THE SOUTH Beach strip was dense enough that Sylvie honestly
regretted not buying a motorcycle instead of a truck. Her hands
danced on the wheel; her stomach soured.
She should have made sure Alex didn’t go to work
until the office was magically secured again.
She jerked the truck through a gap, changed lanes
in a flurry of horns, and put the pedal down. The first sight of
her office made her heart jump; she’d forgotten about the bullet
she’d put into the window. For a single moment, Sylvie thought
maybe that was what had Alex so upset. The cracked window, the
signs of violence. That happy image couldn’t hold.
If Alex had been concerned about the violence, she
would have asked about Sylvie’s well-being. Not begged her to come
Sylvie stopped the truck, left it skewed in front
of the office, heedless of traffic. The blinds had been drawn down;
sunlight reflected off the front door, turning it mirror opaque
when she needed it to be clear. To give her even that tiny warning
as to what she might find.
She put one hand on the holster, another on the
latch. Pushed. The door wasn’t locked.
Alex looked up, face pale to her very lips. Her
bright makeup looked garish on her bones. “Sylvie—”
Her attention was already drawn elsewhere, to the
unexpected presence in the room. Not Azpiazu after all. Erinya. The Fury stood with her back against the
wall, her claws leaving deep gouges in the plaster. Curls of paint
and plaster dust made bright confetti on her dark boots.
“I didn’t mean to,” Alex blurted. “I’m so sorry.
She surprised me, and I was on the phone with him. I said his
Sylvie closed her eyes. Demalion.
Erinya bared all her teeth. “He ghost-jacked a
body. Just like Patrice. Trying to escape the inevitable. Where is
he, Sylvie?”
“I’m not telling you.”
“I’ll find him myself.”
“Then why are you still here?”
Erinya’s eyes burned bloody and bright; Alex ducked
her head and whimpered.
“Yeah,” Sylvie said. “That’s right. You aren’t as
good at scenting humans as your sister. And his scent’s
“Tell me.”
“No,” Sylvie said.
“I won’t tell you either, so you can just . . .
just . . . go away!” Alex’s defiance—brave, but stupid—started out
strong, went shrill when dark feathers spiked along Erinya’s spine,
when her head lowered and went bestial.
“Oh god, please!” Alex yelped, and before Sylvie
could move to step between them, Erinya backed down. Shook the Fury
aspect off, looked . . . chastened.
“I’ll get it out of Sylvie, then,” Erinya
“You know you won’t,” Sylvie said.
Erinya threw a chair at the wall; it slammed into
the plaster and stuck for a moment, dangling by a leg thrown with
enough force to become a spear. When the chair landed, Erinya
crashed onto it, shredding the heavy wood and leather to
“You all right?” Sylvie asked Alex. Let Erinya
destroy the furniture, keep her occupied. “Not hurt?”
Alex shook her head.
It was an unlooked-for boon. Sylvie had seen Erinya
yank information from a woman’s mind, leaving trauma and coma
behind. But she hadn’t hurt Alex.
Sylvie doubted it was out of respect for her. “Go
home, then. Lock the doors. Be careful, Alex. I thought Azpiazu had
come to get you. He still might. He still needs another element to
his spell.”
“Atheists,” Alex said, “right? Unclaimed soul. I’m
safe, then.”
Erinya snarled, a vibrating hum in her throat
something like a growl, something like a swallowed howl. Pure
Was that why?
Alex believed so deeply that the Fury couldn’t
interfere with another god’s worshipper? Sylvie couldn’t believe
it. Alex had never been religious, gently mocked those who
“She’s marked,” Erinya
That said it all. Alex hadn’t chosen to believe;
she’d been chosen. And it had happened under Sylvie’s nose.
“Marked?” Sylvie asked. “How. When. Who.” It came
out rapid-fire. Furious. Gods were too damned greedy.
“None of your business,” Alex said. Her chin came
up. Her color slowly returned.
“Eros,” Erinya said. Slapping back at Alex the only
way she could. Spilling her secrets. “He touches something, then he
wants to keep it. Greedy boy. When he saved her life, he claimed it
for his own.”
“Can I break the mark?”
“I don’t want you to!” Alex snapped. “Okay, Syl? It
doesn’t hurt me. It doesn’t hurt anything. It doesn’t do anything.
It’s just there. And hey, it’s apparently protecting me.”
“You want to be someone’s possession?”
“We all are, one way or another,” Alex said. Erinya
skulked around behind her, trying to get access to the laptop.
Abruptly Sylvie realized why Alex hadn’t run from the Fury in the
first place. Not just because it was a fool’s instinct to run from
a creature who chased. But to stay and protect the data. Demalion’s
contact info.
Alex slid the laptop under the desk, shielding it
as if Erinya’s setting eyes on it would be enough to give her the
information she sought.
