Chapter 20

The morning after burying Gisella, Woodrow, and Tasslehoff rode Winnie in gloomy silence. The Khalkist Mountains gave way to foothills. At dusk the human and the kender reached the exotic port city of Khuri Khan, across the Khurman Sea and far away from their final destination of Kendermore.

The brilliant rose-orange sunset at their backs reflected off the gold-leafed onion domes that rose majesti-cally into the darkening eastern sky. Date and coconut palms swayed gently in the breeze. Women in colorful, gauzy outfits hurried through the streets on their way home, baskets perched on their heads. Merchants in batik head scarves, wraplike garments, and blousy pants gathered at the ankles, made their final deals of the day perched from the backs of their elephant mounts.

“See, Winnie, you won’t look too out of place in this city,” Tasslehoff pointed out. The mammoth had been expressing concern since they spotted the city in the distance. “These elephants don’t have nearly as much hair as you do, but then, I don’t know anything that does.

Maybe you can meet more of your own kind here.”

“I don’t think so,” Winnie whined. “Lig and Bozdil always told me that I was the last one like me.” A giant tear rolled down the mammoth’s big, rubbery cheek. The city frightened him, and being reminded that he was all alone in the world made him even more despondent.

“That’s terrible,” Woodrow said, genuinely sympathetic. He gave the mammoth’s neck an affectionate pat.

The big fellow had saved their lives twice already, and the young human hated to see him cry.

“Maybe some food will cheer us up,” Tas suggested.

They pooled their resources, which amounted to two copper pieces from Woodrow and an emerald ring, a small cut of amber, and some pointy teeth from Tasslehoff.

“That looks just like the baroness’s ring, from back in Rosloviggen!” Woodrow exclaimed.

Tas looked surprised, then colored slightly. “Why, I think you’re right. I wonder how it got in my pocket? It must have fallen in somehow, perhaps when she passed me a roll at dinner. Anyway, we may as well pawn it,” he said, without breaking stride.

“We can’t do that!” Woodrow’s shaggy blond mane shook furiously. “It’s not ours! That would be stealing.”

“No it wouldn’t,” disagreed Tas. “Stealing is when you take something, not when you pawn it.” Winnie agreed with the cockeyed logic.

Woodrow’s face was dark. “You’re both right, the pawning comes after the stealing.”

“Exactly! Since I didn’t steal it —”

“— it just fell into your pocket —”

“That’s right. We’d just be borrowing it. We can buy it back when we have more money, and then return it to the baroness.”

“I don’t know,” the human hedged.

Tasslehoff grew tired of Woodrow’s reluctance. Jutting his nose in the air defiantly, he said, “Well, do what you want, but I’m going to sleep in a nice, warm bed tonight, and Winnie will be staying in some comfortable stable filled to the brim with… well, with whatever he wants it filled to the brim with.”

“Oh, all right!” Woodrow gave in. Another night in the woods didn’t appeal much to him, either.

Pawnshops were plentiful in Khuri Khan, as was usual in a port city. Tasslehoff received seventy steel pieces for the emerald ring, which he thought was much less than its true value, but still a lot of money. In any case, it would more than cover their immediate needs.

They found an inn by the waterfront, with a very large stable around the corner willing to board a woolly mammoth. Though frightened to be without his new friends, Winnie seemed relieved to be sheltered from the noise and evening bustle of the city.

After a filling repast of curried pork with yellow rice and exotic plum wine, the kender and the human dragged themselves upstairs to their quarters above the taproom, sparsely furnished with two beds and a chamber pot. Both fell into an exhausted sleep, fully clothed, their breathing in sync with the deep-throated harbor bells outside their window.

It was well past midmorning when Tas and Woodrow stumbled out of bed and retrieved an anxious Winnie from the stable. The day was warm and clear, the sky azure blue. A strong breeze blew across the wide, central dock, where they sat eating honey-glazed sweetbuns and sipping thick coconut milk they’d purchased at a bakery.

Tasslehoff removed his blue leggings and dipped his toes in the cool, black water. He tore off a piece of sticky bun, stuffed it into his mouth, and licked his fingers with gusto. Then, after a few moments of pawing through his pack, he removed his ever present roll of maps. Woodrow eyed the bundle skeptically.

