

() (parentheses), displaying, 76


abbreviations, formatting, 154

acronyms, formatting, 154

addition, positioning and sizing, 104

Adobe Acrobat Reader, testing forms, 377378

Adobe Bridge, importing graphics, 289290

Adobe Capture CC app, 228

Adobe PDF proof, creating, 356357

Adobe Typekit fonts, 171


objects, 95, 116117

text, 167168

alpha channels

clipping paths, 278

defined, 272

importing Photoshop files, 276

and Photoshop paths, 277278

Alt key. See keyboard shortcuts

anchored graphics frame, 280283

Angle and Altitude setting, 339

Animated Zoom, 2526


playing using buttons, 388395

timing, 404405

Apple menu, system shortcuts, 26

Application bar

commands, 37

identifying, 9

using, 1415

Arrange Documents, 16

arrowheads, modifying, 120121

audio, adding to EPUBs, 396398, 405

Auto-Size feature, using with text frames, 130


background layer, moving items to, 9091. See also layers


dropping, 272275

transparency, 275

baseline grid. See also grid of frames

aligning text, 167168

choosing, 170

viewing, 168169

Bevel and Emboss effect, 333

bitmap images

applying transparency, 329

file formats, 323

and vector graphics, 265266

bleed guides, 7880

Bleed mode, 37

blending modes

applying, 323, 326327

explained, 324

removing, 342

and transparency, 339

booklet, starting, 128. See also text

break characters, using with flowing text, 143

breaking lines. See line breaks

Bridge, importing graphics, 289290

brochure, starting, 264265

bulleted lists, 193

bullets, inserting, 243

buttons. See also tools

displaying on pages, 394

using on forms, 375377

using to play animations, 388395



adding to graphics frames, 104105

creating for EPUBs, 394395

Capture CC app, 228

catalog. See styles

CC (Creative Cloud), using, 277

CC Libraries. See also libraries

color themes, 227228

creating and using, 287

CC Publish Online feature, 403404

cell strokes, editing, 306307

cell styles

applying, 315316

creating, 250253, 313315

cells. See also tables

applying colors, 306

converting to graphic cells, 308309

fill color, 306

merging, 304

centimeters, 57

changes, tracking, 161162

character formats, 40. See also hidden characters; special characters

character styles

applying, 238239

creating, 237238

creating and applying, 4446

nesting, 240241

using, 42

characters, replacing with glyphs, 174175

check boxes, using on forms, 371, 373, 377

Choke setting, 339

circle, creating, 12

clear effects, explained, 324

clipping paths, 272274, 278

clipping paths from Photoshop, 272274


color swatch, 210212

composite, 360

files, 362

collaborating on documents, 162

college flyer. See tables

color groups, 224225

color management, 201204

color mode, converting for swatch, 207

color settings, 203

color swatches

CMYK, 210211

PANTONE, 208209, 211

Color Theme tool, 208

color themes

adding to CC Library, 227228

adding to Swatches panel, 226227

creating, 225

managing, 228

viewing, 226

colorizing grayscale images, 321323

colors. See also tint swatches

applying, 213218, 322

applying to cells, 306

applying to strokes, 215216

applying to text, 216218

creating, 207211

gradients, 220223

maintaining in print jobs, 360

managing, 352354

monitor calibration, 204

moving panels, 207

naming, 211

printing requirements, 205207

proofing onscreen, 203204

spot and process, 212

SWOP (Specifications for Web Offset Publications), 204

column width, adjusting, 302304

columns. See also tables

activating, 302

adjusting, 142143

balancing, 179180

creating, 132

creating for text frames, 96

dragging, 302

rearranging, 302

resizing, 303

straddle head, 178179

combo boxes, using on forms, 374, 377

Command key. See keyboard shortcuts


Application bar, 37

organizing in menus, 23

compound shapes, 112113. See also shapes

containers. See frames

Content Conveyor, adding objects, 106

context menus, 29

Control panel

docking, 22

identifying, 9

moving, 22

using, 14


effects between objects, 338, 340

words, 160

corner effect, 115

cropping graphics, 4647, 99

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts



document pages, 7273

guides, 63

rows, 300302

dictionary, adding words, 157

dimensions, modifying for objects, 95

display, changing for objects, 202

Display Performance, 31

display quality, adjusting, 271272

division, positioning and sizing, 104

docking control panel, 22

document pages. See also master pages; pages

adding, 72

applying master pages, 7072

rearranging and deleting, 7273

resizing, 7374

document settings, 5758

document window, 9, 1517

