The Legend of Lemuria…
Thousands of years ago, the continent of Lemuria disappeared beneath the sea, much in the manner of the lost continent of Atlantis. However, unlike the Atlanteans, Lemurians are not considered lost—legend says they relocated their entire society to a sanctuary deep within the dormant volcano known as Mount Shasta in the rugged mountains of northern California.
Much has been written about these tall and graceful beings, of their great intelligence and beauty, their advanced technology and supernatural abilities, but no actual proof of their existence has ever been discovered.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that they’re not really there, living in quiet splendor in their cities of gold, deep within Mount Shasta. Nor does it mean they’ve not had their interactions with humans.
Actually, Lemurians have maintained a peaceful and entirely nonviolent civilization in a separate dimension within the volcano for millennia, though many among them are beginning to recognize the importance of keeping Earth’s population safe to protect their own secretive society—a society that has kept secrets even from its own citizens.
Now, when demonkind from Abyss threaten not only Earth but all worlds in all dimensions—including Lemuria—descendants of ancient Lemurian warriors are once again taking up arms in the ages-old battle between good and evil.