would like to hear more about the rhekaros and how they are made. Where did your Ilban's knowledge come from?"

Ilar actually looked around, as if he was still afraid of being overheard. "Books," he whispered. "He has three great thick books that he keeps in the little tent. He pored over them for years before Alec came. You told me about the boy--the Hazadrielfaie boy--and I told Ilban. I've never seen him so excited! That's when he promised Seregil to me."

"Ah, I see. But the books?"

Ilar subsided and the light went from his eyes. "In the little tent."

"And where is this little tent?"

"It's at the far end of the workroom, opposite the forge. I wasn't allowed to look in there, but I often saw him take out the books."

"And did you see what was in them?"

Ilar shifted uneasily, looking guilty now. "Sometimes I looked, when Ilban went back to the house for something. I couldn't read the writing. Most of his books are like that. Ilban says that alchemists keep their secrets by writing in code."

"In code? The book he showed me was not."

"Then perhaps he didn't show you the real ones. In the one I looked at, the words made no sense, but I saw a fine engraving of winged beings. Ilban was disappointed that neither of the ones he made had wings. They were larger in the drawings, too: the size of a man, at least in the pictures I saw."

Ulan knew that much already. He'd corresponded regularly with Charis Yhakobin, anxious for news of success that never came. No, what caught his interest and made his pulse quicken was this talk of books. Codes could be broken. And then?

And then I could unlock the secrets of the use of a rhekaro, perhaps even make one for myself! Of course that would mean possessing young Alec, as well.

"Do you think the books are still there?"

"Ilban never allows anyone to touch them. I think his servant Ahmol and I are the only ones who know about them."

Ulan sat there for some time after Ilar went back to his room, pondering deeply. Ilar was the only one who knew what the books looked like. If they had been moved, only he could identify them. It seemed Ilar might be of use after all.

He'd had no word from Elisir in weeks and had to assume that Seregil and Alec, and therefore the rhekaro, were still safely in Bokthersa.

"Patience," he whispered as he gazed out over his beloved city and the harbor below. No, he was not ready to give up all this.

But patience had its limits.

Returning to his library, he settled at the desk there and began a letter to his nephew. Alchemists were not the only ones to use code.