“They’re not all from before the Cataclysm,” Tas said, noting the human’s pained expression. He unrolled the maps and thumbed through them. “Here’s one of Southern Solamnia; I know that one’s OK, ‘cause I made it myself when I teleported there with a magic ring. Did I tell you about my teleporting ring?”

Woodrow was not in the mood for one of the kender’s stories today. “I believe I’ve heard something about that, yes,” he mumbled, telling himself that this particular lie was really a very small one.

“I haven’t heard it,” Winnie said. He was not keen about water, and particularly disliked the way the dock groaned when he moved across it. Despite coaxing, he would not venture far from solid land.

“Sorry, Winnie, but we really should discuss if we’re going to Kendermore by boat or by riding you overland.”

Tasslehoff’s face fell; the teleporting ring story was one of his favorites. But the kender continued searching through his pile of maps; it had been a long time since he’d examined them closely. Nordmaar, Estwilde, the islands of Northern and Southern Ergoth and Enstar — he had maps from all over.

Woodrow elbowed the kender suddenly. “I think we should travel to Goodlund on that,” he said, squinting into the morning sun and pointing to a sleek, two-masted ship docked at the end of the pier. Its sails were furled, but a gaudy, red-and-gold flag snapped smartly from the top of the taller mast. The long, thin ship looked much more elegant than the round, squat ships that crowded the quays. Despite the shipwreck, Woodrow thought longingly of the sea — he was not keen for any more bumpy riding on Winnie’s back.

“What would we do with Winnie?” Tas asked.

“I’m sure we could bring him aboard. Ships carry livestock all the time.”

‘You’re going to put me in a compartment with cows and pigs and chickens that are waiting to be butchered?”

Winnie squealed. A passerby looked at the talking mammoth in stunned disbelief, then hurried by.

“That’s the wrong attitude, Winnie,” Woodrow said in his most solicitous voice. “Look at it as a chance to save your feet miles of stumbling over unfamiliar ground.”

“All ground is unfamiliar to me. Remember where I’ve been for the last fifteen years.”

Tasslehoff stood up and stamped his feet on the dock to dry them. “Let’s go find out how much it would cost to cross the Khurman Sea with a mammoth. Or even where the ship is headed.” Woodrow agreed with this suggestion and stood up to join the kender when Winnie’s frightened voice stopped both of them.

“Wait, Tasslehoff, Woodrow,” he said, his tone reluctant. “I don’t think I can ride on a boat.” The mammoth looked embarrassed.

Tas hugged one of Winnie’s massive legs. “If you’re frightened by water, we’ll travel overland so you can go with us. Won’t we, Woodrow?” the kender offered generously.

The human’s “Sure,” was not as enthusiastic, but no less sincere than Tasslehoff’s.

Winnie shook his massive head, his trunk swinging wildly. “It’s not just the water, Tasslehoff.” The mammoth paused as if thinking, then blew a big sigh. “For years — ever since I was captured — I’ve thought about where I came from. The gnomes said they found me abandoned, and I believe them. But I had to have parents sometime, didn’t?”

“But how will you know where to look?” asked Woodrow.

“I have one clue,” said Winnie, taking a drink of water off the side of the dock. “Bozdil told me that they found me south of someplace called Zeriak.”

“South of Zeriak… that’s Icewall,” Tasslehoff muttered to himself, tapping his chin. “I think I can help you.” The kender took out his roll of maps and found one that satisfied him. “Yes, here it is, a map of the South.”

Tasslehoff rolled it back up and slipped it into the tight curl in the end of Winnie’s trunk. “A farewell present,”

the kender said, swallowing a sniffle. He hugged the mammoth’s trunk and stepped away, his eyes welling.

“I have no gift for you except my gratitude, friend,”

Woodrow said, reaching out to pat the hairy pachyderm. “Good-bye, and good luck.”

“I’m the one who must thank you,” corrected the mammoth. “But if I don’t go right this minute, I lose my courage. Thank you, and so long!” Winnie the woolly mammoth called with a wave of his trunk as he left the dock and disappeared into the bustling city streets. Biting his lip, Tasslehoff stood and waved long after the mammoth had disappeared.

