Chapter 23
Don had called Tommy and told him to go to the Benz dealership on Independence Boulevard in Charlotte. The car had been leased to RJ Holding Corp, one of Don’s corporations.
Tommy sat behind the wheel of the $360,000 car. An older white man driving a 600 Benz looked on with envy. A small crowd gathered outside the dealership, all wondering what black celebrity owned such an expensive car.
“He plays for the Panthers,” a thin white woman
said. “Yeah, I think he’s number 88. I seen him on TV.”
“I think he’s a rapper,” another man said.
Tommy sat behind the wheel in awe of the machinery. He felt like he
owned the city.
An older black salesman opened the door and sat on the other side
of the vehicle. “Hey, brother, is this car for you?”
Tommy was proud. “Yes. Yes sir, it is.”
The man extended his hand. “Man I’m always glad to see one of us on
top.” He pointed to the back of his hand. “You know …
“Everyone out there is curious to know what you do for a
Tommy frowned. “Why?”
“I guess because of the car, man. This ain’t no ordinary
“I know, but my company’s leasing it.”
“Bro, this car is worth over three-hundred thousand
Tommy began to wonder if he had made the right decision. He wasn’t
even off the lot yet and people were talking. They were curious. He
wondered how long it would take before the feds found out that
Tommy Dupree was riding around in a mobile mansion. He wouldn’t
concern himself with that. He couldn’t worry about it. Tonight he
would have some fun.
Tommy put his hands on the steering wheel. He felt like a sixteen
year old kid who had just obtained his license. He just wanted to
“Bro, I hope I’m not being too nosey, but how are you getting your
“I’m a real estate investor,” Tommy said, feeling confident.
Tommy pulled up at JoJo’s apartment, called him
from his cell phone, and told him to come outside.
Minutes later, JoJo stood before Tommy. “Nigga, are you out of your
fucking mind?”
“What are you talking about?”
“This car is what I’m talking about. I told you not to get this
damn car.”
“It’s totally legit. I mean, everything is in Alicia’s dad’s
JoJo shook his head in disbelief. “Tommy, I can’t believe you are
so stupid, man. You’ve always been a little smarter than the
average. If you had been Twin, I would have totally understood …
but I can’t believe you, man.”
“You only live once. Get in here, man. You ain’t gonna believe this
JoJo sat in the passenger seat. “These seats are plush and
“Can you believe the room in this muthafucka?”
JoJo looked around. “Damn, you got a laptop hooked up in the
“I know, man. The first time I got into one of these muthafuckas I
knew I had to have one.”
“I thought you said Alicia’s dad leased you the car.”
“He did.”
“Well it ain’t yours then, technically; it’s his.”
“Yeah, but we’re partners.”
JoJo didn’t respond. He was deep in thought. Tommy wheeled the
Maybach out of JoJo’s parking lot and hit the freeway about a mile
away. He accelerated the car up to almost 100 mph.
“What the fuck are you doing man?” JoJo asked.
“Watch this.”
“Watch what, nigga? I ain’t trying to die with you.”
Tommy pointed to his foot. “Watch how I barely touch the
He placed his foot on the brake lightly and the car slowed to 35
mph in seconds. “I’m telling you, man … this car is the
“Tommy are you sure about Alicia’s dad, man? Do you think you can
trust him with your money? I know you sent him some money before,
and I know you trying to get out of the game and all, but how can
you trust somebody with that much money?”
“The man has money. He don’t need shit from me. I need
“Okay; whatever you say.”
Tommy looked at JoJo, who seemed to be concerned about him.
“Listen, man. I know you’re worried, but trust me. Everything is
going to be okay. We’re going to the top. I’m gonna take you to the
top with me.”
“Say no more.”
The Maybach was in front of the Liquid Lounge. Tommy had paid Bernard, an elderly guy from the neighborhood, to drive the car for tonight. Tommy and Alicia sat in the back of the car. Twin and JoJo were in Twin’s truck, parked directly in front of the Benz.