All of Sylvie’s borderline rage at Alex fled.
Scared nearly witless and still thinking. Still trying to do the
right thing. “The mark doesn’t hurt?”
Alex bit her lip, rubbed off some of the foundation
at her cheek. A blushy bruise, like the press of a fingertip, lay
at the crest of her cheekbone. “Where he kissed me to heal
“It doesn’t hurt?” Sylvie asked again. More
Alex blushed, obscuring the mark altogether. “No.
It . . . I get dreams sometimes.”
Erinya scoffed. Alex’s lips curved. “No. Very
definitely not nightmares.”
Sylvie raised a brow. “Oh.”
“Oh, yeah,” Alex said. The blush on her cheeks
spread downward, and Sylvie turned back to Erinya.
“So you’re sticking around until I give you the
information you want, right?”
“Yes,” Erinya said. “I can be patient.”
“Got a mangled chair and a bunch of memories that
say otherwise. How ’bout I give you something else to do. We’re
hunting a would-be god.”
Erinya laughed. “I should strip-mine your mind,
take the information. You refuse to belong to any god. You’re fair
“But not easy game,” Sylvie said. “I kicked you out
of my head before. And that was when I didn’t have someone to
protect. C’mon, Eri. Help us hunt.”
“No,” Erinya said. “I don’t get what I want? You
don’t get what you want.”
She and Sylvie bared teeth at each other in
unwilling stalemate.

MUMBLING something urgent, rummaging through her purse, utterly
oblivious. Sylvie hung her own head in exasperation. She’d warned
Cachita they might be facing Azpiazu, and this was how the woman
entered the room?
Cachita looked up, and Sylvie’s disgust faded.
Cachita’s eyes had gone from warm brown to panic black. When she
brought her hand out of her purse, it came clutching a
shark-tooth-shaped dagger, black obsidian, gold handled, and sharp
enough that her fingers were already bleeding from brushing up
against it.
The blood against the blade changed the feel of the
room. Tiny tremors traveled the walls; beneath Sylvie, the floor
seemed to rise and fall as if the office were suddenly asea.
“Hey, no!” Sylvie said. Cachita hadn’t come in
distracted. Cachita had come in halfway through her
Tepeyollotlsummoning ritual. “Cachita, stop it. It’s not Azpiazu!
It’s not—”
Too late, really. The room shifted and blurred,
took on the thick, heady scent of tropical jungles; a jaguar’s
cough roughed the air. Erinya morphed so quickly, Sylvie found
herself shoved into the wall to make room for Erinya’s full Fury
Four-legged, big as a bear, long and lean and
supple. A creature designed to chase and kill, feathers and scale,
beak and teeth and rage. Erinya shrieked defiance. Sylvie clapped
hands over her ears, tried to figure out the odds of the coming
fight taking out all bystanders.
Gods of different pantheons chose not to interact,
a mutual-avoidance pact. Erinya . . . she wasn’t a god. Just a
demigod. Sylvie had the sinking suspicion that meant a brawl was
inevitable. Erinya was threatened, and a threatened Fury was a
violent one. And Tepeyollotl, summoned by his human agent, would
come ready to kill. If not Azpiazu, anything that threatened his
Sylvie put one hand on Erinya’s spiky back, felt
the scales rip at her palm, and scrambled over Erinya, slamming
Cachita into the door, spilling them both through it and onto the
curb, scattering the passersby who’d stopped, gawking at the
office. Erinya’s curses still blistered the air. The front window,
already cracked by the bullet, started to chip away, to patter bits
of glass downward like hail.
Sylvie clapped a hand over Cachita’s mouth, still
moving, though Cachita’s eyes showed the woman had checked out.
Around them, people cried out, the hunt for someone to do something.
The sidewalk juddered beneath them, an undulation
of concrete as hard on their human skin as shark scale. Sylvie
grabbed Cachita’s wrist, shook the knife out of her grip. It
skidded away, smoking where Cachita’s blood had touched it.
A woman shrieked as it butted up against her
flip-flop, drawing another bead of blood. Sylvie lunged, grabbed
the screaming woman’s bottled water, ripped the cap off, and dumped
it over the blade. The smoke dwindled, disappeared.
Sylvie held her breath. The trembling in the world
slowed but continued.
“Tell him not to come,” Sylvie said. “Tell him you
made a mistake.”
Cachita gasped for air, fumbled her way upright,
reached for the blade. Sylvie fielded her off. “No. Tell him,
Cachita. Tell him we don’t need him now.”
“I can’t—”
“All spells run in two directions,” Sylvie snapped.
“A door opens, but it also closes.”
She looked at their audience, some familiar
faces—her mercantile neighbors more aggravated than frightened—and
some not. A cop car turned onto the street.
