Chapter 12
Mark and Jennifer
were lying on a bed in the Westin Hotel. He had made love to her
twice already.
She lay in his arms, enjoying his company. “So how do you
He avoided her eyes and stared at the ceiling. “I don’t know how I
feel. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“Never had sex with a stripper, huh?”
“A white woman?”
“No. Never had sex with my informant, either.”
“So this was a groundbreaking experience for you, huh,
“I wouldn’t exactly put it like that.”
“So, are you worried?”
“About what?”
She smiled. “That this will get out.”
“No, I’m not worried about anything,” he lied. He was concerned
with what would happen if the agency found out that he crossed the
line, and he thought about what his dad would say. This was not the
type of woman he could bring home to Mama.
“So, did you enjoy it?” She rubbed his chest.
“I’m having a good time with you, Jennifer,” he said.
“Good. I enjoyed it, Pratt. For a guy who’s a square, you’re a good
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, but I knew it. You’re a Scorpio.”
“So what about Twin?”
“What about him?”
“Do you feel bad that you just had sex behind his back?”
She sat up on the edge of the bed. “Twin is fucking at least three
different women other than me.”
“What? That is dangerous.”
“That’s the life … the drug life. It comes with the territory of
being a drug dealer’s girl.”
“So why would you stay with him? Why would you stay with someone
who cheats on you and obviously don’t love you?”
Jennifer got out of bed and slipped on her jeans. Then she turned
and faced Mark. “Like I told you before, Pratt, I have no choice.
He is the only man that loves me—the only man that understands
“Twin is making money; he’s making serious money, and he still lets
you shake your ass in the club for me. I don’t call that
Jennifer made eye contact with Mark, and then her eyes got
Mark didn’t like to see women cry. It did something to him to watch
a woman cry. He sprang from the bed, walked over to Jennifer, and
put his arm around her. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry,
She jerked away from him. “Why are you being mean to me?”
Jennifer sounded like a child to him. He couldn’t believe that she
was that sensitive. He thought about what he said to her and he
realized that he probably made her feel low. She’d made some poor
decisions in her life, but she still deserved to be treated with
She sat on the bed and started crying aloud.
“I apologize, Jennifer. I’m really sorry.”
She looked up at him, mascara running and tears streaking her face.
“You know what, Pratt? You’ve lived in a fucking bubble for most of
your life. You don’t know what it is not to have nobody in the
world you can count on, do you?”
“I haven’t had it good my whole life,” Mark said.
“You ever go hungry?”
“Yes,” he lied.
“Has your dad ever beat the shit out of your mom?”
“Ever been raped or molested?”
“I didn’t think so, Pratt. You don’t know the real
Mark sat beside her, grabbed her hand, and held it gently. “You’re
right, Jennifer. None of these things have happened to me, but I
want you to know that you can make it.”
“You think so, huh? What makes you think I can make it or, better
yet, what makes you think that I ain’t already making
“I mean, there’s a better life for you besides
“Like what? Witness Protection after you bring Twin and his boys
“No, I didn’t mean that, and I doubt if you’re going to need
witness protection from Twin. These guys are punks. Nobody is a
gangster in that crew.”
“What do you mean there’s a better life for
me, Agent Pratt? I don’t have no education. What else can I
do but take my clothes off for money?”
“You can go back to school.”
“I don’t have time to go back to school.”
“Quit making excuses, dammit!”
“You’re being mean again.”
“Listen, I’m sorry, but I want to help you.”
“Help me do what?”
“I want you to get away from this lifestyle.”
“Why do you want to help me?”
“I don’t know… For some reason I want to help you.”
“Do you like me, Pratt?”
He closed his eyes for a moment. Finally, he looked at her and
said. “Far more than the law allows.”
She laughed.
At the South Beach Marriot, Twin, JoJo, and Tommy sat at a table in Tommy’s suite. “So what’s the deal with Manny’s brother? Why hasn’t he called you back?” Twin asked Tommy.
“I don’t know, man. Your guess is just as good
as mine.” “The muthafucka was telling us to come down, that
everything was going to be okay. Now that we’re down here, we can’t
get him to call you back. This is bad business,” JoJo
“I agree,” Tommy said. “I’ll try to call him again.” Tommy pulled
out his cell phone and dialed the number.
No answer.
“Fuck this shit. Let’s go on the beach. Let’s go rent Ferraris and
pick up some hoochies,” JoJo said.
“We not here for that. We’re here for business, remember?” Tommy
“Let’s go get something to eat. At least by that time, hopefully,
Manny’s brother will have called you.”
The Moon Room was crowded. Anna, the hostess, seated the crew at a
table in the back of the restaurant. Twin and JoJo looked around at
the beautiful Latina women who were walking around with pasties
covering their nipples. “The shit is fuckin unreal,” JoJo
“I feel like I’m in a fuckin movie,” Twin said.
The waitress’s name was Penelope. She was a petite woman with a
nice, toned body. She approached the table with a bottle of
“We didn’t order champagne.” Tommy said.