documents. See also postcard

collaborating on, 162

creating, 5860

fixed-layout export, 383

magnification, 2426

navigating, 2728

reviewing, 162

switching between, 60

viewing in Presentation mode, 51


guides from rulers, 6162

objects, 14

rows and columns, 302

text frames, 40

drawing, graphics frames, 98

drop caps, creating, 182184

drop shadow, adding to text, 333, 336



cell strokes, 306307

and formatting tables, 297

and removing effects, 340342

text, 129

editorial tasks

dragging and dropping, 159160

entering text, 151

finding and changing formatting, 154155

finding and changing text, 153154

importing text, 151152

missing fonts, 149150

starting, 148149

Story Editor, 160161

style guides, 162

tracking changes, 161162

effects. See also special effects

adding to objects, 336338

copying between objects, 338, 340

editing and removing, 340342

Effects dialog box, opening, 338

Effects panel, 324

Ellipse Frame tool, 12

em space, 64

EPUB files. See also fixed-layout EPUB

exporting, 400402

Interactivity Preview panel, 387

reflowable versus fixed-layout, 383384

ereader apps, 396


EPUB files, 400402

interactive PDF files, 376


feather effects, applying, 333334

file formats, bitmap images, 323


packaging, 362364

preflighting, 347349

fill colors, 213215, 306

fill pattern, adding to table, 305

Find/Change feature, 154155, 238

fitting commands, accessing, 102

fixed-layout EPUB. See also EPUB files

animation, 384387

buttons, 388395

ereader apps, 396

hyperlinks, 399400

movies, 395396

multi-state objects, 398399

navigation button, 393

pop-up caption, 394395

reordering objects, 398

slide-in caption, 406

slideshows, 398399

sound, 396398

sound control buttons, 405

timing animations, 387388, 404405

viewing on tablets, 405406

fixed-layout export, creating document for, 383

flattening, 354

floating panels, 18, 2021

flowing text

adding pages while, 139

automatically, 138139

break characters, 143

creating text frames while, 134135

into frames, 129131

manually, 132133

flyer. See colors

Font Similarity feature, 172173

fonts. See also missing fonts

Adobe Typekit, 171

finding, 174

Glyphs panel, 174

syncing, 8

Typekit, 362

form fields, adding, 370374


finding and changing, 154155

overriding with styles, 233

tables, 305308

using styles, 52


buttons, 377

check boxes, 373, 377

combo boxes, 374, 377

field types, 377

list boxes, 374, 377

radio buttons, 371373, 377

signature field, 377

Submit button, 375376

tab order of fields, 374375

testing in Adobe Acrobat Reader, 377378

text fields, 377

workspace setup, 369

fraction characters, 177178

frames. See also graphics frames; grid of frames; text frames; threaded frames

adjusting space between, 103104

creation tools, 100

flowing text into, 129131

moving images in, 101103

reshaping, 109110, 112115

resizing, 142

rounded corners, 114115

spacing equally, 100

FX button, 324


glyphs, accessing, 176

Glyphs panel, using with fonts, 174

GPUs (graphics processing units), display performance, 271

gradient feather, applying, 334335

gradients, 220223

graphic cells

converting text cells, 309

placing images, 309310

graphic files, importing, 279285


adding from programs, 265

adding to table cells, 308312

anchoring in table cells, 311312

cropping, 99

dropped backgrounds, 272275

importing using Adobe Bridge, 289290

placeholder frames, 67

placing in frames, 99

placing in grid of frames, 100101

placing in master pages, 7678

placing without frames, 99100

updating revisions, 269270

vector and bitmap, 265266

working with, 4648

wrapping text, 110112

graphics frames. See also frames; spreads

anchoring, 280283

Auto-Fit option, 103

creating and modifying, 98104

drawing, 98

metadata captions, 104105

placing and linking, 105108

reshaping, 109110

resizing, 99

grayscale images, colorizing, 321323

grid of frames, placing graphics in, 100101. See also baseline grid; frames

Grids & Guides, viewing, 37

grouped objects, selecting and modifying, 119120. See also objects

grouping, panels, 18

guides. See also Smart Guides

adding to master pages, 6061

deleting, 63

dragging from rulers, 6162

pasting, 63

stepping and repeating, 63

viewing, 37

gutter, defined, 61


Hand tool, 1112, 28

hanging indent, 192193

header, defined, 6162

header row, creating in table, 312313

hidden characters, viewing, 37, 96, 282283. See also character formats


layers, 331

panels, 80

hyperlinks, creating for EPUBs, 399400

hyphenation settings, 188


IDML (InDesign Markup Language), 363