“Shall we see when the ship at the end of the dock leaves for Port Balifor?” Woodrow suggested gently.

Tasslehoff’s blue mood passed as quickly as it appeared at the mention of another sea voyage. Kender and human hurried down the pier. A gangplank led onto the ship. Finding no one on the dock, they boarded the ship.

As they crossed the gangplank, Woodrow noticed a barge floating behind the ship and tethered to it. The barge was loaded with heaps of wilted produce.

Once aboard, Tas hung back to explore while Woodrow spoke to the steward, a hunch-backed, grumpy human in saltstained, black wool breeches.

With his arms crossed (he thought it made him look older), Woodrow concluded a deal with the steward, who seemed reluctant to allow a kender aboard. Woodrow was looking for Tasslehoff when his eyes focused on a sight on land at the end of the dock. There, amongst a small gathering of men, was an unusual but familiar horse with red nostrils, and its well-muscled owner.

Walking with a bit of a limp, the man and his huge, black horse were striding down the dock toward the ship.

Gisella’s killer!

Woodrow made himself small and ducked behind the large mast, his eyes scanning the deck frantically for the kender. He swore.

Where was that kender?!

Woodrow wondered briefly how the man they’d fought near the gnomes’ tower and who had murdered Miss Hornslager could have survived his wounds. Obviously he had, for there was no mistaking either him or his frightening horse. But now Woodrow had a greater mystery to solve.

Such as where the damned kender was, and how both of them could hide from Gisella’s ruthless killer.

Woodrow spotted the kender when Tas suddenly popped up a narrow stairway near the stern, his mouth open in an impending exclamation. Woodrow launched a low, flying tackle and clamped his hand over the startled kender’s mouth. He ducked between a water barrel and the ship’s rail, dragging a struggling Tasslehoff along.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Burrfoot, but I’ve got terrible news.

That man who killed Miss Hornslager is about to board this ship with his horse. We can’t get off without him seeing us, and I can’t think of any place to hide where he won’t eventually find us.”

Tasslehoff’s face burned with anger and he bit Woodrow’s hand, which the human hastily snatched away. “I thought you said you killed him!” accused Tas.

The human looked sheepish as he rubbed his smarting palm. “I thought I did. I don’t have much experience at that sort of thing, Mr. Burrfoot.”

Tas’s anger ebbed somewhat. “I’m not going to hide from him,” he announced firmly. “That troll-spawn is going to pay for what he did to Gisella!” The kender struggled against Woodrow, trying to get to his feet.

Tas’s fearlessness only heightened Woodrow’s fear.

The human had seen this stranger in combat and knew that one kender, however determined, and a runaway squire like himself were no match for such a man.

Woodrow peeked around the corner. Denzil spoke with the steward, then handed him a small bag full of jingling coins. He had obviously booked passage for himself and his monstrous horse.

Fear squeezed Woodrow’s heart. He and Tas couldn’t leave the ship without being seen, and they couldn’t stay where they were without being discovered.

Then the human remembered the barge containing wilted produce. Assuming it hadn’t drifted too far from where he’d seen it, it should be only a few feet away. A pile of lettuce and carrots would make a soft landing.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Burrfoot, but this is for your own good.” With one arm around the struggling kender’s shoulders and another over his mouth, Woodrow threw Tasslehoff and himself over the ship’s railing, praying that his aim was true, that the vegetables were as cushiony as they looked, and that he didn’t land on and squash the kender.

Woodrow hit the barge with a wet, sloshing slap and released the kender. Tumbling and rolling side to side, he slid down a hump of slimy refuse and tumbled up against the side of the barge. With horror, he realized that the garbage on the barge was a lot older and more rotten than he’d thought — mounds and mounds of rotting lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, meat, rags, and worse.

After spitting over the side a dozen times and wiping his lips and face as thoroughly as possible, Woodrow scanned about for Tasslehoff. “Mr. Burrfoot?” he whispered loudly, trying not to swallow. “Tasslehoff, are you all right? Please answer me!”