Nia and her girlfriend Rasheeda were leaving the parking lot across the street when they spotted the Benz. Nia ran across the street and pressed her face against the back window, determined to see who was inside. “Fat-ass nigga. I know you in there with your bitch.”
“Who is that?” Alicia asked.
“That’s my ex. The one I used to live with.”
“Nigga, you ain’t going to fuckin play me like that. I will hurt
ass. I will kill you, nigga,” Nia shouted. Nia started pounding on the hood of the car. “Get out of the car, Tommy; I know your ass is in there.”
Tommy opened the door, stepped out of the car,
and faced off with Nia.
“Nigga, how you gonna play me like this?”
“What the hell you mean? We ain’t together no more.”
“I know we ain’t together no more, but you owe me, muthafucka. I’ve
been with you from day one and this is the fucking thanks I
“Fuck you, Nia. You never loved me.”
“Fuck you, muthafucka,” Nia said. She
charged at Tommy swinging wildly.
Twin and JoJo jumped out of the truck. Alicia got out of the car to
see what was going on.
Tommy grabbed Nia’s arms. “Rasheeda, get your friend before I hurt
“Nigga, you’ve already hurt me. You hurt me with that bitch of
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what the fuck I’m talking about,” Nia said with tears
rolling down her face.
Tommy shoved Nia. She fell to the pavement. A small crowd
Nia got up and ran with her head down, clawing at Tommy.
He quickly contained her again. “Nia what the fuck is wrong with
“I was with you from day one. You think I’m going to let somebody
take my position?”
“What position?”
“I’m your wife, remember? I’ve been through a lot with your ass.
I’m the one that got raped, not this uppity-ass bitch that don’t
want nothing but money.” Nia pointed at Alicia.
“You don’t know nothing about me,” Alicia said.
“I know you got my man.”
Tommy took a step back, pointed toward the car, and asked Alicia to
get inside.
“That’s right, bitch. Get inside the car before I fuck you
“Nobody is going to do anything to me,” Alicia said.
Rasheeda stepped forward. “Don’t get yourself hurt out
Tommy stared at Rasheeda. She was a big girl with broad shoulders
and muscular arms. He knew that Alicia and Nia would have been a
good match, but Rasheeda was built like a man. He would have to
take her on. He opened the door for Alicia.
She stepped inside the car.
“Tommy, why do you want to destroy everything we had?”
They looked directly at one another. “Nia, you made my life
miserable. We never had anything … nothing … no kind of chemistry;
you know?”
“So it’s like that, Tommy? You going to kick me to the curb just
like that?” She wiped her eyes.
“Nia, it’s over.”
Nia dropped her head and charged Tommy again, scratching his face
before he knocked her down again.
The crowd roared with laughter and someone yelled, “That bitch is
making a fool out of herself.”
“Nia, stop. You are making yourself look ridiculous.”
Rasheeda walked to her side and held her arm.
“I’m making a fool out of myself? Well now it’s time to make a fool
out of you.”
“Go home, Nia,” Tommy pleaded.
“Not before I let you know I been playing your fat ass all along. I
even fucked your boy, JoJo. We’ve been having sex on the regular,
and the nigga is good.”
Tommy looked at JoJo, who turned his head.
“Is that true, Joe?”
“I don’t know what she’s talking about.”
“Talking about me and you meeting downtown at the Holiday Inn on
the regular … talking about you telling me that you want to be with
me, nigga.”
“Is that true, Joe?”
“Tell him, Joe. Tell him how we have sex all day and all night.
Tell about the time you fucked me in the house when Tommy was out
of town.”
JoJo looked at Tommy, but he couldn’t say anything.
Alicia hopped out of the car, and walked up to Tommy. She held him
Tommy avoided looking at JoJo.
Tommy stared at J.C. from across the table. J.C. looked as if he’d aged a decade since the last visit. He’d gotten some glasses, and his hair was significantly grayer than before.
