Chapter 25
The sky was blood red as the sun began to fade away. Alicia was lying on the beach in a white G-string. Her head rested on Tommy’s lap. He was staring at the sky. She asked what was wrong.
“Oh, nothing.”“Baby, I know you by now. I can tell when
something is troubling you.”
He smiled. It felt good to have someone who knew him.
“So are you going to tell me?”
“You ever been scared that things are not going to work out the way
you planned?”
“What do you mean? Everything is going just fine.”
He sighed. “I don’t know about that. I feel something just ain’t
right. You know what I mean?”
She sat up and looked him in his eyes. “Baby, you can’t think like
that. You gotta think positive. You’re a good person, good will
always prevail.”
“Only in movies. I mean, what you are saying sounds like a Hallmark
card. You know?”
“Tommy, like I said, this country was built on lies and deception.
Some of the people here with the most wealth have stolen to get it.
Don’t worry about nothing. You’re about to be totally
“You’re right. A lot of people have stolen to get ahead, and a lot
of people today have beat the system, but most have one thing going
for them.”
“What’s that?” Alicia asked, picking up a handful of sand and then
dropping it between her toes.
“Most of them are white. Let me tell you, the white man makes the
law. He enforces and interprets the law the way he feels. I just
don’t think I’m going to make it. I just got a gut feeling that
this whole thing is going to come to an end.”
Alicia rubbed Tommy’s chest. “Baby, you gotta think
Tommy was glad that she was so enthusiastic. He felt good to have
her with him, and he started to think positive again.
He leaned forward and kissed her.
“What was that for?”
“Just ‘cause I love you. That’s all.”
“That’s so sweet.”
The sun had gone down, and a gentle breeze was blowing. Tommy
wished the moment could last forever. But he would be handling a
transaction in Miami as early as tomorrow.
Morgan and Jennifer sat in the Miami hotel room, prepping the drugs for delivery. The ecstasy was being shrink-wrapped then stuffed into cereal boxes. They prepped the drugs for two hours before Jennifer excused herself to the bathroom.
In the bathroom, she stuffed a hundred X pills into three balloons. Nobody will know, she told herself. Out of thousands of pills, who would miss a hundred? There were simply too many for anybody to notice.
When she stepped back into the room, Morgan was finishing the packaging of the product. After they were done, they cleaned the room up really well and made sure that they hadn’t dropped any product.
Morgan had rented a dark blue Chrysler 300 from Hertz, but when they were all packed up and ready to drive off, Jennifer made an announcement to Morgan.
“I don’t think I can go through with
“I don’t know. I just feel like something is going to happen.”
Morgan looked at her, puzzled. “What? Are you crazy? Nothing is
“Maybe God was on our side. Maybe it was just
luck. I don’t know,” Jennifer said, avoiding Morgan’s
Morgan sighed. “Jennifer, I don’t know about you, but I need the
money, hon, and I’m willing to chance it.”
Jennifer jumped out of the car and opened the trunk. “What are you
doing?” Morgan asked.
“I’m getting my luggage out. I’m catching a flight back to
Charlotte.” “Jennifer, you can’t leave me.”
Jennifer got her suitcase from the trunk and placed it on the
“I’m calling Twin,” Morgan said. She pulled out her cell phone and
called Twin.
“Yeah, what up?”
“Jennifer says she not going back with me.”
“What the fuck you mean?”
“She says she don’t want to do it anymore.”
“Let me speak to her.”
Morgan passed Jennifer the phone.
“What the fuck is Morgan talking about?”
“I just don’t want to do it anymore,” Jennifer said.
“Where are you at now?”
“I’m in front of the hotel.”
“Okay. Me and Tommy are on our way there. Just hold up another
three or four minutes.”
Jennifer grabbed a red overnight bag, picked up her suitcase, and
walked into the hotel lobby.
Six minutes later, Twin and Tommy entered the lobby.
Jennifer had already asked a bellman to get her a taxi to the
Twin yanked her by the arm and pulled her aside. “What the fuck do
you think you are doing?”