“That’s compliments of the gentleman up front.” She
Their attention turned toward the man who had sent an
eighthundred-dollar bottle of Cristal to their table. He was alone
at a small table.
Tommy asked Penelope, “Who is that guy?”
“His name is Juan.”
“Tell him thanks for the champagne,” Tommy said.
“I will,” Penelope said, then passed out three menus. “I’ll be back
to take your orders.” She sashayed away.
Juan approached the table. “My friends, whatever you want just let
me know.” He shook everybody’s hand.
“You’re Manny’s friend, right?” Juan asked Tommy.
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“I’ve seen you with Manny in the past.”
“Really?” Tommy said, trying to remember Juan. But his face wasn’t
the slightest bit familiar.
“Manny’s my cousin.”
“We’ve been trying to locate his brother,” Twin said.
Juan pulled up a chair. “So, you guy’s in town for business or
Tommy was about to answer but JoJo nudged him.
“We don’t know you,” Twin said.
“Okay if I was the police, seeing your boy here with Manny a couple
of weeks ago, all I would have had to do was follow him back to the
hotel and hit the jackpot.”
“Good point,” Tommy said.
Juan smiled then got Penelope to bring him a rum and Coke. “Listen.
I want to make you guys millionaires.”
Twin’s eyebrows rose. “Really?”
Penelope interrupted, took their orders, picked up the menus, and
sashayed off again.
“Yeah. Manny was cool, but he didn’t give you enough room to
“Manny did me good,” Tommy said.
“Listen. I was Manny’s supplier, so I know my price is cheaper than
he could ever give you.”
“You think so?”
“Did he give you kilos for ten thousand?”
Tommy didn’t answer. He started to think about all the money he had
at the hotel room.
“Ten thousand dollars?” Twin asked, surprised.
Juan sipped his drink then said, “Shhh. There may be undercovers in
“So when can we do this?” Twin asked excitedly.
“I don’t think we should be doing this. I mean, Manny has always
been my connect, and I’ve always went through him. I wouldn’t feel
“Right answer,” Juan said. “That’s why every time you do business
with me, I’ll put something aside for him. Manny is my cousin, so
you know my loyalty lies with him.”
Tommy liked Manny, and he didn’t want to seem like a business
whore, but Juan was offering him the best price for coke.
Juan looked at Tommy. “So what’s up, big man? Are we going to do
business or what?”
“Juan, we’re going to talk it over.”
Juan stood and smiled. “Well, I’ll be at the first table. You know
where to find me,” Juan said as he eased away.
Penelope came with more drinks. She said, “Eat as much as you want.
Everything is on Juan.”
When she left, they resumed their conversation. “We don’t know this
muthafucka, man,” JoJo said.
“Hell, we didn’t know Manny, either, the first time we met him,”
Tommy said.
“Tommy is right,” Twin said.
“Man, do you know how much money we can make off this shit for ten
thousand dollars a key?” Tommy said.
“Yeah. In the past, Manny would give them to you and you would sell
them to us. Now we all have a chance of getting the coke directly
from the source,” Twin said.
Tommy hadn’t thought about it that way. He’d always made money off
JoJo and Twin because he was the one with the connection. Now they
would be getting the product directly from the source as well. He
didn’t particularly like it, but he would deal with it because of
the low price.
JoJo’s eyes were squinted. He was contemplating.
“So, are we going to do it or not?” Twin asked.
“I just get a funny feeling about this whole situation,” JoJo
“Nigga, our intention is to get rich, remember?”
“Exactly,” Tommy said, remembering that he needed a million dollars
fast. “I’m going to take a chance at it. Fuck it. It’s only
“I ain’t worried about the money part of it. I’m worried about
going to jail, nigga. I hope you don’t think that just ‘cause the
dude is Spanish that he won’t arrest our ass. I mean, cops and
informants come in all colors.”
“I don’t think he’s a cop,” Tommy said.
Twin looked at JoJo. “Come on, man. If Tommy don’t think he’s a
snitch, it’s gotta be safe, because that scary muthafucka thinks
everybody is the police.”
JoJo ate a forkful of salmon but didn’t respond.
“So what is it? What y’all gonna do?” Tommy said.
“Lets go for it,” JoJo said.
Back at the hotel they counted their money. JoJo and Twin would spend thirty thousand dollars each. Tommy decided he would spend only a hundred thousand. He was being conservative, but he would profit the most out of the transaction. Their money covered the whole table.
*****Juan frowned. “Man, I got sixteen bricks in
here; you think we got time to bust all this shit open for
“I’m spending a $160,000 here, too. I need to see them all.” Alex
passed the bag to Tommy.
Tommy slit them all and took a minute to taste the product. Twin
assisted him. “It’s cool. It’s all coke,” Tommy said.
Alex smiled then collected the money. “Rather than count it, I will
be the one to start our trust.” He shook hands with the
“We’re going to do good business for a long time.”
“Hell yeah, as long as the price stays sweet,” Twin said.
“The price will only get better, my friend.”
“That’s what we want to hear,” Tommy said.