
I would like to thank God. Without God nothing is possible. My parents Otis and Margaret Douglas, Sharon Fincher, thank you for everything, my assistant Sumayah, Ron and Jackie Hargette, Melvin and Shana Wilson; (Melvin you are the best friend a guy could have, very loyal and supportive; they don’t get no better than you). Nakea Murray; the best book publicist in the business, here’s another bestseller, we are going to the top baby! Toni Green and Pricilla from Pretty Special Inc. Les Bird; thanks for your proofing and input, Rakeeda Leaks thanks for your proofing, James B. Sims of the Inkeditor Staff, thanks for the editing. Author Thomas Long, you are the man; keep holding it down in B-Moore. La Jill Hunt; do your thang Drama Queen. Danielle Santiago; my homie, keep getting down for yours; we’ll meet at the top. Tushonda Whitaker, you have a bright future. I just wish I had half your work ethic; you’re a true talent. Hallema, what can I say about you? ... I don’t know where to begin. I’m glad to have a friend like you. Over the last couple of years we have grown to have a brother-sister relationship. I am blessed to have a friend like you to tell me when I’m wrong because you know that no one can tell K. Elliott anything. But for real; thanks for being down for your boy. Jamise Dames, Treasure Blue, Nikki Turner, K’wan, Shannon Holmes, Mark Anthony Eric Gray, Anna J, Shawna Grundy, Autumn Knight, S.W. Smith, Brandon McCalla, and every other author that I’ve met along the way. Peace out.

-Black was the neighborhood stickup kid. Jason Black had