Chapter 15

Mark Pratt and Ken Clarkson had coffee at a Starbucks around the corner from the office. This was the first time they had been together since Ken had walked in on Mark and Jennifer as they hugged. “So what’s going on with you and the girl?”

“What are you talking about?” Mark said.
“You know, the stripper chick.”
“Nothing is going on with her.”
Ken raised his eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
Mark avoided his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Either you like her or she likes you.”
Mark sipped his coffee slowly. “Why do you say that?” “I just got a gut feeling that something ain’t right.”
“What are you trying to say, Ken?”
“I hope I’m wrong about this. I mean, the girl is dirt and she’s a

drug dealer’s whore. You don’t wanna have anything to do with someone like that, do you?”
The words drug dealer’s whore echoed in Mark’s ears.
“You need to be careful what you say about people.”
“I’m just saying, if you are fuckin with that girl, you’re in dangerous territory. I mean, I hope I’m wrong. This woman is a sleazy character, and all I’m saying is you don’t need to be involved with someone like that.”
“I’m not involved with anybody.”
Ken looked at Mark with serious eyes. “How old are you now?”
“And you aren’t married? What’s the problem?”
“I don’t know. I’m just waiting on God to send the right woman in my direction.”
“You’re almost forty.”
“Your point is?”
“I don’t have a point. I just know that marriage brings stability in your life.”
Mark looked confused. “Are you trying to say I’m unstable?”
“Just saying there’s a lot of temptation out there for a single man.”
“You have the same temptation that I have.”
“But I have my vows with my wife to keep me focused.”
“Well, I have Jesus.”
“Jerry Falwell, Jim Baker, and Jesse Jackson all had Jesus, too. Look where it got them.”
“What are you saying?”
Ken took a deep breath. “Just stay away from that woman.”


At Twin’s downtown condo, JoJo, Tommy, Twin, and Jennifer sat at the kitchen table.
“The nigga left a jacket at my sister’s house,” JoJo said.
“Where is the jacket?” Twin asked.
“The police got the jacket.”
“You went to the cops?” Twin asked.
“It was my sister’s idea to go to the cops, especially when I told her what happened to Nia. She just didn’t feel safe no more.”
“Does your sister live alone?” Jennifer asked.
“I think you should let her move in with you for a while, at least until they apprehend that creep,” Jennifer said.
Twin read the card aloud. “Robert A. Moray.”
“The nigga that broke in my house said his name was Black.”
Twin gave JoJo the card.
“He told you his name?” JoJo asked.
“Yes. Well … he told Nia his name.”
“Where were you when he raped Nia?” Jennifer asked.
“Tied up. He made me watch.”
“He needs to be brought to justice. This is the kind of person that needs a life sentence,” Jennifer said.
“Well, the police took a report and the hospital swabbed his semen sample from her.”
“So, how is Nia doing?” Jennifer asked. “I feel really bad for her, even though I’ve never met her.”
“She’s doing better,” Tommy said.
“So, are you sure that he is the guy that robbed you before?” JoJo asked.
“Yeah, the same nigga. He is one bold muthafucka.”
“I think the two robberies are related,” Jennifer said.
“Naw, I don’t think so,” Twin said.
“Shit. Sounds like they are,” JoJo said.
“If that’s the case that means it would have to be an inside job, and I know nobody in this room would be cold enough to set up no robberies,” Jennifer said.
“Shit just don’t seem right to me,” Tommy said.
“It’s an inside job,” Jennifer said.
Twin turned to face her. She was making him sick with her analysis of the situation. Now she had his friends wondering and considering an insider. He pointed toward the living room. “Jennifer, get the fuck out of here and let me and my friends talk.”
She looked at him and started to protest but didn’t. She just left the room with her head down.
“So what are we going to do now?” JoJo asked.
“Find the muthafucka that has done this shit and have him knocked off,” Twin said.
“That shit is easy to say, but we don’t have no way of finding this man.”
“Shit, you’re the one who said you saw his face. I can’t believe you talking all this stupid shit,” Twin said.
“Yeah, I saw his face. But what am I going to do? Go all over Charlotte looking for him?”
“No, but we can call the muthafucka on the card,” JoJo said.
“Call him then,” Tommy said.
JoJo pulled out the card then dialed the number. A voice recording came on. “No answer.”
“Okay, we’ve been robbed, but we got to make this money. I got real estate that I want to buy. I got to get out of this business. I ain’t trying to go to prison.”
JoJo stared at Tommy long and hard. “I understand where you’re coming from, but understand this: We just lost money in Miami and now this coward done robbed both of us. We can’t let people think we’re pussies, and that they are going to just take from us.”
“I’m with JoJo. Ain’t nobody gonna take shit else from me. I will die for mine,” Twin said.
“I feel ya, but if we go out and find … Black, kill him, and catch a murder case, we ain’t going to be able to do shit.”
JoJo sighed aloud. “I didn’t think about it like that, but I guess you’re right. What am I supposed to do? I ain’t got no money, man. This shit has sunk my fuckin battle ship.”
“I done told you, what I have is yours. Manny’s brother wants me to come talk to him; let’s try to get down there.”
“Let’s drive then, ‘cause I don’t want to go through any of that shit like getting harassed at the airport,” Twin said.
“In the meantime, I’m still going to keep trying this Robert Moray character.”