“Let go of my fucking arm or I will fucking tell everything I
Twin pulled her outside. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re trying
to prove, but you ain’t fucking bailing out on me now.”
Tommy walked outside but remained silent.
Tears filled Jennifer’s eyes. “My heart ain’t in this no more,
Twin. I just can’t go on like this.”
“Bitch, you owe me. You do know that you ran off with my money,
don’t you?”
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
“You’re damn right you’re sorry, but you ain’t getting away like
this. I will fucking kill you, bitch. Don’t you know that after
this we won’t have to do this shit again?”
“I can’t do it. I’m sorry.”
“You are going to do it or else ... What the fuck you mean you
can’t do it? I ain’t listening to that shit.”
“Don’t you ever threaten me. I know your secrets, Twin. I know you
set your friends up to get robbed, remember?”
Twin yanked her arm again, this time pulling her so close that she
could smell his breath. “I will bring cannons to destroy that
trailer park you’re from. You hear me?”
“Let me go, Twin, or I swear I will make it bad for your black
“My black ass? Where the fuck did that come from? You racist little
“Muthafucka, you know I ain’t racist. I been putting up with your
ass for years.”
The taxi pulled up. The bellman stepped outside with Jennifer’s
luggage. “Madam, your taxi is here.”
Twin let her arm go.
She walked over to the bellman and tipped him.
Jennifer and Twin stared at one another.
The taxi driver finally asked, “Ma’am, are you going to the airport
now or later?”
“Goodbye, Twin, and good luck to you.”
Jennifer called Mark. He answered on the first
ring. “Hey, Mark.” “What’s up?”
“Nothing, just leaving Miami. I’m sure you know that already.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, the girl whose picture is on your dresser, muthafucka.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Mark, I slept at your house. I put two and two together. Now
come off the bullshit.”
He hesitated. “So, does Tommy and Twin know what you know?” “No.
Nobody knows shit.”
“So, you decided not to come back with Morgan, huh?” “You know
everything, huh?”
“I’m a fed, remember?”
“Yeah, I decided not to come back with Morgan.”
“That was a good choice, because it’s going to go down soon,
you know.”
“You were going to bust me, huh?”
He sighed. “I had no choice; I mean, it’s business, not personal.”
“Yeah, but I helped you, muthafucka. I gave you information,
“No. I would never play with you like that.
Listen, you’re getting emotional.”
“Oh, is that what I am?”
Flight 355 to Charlotte, North Carolina is now
“Well I have a plane to catch, Agent Pratt.” Jennifer ended the
She sat on row 25-A in a window seat. Nobody had the middle seat,
but an elderly white man had the aisle seat. Jennifer thought about
Twin, Tommy, and JoJo, and how their lives were about to be
destroyed simply because they wanted to better their financial
situations. She thought about Tommy in particular, though Twin was
once her man. Tommy had been used by everybody around him. Then she
thought about Mark again. She thought he had been genuinely
interested in her well-being, but he’d used her for personal gain.
How could she be so stupid? How could she fall for the police?
Tears rolled down her face. She felt so used.
She pulled a cell phone from her purse and decided to make one more
call. She would call Twin to tell him what was going on—not because
she wanted to save his ass, but because she wanted to spare Tommy.
He was really a good person. She dialed Twin’s number.
No answer.
She tried again, but still no answer.
The flight attendant announced that all cell phones had to be
turned off at this time.
She dialed Twin’s number one last time and ducked behind the
Twin answered. “Listen, you dirty bitch, I wish you quit calling my
“I got to tell you something.”
A flight attendant walked over. The thin black woman with short
hair said, “Ma’am turn off your cell phone.”
“Twin, listen to me.”
“Ma’am, turn off your cell phone or else I’ll have to ask you to
exit the plane,” the flight attendant said again.
“Listen, man...” Jennifer pleads.
“Eat shit and die, bitch,” Twin said and ended the call.
Jennifer looked up at the flight attendant, smiled, and turned the
cell phone off.
Five minutes later, the plane took off.
She dozed, her head resting against the window.