J.C. cracked his knuckles. “So, JoJo has been
fucking your woman, huh?”
“Yeah,” Tommy said then put his elbows on the table and looked
around the crowded visiting room. “I can’t believe this
“Well, believe it, son. Let me tell you what I’ve been telling you
all along. You ain’t got no friends.”
“Me, Joe, and Twin grew up together. That’s why it
“I know. But let me tell you something. I told you I ain’t never
liked that Twin ever since y’all were kids. His brother is a
different story. I always knew he would be a good kid. You knew he
would amount to something.”
“What about Joe?”
J.C. cleaned his glasses with his shirt. “I never thought Joe would
do you like that, son.”
Tommy sighed. “I know.”
“But, Son, when you in them streets, nobody is your friend. You
know the old saying: Ain’t no honor among thieves.”
“I’m starting to figure that out.”
J.C. smiled. “Now tell me about this new girl that has been keeping
you busy.”
“Her name is Alicia. She’s from California. Her dad is this big
real estate tycoon. He owns a mansion … all types of shit. The man
has it going on. In fact, he’s showing me how to invest my money
wisely …you know, putting it in some real estate.”
The smile disappeared from J.C.’s face. “Speaking of being wise, I
heard you just got a new car.”
Tommy looked surprised. “How did you know that?”
“Man we hear everything in here, I heard you be parking your car in
front of the club and shit.”
“Yeah, I did once.”
“Word in here is that you got the X game on lock.”
Tommy didn’t say anything. He just stared at his father. He
couldn’t believe that everything he’d done had been broadcast all
throughout the prison system. He thought he was being discreet, but
everybody knew his business.
“So, is it true, boy?”
Tommy didn’t say anything.
“Nigga, what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m trying to get out of
this place and you trying to come in here. I tell you what, I won’t
be in here when you get here; that’s for damn sure.”
“What do you mean?”
“Man, as soon as they get those DNA results and check it against
the hair fibers found at the scene of the rape, I’m out of here. My
trial lawyer never fought for that.”
Tommy was happy for him. It had been eight years since his dad had
seen the outside world. He had been convicted of raping a white
university student. On the night the alleged rape had taken place,
the young woman had been jogging, and a tall black man had jumped
from behind some bushes and forced her behind a building. J.C. was
working at the university at the time. He was waiting on the bus to
take him home when the police grabbed him. He hadn’t been a free
man since. He didn’t have the money for adequate representation at
trial, so he was convicted and sentenced to twenty-five
“I’m telling you, Tommy, I’m close to being a free man
“I know, Dad,” Tommy said looking away.
“Tommy, look at me.”
He looked into the man’s eyes.
“Hey, man, the shit you are doing out there ain’t you, man. This
ain’t the life you want to lead. Everybody ain’t built for
“I know,” Tommy said.
“Remember when you were a kid? When me and your mama used to take
you fishing? You would jump on my back when we would leave the
lake. I think you were about six or seven years old
A huge smile appeared on Tommy’s face. “Those were the good old
“Tommy, I never really had a biological son, only a daughter that I
haven’t seen since her birth. But you are the only son I knew, the
only son that I will ever love. I consider you my blood.”
“I know. I feel the same about you, J.C.”
“Tommy, don’t you want to experience things like carrying your son
on your back, and teaching him how to fish?”
“Yeah, of course I do.”
“Well then, damn it, act like it!” His eyes were watery and he was
oblivious to the onlookers.
Tommy had never seen him so angry.
Two corrections officers came over to the table. The taller one
asked, “Is there anything wrong?”
“Naw, just having a discussion with my son.”
The guards walked away slowly.
J.C. zeroed in on Tommy again. “I just want you to be at home when
I get out. You understand me?”
“Yes, sir ... I understand.” A tear rolled down Tommy’s
J.C. stood, walked over, and hugged him.
Tommy looked up at his father and said, “One more trip.” “Make this
your last one, son. Promise me.”
“I promise.”