"Leaving?" She sank into a chair by the window. "But you only just got here!"
Seregil knelt and took her hands in his. "I know, but Tyrus told us things that have decided our path."
"Where will you go?"
Seregil hesitated. "I'm sorry, sister, but I can't tell you that."
She looked down at him with sadness in her eyes. "Even here, you don't feel safe?"
"It's not that. We have work to do."
"About Sebrahn?"
Tears welled in her eyes. "When will you leave?"
"We have to prepare for the journey, and there are a few things I need to do. The new moon festival is a week away. We'll leave sometime after that."
"A few weeks. After all these years?"
"It's not what I want, either, Adzriel. But we have to go."
She sighed and wiped her eyes. "I see. Well, I'll provide anything you need for your journey, but promise me that you'll hunt with me at least once?"
Seregil smiled as he rose to his feet. "I won't leave until we do."
Stripped to their trousers under leather aprons, Seregil and his uncle heated thin steel rods while Alec or Micum pumped the bellows. The lean muscles in Seregil's bare arms stood out as he brought the small hammer down on the anvil, sparks spraying off the red-hot steel, shaping it to his needs. Some of the picks were straight; others had angled tips for more complex locks. Some were slender and supple as a branch tip--just the thing for a Rhiminee triple crow lock; a few were half as thick as an arrow shaft for the large locks that secured prisons, the gates of fine villas, the grate locks in the Rhiminee sewers, and other interesting places.
Akaien looked on with interest, taking a break from his own work. "So this is what all my training with you came to? Little hairpins?" But he laughed as he said it, and Alec saw the pride in the man's eyes.
Alec, meanwhile, tried his hand at carving the special ones out of long goat leg bones. These they used on the tiny locks of jewel cases and locked books. The bone was strong enough to turn the lock, but less likely to leave telltale scratches.
It took four nights to make everything they needed. On the third, Alec found himself alone with Akaien, waiting for the others. Alec liked the man a great deal--there was something of Seregil about him.
Perhaps that was what prompted him to ask a few questions. "From the way Seregil speaks of his father, you two must not have been much alike."
Akaien was quiet for a moment. "Well, Korit was the elder son, and more serious by nature. That's probably why he ended up being khirnari. He was a good one, too. He had real vision and a way with people."
"Except with his son?"
"Perhaps if Korit had lived, and Seregil had grown up with him, they might have come to understand each other."
"Seregil told me you're like a father to him."
Akaien smiled at that. "Things might have gone differently for him if he had been mine. Korit was the serious, responsible one; I took after our father, and liked my fun too well. It was our mother Korit took after. She groomed him for khirnari, and he was elected when he was still a young man. But you were asking about Seregil. His mother, Illia, was the light of my brother's life. She was a lovely woman, with a laugh that made everyone who heard it join in. Seregil took after her in more than looks. If he hadn't had the life he has, I think he'd be more like her."
"It's sad, losing his mother before he even knew her," Alec murmured. Another thing we have in common.
"The time for childbearing is short for Aurenfaie women compared with their long lives," Akaien explained. "She was too old when she carried Seregil, and died giving birth to the son they both wanted so badly, after having four girls already. Korit never forgave himself."
"But if that's true, why didn't he love Seregil for being like her?"
"Seregil thinks his father blamed him for his mother's death. Korit didn't, but that didn't bring her back, and his heart never really healed. Seregil would be no different if he lost you. I could see that the minute I laid eyes on you two."
Just then they heard Seregil's voice, and Micum laughing at whatever he'd said.
"Thank you, Uncle," Alec said, emboldened by the confidences Akaien had shared, "I love Seregil more than I can say. I promise you, I'll always take care of him."
Akaien gave him a grin much like Seregil's. "I know that."
When the tools were finished, Seregil turned tailor, sewing the canvas rolls with thin pockets to carry the tools in a small, compact bundle.
Alone in their room, Seregil rolled and tied one set and tossed it to Alec. "Now we're ready for anything."
She apparently had no use for servants, for she opened it herself. "Don't stand there gawking on the mat. Come in," she ordered brusquely, although she was smiling.
The front room was given over to cots for the sick, bundles of herbs, and other accoutrements of her art. She led him through to a pleasant room overlooking the valley. He caught a glimpse of a tidy kitchen through an open door and smelled something sweet baking there.
"May I look at the wounds you received in Plenimar?" she asked.
Alec pulled down the neck of his tunic, showing her the faint scars on his chest and throat where the slave takers' arrows had struck.
She ran her fingers over them, feeling carefully through his skin to the vessels and throat beyond. "You have no trouble swallowing or talking?"
"Weakness in your limbs?"
"No, I'm fine, really!"
"I'm glad to hear it."
"So, what do--"
"Not so fast, little brother. This is a civilized house. Tea first." Leaving him, she went to the kitchen.
Alec sat down in a rocking chair. Sebrahn went to the window overlooking a snowy herb garden and gazed out. Mydri returned a few moments later with a tray loaded with a steaming pot, mugs, a cream pitcher, and a plate of round spice cookies, still warm from the oven.
She set the tray on a little table between his rocker and a sagging armchair and poured for them both, adding cream without asking. Alec sipped his tea and was glad of the slaking; she brewed it even stronger than her brother did.
She popped a cookie in her mouth. "Go on," she urged when Alec shyly kept to his tea. "They're not poison."
Alec took one, wondering why he was always so nervous around the women. The cookie was delicious, laced with anise and honey, and he took a second more eagerly.
"That's better. Now, I want to talk to you about Sebrahn, and I want you to listen closely."
"Of course, older sister." He still felt awkward using the title, but knew it pleased her.
"I use magic in my healing," she told him, running a finger over the lines under her right eye. "But I also rely on my simples and tinctures, and a hot knife when necessary. It's a skill, healing, not a trick."
"Sebrahn's healings aren't a trick."
"Of course not. But you must understand that they are nothing but magic, and sometimes magic doesn't last. Why do you think I keep checking your wounds, and Seregil's?"
That had never occurred to him. He thought of the first person Sebrahn had healed, revealing his power. What if that girl's leg had gotten worse again, after they left? What if the gash high up on the inside of Seregil's thigh opened up? And what about his own wounds? "So do you understand now, Alec Two Lives?"
"You think the healing will wear off, and I'll drop dead?"
"We don't know that it won't."
She set her cup back on the tray, then reached into a basket beside her and took out some knitting--a half-finished mitten like the green-and-white pair she'd given him, but blue this time. She set to work, wooden needles clicking swiftly. How could she just sit there and calmly knit after that?
"I think you're wrong," he managed at last.
"And why is that?"
"If his magic doesn't last, then why would the alchemist go to such trouble to make one? Yhakobin didn't know Sebrahn could kill, but he knew their bodies and blood could be used to make some elixir. And maybe he knew Sebrahn had the power to give life, as well."
"And wouldn't that be worth any risk to recover Sebrahn and you? And all the more reason to think that whoever is left in Plenimar who knows the secret of his existence will not let you go so easily."
"That's not going to happen again," he vowed, meeting her gaze without wavering this time. "I'll die first. And this time for good."
She looked up from her knitting. "Don't say that lightly, little brother, in case one of your gods is listening."