JoJo was lying across the bed. He began to wonder about Nia. He wondered if she was okay. He hadn’t spoken to her since she’d been raped. He dialed her cell phone number.

She picked up after three rings.
“Hey, baby, can you talk?”
“Yeah. I’m at my mama’s house, but I’m feeling kind of tired, you

“I didn’t rest easy when I learned you got raped.”
“Ahh, that’s so sweet.”
“So how do you feel?”
“I feel kind of used up and dirty, and I’ve been having nightmares

of him.”
“Yeah, I know it must be tough for you.”
“Trying to get adjusted. You know what I mean?”
“I want to see you. I miss you.” He sat up in bed now. “You miss me? Really?”
“Why do you sound surprised? You know I miss you.” “I know I miss you sometimes, and I’ve often wondered whether

you ever miss me, or did you ever think about me.”
“Well, now you know I miss you.”
“I don’t really want to be seen by nobody. I told you … I feel so

dirty, so undeserving of any attention.”
“You need to stop talking like that. You are not dirty. The
muthafucka that raped you has the fuckin problem, not you.” “I know. But that doesn’t make me feel less contaminated.” “Contaminated? Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“You missed me, huh?”
“You know this.”
“What did you miss about me?”
“I missed being able to talk to you.”
“Why did it take you so long to call?”
“I don’t know. I was thinking that you and Tommy was spending a
lot of time together.”
“No, not really. He went to the hospital with me, but other than
that, I’ve been here with Mama. I didn’t want to stay at home. I don’t
feel safe no more.”
“Yeah, I feel ya.”
“You want to come over?” She asked.
“Yeah. I think it will ease my mind a bit if I saw you.” “You got me blushing.”


Tommy was at the lake when Alicia called. He’d only been navigating his boat, enjoying the weather. The sun was out, and there was a gentle breeze blowing.

“What you doing?”
“At the lake.”
“Not yet. I’m just enjoying the weather.”
“You coming to see me today?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.”
“I can come out to the lake, but I don’t want to get on the boat. I’m

scared we’ll fall in, and I can’t swim.”
“You can’t swim and you’re from California?”
“What is that supposed to mean? Everybody in California don’t

know how to swim.”
“I thought Cali was all fun and beaches.”
“Obviously I am.” He laughed.
“Why don’t you come over here and serve me, Big Papa?” “You want me to come over now?”
“Unless what?”
“Being on your boat is more important than I am.”
“No, not at all. In fact, I’ll be on my way in about thirty minutes.”