Chapter 18
Lee was driving an
old black pickup truck. He resembled Moray, except he was taller
and wore glasses. He hopped out of the truck.
Twin was the first to approach him. They shook hands. “You think
this Black nigga is dangerous, huh?”
“Yeah, man. This muthafucka is a loose cannon, man. He will
seriously hurt somebody.”
“Twin, why are you acting like a pussy, man?” Tommy
“I ain’t acting. I just want to know what we up against.”
“I don’t give a fuck what we up against; we got a Glock 9, two .45
street sweepers, and shit that will blow your whole back
“Man, we’re making money. If we kill this muthafucka, we going to
jail and ain’t nobody going to have shit.”
“But if we let him get away, this muthafucka is going to think he
can take from us,” Tommy said.
“Show us where J-Black lives,” JoJo said to Lee.
Black was across the street from his home, inside an abandoned house, watching, looking out the window for any unusual activities. He’d been threatened. He’d been taught from his years in the pen to take every threat seriously. The last time he’d taken a threat lightly, it had cost him a razor wound across the neck while on the inside. He’d been extorting a loan shark named E, taking twenty-five percent of his receivables until D-Rock came on the yard. D-Rock told E not to give J-Black anything, and that he was going to slice his throat if he extorted E again.
E had gone about two months without giving up percentages. When J-Black’s commissary got low he finally approached E and took half the commissary in his locker. Later that evening, when JBlack was on the recreation yard, D-Rock crept up and slashed his neck. Black received eighty-eight stitches. He was also put in solitary confinement because he had refused to name the assailant. The scar was a reminder that he wasn’t invincible. He vowed that nobody would ever catch him off guard again.
He lit a cigarette and loaded his sawed-off pump shotgun. He wasn’t in the mood to die—not today. This isn’t the way his book would end. There would be no one to carry on his legacy. He didn’t have kids. His mother had died while he was on the inside.
Only a few cars passed by. Most were going to old man Roscoe’s house to get a sack of weed. Black lit another cigarette and was just about to cross the street when a black pickup truck drove down the street. He smiled because he recognized the truck. It was cowardass Lee. He saw Lee slow down and point at his house.
An SUV full of black men slowed and finally stopped in front of the building. J-Black recognized Tommy and Twin. Okay, that bitchass Lee is showing these niggas where I lay my head. He wanted to run out there and blast at the truck but decided against it because he was only packing a shotgun, and they probably had automatic weapons.
*****Exactly nine days later, JoJo received a call
from Robert Moray at 6:30 in the morning. He talked to Moray for a
few minutes, half asleep.
Moray said, “My son Lee is in the hospital. He was shot by
“What?” JoJo said, then stood and walked across the room with the
cordless phone.
“Yeah, he’s been shot in his ass.”
“What … when did this happen?”
“It happened last night. He was out with his friend at the pool
hall down the street from my house. J-Black came up to him after
the others left and said he’d seen Lee show y’all where he lived.
Words were exchanged and J-Black went back to his car and got a
shotgun. Lee ran, but he still managed to get hit.”
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s okay, but he’s probably going to need physical
“Well, that’s good.” JoJo sat back on the bed.
“That’s not good. This man shot my son, and he sent word to y’all
that he knows where you live, and that he’s going to get y’all if
it’s the last thing he does.”
“Fuck him. I don’t give a fuck about him.”
“Hey, I’m just relaying the message.”
Jennifer sat in the kitchen drinking an apple martini. Morgan came over with some Nike pills that had been stolen from the crew. They sipped Martinis and popped pills until they both were horny as hell.
Morgan rubbed Jennifer’s thighs and got a rush
from it. Though Jennifer was a stripper, she’d never been with
another woman, which was something she prided herself on. She moved
Morgan’s hand from her leg. “I don’t fuck with women.”
Morgan looked a little annoyed. “I don’t fuck with women, either,
but I’m feeling so good, I just want to kiss you. You’re so
beautiful. I feel beautiful. Can I just rub your thigh?”
Jennifer looked at Morgan for a second. “My boyfriend might come
“We’ll let him join. Come on. What man wouldn’t want to join two
“Let’s go upstairs and get my toys.”