“Fuck,” Sylvie muttered. She dragged Cachita to her
feet, dragged her and the blade inside, shoved Cachita straight
into Erinya. “Look!”
Cachita did. Her eyes rolled up in her head, and
she went down as if Sylvie had coldcocked her.
“Fuck,” Sylvie said again. There was a . . . hole .
. . forming in the ceiling of her office, a place where the
earthquake warp was strongest. Where Tepeyollotl was investigating
Cachita’s call. She drew her gun.
Erinya leaped upward, slashing, biting, shrieking
at the gap. Sylvie’s heart rocketed. This was all going to see them
turned into meaty gobbets of godly cat chow. She couldn’t see Alex,
could barely see Cachita; all her instincts insisted she keep
Erinya in her view.
A good thing, too, as her barbed tail lashed across
the space Sylvie had just vacated.
Sylvie rolled, grabbed Cachita, shook her back to
“What—what is that?” Cachita asked.
“That is less trouble than
the god you’ve called,” Sylvie shouted. “Send him back!”
Tepeyollotl shimmered partway into existence—a
world-warping blur of cat and man, spots and gold, sweltering heat
and jungle scent and growling. Where his body touched, smoke
Sylvie felt his presence like a scalding wind and
shuddered. The worst part of it all was that this was just a
precursor. Some type of scout—a thinned-out shadow of the god;
Tepeyollotl responding only halfheartedly to Cachita’s aborted
Still didn’t mean his shadow wouldn’t kill
Erinya charged him, fearless, furious.
The sound they made as they collided wasn’t
anything as simple as two bodies in motion; their collision rang
like imperfect metal just before it shattered. Cachita sobbed;
Sylvie crouched low, gun clenched uselessly in her hand.
It was over as fast as it had begun. Tepeyollotl
protested once more, a petulant roar of surprise and pain, and
disappeared. Erinya spat out a piece of hide large enough to make a
coat. It smoked and stank like burning blood and herbs.
Erinya’s tail lashed and lashed; her back rolled in
waves of spikes.
A gentle touch wrapped itself around Sylvie’s
wrist; she jerked and found Alex creeping up beside her. Unharmed.
Eyes wild and wide, but unharmed.
“We don’t need a closet,” Alex breathed out. “We
need a safe room. Magically and physically reinforced. I don’t care
if we empty the savings account.”
“Agreed,” Sylvie said.
“All right, then,” Alex said. She slumped against
Sylvie’s side. “You gonna do something about that?”
“That” being the Fury, still smashing the office
furniture to bits, still climbing the walls, gouging holes in the
terrazzo, in the ceiling struts, snarling, drooling bloody spittle
across the floor.
“She’s pissed at me already,” Sylvie said. “I think
we’re going to sit here and let her work her way down to sane
Cachita whimpered. “Can we run?”
“Last thing we’d do,” Sylvie said. “Sit tight,
“What is it?” Cachita whispered. She shrank back
when Erinya whipped her head around to look at them all, then
huffed in disgust.
Cachita put her hand over her mouth, trying to hide
even her breath. The tiny cuts on her hands left blood on her
cheeks. Erinya looked like she wanted to investigate, slunk off the
wall, crept across the floor, claws screeking, and Sylvie said, “Uh-uh, Eri. You got
lucky. You surprised the god. Don’t bring him back by trying to eat
his chosen one, okay?”
The front door swung open; a patrol officer put his
head in, saying, “Everything all righ—Holy fuck!”
Erinya pounced, pinned him between her front paws,
and Sylvie said, “Eri, please!”
The Fury tasted the man’s neck, hesitated,
breathing heat and hunger that Sylvie could feel all the way across
the room. Then she pushed him back. “Go away, good man.” The
patrolman took the dismissal as the command it was and ran.
A virtuous cop, Sylvie thought. Nice. The
relaxation rolling through her body was making her dazed with
Erinya shook her entire body, shedding agitation
like a dog shedding water, slowly dwindled inward, until there was
nothing but a crouching goth girl snarling, incongruous in
human-shaped vocal cords.
Cachita shook harder. Sylvie said, “Caridad
Valdes-Pedraza? Meet Erinya. One of the Eumenides. A Fury. And if
you think she’s dangerous? If you think she’s piss-your-pants
scary? You’d be right. But you know what she isn’t? She’s not even a full god. Think about that
before you shout for Tepeyollotl again. Think about how much worse
it would be to deal with a full god in a rage. That’s what you’re
wanting to bring down to earth.”

RAPID BREATHS, OF the ringing patter of falling glass, and
furniture breaking down further under its own weight. Even the
walls were creaking, settling as if Tepeyollotl’s earthquaking
appearance had left them perched above a sinkhole.