Woodrow heard a soft groan nearby. Raking through the awful-smelling garbage, he found the kender lying in a heap against the side of the barge, a large lump forming in front of his topknot. Woodrow felt awful, but he was glad too that the kender was unconscious, because he would surely kick up a fuss otherwise.

Woodrow curled up into a ball in the mess, forming a plan. He knew from speaking to the steward that the ship was scheduled to sail as soon as the crew returned from shore, which would be very soon. If he and Tasslehoff could remain hidden, the ship would leave and tow them along. Then they could keep an eye on the man who killed Gisella without worrying about bumping into him accidentally. Working as quickly and quietly as possible, he buried himself and Tasslehoff in the garbage.

Within the half-hour, the crew was reassembled on deck. Sails were unfurled, the anchor weighed, and mooring lines cast off.

The sun was just past midday when the ship slipped away from the dock and headed out to sea, trailing the stinking barge. Woodrow peeked his head out at the first sign of movement and caught sight of the evil man standing at the stern of the ship. Woodrow shivered involuntarily. Excitement and fear had left him exhausted. With nothing else to do, he fell asleep next to Tasslehoff.

A wave slapped over the barge and Woodrow awoke with a start, gagging on water. A putrid taste clogged his nose and mouth. His heart pounded furiously until he remembered where he was. The sky was bright orange and white, the sun a giant halfcircle on the horizon. He could see no land in any direction.

When Woodrow looked toward the ship, his panic returned.

A sailor was bent over the rail, a hatchet in his hands.

With a soft “thunk,” the sailor’s hatchet chopped through the rope that linked the barge to the ship. Tas’s and Woodrow’s garbage barge slowed and fell behind. The beautiful, two-masted ship glided through the water toward Port Balifor as the barge glided to a stop and rolled gently on the waves.

“For the last time, Woodrow, I’m not mad!” Tasslehoff snapped. Tempers were short on the garbage barge. The kender had cleared himself a little, slimy patch of boat, which he’d rinsed as best he could by scooping up seawater with his hands.

“I just wish you’d warned me before you tossed me on my head, that’s all.” He gingerly touched the bruised knot that had formed just above his brows. “I’ll bet it looks like a third eye.”

“You can hardly see it,” Woodrow said kindly, privately amazed by its size.

“Not see it!” Tas cried. “I can see it myself without looking in a glass!” To demonstrate his point, he crossed his eyes and looked up, only managing to look demented. They broke into ridiculous, hysterical laughter, hiccupping slowly to a stop.

The barge fell unnaturally silent. Not even a whiff of a breeze crossed their heap of fermenting, rotten, stinking garbage. The midday sun beat down on them, and the sea was as still as bathwater.

“I’m hungry,” Tas said at last, rubbing his growling stomach. He remembered their sweetbuns back on the dock.

Woodrow’s boyish face scrunched up in disgust. “How can you think of eating in the middle of this stench?”

“I eat when I’m bored, OK?” Tas said defensively.

“We haven’t been out here that long,” Woodrow said.

“How long is long enough?” Tas asked genuinely. “I wasn’t bored during the shipwreck, though.” He smiled fondly at the memory. “Things were flying and crashing about on the deck, the gully dwarves were, well, being gully dwarves, and Gisella was rolling off the side in the wagon —” The kender’s eyes misted over at the mention of their fallen friend. The memory of her sacrifice was fresh in his consciousness.

“Remember before, how we thought she had drowned?” Woodrow was trying to sound inspirational.

“It turned out she was just fine!”

“That time,” Tas said sorrowfully.

“I miss her, too, Mr. Burrfoot.”

Tasslehoff set his chin with determination. “I pledged to return to Kendermore, for Gisella — to complete her job — and to rescue my Uncle Trapspringer.” His eyes sparkled fiercely. “I must!”

“We’ll get there somehow,” Woodrow promised, his unblinking eyes staring into the neverending horizon.

Gulls swooped overhead, squawking in their distinctive voices.

Tas’s nose lifted in the air as he sniffed. “Something smells like my mother’s furniture polish. Or maybe it was her broth.” He shrugged. “They may have been the same thing.”

Woodrow picked up the corner of a soiled piece of parchment. “What could possibly be causing such an awful smell, anyway?”