Illustrator files

importing, 284285

transparency adjustments, 330331


displaying at full resolution, 202

moving in frames, 101103

placing in graphic cells, 309310

rotating in frames, 116

imported files, managing links, 266268


Adobe graphic files, 279285

and colorizing grayscale image, 321323

graphics using Adobe Bridge, 289290

Illustrator files, 284285

Illustrator files using transparency, 330331

Photoshop files, 279280

tables, 299

video files for EPUBs, 395396

importing text into frames, 129, 132

inch marks, 57

indentation, adjusting, 192

Ink Manager, 353354

Inner Glow effect, 333

Inner Shadow effect, 333

Intent Mobile setting, 383

interactive PDF files, exporting, 376

Isolate Blending, 324


jump line page number, 143144. See also page numbering

Justification settings, 186


kerning and tracking, 185

key object, assigning, 117. See also objects

keyboard shortcuts

character styles, 239

Go To Page, 28

magnification, 24

paragraph styles, 236

search direction, 153

sizing images, 102

switching between documents, 60

text formatting, inconsistency, 233

Undo, 10

Knockout Group, 324


layer structure, keeping intact, 87

layers. See also background layer

creating and reordering, 90

features, 8789

hiding, 331

importing Illustrator files, 284285

and layer comps, 279280

letter spacing, adjusting, 184185

levels, explained, 324

libraries. See also CC Libraries; swatch libraries

creating, 288

managing objects, 286288

line breaks, adjusting, 186189

line styles, nesting, 242

Line tool, 1112

lines, drawing, 120121. See also ragged lines; Single-Line Composer

linked files, viewing information, 267268

linking graphics frames, 105108

links, updating, 269

Links panel, 267, 270

list boxes, using on forms, 374, 377


macOS, showing files, 268

magnification, changing for documents, 2426

margin alignment, 181

mask, defined, 272

master items, overriding, 69

master pages. See also newsletter; Pages panel; parent master; spreads

applying to document pages, 7072

column settings, 66

creating, 68

guides, 6061

icons, 68

navigating to, 75

overriding items, 7678

parent/child, 68

parent-child structure, 70

renaming, 65

text and graphics, 7678

text frames, 6365

measurement units, 5758

menu bar, identifying, 9

menus, commands, 23

millimeters, 57

missing fonts, 8, 149150. See also fonts

misspelled words, correcting, 158159

monitor calibration, 204

motion paths, triggering for animations, 391393

motion presets, 384

mouse, dragging objects, 14

movies, adding to EPUBs, 395396


Control panel, 22

images in frames, 101103

panels, 207

and resizing objects, 14

Tools panel, 22

multiplication, positioning and sizing, 104

multi-state objects, using on EPUBs, 398399



documents, 2728

to master pages, 75

navigation button, fixed-layout EPUB, 393

nesting styles, 240245

newsletter. See also master pages; spreads

bleed guides, 7879

creating documents, 5860

document pages, 7273

resizing pages, 7374

saving custom settings, 5758

sections for page numbering, 7475

starting, 56

switching between documents, 60

viewing spreads, 80

Noise setting, 339

Normal display, returning to, 82

Notes panel, 162

numbering pages, 59


object styles

applying, 249

creating, 247248

preparing, 245246

using, 42, 51

objects. See also grouped objects; key object

adding to Content Conveyor, 106

aligning, 116117

avoiding stacking, 52

changing display, 202

explained, 48

managing with libraries, 286288

moving and rotating, 49

moving and resizing, 14

placing and linking, 105108

reordering in EPUBs, 398

repositioning, 49

rotating, 115

scaling, 104, 118

selecting, 341

Smart Guides, 95

stroke and fill, 4950

transforming and aligning, 115119


changing for solid-color objects, 325326

explained, 324

removing, 342

and transparency, 339

Opacity slider, 341

OpenType fonts, 171, 175

Optimized Subsampling option, 360

Outer Glow effect, 333

oval graphics frame, creating, 13

overset text, handling, 39, 152


packaging files, 362364

page numbering, 59, 7475. See also jump line page number

Page tool, 73

pages. See also document pages; master pages

adding while flowing text, 139

navigating, 2728

previewing, 355356

Pages panel, 59. See also master pages

panel groups, 167

panel menus, 2930


expanding and collapsing, 1819

floating, 18, 2021

grouping, 18

hiding, 80

identifying, 9

manipulating, 44

moving, 207

opening and closing, 18

rearranging and customizing, 2021

width and height, 21

PANTONE color swatch, 208209, 211

[Paper] color, 216