“It’s too late,” Cachita said, finally, her voice a
rasp. “I’ve called him. He’s primed now. He’ll be checking
“Then we need to get Azpiazu sorted before—”
“Deal with me first,” Erinya said, interrupting
them. “I want Demalion.”
“I want peace and quiet,” Sylvie said. “I want
supernatural guests who don’t shred my workplace.”
Erinya slung herself into Sylvie’s personal space,
a smooth lunge and crouch, black-painted lips peeling back to show
red gums and sharp white teeth. “I want Demalion dead.”
“He died,” Sylvie said. “You killed him.”
“He didn’t stay that way. His soul should be
languishing, tormented for his misdeeds.”
“Then go hunt for him and leave us alone,” Sylvie
said. “I’ve got bigger problems.”
“I’ll help you,” Erinya said abruptly. “This
Azpiazu. I can find him for you. And you’ll give me
“I won’t,” Sylvie said.
“I could take it from you.”
“You could try,” Sylvie growled.
Alex and Cachita protested at the same time, their
fright like a dash of cold water to her own rising temper.
“Let’s make a deal,” Sylvie said. “I won’t give you
Demalion. But . . . I can make it worth your while.”
Erinya gave Sylvie her back, heading toward the
door, bootheels clicking.
“Erinya,” Sylvie said. “Dunne can have me when I
die. I’ll hunt with you.”
Alex squeaked, and Sylvie slashed her hand down,
shutting off further protest from without and within. Her little
dark voice was a drowning cry of objections. Negotiations didn’t
work with interruptions.
The Fury stopped in her tracks. “You’ll be a Fury?”
She came back toward Sylvie, all slink and hunger and quivering
hope. She got close enough to sniff reluctant sincerity from
Sylvie’s flesh and mind, but hesitated. “When you die . . . That
could be such a very long time away.”
“You’re immortal. Be patient,” Sylvie said.
“You’re the new Lilith,” Erinya said. More
objections. “The Christian God might have plans—”
Alex looked intrigued, and Sylvie grimaced. She
didn’t want Alex poking into the “new Lilith” business. Not until
Sylvie’d had the time to do some investigating on her own.
“I make my own choices,” Sylvie said. “Always
Erinya rolled her shoulders as if settling the idea
into her skin.
“Would you help us for that? Help us kill
“I can’t,” Erinya said. “Find him, okay, yeah. But
he’s Tepeyollotl’s chosen. I can’t just step in between them and
rip his head off any more than I could shake the truth out of your
Sylvie said, “I’m not sure I want to give my soul
over for tracking abilities. I can find Azpiazu on my own.”
“Mortals have time constraints.”
“I can work fast—”
“Sylvie!” Alex interrupted their bargaining. Her
hands were tight on Sylvie’s forearm. “Sylvie, listen!”
The street outside had grown quiet. No more
bystander noise. No traffic. No cops. Nothing. All the hairs on
Sylvie’s body stood up. “Something’s coming.”
“Hunters,” Erinya said. “Human hunters.”
The remnants of the plate-glass window shattered as
a smoking cylinder crashed through it, streaming . . .
“Tear gas?” Sylvie gasped out. Regretted it as the
movement of her breath brought the gas billowing into her face. It
was like inhaling an angry jellyfish. Her nose stung, her mouth
burned, her eyes spat tears in a vain attempt to soothe the
irritation. She coughed, clenched her hands by her sides,
controlling the urge to rub at the burn, to scrub it off her skin.
She knew it wouldn’t work.
Alex had ducked, turned away, had covered her face
by yanking up her shirt. The cotton mesh wasn’t fine enough to
protect her for more than a few moments. Sylvie, sobbing
helplessly, letting the tears go, trying to flush out the toxin
even as the smoke still eddied in the room, dragged Alex closer,
dragged her under her jacket. Alex’s fingers clutched Sylvie’s
side, tight bands of panic and fear.
Cachita had rolled sideways, was vomiting feebly,
her face streaming tears and snot.
Gas-masked men bulled in after the tear gas, and
Sylvie heard the first one scream, his cry ending bloody and wet,
when Erinya tore into him with talons extended.
“Erinya, go!” Sylvie said. “Just go. Find us
later.” Each word was hard to get out. Each word felt like an
eternity between a panicking heart and challenged breathing.
Erinya’s growl echoed through the room; she dropped
the first man, and the others slowed. She turned once, red-black
eyes shining like lanterns, and snatched Alex away from Sylvie so
quickly, Alex’s nails left gouges through her shirt.
Erinya vanished.
Sylvie, fighting to breathe, to stay in control of
herself, fumbled her gun from her holster and slid it away from
The last thing she wanted was to be shot by the
triggerhappy ISI SWAT team. They couldn’t be anyone else.
Their timing, as usual, was utterly,
world-endangeringly, awful.