“I don’t know. Maybe if we find it we can throw it overboard.”

Woodrow picked up a sturdy-looking piece of lumber and started poking through the refuse. After turning over several piles, both he and Tas retreated, holding their noses.

“We must be getting close,” Tas said.

Two more reluctant pushes with the piece of wood revealed the gray, decomposing carcass of a beak-faced owlbear buried beneath the more usual sorts of garbage.

Both Woodrow and Tas dashed for the farthest corner of the barge and hung their heads beneath the level of the gunwale.

“We’ve got to dump that thing overboard, Mr. Burrfoot,” gasped Woodrow.

“I don’t think that would be wise,” the kender answered. “I’m sure it would attract sharks.”

“Would a shark eat that?”

“Oh, yes. Sharks eat everything, dead or alive, but mostly alive, and mostly humans and kender and such.

And they’re enormous and can chew a boat apart if there is something aboard they want to eat. Which is — as I said — everything.”

“But we’re not in the ocean,” objected Woodrow. “This is the ‘Bay’ of Balifor. So we’re all right, right?”

Tasslehoff flopped back into the bottom of the barge and inhaled deeply. “They call it a bay, but it connects right up to the ocean. Ships that sail on the ocean come in and out of Port Balifor all the time. We’re definitely safer with a dead owlbear than with a live shark.”

Wordlessly, Woodrow sank down beside Tas. In the quiet, windless heat, the stink hung over the barge like a shroud. Together they sat and stared at the offensive owlbear carcass and wished themselves elsewhere.

Tas was soon bored again, so he absently watched a distant dot grow against the horizon. “What is that, land?” he asked at last, pointing for the human’s benefit.

Woodrow squinted down the end of the kender’s finger. “It can’t be. We’re not moving, but the dot is getting bigger.”

“It’s a boat.” Tas cried suddenly, his sharp kender eyes catching a glimpse of movement. Rowers, he guessed from their constant motion. Tas jumped up and down, waving his arms excitedly and screaming at the top of his lungs.

Woodrow stilled the kender’s arms and said, “We may not: be happy to see who’s on this boat.”

Tasslehoff looked at Woodrow as if the human had lost his mind. “Not happy? But they can rescue us! Anything has got to be better than riding around on here, particularly since there’s nothing very interesting in the heap.” He squinted at the speck again. “Besides, I think it’s too late. They’ve spotted us.” As the rowers drew closer, Tas recognized bull-shaped heads — minotaurs.

Minotaurs were one of Krynn’s most unusual — and unfriendly — races. Before the Cataclysm, their history was filled with prejudice and slavery, first by the KalThax dwarves, (according to legend, at least), and later by the Istar Empire. Their bovine appearance and incredible strength made them both despised and coveted as slaves.

No one but another minotaur ever called one of their number beautiful. Both bulls and cows were seldom less than seven feet tall. Short, black or red-brown fur covered their heavily muscled, human/bovine frames.

Though they walked upright and had hands like men, their ankles, or tarsal joints, were the hocks of quadruped animals with cloven hooves. Horns as much as a foot long grew from their temples or browbones.

Though they usually wore clothing, particularly outside their island nation, they were scantily covered by human standards. Their outfit of choice was a harness studded with weapons and decorations, and a short leather skirt.

Before long, the small, gleaming, beautifully crafted longboat, propelled by sixteen powerful oarsmen, glided gracefully up to the barge, barely leaving a wake. Everyone aboard the minotaur boat looked worse than unfriendly — angry, almost. They stared unabashedly without speaking, their collective gaze primarily on Tasslehoff.

The kender was beginning to feel like one of the bugs in Lig’s and Bozdil’s display cases, and it made him squirmy. “Hello,” he called, flashing his friendliest smile.

“Tasslehoff Burrfoot. And you are —”

“Goar. We’ve had much trouble of late with the kender on the Blood Sea Coast.” The speaker and apparent leader, if his lone red harness was any indication, was a head taller than the other oarsmen. “They are an infantile and thievish race. You are not, perhaps, like the rest?” His words sounded awkward but were phonetically correct, as if he had learned the common tongue from a textbook.