paragraph, adding rule above, 193194

paragraph alignment, 180181

Paragraph Composer, 187188

paragraph formatting, 40, 65

paragraph shading, 194196

paragraph spacing, 169170

paragraph styles

applying, 130, 236

applying to text, 140141

creating, 234236

using, 42

parent master, modifying, 6970. See also master pages

parent-child graphics frames, 106108

parentheses (()), displaying, 76


identifying, 9

resizing, 15

PDF files, exporting, 376

PDF forms. See forms

PDF preset, saving, 357359

PDF proof, creating, 356357

Pen tool, 109


clipping paths, 272274, 278

importing files, 279280

paths and alpha channels, 277278

transparent backgrounds, 275

picas, 57


displaying at full resolution, 202

moving in frames, 101103

placing in graphic cells, 309310

rotating in frames, 116

placeholder frames

graphics, 67

text, 6667

placeholder text, replacing, 78. See also text

points, 57

pop-up caption, creating for EPUBs, 394395

positioning boxes, using, 104

postcard. See also documents

adding text, 3942

graphics, 4648

object styles, 51

objects, 4850

preflighting, 3839

Presentation mode, 51

starting, 36

styles, 4246

viewing guides, 37

PostScript file, printing, 359

preferences, modifying, 3031

preflight profile

creating, 351

loading for printer, 205206

selecting, 206

preflighting, 3839, 52, 347349

Presentation mode, 37, 51

Press-Ready PDF, creating, 357359

press-sheet diagram, 78


pages, 355356

printing, 359

separations, 349350

transparency effects, 354355

Print Booklet feature, 361362

print presets

saving, 359362

using, 361


Optimized Subsampling option, 360

previewing, 359

proofs, 359362

requirements, 205207

Simulate Overprint option, 360

with spot inks, 354

process and spot colors, 212

proofs, printing, 359362

Publish Online feature, 403404

punctuation, outside margin, 181


QR code, creating, 121122

Quick Apply, using with styles, 239


radio buttons, using on forms, 371373, 377

ragged lines, balancing, 189. See also lines

raster images, changing default settings, 348

Rectangle Frame tool, 12

reshaping, frames, 109110


columns, 303

document pages, 7374

frames, 142

graphics frames, 99

images in frames, 101103

and moving objects, 14

pasteboard, 15

Swatches panel, 51

text frames, 9194, 130131

Reveal commands, showing files, 268

reviewing documents, 162

RGB color model, 206, 362

right-indent tab, inserting, 176


images in frames, 116

objects, 115

spreads, 81

rounded corners, adding to frames, 114115

row height, adjusting, 302304, 310311

rows. See also tables

activating, 302

adding and deleting, 300302

dragging, 302

rearranging, 302

ruler guide, dragging, 6162


Satin effect, 333

saving print presets, 359362

scaling objects, 104, 118

screen modes

button, 51

toggling between, 355

search direction, toggling, 153

second hit, 349

sections, adding for page numbering, 7475


objects, 341

preflight profile, 206

text files, 151

Selection tool

accessing Hand tool, 28

dragging text frames, 40

flowing text, 133

manipulating graphics, 4647

using, 10

separations, previewing, 349350

shadows, offsetting for transparency, 339

shapes. See also compound shapes

converting, 113

naming, 325

repeating, 114

Shift key. See keyboard shortcuts

signature field, using on forms, 377

Simulate Overprint option, 360

Single-Line Composer, 187188. See also lines

sizing boxes, using, 104

slideshows, creating for EPUBs, 398399

Slug mode, 37

Small Caps style, 154

Smart Guides, 95. See also guides


creating for parent master, 70

using, 291

sorting items, 374

sound, adding to EPUBs, 396398, 405

space, adjusting between frames, 103104

spacing. See also vertical spacing

adjusting, 184185

objects, 95

special characters, 175176. See also character formats

special effects, achieving, 349. See also effects

spelling, checking, 156159

spot and process colors, 212

spot inks, printing with, 354

spreads. See also graphics frames; master pages; newsletter

applying guides, 61

finishing, 122123

layers, 8791

navigation controls, 27

rotating, 81

Smart Guides, 9597

starting, 86

text frames, 91

viewing, 80

square, creating, 12

stories in text frames, 42

Story Editor, 160161

straddle head, using with columns, 178179

stroke color, swapping with fill, 213


applying colors, 215216

applying to text, 183

style groups, 130


applying, 233

benefits, 234

loading from documents, 258259

modifying, 233, 248

nesting, 240245

overview, 233

panels, 233

Quick Apply, 239

redefining, 170

sharing, 258

starting, 232