Upstairs, Jennifer got a dildo and stripped to her
Morgan had taken all of her clothes off. She walked over, put her
arms around Jennifer, and kissed her neck before Jennifer turned
and french kissed her.
They kissed slow and passionately before reaching the
Jennifer lay on the bed with her legs spread apart.
Morgan took the dildo and pushed it in Jennifer’s vagina.
“Harder and faster,” Jennifer said. “Right there. That’s the spot.
That’s the spot.
Morgan moved the dildo in and out of Jennifer. She was actually
feeling pleasure from it, but it wasn’t the same kind of pleasure
she was used to. She liked for a man to just take control of her
and throw her around, pull her hair, slap her ass, and bite her
Morgan stopped, put her head between Jennifer’s legs and performed
oral sex.
Jennifer humped Morgan’s face three times before saying, “Stop.”
“What’s wrong?” Morgan asked, confused.
“Nothing’s wrong. It’s just that I prefer a man.”
“Well I prefer you.”
Jennifer stood and put her panties back on. “That’s your problem. I
like men and there is nothing you can do for me, dear.”
“You know what? You’re a really selfish bitch,” Morgan
Morgan stood and put her clothes on. She left without saying a
Jennifer was still horny. She called Twin but didn’t get an answer.
She figured he was out in the street, hustling his drugs.
After a few minutes of fantasizing, she grabbed her cell phone and
called Mark.
At three o’clock in the morning, Jennifer lay in Mark’s bed. Neither said anything. Both had enjoyed the sexual experience, but there was nothing to talk about. She finally stood and said, “I have to be going. I got a man, you know?”
Mark looked at the clock. “Yeah. I know.”She got dressed then looked in Mark’s eyes.
“How do you feel about me?”
“I like you. I like you a lot.”
“All you can say is you like me a
He stood and put on his boxers “What do you want me to say? You
have a man.”
“A man that I am betraying for you, so that you can eventually put
him away. Then where does that leave me?”
Mark turned his back to her. “I don’t understand what you want me
to say.”
“So, am I just your little sex toy, Agent Pratt? All you want me
for is my tits and ass?”
“No, Jennifer … I like you a lot. I want you to get out of the
dancing business and make a new life for yourself.”
“Well, I’m going to probably have to get out of the dancing
business ‘cause once Twin and his boys go down, my ass is going to
be wanted.”
“Twin ain’t no fuckin mobster. These guys are punks.”
She sat on the bed and put her stilettos on. Then she stood and
walked toward the door.
He jumped up, put his socks on and noticed a pill on the floor. He
picked up the pill and, after examining it, he noticed a dolphin on
it. “Jennifer, wait.” When he entered the living room, she was
about to open the front door. “Still using X, huh?”
“What the fuck do you think?”
“I think you shouldn’t bring this shit to my house. Don’t you know
I’m the DEA? You are showing me no respect.”
“And you can just fuck me with no feelings … talking about
“You have a boyfriend.”
“Yeah, a boyfriend that I’ve been lying to and ratting
“So where’d you get the X?”
“Mark, can you stop being a policeman and let’s talk?”
“About what?”
“Talk about us.”
“What about us?”
“Do you love me?”
He didn’t say anything; he just looked at the pill.
“Okay, that’s what I thought. I’ve gotta be going.”
He ran to the door and blocked it. He wouldn’t let her leave. “You
know I love you, but I’m not in love
with you, okay? We’ve slept together twice. How can you love
somebody like that?”
“I don’t think you could see yourself with somebody like me … a
little stripper girl, white trash … Probably afraid of what your
friends would think—your dad and that gay-ass partner of
“I don’t care what anybody says about me; I’m my own
“Don’t you see? After Twin is gone, I won’t have nobody, nobody to
help me.”
“Hey, I understand, but I need you to set some goals. And for God’s
sake, leave these drugs alone.” He held up the pill.
She reached for it but he wouldn’t give it to her. “Where did you
get that from?”
“You must have dropped it. Do you want to tell me where you got it
She looked away. “This is the new drug. They are dealing X
“Whoa!” Mark couldn’t believe it.
She burst into tears.
Mark held her, kissing her forehead, telling her it was going to be