Tasslehoff was too busy staring to hear the insult at first. Woodrow watched the kender’s cheeks grow hot as the words sank in. He cut in before the kender could launch into one of his spine-tingling taunts.

“My friend and I are stranded out here, having mistakenly boarded this barge without knowing that it would be cut adrift.” Woodrow licked his lips nervously, knowing that this pronouncement sounded unlikely. “Perhaps you could give us a ride to the nearest port, or at least tow us? We would be most grateful.”

Goar turned his back and engaged in a loud series of moans and harsh grunts with his crewmen. Suddenly, one of them, a red-furred minotaur whose horns stretched two feet if they were an inch, growled long and low in the back of its throat. The monstrous creature shook its heavy head twice, pointing an accusing finger at Tas, and crossed its arms defiantly.

But Goar’s answer was a vicious snort, his lip curled back in an ugly sneer. The gesture left no room for debate. The other minotaur averted its head in angry shame and stormed to the back of the small boat.

Goar turned back to Tas and Woodrow, regarding them as he carefully prepared the unfamiliar words. “We have decided to believe that you are, indeed, stranded.”

Woodrow and Tas waited for the minotaur to continue, both thinking, What an odd way to agree to help us! When it appeared the silence would stretch on indefinitely, Tas said, “Well, we are — stranded, that is. So are you going to help us or not?”

“We did not say we would, no.”

Tas and Woodrow exchanged puzzled looks. “Surely you can’t leave us out here to die!” croaked Woodrow.

“We cannot?” Goar’s voice was without guile. “We are unaware of any law regarding this.”

Tas gave an uneasy laugh. “Of course there’s no law, but…”

Goar arched an eyebrow at the kender, who decided to try a gamble.

“We can pay you!”

Goar’s furry ears perked up, but he looked dubiously at the pile of garbage. “I doubt you have anything we would find of value.” His attention was abruptly commanded by a tug on his arm from another of his crew.

Goar turned away from the barge again.

“Mr. Burrfoot,” Woodrow whispered hoarsely, “I’m not sure it was a good idea to promise them payment.

Remember, we paid for passage on the other ship, which, after breakfast, leaves us with next to nothing.”

“You shouldn’t worry about things so much, Woodrow,” Tas said in that lecturing tone kender used so frequently. “Something will come up. It always does.”

“I don’t know,” Woodrow said slowly. “They don’t seem like the trusting type.”

“Human and kender,” Goar rumbled behind them. Tas and Woodrow spun around. “My…” He seemed to be searching for a word. “… my cook tells me that he detects the scent of seasoned owlbear coming from your boat. We would accept that in payment for delivering you to the nearest port.”

Tasslehoff and Woodrow were dumbstruck.

“However, if you are unwilling to relinquish such a valuable item in exchange for your lives,” Goar continued, “regrettably we would continue on our way.”

“Take it!” kender and human cried in unison.

Minotaurs made incredible oarsmen, Tas concluded, watching the strange bull-men pulling at their respective oars. Driven by the cadence of their leader/coxswain, their rhythm never faltered, their strength never flagged.

It was mesmerizing to watch, back and forth, back and forth, corded muscles rippling in their thick arms and necks.

The ride was smoother than any Tasslehoff had ever encountered, on land or at sea. The sleek, streamlined minotaur ship cut through the still waters of the Khurman Sea like a hot knife through butter. The speed of sea travel was difficult to gauge, since there were no landmarks to follow, but Tas was quite certain he had never before traveled as swiftly on land. It was more like flying on a dragon, he concluded.

They had been at sea with the minotaurs through two sunsets and sunrises. The garbage barge had been cast adrift after the removal of the owlbear. Life aboard the minotaur ship was all work and no play. When the rowers were not at the oars, they were sanding and polishing the gleaming chestnut-colored deck to remove any imperfections in its surface.

The two passengers were treated with barely veiled distaste by all but the leader, Goar, who seemed to be the only one able to communicate with them. Tas tried speaking with the others in fragments of several languages and concluded that they spoke only Minotaur.

Woodrow doubted from their attitudes that they’d acknowledge a human even if they could understand him.

