(*Indicates a deceased character, or one only mentioned indirectly.)
ALAIN—Morgan’s alias at Saint Torin’s.
ALARIC Anthony Morgan, Duke—see MORGAN, Duke Alaric Anthony.
ALROY, Prince—eldest son of Duke Lionel, age twelve; heir to Wencit of Torenth.
ARILAN, Bishop Denis—see DENIS Arilan, Bishop.
BARRETT de Laney, Lord—blind coadjutor of the Camberian Council; full Deryni.
BENNETT—a sergeant in the service of Bran Coris.
BRADENE, Bishop—Bishop of Grecotha; a famed scholar; remained neutral in the Interdict schism at Dhassa.
BRAN Coris, Lord—traitor Earl of Marley; husband of Richenda and father of Brendan.
BRENDAN, Lord—four-year-old son of Bran Coris and Richenda.
*BRION Donal Cinhil Urien Haldane—late King of Gwynedd and father of Kelson; slain by Charissa’s magic at Candor Rhea.
*BRONWYN de Morgan—deceased younger sister of Alaric Morgan; betrothed of Kevin McLain, with whom she was slain by illicit magic at Culdi.
BURCHARD, Lord—one of Jared’s generals; escaped the slaughter at Rengarth with General Gloddruth.
*CAMBER of Culdi, Saint—full-Deryni patron of magic; responsible for the Haldane Restoration in 904.
CAMPBELL, Baron—a baron of Eastmarch and aide to Bran Coris.
CANLAVAY, Sieur de—a northern lord captured with Duke Jared at Rengarth.
*CARA—deceased daughter of Thorne Hagen; died at a young age.
CARDIEL, Bishop Thomas—see THOMAS Cardiel, Bishop.
CARSTEN of Meara, Bishop—one of the prelates who initially sided with Archbishops Loris and Corrigan in the Interdict schism; later took a neutral stance.
*CHARISSA of Tolan—Countess of Tolan, responsible for the death of King Brion; killed by Kelson at his coronation.
COLLIER, Lord—a lord captured with Duke Jared at Rengarth.
CONALL, Prince—eldest son of Prince Nigel, age fourteen.
CONLAN, Bishop—one of the twelve itinerant bishops of Gwynedd with no fixed see; initially sided with Loris in the Interdict schism; later went over to Cardiel and Arilan.
CORAM, Stefan—coadjutor of the Camberian Council; full Deryni.
CORDAN—chief surgeon to Bran Coris.
CORRIGAN, Archbishop Patrick—see PATRICK Corrigan, Archbishop.
CREODA, Bishop—Bishop of Carbury; initially sided with Archbishops Loris and Corrigan in the Interdict schism but later became neutral.
DANOC, Earl of—one of Kelson’s lords present at the Dhassa war council.
DAVIS—one of Cardiel’s men-at-arms; assisted in the capture of Morgan and Duncan at Dhassa.
DAWKIN—a master cobbler questioned by Morgan and Duncan on the Dhassa road.
DEEGAN—one of Wencit’s retainers at Esgair Ddu.
DELACEY, Bishop—one of the bishops who originally sided with Archbishops Loris and Corrigan in the Interdict schism; later went over to Cardiel and Arilan.
DENIS Arilan, Bishop—Auxiliary bishop of Rhemuth; full Deryni.
DERRY, Sean Lord—Earl of Derry, military aide to Morgan; member of the Gwynedd Council after the death of Lord Ralson.
DOBBS—an advance scout in Kelson’s army.
DUNCAN Howard McLain, Monsignor—a priest, recently revealed as Deryni; cousin of Morgan.
EDMUND Loris, Archbishop—Archbishop of Valoret and Primate of Gwynedd; leader, with Corrigan, of the anti-Morgan faction of the Gwynedd clergy.
ELAS—one of Kelson’s generals present at the Dhassa war council.
ERIC—a page to Bran Coris.
EWAN MacEwan, Duke—Duke of Claibourne and hereditary Lord Marshal of the Gwynedd Crown Council; in command of the northernmost of Kelson’s three border armies.
FURSTÁN—dynastic name of the ruling family of Torenth; Deryni.
GARON—body squire to Wencit of Torenth.
GILBERT, Bishop—one of the twelve itinerant bishops of Gwynedd with no fixed see; sided with Bishops Cardiel and Arilan in the Interdict schism.
GLODDRUTH, General—one of Duke Jared’s generals who escaped the slaughter at Rengarth; later an aide to Kelson.
GODWIN—one of Kelson’s generals present at the Dhassa war council.
GORONY, Monsignor Lawrence—aide to Archbishops Loris and Corrigan; aided Warin in the capture of Morgan at Saint Torin’s.
GRAHAM—a sergeant in the service of Bran Coris.
GWYLLIM—a captain in the service of Bran Coris, his personal companion.
HALDANE—dynastic name of the ruling family of Gwynedd.
HAMILTON, Lord—seneschal of Morgan’s castle at Coroth.
HARKNESS, Lord—one of Duke Jared’s retainers.
HILLARY, Lord—commander of Morgan’s castle garrison at Coroth.
HUGH de Berry, Father—priest and former secretary to Archbishop Corrigan; longtime friend and colleague of Duncan McLain.
IFOR, Bishop—one of the bishops originally siding with Archbishops Loris and Corrigan in the Interdict schism; later became neutral.
ISTELYN, Bishop—one of the twelve itinerant bishops of Gwynedd with no fixed see; not present at the Interdict schism, but later attached himself to Kelson’s army to minister to his men.
JAMES—one of Warin’s sergeants.
JARED McLain, Duke—Duke of Cassan and father of Duncan and Kevin; captured at Rengarth and executed by Wencit at Llyndruth Meadows.
JEHANA, Queen—full-Deryni mother of Kelson and widow of King Brion.
