Chapter 22

Jennifer screamed when she stepped out into the hallway. Twin grabbed her wrist. He pushed her back into her loft then covered her mouth. “Shut the fuck up, bitch. I hope you didn’t think you would get away with my money, did you?”
“What are you talking about?”
Twin looked around. The loft had very nice hardwood floors. New furniture, a plasma television set, and expensive sculptures. “Where the fuck all this shit come from?”
“I paid for everything in here,” Jennifer said.
“Better not have been with my money.”
“I have my own money.”
“Well why in the fuck did you take mine?”
She tried to jerk away from him, but he slung her to the floor.
“Where is my money, Jennifer?”
“You owe me that money.”
Twin kicked her in the ribs. “I don’t owe you a goddamn thing.”
Jennifer held her side then tears came down her face.
Twin kicked her again. “White trash. I will kill your ass, you understand me? When I met your ass you didn’t have shit. I gave you the world.”
Jennifer stood and faced him. “Muthafucka, you didn’t love me. You ever thought about that?”
“How can you say that, Jennifer?”
“All I was to you was your little white show piece. You didn’t give a damn about me because if you did, I wouldn’t be dancing in the club. A real man wouldn’t let his woman dance in the club. And don’t say you don’t have the money. I’ve helped you count hundreds of thousands of dollars, often wondering when you would take me out of the clubs.”
“I thought you liked earning your own money.”
“I do like that, but I don’t like men lusting for me night after night, asking me if I will fuck them for five hundred dollars, or will I suck their stinking dicks for a thousand dollars. It’s disgusting and demeaning.”
“That’s the life you chose to lead.”
“But you supposed to be my man. How can you let me live like that? And you making all that damn money... ” she said, her mascara leaving a black streak on her face.
“You never said nothing to me about not liking the club.”
“Do you like dealing drugs?”
Twin thought for a moment. Though he didn’t have any complaints about the benefits, he would rather not do it. Only a fool would want to deal drugs. He didn’t answer her.
“So, I take it you don’t like dealing,” Jennifer said. She sat on the arm of her chair.
Twin turned his back to her. “But this still don’t excuse you for taking my shit, Jennifer. You had no fuckin right.”
“You’re right, Twin, but your money is gone. I don’t have it anymore, and there’s nothing I can do to bring your money back.”
“That’s fucked up!”
She walked up to him and put her arms around his waist. “Twin, you know I love you. I’ve loved you since the first day I saw you, but I don’t know what got into me. I guess I got sick of it all.”
He turned then stared her in her eyes.
“I miss you.”
He pulled away from her. “I don’t know if I can forgive you for this one, Jennifer. I mean, I trusted your ass.”
“Okay, I took eighteen thousand dollars, but I been with your ass for four years. I’ve counted thousands of dollars and took thousands of dollars to my mother’s house for you, and I’ve never stole a red cent.”
“And that’s what’s fucked up about the whole situation. I thought you were loyal.”
Jennifer threw her arms up in disgust. “Well I can’t bring the money back, Twin. What do you want me to do?”
He stared her in her eyes. “I need you to make a run for me. I need you to go to Miami with me to get more X—you and Morgan.”
Jennifer sighed. “I don’t want to go to Miami; I really don’t. But if it’s going to make everything okay, I’ll go on this one last trip.”
“When are we going?” “Soon.”


Tommy and Alicia stepped off the plane in San Francisco. Don and his driver were there to meet them. This time, instead of the Maybach, it was a stretch Hummer, and it whisked them away to a downtown high-rise apartment—Avalon Towers.
“Daddy, why are we here?” Alicia asked.
“I just bought a penthouse. I want you and Tommy to stay here for tonight.”


After gawking at all the penthouse luxuries and amenities, Tommy walked toward the window again. She cut him off. She stood in front of him, grinning. Then she peeled her blouse off. Her nipples were nearly pink, and they were standing at attention.

He leaned into her and they kissed.
“I want to be with you forever, Tommy.”
“How can you say that? You barely know me.”
She unzipped her jeans. They fell to the floor. She stood before

him wearing only the G-string that he’d been straining to see when she turned sideways. “Tommy, make love to me.”

