Chapter 5

Mark cupped one of Jennifer’s huge breasts then put the other in his mouth. He moved his tongue down her stomach, into her navel, between her inner thigh ... She bit down hard on his neck. His manhood was now throbbing, but before he could slide it inside her, he came.

Then he woke from his dream and looked down at his boxers. He couldn’t believe he was dreaming about a stripper. He sprang from his bed. It was three in the morning and he had semen in his boxers. In the next five minutes, he cleaned himself up and got back in the bed. He couldn’t sleep. Instead he thought about Jennifer, not in a sexual way, but he wondered what led her to be with a drug dealer, what made her take off her clothes for a living.

Why is she on ecstasy ? It was obvious the girl had problems, and he could tell she wasn’t a bad person but that she’d made some bad decisions in life. Mark wanted to help her but didn’t know why. Maybe because he was somewhat attracted to her. He told himself that he had to keep it on a professional level. After all, she was a crook, one of the bad guys.


Twin met Jennifer with a hug and they kissed passionately. He picked her up and carried her to the sofa where he unbuttoned her blouse.
Twin looked confused. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing. Just that I wanted to talk to you first.”
Twin buttoned her blouse back up. “You look worried. What’s wrong?”
“You remember the girls that were in Miami with us? The one who you had me call the cops on?”
“They told the DEA about you and me.”
“How do you know that?”
Jennifer looked away briefly before resuming eye contact with Twin. “I had a little visit on my job. They know about the phone call that I made.”
“What did they ask you?”
“They asked me about you and JoJo and Tommy.”
“How the hell did they know about us?”
Again Jennifer looked away. “I don’t know.”
Twin grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. “Let me find out you’ve been ratting to the cops. I will kill you, white bitch. Do you understand me?”
“Daddy, I would never do anything to hurt you. They said they’ve been investigating Tommy for two years now.”
Twin was no longer in the mood for sex.


The crew decided to meet at Outback Steakhouse. Tommy was a little hesitant to meet with Twin at first. After all, he’d gotten robbed and Twin had acted as if he didn’t give a fuck about the whole incident. But when Twin had called, he said that it was important that they meet.

When they got to the restaurant, they were seated in a booth in the back. They all ordered Heinekens. Nobody wanted to eat.
Okay, what is so important?” Tommy asked.
“Jennifer said the feds came to the club, and they were asking questions about us.”
Tommy sipped his beer. “How the fuck can the feds be asking questions about us to your girl. They don’t know we know your girl?”
“You know the two girls got busted, remember, coming from Miami.”
“Yeah, but those girls don’t know us,” JoJo said.
He’d made a good point. One Twin hadn’t thought about when he had spoken to Jennifer. He looked at Tommy. “She said the feds told her they been investigating you for a while. They probably got photos of all of us. I don’t know.”
“You sure your girl ain’t telling?” Tommy asked.
“Fuck you, Fatboy.”
“Fuck you, nigga!” Tommy said.
“Fat-ass nigga. I’ll hurt you.”
“And your mom will be making funeral arrangements,” Tommy smiled.
“That’s why your bitch ass got robbed,” Twin said as he pointed his finger at Tommy’s face.
“Y’all keep this shit quiet and cut the bickering. We all we got. Remember, we’ve known each other since the sandbox, so we gotta stick together,” JoJo said.
Twin huffed but offered Tommy his hand.
After a few seconds of contemplation, Tommy shook his hand.
“Okay. We need to change our phones and phone numbers,” Twin said.
“There’s a cat in the barbershop that comes around with hot phones; he can get them for us at a hundred dollars each,” JoJo said.
“Cool,” Tommy said.
“Are we all on the same page?” JoJo asked.
“I’m okay. I still don’t trust his bitch, though,” Tommy said.
Twin didn’t say anything. He just stared at Tommy.


Mark and Jennifer met at Dean & Deluca for coffee. She was looking incredible with a black tube dress and heels that revealed her freshly polished toes. Her blonde hair was flowing freely in the light morning breeze. She was unusually tan today—maybe from a tanning booth.