On the third morning, Goar announced, “We are nearing Port Balifor,” though neither Woodrow nor Tas saw any sign of land.

“How long will it be before we reach the port?” Woodrow asked.

“We will not be reaching the port,” Goar growled. “We have no wish to mingle with human sailors, nor they with us.”

“So you’re dumping us?”

“We will provide you with a floating conveyance that should maintain you until another ship passes by. Many ships pass this area. You should not have long to wait.”

Tasslehoff was about to protest when the minotaur cook came forward hefting a large, lidless barrel.

‘You don’t mean for us to float around in that,” Woodrow said, shaking his head in disbelief and backing away.

The minotaur’s hairy lip curled up. “It is waterproof.

We can provide you with paddles, if that would assist you.”

“Look at it as an adventure,” Tas said to Woodrow, his eyes sparkling eagerly. “This might be fun. I’ve never been set adrift in a barrel.”

“An adventure? Haven’t you had enough of adventure for a while?” Woodrow asked impatiently.

“How can you have enough adventure?” asked Tas as Goar lifted him effortlessly. The cook rolled the barrel over the gunwale and Goar deposited Tas,’ and then Woodrow, into the pitching, bobbing tub.

Tasslehoff splashed merrily in the lapping water as the minotaurs pulled rapidly away. Before long, they were once again just a speck on the horizon. Woodrow slumped down to the bottom of the barrel.

While Woodrow sulked, Tas experimented with the barrel’s balance and buoyancy. He rocked from side to side, jumped up and down, and made the barrel spin in slow circles by paddling with one hand.

Occasionally Tas took a break from his research to scan the horizon for sails. After hours of seeing nothing, he suddenly began jumping up and down in the barrel with a purpose, tossing it from side to side and frantically waving his arms above his head. Soon he was shouting at the top of his lungs, “We’re over here! This way! Are you blind or stupid? We’re over here!”

Woodrow leaped to his feet and squinted across the water. He, too, saw the approaching sail. “You know, something about that ship looks familiar,” he said, grasping opposite sides of the wildly swaying barrel, trying to steady it.

“I know!” Tas snapped his fingers. “I recognize the captain’s red flag with the golden cloverleaf symbol. It’s the ship we booked passage on, and then you threw me on my head!”

Woodrow’s blood froze in his veins. How could that ship have got behind them?

“Paddle, Mr. Burrfoot!” Even as he made the desperate cry and stabbed his own oar in the water, Woodrow knew that the attempt was useless. He closed his eyes and steadied his nerves for the inevitable.

When the human opened his eyes again, he could see the ship was much closer — close enough for him to pick out the dark, sinister form of Gisella’s killer at the bow, looking like its figurehead. His cloak flapped around his knees, and he was flanked by two sailors who scurried about, one with a long pole with a hooked blade and the other with a rope.

As the ship approached, it did not reduce its speed. Instead, the sailor with the long pole hooked its blade onto the barrel. The barrel tipped dangerously and some water spilled over the rim as it swung toward the ship. As the barrel bumped against the hull of the ship, the second sailor tossed a rope down to the two castaways. “Climb up quick!” he barked. “We ain’t got all day.”

Keeping one suspicious eye on Denzil, both figures clambered up the side of the boat. The barrel was set adrift. Through all of this, Denzil stood in the forecastle and watched, perfectly playing the role of the disinterested stranger.

The steward, holding quill and parchment, found them moments after they boarded. The hunch-backed, grumpy-looking human wore the same black wool, saltstained breeches he’d worn almost a week before, when Tas and Woodrow had first booked passage on the ship.

He recognized them at once.

‘You paid for your passage, then disappeared,” he said, his glance suspicious. “If you have enough coin to be throwing it away, what are you doing sailing Balifor Bay in a barrel?”

Tas shifted while he thought fast. “See, after we paid for passage, a friend of ours came along and offered us the use of his boat. We couldn’t say no, could we? But we didn’t think it was right to ask for our money back from you — a deal’s a deal, isn’t it, Woodrow?” The human nodded his blond head.