His penis was limp. It had never been limp when she tried arousing him. She was the one person who could give him a hard-on instantly.
She kissed him again. Her tongue entered his mouth, searching for his tongue. She pulled out and slobbered on her lip. She laughed. “Tommy, you’ve got to learn to kiss.”
He wiped his mouth. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Tommy,” she said then she grabbed his crotch.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
He stood there for a moment. His mind flashed back to Nia and all the times he couldn’t get an erection. All the strippers that he’d paid to have sex with and couldn’t perform. He thought about Lisa from Toronto. Every single incident that he couldn’t perform came into his mind in a brief moment.
“Tommy, you’re not hard.” She frowned.
“I know. I’m just not in the mood.”
“But I am.” She kissed him then she grabbed his crotch again. It was unresponsive to her.
She grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. In it was a huge sleigh bed with a silk comforter set.
Tommy looked at her ass, but his penis still did not cooperate.
She pulled his pants down. “Tommy, I don’t get it. Am I not attractive to you?”
“Hell yeah. You’re fine as hell.”
She kissed him again, unbuttoned his shirt, and kissed his belly. She made him feel good. He’d always been self-conscious about his weight but he didn’t feel fat around her at all.
Her tongue traced his bellybutton.
His penis was still lifeless. He looked down at her beautiful face. He wondered whether her tongue would travel further below the belly button. He didn’t think it would, but he couldn’t help but wonder how nice it would be to have somebody as beautiful as her perform oral sex on him.
She held him and licked his shaft. Still there was no life in his penis. She put the tip of it in her mouth, but it still didn’t get hard. “Tommy, what the fuck is wrong?”
He stood and put his pants on without his underwear.
“Not delicious enough for you anymore?”
Tommy never understood why women always felt the need to be told they were sexy, or why they always took it personal when a man couldn’t get his dick hard for them. “No, it’s not that at all.”
“What is it then, Tommy?”
“Just not in the mood.”
“I don’t believe that. Something is on your mind.”
“Nothing is on my mind.”
She put her arms around him.
His heart rate increased. He found himself saying. “I have a problem with erections sometimes.”
“Really?” she asked.
“Why didn’t you say something?” She laughed.
“Why are you laughing at me?”
“Not laughing at you, baby. I just find it funny that you were afraid to be honest with me, Tommy. I care about you, not about whether you are able to bump and grind.”
He smiled but still avoided her eyes. It was still embarrassing to him that he couldn’t get it up.
She told him to lie on his stomach. He complied and she gave him a back massage.
“You are the fuckin coolest,” Tommy said.
“Why do you say that, babe?”
“I told you my problem and you’re still digging me.”
“I think I love you.”
“You think?”
“I love you, Tommy.” She smiled and continued massaging his back.
He turned on his back. They kissed long and passionately. He gripped her ass and held it.
She put her tongue in his ear.
His penis grew.
She grabbed it and smiled.
His heart rate increased again.
She gave him a small peck on his jaw and said, “Calm down, Tommy. It’s going to be okay.”
“You think so?”
“I know so,” she said. Then she straddled him and sat on his erection.


Don arrived at the penthouse at 8:30 a.m. They all hopped in the Maybach and drove to the International House of Pancakes on Mission Street.

The hostess greeted Don with a warm smile. “Don, it will be a few minutes before we can clear your table.”
“Daddy, don’t tell me you still sitting at the same table,” Alicia said.
“That’s where the business goes down.” He turned and smiled at Tommy. “We are here to discuss business, aren’t we?”
“That’s right. I want to own buildings one day.”
“I can make that happen for you.”
The hostess led them to Don’s table. Once they were seated, the waitress appeared and took their order. Tommy ordered pork chops and eggs. Alicia asked for cereal and toast. Don only wanted a cup of coffee.
“Not eating breakfast?”
“Naw, not this morning. I tend to go light on the breakfast or have nothing at all. I suggest you start going light. I mean, you’re not going to be young all your life. That pork is bad for you, and those eggs have too much cholesterol. That shit can cause all kinds of problems—heart attacks, strokes, impotence...”
Alicia nudged Tommy under the table.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“But back to business. Do you have any more money; we’re getting close to the deadline?”
“Yeah. I got another $250,000.”
“That’s $750,000; we’re almost there.”
“Yeah. Can’t I just go with that? I mean, this is a lot of money.”
“Yeah, it’s a lot of cash when you’re talking in street terms, but now we’re talking corporate terms, Tommy. We are going to make millions of dollars. Look at what your return will be on this investment. I mean, I could let you in for $750,000 and your return won’t be as high. I want you to get out of this drug game. I want you to be able to take care of my daughter.”
“Daddy, I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can, baby.” Don grabbed her hand and stroked it.
“I should have the money in two weeks.”
“You will make $250,000 in two weeks? Perhaps I should invest in you,” Don teased.
“Yeah. If everything goes right, I will have the money in two weeks.”
“Damn. You selling that much coke?”
“No, I don’t mess with the coke any more. It’s all about the X now. Everybody wants the pills.”
“I guess so, if you’re telling me that you should have $250,000 in two weeks.”
“That will give me the million dollars I need to invest.”
“Yeah, it will.”
“Then I’m out of the game.”
The waitress appeared with the food. Everybody remained quiet until she left.
Tommy sipped his orange juice and said, “Yeah, I’m finished. I’ve been selling drugs since I was sixteen, and I’m thirty now.”
“Never caught a case, huh?”
“I’ve been blessed to have never caught a case, and I’ve never had a million dollars at one time because I’ve always spent my money as I made it. Luckily, you came along with this opportunity. I would have probably still been spending it as I go,” Tommy said.
“I still say you don’t need the Maybach Benz,” Alicia said.
“I need it. You only live once. Right, Don?”
“That’s right. Besides, when you’re ready, we can lease you one in my company’s name.”
Alicia put her arms around Tommy’s waist. “I just don’t want anything to happen to him.”
“Nothing is going to happen to Tommy. He’s smart. He is investing his money wisely, and he’s getting out of the game.”
Tommy smiled. He liked the sound of that. He was happy that he was getting out of the game. He was happy he had found some good people who cared about his well-being.
“So, did you bring the money with you?”
“No, I’ll send it to you when I get back to North Carolina or, if you prefer, I can wait until I get the other $250,000 and send it all at one time.”
“I need what you got now, so that we can clean it up.”
“Okay. Makes sense to me.”
“Tommy, I’m about to make you a multimillionaire, a legitimate multimillionaire.”
“So I can take care of your daughter.”
Alicia punched Tommy in his chest. “Stop saying that.”