Mark found himself staring at her breasts.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.
“I don’t know…” He hesitated.
She crossed her legs then took a sip of her coffee.
“So, what’s new with the crew?”
“Nothing really.”
“They got new phones, right?”
“Yes.” She stirred her coffee then placed the little straw in her

mouth. She’d left traces of lipstick around it. “How’d you guess?” “The number you gave me has been disconnected. Happens
quite a bit with drug dealers. They get phones for a month, change numbers, phone companies, and everything. I imagine it must be a
horrible life, always looking over your shoulder.”
Jennifer pulled out a pair of Channel sunglasses from her purse.
The sunglasses covered much of her face. “I guess you’re right.” “You don’t know, huh?”
“I mean, the life is like you’re living on the edge, but it has its
His eyebrows rose. “Rewards? What kind of rewards?” She held up her ring. “Five carats.”
“Impressive.” He sipped his bottled water.
“You think so?”
“Yes, I would have to save for two years to buy a ring like that.” “Two years!”
“It would probably take me two as well.” She smiled.
“But Twin and the crew could buy it on sight, huh?” Mark said. “Let’s not talk about Twin.” She placed her index finger over his
mouth. “So, why do you do what you do? I know it’s not for the
“I want to make a difference—for the kids and the elderly.” “Twin, JoJo, and Tommy aren’t bad guys, you know?” “Most drug dealers aren’t.”
“So why do you want to lock people up and take them away from
their family? Now that must be a horrible life.”
“Not really. I take pride in my job.”
Jennifer looked at her watch. “Shit! I really have to be going now.” “So soon?”
“What was the purpose of this meeting, anyway? Why did you
want to see me?”
“Just wanted to see that pretty face.” He smiled.
“Yes. That … and to find out Twin’s new number.”
“Yes. That … and to find out Twin’s new number.”

555-0234,” she finally said.
“Thank you, Jennifer. I will call you later.” Mark scribbled the
number on a napkin.

Nia had reserved a room at the Holiday Inn downtown. As soon as JoJo walked in the room at noon, she unzipped his pants and grabbed his penis. He didn’t resist. After he was aroused he picked her up and carried her to the bed. There he pulled her G-cut undies down with his teeth and trailed her belly with his tongue before tasting her wet vagina. She grabbed his head. “This pussy is yours.”

Moments later, he was pushing his penis in as far as it would go. “Yeah, muthafucka! I want you to fuck the shit out of me.” He turned her over on her stomach and plunged hard. He slapped

her ass.
She bit down on the pillow and yelled, “Harder!”
They went at it for twenty minutes. She’d ridden him. He’d sexed

her from the spoon position to the missionary position. She had tears streaming down her face now.
JoJo stood and put on his boxers.
Nia looked at his body and smiled. He had a basketball player’s frame—tall, lean, abs as solid as steel. She loved the way he made her feel. He stimulated her physically as well as mentally.
He turned and smiled at her.
She just lay there, unwilling to move, the sheet half covering her naked body.
He walked over and yanked it away.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Why are you just lying there? What are you thinking about?”
“I was just thinking that maybe me and you should run away; you know, blow this spot. I mean I hate this life of being a hustler’s wife. I feel like one of those chicks in a Vickie Stringer or Danielle Santiago novel. There has to be more to life than this.”
He looked toward the window. “I know. This shit has gotten old to me, too.”
She licked her lips. “I want you, JoJo. I want you all to myself.”
He contemplated something before saying, “You know that can’t be possible. I mean, you have a man—my best friend at that.”
“Come on. Get off that best friend bull shit. If he was really your best friend you wouldn’t be fuckin me.”
“I don’t like this shit.” He put his shirt on and buttoned it. “I can’t go on like this, and I feel bad every time we have sex. And now you done went and caught feelings and shit … I thought this was just supposed to be a fuck thing and nothing more.”
Nia rose from the bed and picked up her undergarments from the floor, shoving them in her overnight bag. “I know I’m not supposed to catch feelings, but I enjoy being with you, and the dick is good.” She smiled.
“I know I got skills. Right?”
“I’ve had better.” She blushed and revealed her dimples.
“Yeah, right. That’s why your ass is talking about running away with me.”
She stepped into the bathroom, still completely naked.
JoJo’s eyes zeroed in on her ass.
“JoJo, come and take a shower with me,” she teased.
“I don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“‘Cause I’m going to wanna hit that ass again.”
“As if that would be a bad thing.”
JoJo kicked his boots off and stepped into the bathroom.
Nia was on her knees, her mouth open, waiting on him.