“Anyway, neither of us really knows how to sail a boat, so we ran into a bit of trouble — a hurricane, I think — lot’s of wind, anyway. We escaped in the barrel before the boat sank.” Tas finished his story, out of breath. That one had been a real test of his storytelling skills.

The steward looked dubious, but he shrugged. “This close to land, who cares why you’re really here? You paid for the whole ride, anyway. You may as well finish it out with us.”

“One more thing,” injected Tas artlessly. “That man up front,” he pointed, “standing next to the anchor rope, is a murderer. He should be arrested and turned over to the constables in Port Balifor.”

The steward was taken aback by the turn in the conversation, then at the claim. “You are confused,” he explained. “Master Denzil is a model passenger. I’ll take no action against him on the whim of a couple of castaways.” The steward laughed at what he considered to be a silly request.

Walking away to resume his duties, the sailor shot back over his shoulder, “We should reach Port Balifor in a few hours. Until then, stay on this deck and don’t bother any of the other passengers.”

“But he’s —”

“I said, don’t bother any of the other passengers.”

roared the steward. Then he turned and strode back to his post at the stern of the ship.

As soon as the ship tied up and the gangplank was lowered, Tasslehoff and Woodrow were ordered off.

They retreated into the beehive of barrels, bundles, sacks, and urns that covered the wharf.

“We can follow Denzil easily in all this bustle without being seen,” proposed Tasslehoff. “Let’s wait here and see what happens.”

Shaking his head dazedly, Woodrow kept walking through the throng. “No, Mr. Burrfoot. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I intend for us both to get as far away from that murderer as possible.” Suddenly the human was dragged to a stop by the surprisingly strong arms of the kender.

“Wait, Woodrow,” Tasslehoff insisted. “That Denzil guy is dangerous, and we can’t just let him walk away. If not for Gisella’s sake, then for our own safety we’d better keep track of him. He’ll be a lot more dangerous if he gets out of our sight.”

Woodrow stood silently behind the kender. He was still jittery, but his friend’s confidence soothed his nerves somewhat.

They watched the ship for several minutes. Denzil emerged from belowdecks leading his monstrous nightmare. He led the huge, black animal down the gangplank and across the wharf. The crowd parted before him, people edging away from the snorting, red-eyed nightmare.

Still within view of the ship, Denzil strode directly past Woodrow and Tasslehoff, ignoring them, and continued into the town.

“What do you suppose he’s up to?” murmured Woodrow, tearing a fingernail to the skin with his teeth.

“Maybe he just doesn’t care about us,” Tasslehoff said, though he didn’t sound convinced himself. “Maybe what happened outside the gnomes’ castle had nothing to do with us personally. He doesn’t seem interested in us at all anymore.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Woodrow agreed warily.

“Let’s follow him anyway,” suggested Tas. “Maybe we can get something to eat while we’re at it.”

Tas led the way down the street, trailing Denzil. Before long, however, the kender was absorbed in the sights, smells, and sounds of the bustling seaport. Strange languages, exotic dress, people with unusual features and tattoos, and dozens of merchants all trying to sell him something (or keep him away from their stalls) proved too distracting for the irrepressible kender. By the time they left the second market square, Tas no longer knew where Denzil was, nor was he very concerned.

Instead, Tas paused to buy some smoked fish, admired the merchandise in a map seller’s booth, and was chased away by a silversmith after the merchant caught him making funny faces in the side of a teapot.

Even Woodrow had begun to relax as they passed an alley, munching on the last chunks of smoked fish. Suddenly, two powerful arms shot out and grabbed the startled kender and human. One hand wrapped around Tas’s neck, the other grasped Woodrow’s shirt. The human was flung against the wall at the back of the alley. Tasslehoff felt himself being hoisted face-down across the pommel of a saddle. The pommel gouged painfully into his ribs. Then someone else leaped into the saddle beside him. Woodrow scrambled to his feet, only to be met by the ringing sound of a sword being drawn.


“This doesn’t concern you, farmboy!” growled the assailant. “Stay out of it.” With that, the dark-cloaked assailant swung the flat of the sword viciously down on top of Woodrow’s head, and the human crumpled. A powerful hand on Tasslehoff’s back pressed him tightly to the saddle as the mount and rider turned and dashed from the alley.