JENAS, Earl of—one of the lords captured with Duke Jared at Rengarth.
JOSEPH—a clerk to Bran Coris.
KELSON Cinhil Rhys Anthony Haldane, King—son of King Brion and Queen Jehana; now King of Gwynedd at age fourteen; counted as full Deryni.
*KEVIN McLain, Lord—Earl of Kierney and half-brother to Duncan; betrothed of Morgan’s sister Bronwyn, with whom he was slain by illicit magic at Culdi.
KYRI, Lady—known as Kyri of the Flame; member of the Camberian Council; full Deryni; around thirty.
LARAN ap Pardyce, Lord—physician member of the Camberian Council; full Deryni; around fifty-five.
LAWRENCE Gorony, Monsignor—see GORONY, Monsignor Lawrence.
LESTER, Lord—one of the lords captured with Duke Jared at Rengarth.
*LEWYS ap Norfal—an infamous Deryni who rejected the authority of the Camberian Council.
LIAM, Prince—middle son of Duke Lionel, age seven.
LICKEN, General—one of Wencit’s generals.
LIONEL, Duke—Duke of Arjenol and brother-in-law to Wencit of Torenth; his three sons are direct heirs to the throne.
LORIS, Archbishop Edmund—see EDMUND Loris, Archbishop.
LUKE, sister—a nun assigned from Bishop Cardiel’s staff to assist the Countess Richenda.
MACANTER, Lord—a northern border lord formerly associated with Ian Howell.
MALCOLM Donalson—a peasant healed by Morgan and Duncan at Jennan Vale.
MARCUS—one of Warin’s lieutenants.
*MARTIN of Greystoke—master of the clerk Thierry.
MERRITT of Reider—one of Wencit’s barons.
MICHAEL—one of Warin’s lieutenants.
MICHAEL—a child apprehended trying to steal Morgan’s horse.
MOIRA—mistress to Thorne Hagen.
MORAG Furstána, Princess—sister to Wencit and wife of Lionel; mother of Princes Alroy, Liam, and Ronal.
MORGAN, Duke Alaric Anthony—Deryni Duke of Corwyn and King’s Champion; cousin to Duncan McLain and brother to Bronwyn.
MORRIS, Bishop—one of the twelve itinerant bishops of Gwynedd with no fixed see; initially sided with Archbishops Loris and Corrigan in the Interdict schism.
MORTIMER, Lord—one of Kelson’s generals present at the Dhassa war council.
NIGEL Cluim Gwydion Rhys Haldane, Prince—Duke of Carthmoor; younger brother of the late King Brion, age thirty-four; Kelson’s uncle and his heir presumptive.
OWEN Mathisson—a Warin man whose crushed legs were healed by Warin at Coroth.
PATRICK Corrigan, Archbishop—Archbishop of Rhemuth and leader, with Loris, of the anti-Morgan faction of the Gwynedd clergy.
PAUL de Gendas—Warin’s lieutenant.
PAYNE, Prince—youngest son of Prince Nigel, age six; a royal page.
PERRIS, Lord—one of Kelson’s generals.
*PETER Davency—an Eastmarch soldier killed by Derry.
*RALSON, Lord—deceased member of the Gwynedd Crown Council, replaced by Sean Lord Derry.
REMIE, General—one of Kelson’s generals present at the Dhassa war council.
RHYDON of Eastmarch, Lord—a full Deryni ally of Wencit; former member of the Camberian Council.
*RHYS Thuryn—ancient Deryni physician associated with Saint Camber of Culdi.
RICHARD of Nyford, Bishop—one of the twelve itinerant bishops of Gwynedd with no fixed see; captured with Duke Jared at Rengarth.
RICHENDA, Lady—Countess of Marley and wife to Bran Coris, mother of Brendan.
*ROLF MacPherson—a Deryni lord of the tenth century who rebelled against the authority of the Camberian Council.
RONAL, Prince—youngest son of Duke Lionel, age three.
RORY, Prince—middle son of Prince Nigel, age eleven.
ROYSTON Richardson—a peasant boy, age ten; associated with healing of Malcolm Donalson.
SELDEN—one of Cardiel’s soldiers who assisted in the capture of Morgan and Duncan at Dhassa.
SIWARD, Bishop—one of the twelve itinerant bishops of Gwynedd with no fixed see; sided with Bishops Cardiel and Arilan in the Interdict schism.
SMALF—a miller questioned by Morgan and Duncan on the Dhassa road.
STEPHEN de Longueville—a soldier of Bran Coris ordered to test Cordan’s sleeping potion.
THIERRY, Master—a clerk to Lord Martin of Greystoke; detained and interrogated by Morgan and Duncan on the Dhassa road.
THOMAS Cardiel, Bishop—Bishop of Dhassa, age forty-one; leader of the Interdict schism with Arilan.
THORNE Hagen—a member of the Camberian Council; full Deryni.
TIERCEL de Claron—youngest member of the Camberian Council; full Deryni.
TOLLIVER, Bishop Ralf—Bishop of Coroth and Morgan’s prelate, age fifty.
*TORIN, Saint—one of the patron saints of Dhassa, associated with forests.
TORVAL of Netterhaven, Baron—a messenger sent by Wencit to Kelson’s camp as hostage; killed by Warin and Duncan.
VIVIENNE, Lady—a member of the Camberian Council; full Deryni.
VOLMER, Lord—an agent of Wencit.
WARIN de Grey—a self-appointed messiah who believes himself designated to destroy Deryni.
WENCIT of Torenth, King—sorcerer king of Torenth, at war with Gwynedd.
WOLFRAM de Blanet, Bishop—senior of the twelve itinerant bishops of Gwynedd; sided with Bishops Cardiel and Arilan in the Interdict schism.