
For Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Everywhere: In Survival There Is Strength, Courage, and Resilience In Finding Your Voice You Can Make a Difference Acknowledgments

The Price of Fame was not the book I had intended to write, but that is a long story. The fact that you now hold it in your hands is the culmination of a lifelong dream: for years I have been telling anyone who would listen that all I wanted to do was write books and be left alone.

Well, at least half of that equation has been realized!

In many ways, this book wrote itself; the characters, whom I love dearly, spent countless hours whispering in my ear. The result: plot twists that surprised even me.

I have always maintained that the best fiction contains elements of truth; as a reader, it's that believability that keeps you turning the pages.

In that sense I owe a debt of gratitude to all those who provided me with such rich life experiences; you have fed me enough material to write an infinite number of novels.

To the good folks at BookEnds Press, and StarCrossed Productions, especially Kathy Smith, for doing an outstanding job producing this book. And to Radclyffe, an outstanding and most gracious fellow author, for invaluable suggestions and advice.

Writing a book like this is made much easier when the author can rely on real-life experts to ensure accuracy. To Marcia Neville and Claire Bee, my eternal thanks for being so good at what you do and for your willingness to share that knowledge with me.

A very special thanks goes to my initial editors and chief cheerleaders, Terry Glidden and Kat Lodge. Without Kat's persistence this novel never would have come to be. Her amazing research abilities re: time, place, and historical events astound me. Terry is responsible for making my words count. Her patience and attention to detail make my work so much stronger. Thanks to Stacia Seaman, for coming on board and giving me confidence in the final product.

Whoever said you can't judge a book by its cover hasn't met my cover designer. Thanks hardly seem adequate for the extraordinary job Valerie Hayken has done to make me look so good. She is, indeed, one of the most talented photographers/graphic designers I have ever met.

Finally, to Lisa J. Herzog, who shared so much of my journey, always encouraging and believing in me: I owe you more than I can ever repay.

If the true definition of a friend is one who will stand by you through good times and bad, then there is no greater friend in the world. Thank you. 1-4-3-7.

The Price of Fame