updating globally, 256257

using, 4246

using for formatting, 52

Styles panels, 245, 251

Submit button, adding to forms, 375376

subtraction, positioning and sizing, 104

swatch libraries, choosing, 352. See also libraries

Swatches panel

resizing, 51

using, 210

switching between documents, 60

SWOP (Specifications for Web Offset Publications), 204

Sync Fonts, 8


table borders, adding, 307308

table cells, adding graphics, 308312

table styles

applying, 255, 315316

creating, 253255, 313315

tables. See also cells; columns; rows

adding and deleting rows, 300302

anchoring graphics, 311312

cell strokes, 306307

converting text to, 297298

creating, 297

editing and formatting, 297

fill pattern, 305

formatting, 305308

header row, 312313

importing, 299

merging cells, 304

text placement, 302304

tabs, setting, 189192

text. See also booklet; placeholder text

aligning, 167168

applying colors, 216218

converting to tables, 297298

dragging and dropping, 159160

editing, 129

entering, 151

finding and changing, 153154

flowing, 134135

flowing automatically, 138139

flowing into frames, 129131

flowing manually, 132133

formatting for character style, 44

formatting keyboard shortcuts, 233

importing, 151152

importing and flowing, 4042

paragraph styles, 140141

placeholder frames, 6667

placing in master pages, 7678

stroke, 183

styling and placing, 40

transparency settings, 331332

typing and styling, 3940

wrapping around graphics, 110112

text cells, converting to graphic cells, 309

text fields, adding to forms, 370371, 377

text files, selecting, 151

text formatting, inconsistency, 43

text frames. See also frames; graphics frames

Auto-Size feature, 130

constraining movement, 64

creating, 39

creating and resizing, 9194

creating on master pages, 6365

creating while flowing text, 134135

dragging, 40

drawing with Type tool, 64

expanding, 39

formats, 40

multi-column, 96

reshaping, 9394

resizing, 130131

stories, 42

threading, 52

text icon, creating frames from, 134135

text inset, adjusting, 97

text wrap, anchored graphics frame, 282283

threaded frames, 136137. See also frames

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), 321

tint swatches, 219220

tints, creating, 341

tools. See also buttons

Application bar, 1415

Control panel, 14

displaying, 13

document window, 1517

Ellipse Frame, 12

Hand, 1112

Line, 1112

pasteboard, 1516

Rectangle Frame, 12

Selection, 10

switching between, 13

Type, 11

Zoom, 16

Tools panel

identifying, 9

moving, 22

two columns, 22

undocking, 22

unlocking, 22


changes, 161162

and kerning, 185

Transform panel, controls, 6162

transforming objects, 118119


applying, 334

applying to bitmap graphics, 329

applying to text, 331332

applying to vector graphics, 327328

best practices, 341

and default settings, 348

effects, 333

offsetting shadows, 339

settings and options, 339

verifying, 340

transparency effects, previewing, 354355

transparency settings, applying, 323327

Trumatch library, 352

Type tool

editing and formatting tables, 297

editing text, 129

loading with text files, 134

text frames, 64

using, 11, 39

Typekit Desktop fonts, 362


baseline grid, 167169

columns, 178179

drop caps, 182184

finding fonts, 174

Font Similarity feature, 172173

fonts from Adobe Typekit, 171172

fraction characters, 177178

hyphenation settings, 188

kerning and tracking, 185

letter and word spacing, 184185

line breaks, 186189

OpenType fonts, 171

panel groups, 167

paragraph alignment, 180181

paragraph shading, 194196

paragraph spacing, 169170

rule above paragraph, 193194

setting tabs, 189192

special characters, 175176

starting, 166

vertical spacing, 167


Undo keyboard shortcut, 10

units of measurement, 57

updating, revised graphics, 269270


vector graphics

applying transparency, 327328

changing default settings, 348

vertical alignment, adjusting, 97

vertical spacing, 167170. See also spacing

video files, adding to EPUBs, 395396

view commands, 24

view modes, 37

viewing guides, 37


Windows, showing files, 268

windows. See document window

word spacing, adjusting, 184185


copying, 160

correcting misspellings, 158159

work area

document window, 15

identifying, 9

pasteboard, 15


Application bar, 1415

Control panel, 14

customizing, 23

document window, 1517

Ellipse Frame tool, 12

Hand tool, 1112

Line tool, 1112

parts, 9

pasteboard, 1516

Rectangle Frame tool, 12

Selection tool, 10

Type tool, 11

wrapping text around graphics, 110112


zoom level, 24

Zoom tool

selecting, 16

using, 2526